3 Amazing Online Resources for GMAT Prep

Published on: 11 September 2018 Last Updated on: 24 March 2020

Thankfully, there is a wide variety of GMAT prep courses and institutions to choose from when it comes to finding the course that makes sense for you. As you probably know, much of it costs money, and the GMAT is not a cheap investment. For example, it’s $250 just to take the exam alone, not including private coaching prior to or even gas money on driving to the testing center! (Okay, we won’t go overboard with the fees, but you get the idea.)

Have you spent time exploring free online resources for GMAT prep? While you can get creative and spend time speed reading dense academic journal articles and newspapers for additional verbal practice, wouldn’t it be more convenient to take advantage of the GMAT-specific resources online? We happen to think so, which is why we’re very excited about three amazing resources not to be missed by serious GMAT learners.

These resources are not only free but also highly informative and extremely useful in the GMAT learning process. Who doesn’t want to supplement their test curriculum with free resources that can only help them enhance their score? Let’s examine these three amazing resources and all that they have to offer prospective students.


When you’re looking to study the GMAT, why not go to the source directly? The Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) creates the GMAT and offers a variety of free resources on its website, gmac.com. In particular, they have a great section titled “An In-Depth Look at the GMAT Exam” that breaks down the test and its different elements in one of the most comprehensive ways available. Any questions to have about GMAT          specifics can be addressed on GMAC’s website—even articles about Integrated Reasoning as a predictor of future success.


Thankfully, www.gmattutor.com has a handful of free resources to take advantage of in the world of GMAT learning. In addition, to the “find a tutor” tab that helps you find a GMAT instructor or class by geographic region, this site also features a lot of free GMAT practice. Their “Tips and Tricks” section will help you buff up on some very useful test day strategies; the Idiom List is particularly helpful for non-native English speakers; the Math Basics portion is a very useful brush up on all relevant quant skills. GMATTutor.com is a perfect resource for helping devise your GMAT prep game plan and enhancing the skill set you already have.

Manhattan Review:

Manhattan Review has been a global pioneer in GMAT preparation since its early beginnings in 1999. Now operating in nearly all corners of the world with students from all around the globe, Manhattan Review has a plethora of free GMAT resource materials to choose from. If you’re looking for quality practice questions, you’re in luck. Manhattan Review features 42 free practice questions in its GMAT Practice Question Bank. This is of enormous value, especially since they dissect each answer and explain why the incorrect choices are wrong. Furthermore, they provide a free GMAT practice exam, which is invaluable to get the “test day experience.” Truly, you cannot look to a better GMAT resource than Manhattan Review, and lucky for prospective students out there that they provide these resources for free!

As is evidenced by these three amazing examples, finding online GMAT practice that’s also free is accessible, easy to find, and highly useful to implement in your course of study. It’s never a bad idea to mix up diversify your materials with additional free material since it can be tiresome using the same workbooks and guides over and over again. Also, since most people take the GMAT on a computer, it’s always advised to practice on a screen to mimic the real-life circumstances of test day. An additional resource worth investigating is Testtutor.com, which provides some good preparation materials and practice exercises, despite being slightly aged and out-of-date.

Finally, while free materials are highly beneficial and a welcome change of pace, it probably goes without saying that nothing can really beat the value of enrolling in a GMAT prep class. Manhattan Review, for instance, has a variety of courses both in-person and online that can add valuable test insight and applicable strategies. Regardless of the plan of action, you choose to take, know that you have options, both in terms of reference guides and the GMAT core curriculum.

