7 Common Construction Project Management Problems


28 September 2022


Construction Project Management

Construction project management is a resource-intensive and complex process that involves coordinating different teams and disciplines to achieve a common goal.

In addition, the construction industry is constantly evolving, so project managers must be adaptable and proactive to deliver projects successfully.

However, even the most experienced and skilled construction project managers can face challenges during a project.

Fortunately, construction project management software like Bridgit can help managers streamline employee management and performance.

However, it’s still critical to be familiar with the problems troubling the construction project management sector.

Here are seven of them.

7 Main Problems Construction Project Managers Face:

Every construction site has unique challenges, but some problems in construction project management are more common than others.

1. Undefined or poorly defined goals

Every construction project should have specific and achievable goals to all team members. Without clear objectives, it isn’t easy to measure progress and ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision.

A common problem in construction project management is that goals are either undefined or poorly defined. It can lead to confusion and frustration among team members.

In a recent survey, 52% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the project management maturity at their organization.

It’s a wake-up call for project managers to step up their game regarding goal development. Plus, it’s challenging to track progress without defined goals. As a result, the project may go over budget or take longer than expected.

2. Inaccurate estimates

When creating a construction project budget, miscalculating the cost of materials or underestimating the time to complete a task can lead to big problems eventually.

It’s essential to be as accurate as possible when estimating the costs of a project. Suppose you’re managing the construction of a new office building. You’ve estimated that the project will cost $5 million and take 18 months to complete.

However, after six months, you realize that the project is only 50% complete and that the final cost will be closer to $8 million. It can cause problems for your construction project since you’ll need to find additional funding to complete the project.

3. Employee turnover

Employee turnover means that workers regularly leave and are replaced on a project. It can lead to a loss in productivity as new employees need time to get up to speed.

High turnover rates can also lead to a shortage of skilled labor, which can impact the quality of work. On top of that, it disrupts the flow of communication and collaboration between team members.

To deal with employee turnover, construction project managers should build a strong team culture. They should also create opportunities for employee development and provide competitive compensation packages.

4. Scope creep

Scope creep occurs when the scope of a project starts to change or expands beyond the original scope. It can be caused by several factors, such as changes in the budget, unrealistic deadlines, or a lack of clear project objectives.

Scope creep can significantly impact the budget, timeline, and quality of work. Therefore, construction project managers must understand the project objectives from the start.

Here are some ways to tackle scope creep:

  • Make sure everyone involved in the project understands the objectives.
  • Keep track of any changes made to the scope.
  • Work with the client to get approval for scope changes.
  • Communicate with the team regularly to ensure everyone is on the same page.

5. Inadequate risk management

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has strict guidelines for the safety of construction workers. If these guidelines are not followed, it can result in injuries, accidents, and even fatalities.

Construction project managers must identify and assess risks before they start working on a project. They should also develop a safety plan and ensure all workers are trained to stay safe.

Inadequate risk management leads to the following problems:

  • Injuries and fatalities: Workers can get injured or killed if risks are not managed properly. It can also result in legal problems and a loss of productivity.
  • Property damage: Construction sites are often located near homes and businesses. If risks are not managed properly, they can damage the property.
  • Loss of money: In case of an accident, construction companies must pay for medical expenses and property damage.

6. Poor communication

Many construction projects are complex and require coordination between different teams. A lack of communication can result in errors.

Some of these problems include:

  • Lack of coordination: Poor communication translates to a lack of coordination. It can result in construction crews working on each other, leading to delays and errors.
  • Delayed completion: A communication breakdown can cause a project to fall behind schedule, resulting in cost overruns and dissatisfied customers.
  • Poor quality: If there is a lack of communication, it can be difficult to resolve issues. For instance, if a contractor does not communicate with the architect, the quality of the work may suffer.

7. Lack of technology

The absence of technology from a construction site is a concerning matter that needs immediate attention. A construction company must have the latest technology to stay competitive and efficient.

Technology has transformed the construction industry in recent years. In fact, the CAGR for the project management software industry is forecasted to be up to 10.67% by 2025. It has made it easier to communicate and coordinate between different teams.

However, not all construction companies have embraced technology. Some companies still use outdated methods, resulting in errors and delays.

How Can Construction Managers Avoid Common Project Management Problems?

