Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?

Published on: 27 May 2022 Last Updated on: 31 May 2024
Credit Score

Most people understand that bankruptcy can help you discharge the debt if you’re in a bad financial situation.

They also understand that bankruptcy can hurt your credit score. But can bankruptcy ruin your credit entirely?

The Importance of Talking With an Expert

First, if you’re considering filing for bankruptcy protection, make sure you talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer will have the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you determine whether filing is appropriate for you and which type of bankruptcy you should pursue. 

They’ll also help you understand the core process of filing for bankruptcy and setting your expectations for timelines, costs, and consequences. Lawyers are an indispensable resource here, so don’t neglect to hire one.

Different Types of Bankruptcy

You should also understand that there are different types of bankruptcy. Different types of bankruptcy manage debts in different fashions and have a different impact on your credit score.

For example, Chapter 7 bankruptcies tend to stay on your credit report longer than Chapter 13 bankruptcies, due to the fact that Chapter 13 bankruptcies frequently allow consumers to pay back a portion of their debts.

A chapter 13 case could benefit a person for numerous reasons. Typically, a person would file a chapter 13 case to save a house from a mortgage foreclosure action and a car from repossession, due to payment arrears.

A person may also file for chapter 13 protection to pay back only a portion of unsecured debt because they do not meet the chapter 7 criteria.  Chapter 13 requires a person to make monthly trustee payments for 36 to 60 months. A chapter 13 case is completed after all monthly plan payments have been paid in full. 

Chapter 7 bankruptcies allow an individual to eliminate all unsecured debt, such as credit card debt and personal loans. Therefore, a person who is only interested in eliminating unsecured debt would file a chapter 7 case, if one meets the criteria.

The chapter 7 case takes about four months to complete after the filing. No payments are required in a chapter 7 case.

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Your Credit

A chapter 13 bankruptcy filing stays on a credit report for 7 years from the date of the filing. A chapter 7 bankruptcy case, stays on a credit report for 10 years from the bankruptcy case filing date.

Typically, filing for bankruptcy has a negative impact on a credit score, although the filing may increase a person’s credit score, based on their financial circumstances.

The most important criteria impacting the credit score are as follows:

  1. The shorter the credit history the less advantageous it;
  2. Missing payments reflect a derogatory mark;
  3. The amount of one’s revolving credit limit compared to the amount of the debt incurred.

The optimum debt to credit limit ratio is a debt balance of 30% of someone’s credit limit. The additional debt incurred over 30%, the more the credit score is negatively affected. For example, a person that used $3k of their total $10k credit limit has used 30% of their total credit limit. However, if the same person charges a total of $6k of the $10k credit limit, the ratio is increased to 60%, which reduces the credit score.

A person’s credit report lists their creditors and other facts regarding each creditor. This includes the status of payments; type of loan; length of the loan, and the loan balance. Typically, a credit report also reflects a bankruptcy filing, foreclosure action, repossessions, charge-offs, and debt settlements. The credit report also reflects a total score, indicating the general state of a person’s credit.

A prospective lender must analyze a person’s financial circumstances to determine: if they will issue the loan; what type of loan will be issued; the loan amount; the loan interest rate; and, the length of the loan.

Based on each creditor’s internal lending requirements, the determination of extending credit is based on a balancing act between the loan applicant’s credit report, income, expenses, the debt amount, debt payments, assets, and other information.

Typically, a person considering filing for bankruptcy protection is experiencing difficulty paying their monthly credit card payments and/or mortgage or auto finance payments. Consequently, such a person usually has a low credit score. The lower the credit score at the time of the bankruptcy filing, the less the impact the bankruptcy filing has on a credit score. Conversely, a bankruptcy filing will have a substantial impact on a person with a high credit score.

In general, a high credit score does not always guarantee that a person will obtain the loan they want with the best terms. A prospective debtor with an excellent credit score and substantial monthly credit card payments may experience difficulties, without filing for bankruptcy. What if a person with an excellent credit score has a very low income?

Let’s assume that a person with a high credit score, with substantial monthly debt payments, eliminates all credit card debt, in addition to other types of debt in a chapter 7 case. Initially, the person’s credit score will sustain a substantial hit, resulting in difficulty obtaining any loan.

However, within a reasonable time period, together with the proper credit repair, the person’s credit score will substantially increase. In the future, the person will apply for credit without their enormous monthly debt payment load.

