Mark Stiffler Gives You 7 Ways To Automate Your Business For Success

Published on: 03 January 2023 Last Updated on: 05 January 2023
Automate Your Business

Would your business be more successful if it had more efficient systems in place? The good news is that there are many ways to automate your business processes and save time, energy, and money. Automation makes your business run smoothly and helps you stay organized.

Mark Stiffler wants to explore seven ways to automate your business for success and plans to do so in this post.

Top 7 Ways To Automate Your Business For Success

1. Streamline Your Customer Service Processes

Automate customer service tasks such as sending emails and responding to customer inquiries. This will help you save time and energy by quickly responding to customers without manually entering data into a system or email program. You can also use automation tools such as chatbots to respond to common questions or provide customer service 24/7. This will help you create a more personalized customer experience and improve customer satisfaction.

2. Create Automated Payment Systems

Payment Systems

Setting up automated payment systems for online products or services makes it easier for customers to purchase from you without manually entering their payment information each time they purchase. This simplifies the buying process and reduces the chances of errors or fraud, which can be costly for businesses. Without this automation,  you would be responsible for manually processing each transaction. Manually processing payments can be time-consuming and tedious, not to mention a waste of billing hours.

3. Utilize Scheduling Tools

Scheduling Tools

Scheduling tools allow you to set up automated reminders for yourself or others on your team so that important tasks don’t fall through the cracks and deadlines are met on time. Mark Stiffler says these tools can also help you better manage your time by providing an overview of upcoming events, meetings, or tasks that need to be completed promptly. Popular tools to consider include Google Calendar, Toodledo, and Asana.

Google Calendar

This free calendar application allows you to create and share events with others easily. Most companies use this as it is included in the Google Suite.


This powerful task management and productivity tool allow you to create reminders for yourself or others.


This project management tool allows you to track tasks, assign due dates, and organize projects with multiple members.

4. Leverage Social Media Automation Tools

social Media Automation

Social media automation tools enable you to schedule posts ahead, so you don’t have to worry about manually updating your social media accounts daily. This can save time and effort while ensuring that your accounts stay active and engaged with followers regularly. Social Media Automation Tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social are great options. Which one you choose depends on what features you need and your budget.

5. Manage Email Lists with Autoresponders

Email Lists

Autoresponders are great for managing large email lists because they allow you to send personalized messages based on user interactions with your site or emails from other sources (such as webinars).

Autoresponders can also be used for promotional purposes, such as sending out discounts or special offers at predetermined intervals throughout the year. When looking for an autoresponder, make sure to choose one that is easy to use and has the features you need, such as segmentation and personalization.

6. Analyze Data with AI Tools

Analyze Data with AI Tools

AI-based analytics tools can help provide insights into how customers interact with your website or product so that you can optimize the user experience accordingly to maximize conversions and sales over time. Additionally, these tools help identify areas where further optimization may be necessary to improve user engagement further down the road.

Popular AI tools Mark Stiffler says to consider include Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and KISSmetrics. Google Analytics is the most popular analytics tool on the market, providing detailed insights into how visitors interact with your site.

Mixpanel and KISSmetrics are other popular AI tools that provide a more in-depth look into customer behavior. They both focus on delivering real-time data and insights that can help you make better decisions about optimizing your website.

7. Implement Automated Invoicing and Billing Solutions

Automated Invoicing

By automating invoices and billing solutions, businesses can save time while reducing manual errors associated with manual entry creation processes (which often lead to false charges).

In addition, automated invoicing solutions make it easier for customers by streamlining the payment process from end to end, so they don’t have to worry about entering their payment information each time they purchase from your site or app. Favorite automated invoicing and billing solutions include FreshBooks, Harvest, and Wave. Each of these tools has features that are tailored to different types of businesses.


Automation is a powerful tool to help businesses succeed and save time, energy, and money. The seven ways outlined in this article are all great options for automating your business processes to stay organized while maximizing efficiency. From streamlining customer service tasks to leveraging AI-based analytics tools, automation provides many benefits for businesses looking to increase their success rate. With automated solutions like these in place, your business will be able to operate more efficiently than ever before!


