Bail Bonds: What You Should Know


08 January 2020


Bail Bonds

Paying bail bonds are not as simple as it seems. Knowing and having the right understanding of how these work, how it is determined, what the payment methods are, and other important issues are very important for anybody who is facing an arrest or who has an arrested loved one. There are several questions asked online to shed light and find out what bail bonds are all about which you may also have, click here to find out the answers.

What is Bail?


It is a term to describe the release of a person arrested for a criminal offense before the end of the criminal case. It can involve – but not every time – the defendant paying money to a court; this is not a punishment. It ensures the court that the defendant returns to the court now and then while the case is ongoing. It ensures the court that the defendant does not fail to go to court without having to keep him in custody all the time.

Bails are significant in both ends – the arrested and the authorities. It ensures that people, no matter if they have a case at court, are free and, also, it avoids having to jam-pack jails with offenders, while have not been convicted yet. With it, offenders can be released almost in any stage of the criminal justice process, either immediately after arrest or while the case is ongoing and the court has not issued a sentence yet. This means that if someone gets arrested, three possible scenarios can come to place: he is arrested and released without charge; he is arrested, charged, and released on bail; or he is arrested, charged and is held in custody until the verdict of the case comes out.

Schedule of Bails

This is a list of the amount of money applied to individual crimes and can be paid in terms of bails.

State laws determine the amount appropriated for a crime, and they decide whether the arrested individual be released without posting any bond at all or if the individual is allowed to post any or not; or if allowed to post bail, should it be posted (and individual is released with it) after booking or should they wait for a hearing. If the state laws allow for immediate release after the appropriate amount is paid, the defendant can post this immediately and release will follow. But if the state law requires a hearing, the defendant will not be able to pay immediately after booking and be released, instead, he will have to wait for the hearing to ensure before anything else.


During a hearing, the court would determine the amount applicably. However, courts do not always allow this; they can also deny it according to applicable state laws. If allowed, the amount will be determined using the following factors as a basis:

Flight Risk Level:

Sometimes defendants would escape the system especially when they are facing possible major sentences such as death or life imprisonment. These defendants are most likely to flee and escape the penalties.

Degree of Connections to the Community:

An individual who has a strong connection to the community where he belongs would be less likely to flee. For example, a defendant who has a business in his locality or whose entire family is in that locality, he will have a lesser likelihood of fleeing compared to individuals who have nothing to lose in that locality.

Obligations in the Family:

Sometimes the court will consider and require lesser bail to defendants who are responsible for the well-being of his family or who have other dependents.

Assets and Incomes:

When a defendant has a lot of money and/or assets, he may likely not be considered for a low amount. If the defendant is employed, the court may consider that the defendant may likely lose the employment.

Court and Criminal Histories of Defendants:

Especially individuals who have had histories involving failures to appear in court will most likely have to face higher bonds compared to those who are first-timers in court. Also, the court would look into the number of times a person may have been granted bail and have violated conditions related to the given considerations or who have failed to appear in court. The court will most likely impose higher bond amounts to these individuals as compared to someone without such history.

The gravity of the Crime:

More serious crimes require higher bonds and lesser serious crimes require lower bond amounts.

Public Safety:

If the release of an accused individual would pose a risk to the safety of others and/or the community, the courts would most likely refuse to allow bail. Examples for these are cases of treason, rebellion, terrorism, or conspiracy – a defendant charged with these crimes would most likely not be allowed to post bail.

The Types of Bail Bonds

Most of the time bail bonds are associated with money. The notion is that when one is arrested and he has the money, he can get out of jail immediately. However, it is more complicated than that. There are several questions asked online to shed light and know what bail bonds are all about which you may also have.

Different states may have different types of bails, some may apply to another and in others, it may not. The different types may include cash bonds, signature bonds, property bonds, surety bonds, and others.

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Personal Injury

What Is Considered A Personal Injury?