Now, let’s assume that a person with a low credit score and substantial monthly debt payments eliminates all credit card debt, in addition to other types of debt in a chapter 7 case. Initially, the person’s credit score may sustain a minimal hit.

However, most likely this same person was experiencing great difficulty obtaining credit prior to the filing. If this person implements the proper credit restoration process, the person’s credit score will substantially increase, as well. Ultimately, within a short period, the bankruptcy filing will likely increase this person’s ability to obtain credit

Typically a bankruptcy mark on a credit report has a negative impact on prospective creditors to review. Generally, within one year after the completion of a chapter 7 case, the debtor (the person that filed) will experience great difficulty obtaining a loan.

Although obtaining a loan depends on the totality of the person’s financial circumstances, the rule of thumb for receiving automobile financing with a reasonable to low-interest rate is about one year after the completion of a chapter 7 case. The rule of thumb regarding the receipt of a reasonable to low mortgage rate is about two years after the completion of chapter 7. 

Based on a debtor’s financial circumstances, she may be able to obtain automobile financing and/or a mortgage during the chapter 13 case. Otherwise, the same rule of thumb applies to a chapter 13 debtor as a chapter 7 debtor regarding obtaining a reasonable and low-interest rate after the case is complete.

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GAP Insurance

Your Simple Guide to GAP Insurance

When you buy a new or used car, dealerships will often bombard you with the optional extras you can pay extra for. Whether it’s an extended warranty or a deal on the annual service costs, you might not always be clued up on what these actually mean. GAP insurance is one of these additions you might be offered and we’re here to guide you through what it means and whether you need it… What Exactly is GAP Insurance? If you buy a new car, the value drops by a third as soon as you drive away in it, and then it can fall by 40% in the first year and on average, by about 60% in three years. If your car is stolen or written off before you’ve finished paying it off, your insurer will pay out for what it’s worth at the time rather than it’s ‘brand new’ price. This means there’s a ‘gap’ between what your insurer pays and what you originally paid and this is what ‘Guaranteed Asset Protection’, or GAP insurance, covers. What Else is My Car Covered For? When you buy a new car, it will be protected by a warranty supplied by the manufacturer, e.g. a BMW warranty. Usually, this covers you for three years or 60,000 miles (whichever comes first) and means that any defects that might cause your car to malfunction will be replaced or repaired at no cost to you. However, the warranty is likely to be void if your car is written off, and as already discussed, your insurance may not cover the price you’ve paid or have agreed to pay, for the car. What are the Different Types of Policies? There are a few different types of policies available when it comes to GAP insurance, so it’s best to do your research to figure out which one would benefit you the most. Two of the main options are: GAP insurance to cover the difference between the value of the vehicle and your outstanding finance settlement To cover the difference between the cost of the vehicle and replacing it with an equivalent one Do I Need GAP Insurance? The big question is – do you need GAP insurance? It’s not compulsory when you buy a car, but it might be worthwhile as it could save you from being out-of-pocket if you should have an accident. One scenario where GAP insurance would be worth it is if it’s important to you to have a brand-new car and you wouldn’t want a replacement car worth a lower amount. Also, if you’ve taken out finance to buy the car, like a personal loan, for example, you’ll be paying off the full value it was when you first bought it, regardless of whether it's been stolen or written off. GAP insurance would help you pay off the loan earlier, so you’re not forking out for a car you no longer have or a car you're unable to drive. As with your car purchase, deciding on whether or not to buy GAP insurance should be something you have carefully considered and extensively researched. However, when you’ve found the right policy that benefits you, you could save a lot of money if your car is written off or stolen. Read Also : Small Business Guide To Private Health Insurance Exchanges How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs