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Office Management

Office Management: Hoteling vs. Permanent Seating Assignments

Hoteling office space is an office setup that requires employees to reserve a sitting spot ahead of time depending on the type of work they need to do. It operates like an actual hotel where you have to book a table even if the whole hotel is unoccupied. Hoteling is the best solution for a company that wants better control of office space. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to work from home. As companies start reopening, it is essential to use an office system that makes the employees feel like they are still working remotely. It allows workers to reserve the spot they work comfortably, unlike the permanent sitting arrangement where they do not choose working space. Read on to find out why hoteling office space is the way to go for employee satisfaction. Promotes Working From Home Experience Many employees have found working from home enjoyable and convenient in many ways. Adopting hoteling office space is a better idea to encourage the workers to work from the office where they can socialize face to face with colleagues while observing social distancing. Additionally, adopting this type of office management will help those employees who prefer working from the office to consider working remotely. Hoteling Promote Networking Removing the structure of permanent seating arrangement will encourage employees to move freely and collaborate with other workers naturally. Coworking promotes the creativity and productivity required for the success of your company. Also, all employees are not the same; some work well in silence and isolated working space while others do well in a group. Hoteling office space will enable each person to work from a convenient working place. This concept will work better if you have several workspaces where an employee will reserve a workspace depending on the task. Improve Office Management and Lower Expenses Assigning a desk to a worker who can comfortably work from home is unnecessary. Hoteling office space enables the management to do away with unnecessary space. A company needs to consider workflow and the number of employees who work from the office daily. Reducing the office space will result in low power consumption, rent, and other costs. Lowering the operation cost of a company will increase profit hence business expansion. Hoteling enables companies to hire more employees without increasing the office space. More workers will increase productivity without necessarily increasing office space costs. Promotes Morale and Equal Office Access Hoteling office space can offer a chance for the workers to give ideas when planning on a possible layout. If employees feel that their opinions count in a company, their morale and loyalty will increase. Motivating your employees can result in an increase in productivity. Hoteling will also ensure each worker can access office resources when they need them. It means an employee can not pile office equipment in one working space. If the workers have a project they need to discuss, they can reserve a room or close working stations. It is vital to know that each employee's time is valuable to manage hoteling office space properly. Improve Productivity With Hoteling The benefits of hoteling office space are numerous. It ensures that employees have enough space and resources to perform their tasks efficiently. The system does not encourage time wastage which means increased productivity. Read Also: Transform Your Garage into a Home Office Seasonal Unemployment – Definition, & Examples [Complete Details] How Does Creativity Help In Entrepreneurship? Why You Should Design New Offices Carefully? – Content Rally Your Guide to Outward Mindset Development at Work

Business Processes

Simple Ways To Automate Your Small Business Processes

Every company and every business believes in hard work! Yes, without hard work and taking the rightful responsibilities, many wouldn’t have been able to survive many challenges. However, there is one more thing that can help many businesses. Whether you are an already established one! Or, You are just setting up your small business! Or, You are planning on the expansion! This is what we call smart work, and everyone in an organization needs to learn and incorporate it through automation. What Is Automation In Business? BPA or Business Process automation is the smart work we are talking about. This is where you transfer some of the manually done hard work to the machine, and they can help you with it. Business automation involves software application tools, reconstructing manual functions, and integrating technologies. The implementation of business automation has helped businesses to show positive results. This is only possible because business automation reduces manual dependence and automates most redundant business processes effectively. For instance, if you want your schedule to be perfectly executed without missing a single day, Calendly can help you automate all your meetings. It goes through your emails and arranges meetings, phone calls, and other appointments. If you want your meetings and phone calls scheduled automatically without opening any mail, download the software tool from the 1337x mirror website. Simple Ways To Automate Your Small Business Processes: While most businesses can identify the repetitive process and can implement business automation to become more productive, there are some areas where experts believe companies can get an immediate benefit. 1. Sales The sales department is one of the important areas where business automation can bring immediate profit. However, the goal of integrating business automation technology into the business remains the same: To close more deals in a typical workday. In the sales department, too many processes go into converting one customer. The process includes- Lead generation. Proposal development. Customer contact messaging. Sales quota. Contract management. 2. Product Development When developing a product, it is not a perfect product in the development phase. There are several trials and errors that go into the product's final launch. If everything is done manually, it can take weeks before one product development project is complete. However, the process can become more efficient with business automation software tools. With business automation, highly skilled employees can get that extra push to produce results faster without cutting corners and increasing risks. 3. Supply Chain Today, most businesses rely on sustainability in the supply chains to deliver their products to consumers. The whole process involves ordering, receiving, transactions, and warehousing. This makes managing the supply chain a pure nightmare. With the integration of business automation, businesses can use supply chain management systems to track everything from one single software. This makes the whole process more controlled and transparent. Frequently Asked Questions No, the article hasn’t ended because we understand the predicament of all our budding entrepreneurs. They are starting with a small business, and it is quite natural that they would want to know everything there is to know about a business. This is why we have scoured through the internet and got you some more frequently asked questions about automation. Plus, the answers that we are providing experts specifically suggest you. Q1. What Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Business Should You Automate? Ans. If you are asking about the most important aspect of a business that someone has to automate, it should be the ‘ Customer Service Management.’ Every time you make a customer wait, it is like you are giving them another chance to choose another company over you. The automation process will help you analyze their needs faster and get an answer for them. Everything else can wait, but the people who are going to be your potential customer absolutely can’t. Q2. What Is The First Step Of Automation? Ans. The first step of automation is definitely looking into automation, especially when you look at a small business, which is something called focus and budgeting. A small business doesn’t have all the funds in the world, and they will need to focus on other things as well. So, it is better to focus on the parts that need immediate attention and automate them. After which, you can proceed with more as the time goes by and you expand. Read Also: Who Are the Best Software Vendors Out There? 5 Reasons Why Having Software for Your Business Matters Top 5 Mistakes B2B Businesses Should Stop Making Right Away IT Quick Fixes for Your Business During the Crisis by Paul Belogour