A personal injury is an injury that a person receives while they are not at work and not in their workplace. Personal injuries can be caused by negligent actions and omissions, or negligent failures to take precautions, of those responsible for the safety of the injured party. A personal injury can also occur as a result of negligence on the part of another person or entity. A personal injury can occur when a person suffers bodily harm, mental suffering, psychological trauma, death, or another form of damage that can be considered a financial loss. Personal injuries are caused by several different things including motor vehicle accidents, slips, and falls, defective products, medical malpractice, boating accidents, dog bites, and property damage. A personal injury can cause you to incur expenses for medical care and other expenses related to the accident. The most common form of personal injury is when there is a car accident that causes physical injuries to a person or damage to their vehicle. This can also include damage to another person's vehicle or property as well. Recoverable Expenses in a Personal Injury Claim: Medical bills for treatment related to an injury, or for a condition caused by the accident, damages for lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and other bodily injuries. These expenses can be estimated fairly accurately as they often witness medical records. Personal costs of living because of the accident such as loss of work due to injury or medical treatments including dental costs. An attorney can advise you on your rights, guide you through the legal system and work on your behalf to resolve the accident. The attorney will be able to help question witnesses and gather documents, photos, etc., that may be needed to prove that the accident was caused by someone else's negligence, and not yours. Determine Your Eligibility for a Personal Injury Claim: In order to receive benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act, or other federal or state laws, you must have first been injured as a direct result of the actions or negligence of another person. A situation that is considered an "industrial injury" is one in which you do not ordinarily find yourself working in the same type of industry that caused your injury. The injuries for which you are receiving compensation can be caused by any accident in which you were involved whether it be a car accident, dog bite, slip, fall, etc. The main factor that is considered in your eligibility for compensation is whether or not the injury was directly caused by the actions of another party. If a person's injuries are deemed to be an "industrial injury" they may not be able to receive compensation under workers' compensation. The parties that are responsible for the accident will still be held responsible for any personal injuries as well as property damage incurred or caused by the accident. An Accidental Injury Can Be Dangerous and Costly: There are many reasons why someone may want to file a personal injury claim. Whether you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident, you may want to speak to an attorney about your rights and options. A personal injury attorney can help take some of the stress and worry out of dealing with insurance companies and ensure that your claim is processed correctly and fairly. Personal injuries can be very dangerous and expensive. A personal injury attorney can help guide you through the process and make sure that your rights are upheld. If you have been injured or know someone who has, a personal injury attorney can help you navigate the complexities of insurance companies and medical bills to get the compensation you deserve. Make sure that your rights are protected and get in touch with a personal injury attorney today to get started with your claim. The Benefits of a Personal Injury Lawyer: 1. A Personal Injury Lawyer can help you when you do not know where to start. Many people are fairly certain that they know the answers to their questions or that they are doing all they can to resolve the matter on their own. However, if a personal injury has been caused by someone else's actions, it is possible that an attorney can assist you in determining what your rights and legal rights are. 2. If you have been injured in an accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights under the law, and how to defend those rights against those who may be responsible for your injuries. They can also help you make sure that the process of pursuing a claim is done correctly. 3. Personal injury cases are complex and can require a lot of time to resolve properly. A personal injury attorney can guide you through every aspect of your case so that it can be properly resolved as quickly as possible. 4. Personal injury cases can sometimes involve multiple parties who may be responsible for the accident. On top of dealing with insurance companies and medical bills, you may also have to deal with more than one party who is responsible for your injuries and their actions. An attorney can help you go after all parties that may be responsible for your injuries as quickly as possible so that you're able to recover compensation for what you've been through as quickly as possible. Conclusion: When you have been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to deal with is figuring out who is responsible for your injuries and how to resolve the issues related to your accident. You may be dealing with physical injuries, emotional injuries, and severe financial strain that makes it hard to see the way forward. A personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights under the law so that you can make sure that everything is done properly and fairly. Additional: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Red Flags To Avoid When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury Lawyer Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know