SBA Loan

How To Use An SBA Loan For Business Purchase

Financing is crucial for prospective small business owners. Personal loans that are made for companies usually have high-interest rates.  Small businesses acquire SBA loans from banks as well as credit unions. Such an economic government financing approach ensures loans to an amount of $5 million for small company owners. Small enterprises may get loans with government guarantees.  Such kinds of bank loans are, therefore, SBA-approved, and lenders get applications. Moreover, the bank receives payments. SBA will cover losses up to 85% if the borrower fails. The safety net it provides reduces small company owners' risk, promoting low-interest lending.  For any buyer, defaulting is awful, too. The buyer community at Beacon provides educational materials, deal-assessing tools, and industry experts and entrepreneurs to assist consumers in making wise purchases. What Is An SBA Loan? The U.S. Administration of Small Businesses supports the SBA loan. It stands for small business administration loans that allow multiple financial enterprises to offer business loans that have higher flexibility than traditional loans. Since the government backs these loans, banks are encouraged to lend financial help to enterprises that might not be able to function otherwise.  Lenders get the opportunity to offer business loans with fewer down payments and lower stringent credit standards. The repayment terms on these loans are usually longer and might extend up to 10-25 years in various circumstances. In the later section of the article, let’s discuss the eligibility criteria for an SBA loan.  Can I Acquire A Company With An SBA Loan? The answer is yes! Acquisition loans from the SBA may be utilized for working capital, debt refinancing,  real estate purchases, equipment acquisitions, and company purchases, including franchises. How Can I Get This Loan? Four easy stages comprise the application procedure of SBA. Look for a lender  Select your loan type.  Prepare documents  Send your application. Guaranteed Loan Program For SBA The 7(a) secured loan program is the primary one offered by the SBA. However, it does have additional lending programs. Monthly payments are required for loans up to $25,000 to $5,000,000.  Here is a brief idea of the maturity rates:  25 years in the realty sector 10 years dedicated to gear Inventory or working capital loan for 10 years Several simplified and guaranteed SBA 7(a) loans are available to small company entrepreneurs who need to finance quickly.  Preferred Lender Program or PLP– A limited collection of loan lenders may independently approve SBA loans. They function like 7(a) guaranteed loans and are confirmed by the SBA within 24 hours of the request. BA Express Loan Program – Like PLP, SBA Express Loan Program lenders have the power of unilateral credit approval. However, SBA Express loans are only guaranteed up to almost 50%. Our service makes it simpler and quicker for every lender to lend $350,000 or less. Typically, the SBA guarantees these loans not more than 24 hours after the request is raised.  SBA Veterans Benefit— The SBA Express Loan generally waives a 0.52% guaranty fee for small businesses both operated and owned by veterans. But that’s not all! They might also belong to National Guard members, their spouses, widowed spouses of service members, active-duty military in TAP, reservists, or veterans who got killed during service, or service-connected disabilities.  SBA Collateral Necessities The SBA requires borrowers to pledge all corporate assets as security, and liens made for personal assets might be needed to secure the loan. This usually involves residential real estate liens. If adequate collateral is unavailable, the borrower's loan qualifying will not be affected. This is one of the reasons why you may be denied. Learn more about why was my SBA loan declined. SBA Guarantor Needs One guarantor is required for every SBA loan. Individuals with 20% or greater firm ownership must furnish an infinite guarantee. One owner must furnish a complete, unconditional assurance if no one owns 20% of the firm or more than that. If the stakeholder's spouse owns either 20% or more of the firm, both partners must furnish a complete, unconditional guarantee. How Long Is SBA Loan Approval And Closing? Since a large amount of paperwork is involved, the SBA loan might take 60 to even 90 days to finalize.  You may use the Express Loan to have the loan authorized and closed swiftly. SBA promises that this loan will be authorized or denied within a time period of 36 hours. However, paperwork and lender timelines might take 30–60 days.  Related: How A Business Loan Helps Business People In 2023 SBA Loan Drawbacks  Many small company entrepreneurs use the SBA for funding, but it has drawbacks.  Businesses in these industries cannot borrow from SBA.  Investment, gambling, speculation, loan packaging, lending, and multi-sales distribution Real estate investment companies  Rare artifact dealers  Sales pyramids  Religious, charitable, or non-profit organizations.  SBA doesn't allow complicated earn-outs.  SBA loans restrict owners to transfer to one year after closing.  Are There Alternatives To SBA 7(a) Loans For Company Acquisition? A standard small company or personal loan is available, but an SBA 7(a) loan is government-backed and given by banks and credit unions. Rather than lending, the SBA insures these loans against default. Apart from SBA 7 (A) Loans, small businesses can also opt for the following alternatives: SBA Express Loan: The express loan is usually used for working and equipment capital. They are ideal in situations where a small business needs working capital, money for equipment positioning, refinancing, etc, and are generally for a longer period of time.  SBA 504 Loans: The 504 loans are generally used for commercial real estate financing and even for purchasing existing buildings. These are usually of two types- one that you get directly from the lender and another from a CDC or a Certified Development Company.  The Bottom Line: Is SBA 7(A) Loan Worth Applying For?  For budding enterprises that want money to establish their firm, SBA loans are absolutely worth it. This article has successfully covered all the important information related to the loan application and its eligibility. So, thank you for reading and if there’s something you would like to add, simply comment below.  Read Also: How To Secure Your Dream Home With A VA Loan Ways To Apply For A Personal Loan & The Reasons To Opt For This Loan. Steps For Getting The Best Car Loan