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online schools

Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education

Online education offers students access to licensed professors and materials from online schools. It is a technique that can be used to personalize the learning experience of a student.  The online schooling enables students to flourish in such ways that traditional brick-and-mortar public school systems may not be able to achieve and it also provides high-quality education. For several students, traditional, brick-and-mortar schools are working well. But maintaining a balance between college and their interests can be challenging for those who are strongly engaged in extracurricular activities. In online education, online courses are more suitable and economical than their counterparts. Above described are some key benefits of online learning which lead many learners, when they want to get a degree or certificate, to opt for online platforms. Some students who have learning deficits can succeed in online learning as it is the only source for personalized education. Personalized learning is an instruction that deals teaching, program and training environments to meet the individual students’ demands. It is a scholastic method designed to tailor learning programs according to each student’s strengths, desires, abilities, and concerns. It delivers the students with flexible schedules that suits them and they can concentrate on their own interests and personal objectives. The flexible schedule also makes it possible for each student to progress at their own pace and also help them to get the precise curriculum and attention they need. Students are not bound by their school walls in terms of access to data, skills, and specialties in an online teaching system that incorporates the latest technology. A teaching environment that is digitally rich, offers students with the form and the credibility they want to learn. At the present modern age, online learning offers students assistance and enthusiasm to be autonomous learners and thinkers. Online high schools are getting popularity day by day because of the flexibility offered to learners. Students can complete their work while avoiding the stressful components of the customary high school experience. Due to all these reasons, It's no surprise why millions of students worldwide opt for online learning programs, as it is the principal revolution in modern education. It has generated an enormous system change and has opened outstanding opportunities for anyone who wishes to learn something. An online learning environment permits the children to attain consideration and participation from parents usually found in homeschooling while providing more learning opportunities. Homeschooling in Dubai is appealing due to the flexibility it offers for most families. You can enjoy a high degree of flexibility with virtual schools deprived of sacrificing the advantages of knowledge and liability in professional learning. Even though Dubai does not have particular legal demands of homeschooling but it is suggested that you must pursue an accredited program. Considering online support, while you are in homeschooling in Dubai, you may still be able to access teacher assistance from around the globe. There are plenty of trustworthy and accredited online tutors that can be contacted to provide additional assistance and to Provide families with an online choice to experience high-quality, personalized schooling. Through these, students can flourish in such ways that encourage to find their own pace, realize their enthusiasm, and learn in a better way. These online schools develop a flexible and excellent learning environment that incorporates technology with an efficient core curriculum, supporting individualized education from a worldwide vision and offers alternatives tailored to the requirements of your child. These online schools also encourage them to get the greatest academic and personal development norms in order to attain their ideas and maximize their potential. Their vision is that all students should be educated in accordance with their capabilities, requirements, and interests. A number of distinct kinds of schools provide learners with online learning choices. They offer a high-quality secondary school program from 9th to 12th grade. Whether you are joining full-time or taking a few classes, with simple access to teacher assistance, you can operate at your own pace. Students learn through collaboration, multimedia-rich online lessons or from their corresponding classes in the set up that suits their distinctive desires and teaching styles. Most of today's online high schools have a specific curriculum that permits students to compensate for some credits lost. In short, Online schools are the only source for personalized education due to a number of reasons; The Flexibility to take classes at any available time, enabling students to continue their tasks Enable each student to realize their real potential. Each student gets an education to prepare him or her for and beyond the next stage. Provide outstanding learning alternatives for learners and teachers to maximize their academic and lifelong achievements, regardless of environmental, financial or demographic situations. Enhanced family, friends and teacher relationships. Opportunity for the success of learners More flexibility to satisfy individual requirements Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education Is Very Popular Children Are Citizens: What Are The Civil Rights Of Children In Public Schools? Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College


Workload Survival Guide for Academics

Going to university is exciting and fun; however, it means you have to balance your studies and social life. It can be stressful if you don’t know how to manage your workload. Responsibilities sound fantastic, but they can overwhelm you if you don’t plan effectively. The UAE hosts top-notch universities with world-class facilities that offer high-quality education. The country has partnered with international education providers to bring the most prestigious higher education institutions globally. These resources provide students with the best education; it also means that they have to balance their lives and studies. Studying in the UAE The United Arab Emirates is known for its hospitality, diversity, economic vitality, political stability, religious tolerance, and safety. The education sector is also competitive and provides world-class institutions. Pursuing higher education in the UAE enables you to study in some of the most reputable universities in the world. This is a guarantee that you will receive an internationally-recognized certificate at the end of your studies. Studying in this country also means that you have extensive resources and facilities to help you pursue your degree. Higher education facilities in the UAE are keen to provide their students with the best education. It also enables you to build a strong network that can help you in your career. Also, you can confidently look for jobs anywhere in the world. How to Manage Your Workload How do you manage your social life, education, and extracurricular activities at the university? Here is the survival guide to workload management. Planning: Planning is crucial for balancing your life at university. It is necessary to have a planner; write down your lectures and other significant events throughout the semester. Look through the modules and note down assignments due dates. Decide how many hours you will spend studying every week and stick to this plan. Set realistic and achievable goals. This way, you can do your assignments on time, study for exams, and have a social life. Balance: Studying at a university in Dubai allows you to study and socialize; however, you must prioritize your studies and find a balance in your life. Allow enough time for studies and rest. It is tempting to want to party and have fun with friends, but you have to remind yourself why you decided to study. If you always feel overwhelmed, try to do the most vital or challenging tasks first. Avoid Multitasking: You will never get anything done if you focus on many things at once. The best way to excel at your university in Dubai is to follow your planner; study when you need to and do your assignments as you have planned. Multitasking like watching TV or using your phone while studying distracts you and causes poor absorption of information; this might cause failure or requiring more time to study. Focusing on many tasks also causes brain-drain. Don’t Overwork: Working hard will help you excel in your studies; however, overworking will strain you, and you might not achieve your goals. Study breaks are crucial to achieving success; it motivates and helps you to stay focused. A productive study break leaves you energized and ready to study again.  Effective breaks should refresh and give your mind a break. Doing different things activate different parts of your brain. If you were revising, do something completely different, like taking a short walk. Allowing your mind to rest allows it to absorb and retain more information. Start Early: The best way to excel and have balance your studies and social life in the university is to start early. Start with your assignments and essays early; it reduces stress, and you can submit an extensively-researched paper. Waiting to write several essays and meet deadlines at the last minute increases pressure and stress. It also leads to low-quality output which means failure. Stress is harmful to your physical and mental wellbeing. Routine: Having a routine and sticking to it crucial for your wellbeing. You get enough rest and still accomplish your goals. It’s easy to go with the flow in the university because life is not structured and you have a few rules on what to do at a particular time. Routines can be exciting, reduce stress, and improve health; these are essential for goal achievement. Ask for Support: Do not shy away from asking for help if you find anything too hard to grasp. Knowing when to ask for support helps you to avoid mistakes and save time. Some topics can be hard to understand, and no matter how hard you try, you just don’t get it. It’s necessary to ask your peers or the professor for help instead of failing. Going to university is fun and exciting because you have more freedom. However, there are more responsibilities. You want to study, socialize and have time for yourself and all these can be overwhelming. You have to prioritize and plan how to deal with every aspect of your life. Read Also: Effective Contribution of Educational Apps How To Live Stress-Free