Construction Managers

The key to avoiding common project management problems is effective communication. By staying in close contact with all team members, construction managers can stay up-to-date on potential issues and prevent them before they cause significant problems.

Additionally, effective communication can help keep projects on schedule and within budget.

Besides communication, construction project managers must also use technology to their advantage. This way, they can keep better track of deadlines, progress reports, and costs.

Finally, construction managers need to have a good handle on the budget and schedule. They should be able to anticipate potential problems and take steps to avoid them.


As established, some common problems for construction project managers include lack of communication, ineffective budget handling, employee turnover, and unrealistic deadlines.

While some of these can be out of your control, you can take steps to mitigate most of them. For example, creating a communication plan, being proactive about your budget, and being realistic about deadlines will help make your construction project more successful.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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10 Unavoidable Reasons for Businesses to Relocate

Setting up your physical shop or office is not an easy job. You should put away huge time and cash and put a lot of difficult work to guarantee that you have an amazing retail facade or working environment that mirrors your image and will pull in your objective clients or customers. Relocating business along with packing and moving can be the toughest jobs of your life, but movers in Phoenix can help you get rid of this task. With all the exertion and cash you put resources into opening your store or office, relocating your business will absolutely be the farthest thing in your brain. Notwithstanding, regardless of whether your business is new or effectively settled, there will come a time, when moving your shop or working environment will be the best choice you can actually make. If your organization is planning to move to another state or country, here are a few tips to read that could possibly be one of the main reasons for relocation: # 1. To secure more space. The No. 1 explanation an organization will move to another office is on the grounds that their present office no longer has enough space for them to do the things they need to do. One of two components becomes an integral factor: either the encompassing property needs more open space to oblige an actual extension of the structure, or the executives have established that such an office development on the current site would not be financially savvy. # 2. To bring down working expenses. While the requirement for more space might be the No. 1 explanation, directly behind the reality high working expenses have made an organization or plant uncompetitive. In some cases it's the expense of work: normal compensations, benefits, laborers comp and joblessness protection costs, and so forth Or then again it very well may be the difficult natural guidelines or high assessments. # 3. To modernize hardware and offices Now and again an organization's current office, its gear, or both, have become so outdated that the organization is put at an inconceivable hindrance contrasted with its rivals. # 4. To draw nearer to an enormous section of their market Significant distances to advertise mean two things: time and cash. In the event that a huge segment of an organization's market is in a specific district, that organization might have the option to set aside a ton of cash in transportation costs — and furthermore lessen their item conveyance times — by setting up an activity in that locale. # 5. To combine into fewer offices. Some of the time an organization simply has more assembling offices than it needs. # 6. To be nearer to specific providers or common assets. Similar market influences that apply to an organization's client base additionally apply to its providers. Significant distances mean higher transportation expenses and longer reaction times. # 7. To get to a superior or bigger work pool. Nowadays, work is the topmost concern for growing or migrating organizations, when they take a look at the areas. Here and there, an organization or office develops to where the neighborhood or local area, at this point don't supply a working power in adequate numbers and quality. # 8. To kill explicit work-related circumstances. Here and there an organization or office is having a terrible involvement in associations — ongoing strikes, expensive advantage bundles, or whatever — and the solitary arrangement is to move as distant as they can. # 9. To be nearer to comparable sort organizations (grouping). Numerous organizations like to bunch around different organizations inside a similar industry. Silicon Valley and Detroit are exemplary models, yet there are a lot of different models everywhere in the country. # 10. To improve personal satisfaction. A few organizations simply need to improve their personal satisfaction. This might be the individual decision of the proprietor for certain secretly held organizations, or it could be with the goal that the organization can all the more likely draw in particular kinds of workers (engineers, researchers, visual specialists, or whatever) by being in "high caliber of life" area. Before you start to move out, here are a few tech details you should know about relocating a business. We all vibe that the spot we live in has the best personal satisfaction on the planet. The significant thing is the way others see personal satisfaction in a specific area. In the event that an organization enlists broadly, or globally, for high-ability representatives, at that point being in an area by and large saw to be "cool" is an unequivocal resource. Read Also: Mistakes that Expats Make when they Move Overseas Plan Moving Houses Ahead: 7 Essential Tips 7 Helpful Tips During an Emergency Moving Process Moving Companies and How they Determine Cost Finding The Right Moving Company