Social Security Disability in Deland

Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland

There are medical conditions that the Social Security Administration lists explicitly, and they can include both mental and physical conditions. The listing manual where all the disabilities can be found is called the Blue Book, and it has various tests, limitations, and symptoms that applicants should have to meet to get the benefits. Read more about the benefits on this page here. If an individual meets the criteria on the Blue Book, they will automatically become qualified for the SSI or social security income or SSDI or social security disability insurance benefits. When the applicants meet the criteria on the list, they need to show the limitations that prevented them from adjusting to their new work or doing their previous job through documentation and medical reports. Medical Impairment Present in the Listing Joint injuries, back pain, and other musculoskeletal issues Cardiovascular conditions such as coronary artery diseases or heart failures Speech and sense issues like loss of vision or hearing Respiratory problems involving asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and other neurological disorders Anxiety, intellectual disorders, autism, depression, and other mental disorders HIV, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other immune system issues Skin disorders like burns, dermatitis, or soft tissue injuries Problems with the digestive tract like inflammatory bowel diseases or liver diseases Genitourinary problems or kidney diseases Cancer Blood disorders like bone marrow failure or sickle cell anemia If you have a disability listed in the SSA’s list of impairments, the first thing you need to do is get a physician who can confirm and diagnose your medical condition. However, you will not automatically get approval after the diagnosis. You need to apply first, and this is where a Deland SSD lawyer can be helpful. They will help you know all the benefits you are entitled to, submit completed forms on your behalf and make appeals when the application gets rejected. There are a few conditions that automatically get approved, such as: You have Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS Conditions that need kidney, liver, or another organ transplant Severe cancer like mucosal melanoma, esophageal cancer, small-cell carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid gland (cancer of the ovaries, prostate, lungs, bladder, intestines, pleura, or breast. For any other conditions, the Social Security Administration will look for medical records and diagnoses to determine if you meet a specific criterion for an impairment. They will look for test results or x-ray results and blood tests for more information. The criteria may involve limitations on your cognitive or physical abilities. Some of the listing requirements may be complicated. There are illness-specific articles that can simplify the listings so patients can understand whether they can qualify for disability benefits. If you have not done any lab tests that are required on a specified listing, you can always ask a certified physician to perform them for you. There is also an option to wait for the SSA to pay for the consultative exam on your behalf but know that this will take longer. It is always a better option if all the required medical records are already attached to your application forms before applying. This way, you can check the results if you meet the listing requirements. Does Your Medical Condition Need to Match a Listing? Applicants who are filing for the SSD benefits will not need to be precise with the requirements to get approval. They do not need to have the same illness or condition before they can get the benefits. Instead, it is the SSA that considers all the aspects regarding your current condition and determines if it’s medically equivalent to the disability listing. According to the recent statistics, only 6% equaled a listing, and 37% “met” a listing. On the other hand, you can be eligible for disability benefits if your condition is not “equal” to the medical listing’s criteria. Suppose your condition can limit your entire functioning so much that you will not be able to work. In that case, there is the SSA’s consideration of the effect of your condition and how it is going to affect your work routine and daily activities. The personnel will then determine if there is something that you can do safely based on your current condition. This is termed as a “qualifying” vocational for disability benefits. An applicant does not necessarily have to experience a listed impairment before they can get awarded the benefits. As an example, some headaches or migraines are not necessarily included in the “Blue Book.” Learn more about claiming disabilities due to headaches here: However, if these headaches are well-documented and are severe enough, this will enable the applicants to get disability benefits because their condition makes it impossible to work at a full-time job. One of the key essentials for those who have a condition that is not in the listing includes meeting the following conditions: Have a “medically determinable impairment.” The condition should reduce the residual functional capacity of the individual. This should be more than enough that they cannot get things done or do any jobs at all. Social Security will determine your residual functional capacity by looking at the amount that you can carry or lift and how long you can stand or walk. The agency will then assign you to an exertional level of sedentary, light, medium, or heavy. If your exertional level does not allow you to do work that you’re well-suited for, you will have a chance of qualifying for the vocational benefits in Deland. Other common impairments that are not necessarily listed in Social Security’s blue book may include: Carpal tunnel syndrome Fibromyalgia Degenerative disc disease Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Celiac disease Chronic regional pain syndrome If you have any of the above conditions, there is a chance that you may get approved into the SSI and SSDI qualifying disabilities. Some may have higher chances of getting approval than others. The conditions that stand a chance of getting approved include some types of cancers and multiple sclerosis. Others who have joint diseases or respiratory disorders may find themselves a priority on the list. You can consult an expert in Deland to know more about these. 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Reasons to File a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

Top 5 Reasons to File a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

Medical lawsuits are particularly hard to win since they need a lot of time to settle. Hernia mesh lawsuits are one of the most common lawsuits filed in court. An expert attorney can build a fairly air-tight case against the company or the doctor if all the right reasons are presented to him. If you are a patient looking for reasons to file a hernia mesh lawsuit, the following points might convince you in doing so: 1. Health Issues: The reason you went for a hernia mesh procedure was to cure your medical issue; if it deteriorates your health further, then it is a reason enough to file a lawsuit. Complications arising from hernia mesh are more common than you think; if proper attention is not given, they can compromise your health. Usually, when mesh malfunctions, it causes infection and damage to other organs which can be serious for the patient. If medical attention is not received on time, it can cause life-threatening internal injuries. This factor alone should be enough to file a lawsuit. 2. Monetary Losses: The primary purpose of any lawsuit is to look for fair compensation for all the plaintiff's losses. Hernia mesh lawsuits are no different; the main reason behind filing this lawsuit is to receive financial compensation for the aggrieved party. These losses can be related to diminishing income, medical and pharmaceutical expenses, transportation charges, and any other cost related to it. Since these expenses are incurred on top of the original one, filing a claim to recover these expenses becomes a very valid reason to file a hernia mesh lawsuit. 3. Manufacturing Fault: Believe it or not, despite being approved by the FDA, many hernia meshes fail because of a manufacturing fault. These faults are either not disclosed to the patient or are completely ignored by both the doctor and the company. Such negligence in a medical procedure can result in serious future injuries or loss of life. If you have suffered physical and emotional pain due to this oversight, you can file a lawsuit. Contact your attorney and he/she will do the rest. 4. Physicians Fault: Meshes don't fail exclusively due to a manufacturing fault; sometimes, it's the doctor who is to be blamed. A negligent doctor might put it in the wrong position or don't stitch the wound properly. As you can imagine, it is a recipe for future disasters. If you realize that all your suffering is because of your doctor, then filing a lawsuit is important. You can analyze this by analyzing the doctor's history or studying more about the mesh manufacturer. If the hernia mesh by the manufacturer has a high success rate, your doctor might be at fault. 5. Labeling Error: Mesh manufacturers know of all the complications that can occur by using their products. However, if they fail to mention them on their labels and packing, it can be a very good reason to file a lawsuit against them. Conclusion: If you are suffering as a result of your hernia mesh surgery, it is important to demand compensation. Hire an experienced attorney and start the legal process without losing much time. Read Also: Hagen Rosskopf Explain What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney Few Reasons Why You Deserve To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer Florida Car Accident Lawyer: The Ultimate Approach to Winning Car Accident Cases