Business Insurance Agent

Choosing The Right Business Insurance Agent In Illinois

Illinois, a vibrant and diverse state with a thriving business community, presents unique challenges and opportunities for business owners. Navigating this region's complex business insurance landscape requires a knowledgeable and experienced insurance agent. The right insurance agent is crucial in helping Illinois business owners understand and choose the best insurance policies to protect their assets. This guide aims to assist in selecting an ideal business insurance broker Illinois, emphasizing the qualities to look for and the steps to take. An informed choice in this area secures your business and offers peace of mind. Understanding the Role of a Business Insurance Agent Business insurance agents specialize in helping businesses identify their insurance needs. They offer invaluable advice on various policies, including property insurance, liability insurance, workers' compensation, and more. A competent agent not only provides insurance solutions but also offers ongoing support and guidance. They act as a bridge between the business and the insurance world, demystifying the process and ensuring the business's best interests are met. Qualities of a Good Insurance Agent Expertise in Business Insurance: Look for agents with a strong background in business insurance, ideally with experience in your specific industry. Their depth of knowledge can be crucial in identifying risks unique to your business sector. Knowledge of Illinois Insurance Laws: An agent should be well-versed in Illinois's specific insurance laws and requirements. This local expertise ensures compliance and optimal coverage. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital. The agent should be able to explain complex insurance terms in understandable language. They must also be good listeners to fully understand your business needs. Client-Centered Approach: A good agent prioritizes the needs and interests of their clients, offering tailored advice and solutions. They should make you feel your business is valued and understood. Steps to Finding the Right Agent Research Potential Agents: Start by searching for insurance agents in Illinois with strong reputations. Online reviews and testimonials can be helpful. Word-of-mouth recommendations from fellow business owners can also be invaluable. Check Credentials and Experience: Ensure the agent is licensed in Illinois and has relevant experience in business insurance. Their track record can often indicate their ability to handle complex insurance issues. Schedule Consultations: Meet with a few agents to discuss your business needs. This allows you to assess their expertise and communication style. It also gives a sense of their responsiveness and willingness to engage with you. Compare Quotes and Policies: Analyze the insurance products each agent offers. Compare their coverage options and premiums. Ensure that they offer policies that are not just cost-effective but also comprehensive. Assess Their Support System: Evaluate their willingness to provide ongoing support. This includes handling claims and reviewing your insurance needs regularly. Their ability to respond promptly in crises is also crucial. Related: Business Insurance Covering Tree Trimmers: Insurance Policies You Need To Know The Importance of Local Expertise Selecting an agent with local expertise in Illinois is beneficial. They will be familiar with regional risks and local insurance regulations and can provide insights specific to the Illinois business landscape. This local knowledge is invaluable in ensuring that your insurance coverage is both comprehensive and relevant. Evaluating the Agent's Network and Resources An agent with a robust network can offer more options and potentially better rates. Their relationships with various insurance providers in Illinois mean they can negotiate better terms on your behalf. A well-connected agent can also provide access to specialized insurance products tailored to your business's unique needs. Building a Long-Term Relationship Choosing an insurance broker in Illinois is not just a one-time decision. It's about building a long-term relationship. A good agent will review your policies regularly and suggest adjustments as your business grows and changes. This ongoing relationship ensures that your insurance coverage evolves in line with your business. Conclusion Selecting the right business insurance agent in Illinois is a critical decision for any business owner. The ideal agent should offer comprehensive insurance solutions and act as a trusted advisor. By following these steps and focusing on the key qualities, you can find an agent who will contribute significantly to the protection and growth of your business. Remember, the right partnership can make all the difference in navigating the complexities of business insurance, and it is an investment in your enterprise's future security and success. Read Also: Why You Need Classic Car Insurance? Four Different Types of Insurance Everyone Needs Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Ridesharing Accident