social responsibility of business

Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility

You’ve got enough to worry about trying to make your business a success without having to worry about saving the world as well, right? Wrong. Research shows that incorporating socially responsible policies into your business model can help your business to thrive. From inspiring customer loyalty to attracting investment, social responsibility has huge business benefits. Plus, you can’t beat that warm, fuzzy feeling you get from doing your bit to help the world. In our modern digital society - where consumers have access to both company records and the fast-moving social media grapevine – social responsibility matters more than ever before. Not only do many consumers prefer to buy from ethical companies, they often insist on it. And this demand is going nowhere. Brands need to embrace social responsibility and put it at the heart of their business to have any chance of earning the kind of reputation today’s consumers want. Read on to find out exactly why your business should care about social responsibility. What are the benefits? Making social responsibility a key part of your corporate citizenship policy can have far-reaching effects for your business. Commit to better environmental practices and you’re likely to cut costs as you reduce your waste and save on energy bills. Devote time to helping a charity and you’ll create no end of positive press and PR opportunities. The list goes on and on. Other top benefits include: Better marketing and brand recognition More credibility and customer loyalty More satisfied employees (and that makes for increased productivity) Facilitation of innovation and development through collaboration Increased sales and a boost in profits More opportunities to secure external investment Easier regulatory relationships with local authorities and the law A great reputation and business longevity The chance to leave a meaningful legacy and inspire the next generation How can my business be more socially responsibility? When creating your corporate social responsibility policy, you need to start by identifying the values that are important to your business. Think about your purpose and what you believe in. You should also think about what means the most to your customers. Your policy should cover a range of issues from the environment to charitable donations and, crucially, include an implementation and reporting plan. You could have the best policy in the world but if you don’t carry it out, it’s meaningless. You’ll find loads of useful information on the GRI website. They empower businesses around the world to create socially responsible and sustainable business models. Key policy areas to consider include: Charitable giving Social responsibility often involves working to support a charity or worthy cause. Ideally, you should choose a cause that aligns well with your business and that your stakeholders and employees will be enthusiastic about. Take shoe brand, TOMS. Their One for One campaign helps provide shoes to people in need. For every pair of shoes purchased, they donate a pair – over 75 million at the last count. A great example of a charitable cause that has meaningful synergy with a brand. Collaborative brand partnerships Putting competition aside and partnering up with another brand to work collaboratively can have a huge impact. By sharing resources and expertise, partnered brands can achieve far more than they would alone. And all sides stand to gain when the collaboration has charitable aims. The pre-competitive partnership between luxury online retailer Yoox and fashion brand We Are Handsome is a prime example. Their Yoox Loves the Reef project sees them team up to produce and sell an exclusive line of swimwear and activewear to support the conservation work of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Carbon emissions In the face of climate change, more and more businesses are looking to play their part and reduce their carbon footprint. Brands like L’Oréal have even committed to going fully carbon neutral and the hope for the future is that other businesses will follow suit. Begin by identifying your carbon emissions and then look at ways of reducing them. This could include boosting the energy efficiency of your operations, reducing travel miles in your supply chain, investing in sustainable packaging, and offsetting unavoidable emissions.  A wide range of brands from IKEA to Unilever are collaborating to fight climate change in the We Mean Business coalition. Human rights Socially responsible businesses should, at the very least, make sure that no part of their supply chain uses unethical labor practices, wherever that might be in the world. On top of that, the most socially conscious brands take active steps to improve the lives of their workers. Sourcing Fair Trade goods, investing in sustainable solutions for local communities, and treating workers fairly and with respect are of vital importance to consumers nowadays. And they’re willing to pay more to shop from a brand with great human rights credentials. M&S are one brand leading the way here, with a range of projects designed to ensure they have a positive impact on human rights and wellbeing. The M&S Global Community Programme aims to help one million people from their supply chain communities build livelihoods and conserve the environment over the next seven years. Read More : Influencer Marketing Tool To Move From Local To Global Market Top 4 Reasons To Outsource White Label PPC For Your Business How To Choose Best VOIP For Small Business 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Investing In Machinery For A More Productive Business