Business cards

5 Best Types of Paper to Use for Business Cards

Business cards are an excellent way for entrepreneurs to introduce their enterprises and providing their contact information as well. Business cards are often the first impression that a potential customer will get about a business. It should, therefore, convey a sense of professionalism and quality and pay attention to details as well. The quality of a business card starts with the paper stock that a business owner chooses to use for the card. These are top five paper stocks that businesses often use for making their business cards. Different Types Of Paper You Must Use For Your Business Cards  1. Matte Stock: These paper stocks are often used for cards with smooth, non-shiny finishes. Though commonly found in tans, beiges, creams, and white, matte stocks are available in a variety of colors to meet the needs of every business. However, those using matte stock color tones should be aware that their lettering may be less crisp than those printed on business cards with a neutral tone. Matte stock cards are always clean and grant the holder the ability to write on the card in case their telephone number or name needs to be added or changed. Sometimes people refer matte stocks as dull stocks depending on the printing company and manufacturer. Matte paper prints are bright enough and give a neat finish to a business card. When you are selecting any business card printing online first ask for the samples. Then finalize your decision. 2. Card Stock: Card stock is the correct term that people often use when referring to different types of papers used for making business cards. However, some printing companies and manufacturers call their paper prints cover stock. The weight of a card stock ranges between 80 to 110 pounds, but this depends on its intended purpose and the target audience. These cards are sturdy enough and designed to withstand excessing handling, which is crucial for a name or business card. A lower paperweight creates flimsier cards while higher paperweights are used for making more rigid business cards. A heavyweight paper card cost more than a lighter weight card stock. Due to their heavyweight, business cards made with stiff card stocks can last longer than those made with lightweight paper prints. The type of card stock ranging from textured to photo, glossy, and matte also determines how durable and useful a business card will be. Business cards are made with specific kind of papers to make the cards formal and professional. Card stocks are among the best and most frequently used paper prints for printing business cards. These characteristics make card stock the perfect business and name cards printing paper. 3. Photo Cards: Companies use photo card stocks when they want their business cards to have a photo quality finish. These card stocks are often used by actors, real estate agents, and models. These paper prints are the equivalent of photographs and are available in a range of versatility for enterprises interested in a more sophisticated impression. You can use photo card stocks for both double-sided and single-sided name and business cards in full color. 4. Glossy Stocks: Glossy stocks are a popular choice in making name and business cards. These paper prints are the best for double-sided printing and bright colors and come with an aqueous coating that aids in creating a shiny finish. Glossy stocks are available in a broad spectrum of colors to offer business owners more options for their business cards. Companies using glossy stocks for printing their business cards can incorporate multiple images with almost the same photographic quality or place a photo in the background. The longevity of the card is one of the advantages of using glossy stocks for your business cards. Due to their aqueous coating, business cards made with glossy stocks can withstand tearing and water damage. The only disadvantage of using glossy stocks for professional business cards is the inability to write on the card in case the contact information gets altered. However, it is an ideal paper print that any company can use for making its business cards. Its aqueous coating is suitable for double-sided printing, and companies can use the card for dazzling colors and creating a glittering finish. Glossy cards are available in a variety of colors to give the cardholder limitless color options. It is the best choice for any business interested in printing a photo on their name or business card. It also works well for any company seeking just a glossy card or a card with a shiny logo and finish. 5. Textured Card Stocks: These card stocks come in either glossy or matte stocks form. However, these card stocks have a pattern pressed into their surface to create a feel such as dots, basket-weave, and hounds-tooth. These card stocks are available in a broad spectrum of colors, and their users are companies and organizations seeking a physical dimension to their name or business cards. These card stocks are the perfect option for single-sided business cards. The advantages of textured matte stocks are almost similar to those of standard matte stocks except that they allow business owners to print both sides of their business cards. A double-sided business card can sometimes leave a potential client confused, especially if the details aren’t clear enough. Textured stock cards are a perfect option for a business seeking to make its cards unique and stand out from the rest. Textured stock cards appeal to the touch, and when a business owner hands them over to a client, they can be sure of repeat purchases. Always remember that you are choosing what sort of impact your brand has on the environment and not what clients feel or see about it when choosing a business card paper. That’s why business card printers including JoinPrint AU are using recycled papers to create eco-friendly business cards. You are sending a message to your clients when you decide to hand over business cards to both your existing and potential clients. Of course, every business owner would want to use their business cards to express how concerned they are about things such as preserving the environment, and that’s why everyone is going for cards made with recycled papers. Read Also: Top 8 Benefits Of Professional Business Cards 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card How To Design A Killer Business Card