Good Grades

How to Get Good Grades: 5 Tips That Actually Work

Whatever age we are, making great achievements and getting good grades is a top priority for most of us. Allotting enough time for homework, tests and assignments can be a challenge. However, with extra effort and commitment, it is possible to keep and retain your grades high. In this blog, we will tell you how to keep up with your academics and stand out from the rest. 1. Do Assignments on Time It's obvious, isn't it? To improve your grades, you have to complete your assignments in time. But, you'll be shocked by the number of high school students who do not do their assignments. They leave homework until the last moment or, what's worse, don’t do it at all. And while this may have worked in middle school, you aren’t likely to get good grades in high school if you don’t submit assignments on time. You have many classes and the teacher is assuming that you will be able to master some of the subjects by yourself. This is an excellent way to prepare for the college years, where classes will be scheduled less often, and you'll have more to do on your own. Teachers at high school are doing their best to prepare you for this change in order to encourage you to keep and improve your skills through homework assignments. 2. Be Actively Involved in the Classroom Discussion It can be difficult to do, especially if you are shy. However, active involvement can showcase to your teacher that you truly care about the topic and aspire to get higher grades. Teachers generally base their grades on a variety of aspects and your participation is just one of them. If you're shy to boost your confidence, jot down your questions prior to the class beginning and only then ask them. Another tip is to get seats nearer to the teacher so they can remember you. Similar Reads: 7 Reasons why your Child is Underperforming in School 3. Take Notes ​​Note down the most pertinent details. It's not necessary to record everything your teacher is saying (you most likely won't be able to). But be sure to write down the key ideas. Whatever your teacher writes on the board or presents in front of the group is worth noting down. To make notes faster, you may want to opt for shorthand, instead of complete sentences. For example, if you're taking history classes, change "expansion" to "exp." or "revolution" to "rev." 4. Ask A Teacher for Assistance Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher to assist you. Your instructor will be more than happy to provide assistance. You can ask for help during the break or during office hours or via email. The things we're taught one-on-one remain with us longer than those we're told during classes. If you mostly learn through visuals, consider asking your teacher for study guides or handouts that you can utilize. If you're learning through hands-on experience, ask if your teacher has any suggestions on how to turn your efforts into effective studying. 5. Plan Your Time To get good grades, you should also be good at planning your schedule. Whether it’s an online planner or a to-do list, it will aid you in staying organized. Write down the deadline for each assignment, test, or quiz. This will help you determine when your studies should be completed. This way, you will know how much time you'll need to devote to each course. It's your choice as to how often you'll need to be studying. However, be sure to take more time to study for the classes that are more challenging. Bottom Line Your GPA isn't the only criterion colleges take into consideration. Even when you're among the top students in the class, you have to build a leader profile, get excellent standardized test scores, be active in your local community and write impressive essays. If you experience any challenges with academic writing, relying on professional assistance will be your best option. Visit https://studycrumb.com/ to delegate your writing assignment to academic experts. Your tasks will be handled with much care so you can enjoy fantastic results. Read Also: The Benefits of an Online Adult Education Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education