Seven Best Meal Replacement Ideas For Weight Loss

Best Meal Replacement

In a world where there is an endless variety of yummy, unhealthy, and fatty foods, finding something healthy to eat to stay fit can be very challenging. For you, in daily life, there is so much temptation to resist. To stay healthy and in shape, you need to stop binging on the cookie in your pantry, quit getting a quick snack from the fast-food chain’s drive-thru, and resisting the urge to have a tiny bite of the cake in your fridge.

This temptation happens when you just can’t make enough time to cook a healthy meal for yourself. But don’t worry, we have the perfect solution for you! Your blender can save your time by providing you with some healthy smoothies and soups that will replace your unhealthy and fatty meals.

Yes, you read that correctly. The best meal replacement shakes and soups contain all the nutrients and calories in a specific quantity needed by your body. There are many drinks, bars, and soups at stores considered as a substitute for a substantial meal taken two or three times per day. These drinks help you lose weight faster. How? When you replace your full meal with a glass of a shake, you intend to take in fewer calories but more nutrients, protein, minerals, and other critical healthful substances. Protein shakes also reduces the hunger cravings that result in unhealthy eating.

Best Meal replacement drinks are easy to make, and due to fewer calories, balanced carbs, proteins, and fats, they stabilize your blood sugar levels. You may be eating your perfect meal on time but can yet be lacking calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamins. Hence, taking the protein bars and shakes will help you to meet the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals for your body.

Most people ask if the replacements shakes or bars are healthy and safe to take in or not. As far as the product contains no harmful ingredient, it is safe to consume. There are several ways to lose weight through the best meal replacement products.

Following are the seven best meal replacement ideas for achieving a healthy weight loss:

1. Protein Bars

Protein Bars

In the modern world, every other person is following some type of diet to lose weight. To aid the weight loss process, people supplement their regular meals with different low-calorie food items. For example, Protein bars have now become one of the most popular meal replacement choices. They are also known as nutritional bars and tend to contain a high amount of protein and healthy carbs. They carry five to ten grams of fat, fiber, and 25 to 30 grams of carbohydrates.

Protein bars help to fulfill different purposes of a human body. Some people intend to replace meals by protein bars to switch a variety of nutrients in a meal. Moreover, you have to eat protein bars in moderation between the meals to reduce weight. Overindulging in protein bars may lead to constipation and will slow down your weight loss.

When weight loss becomes your primary concern, you then know what products to take inside of your body. Protein can affect your metabolism and body weight. It reduces the level of ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone in your body. Hence, choosing the right protein bar with optimal nutritional value and low sugar content will help you to lose weight.

2. Protein Shakes

Protein Shakes

Replacing your meal with a healthy shake is the quickest and convenient way to lose weight. When you are using the best meal replacement shake, you should acknowledge the amount of protein, carbs, fiber, calories, and other essential, healthy supplements you’re taking in. Protein shakes provide at least one-third of your daily intake to make you stay healthier.

Not all shakes have healthy ingredients. Shakes that contain artificial flavors or preservatives are not the ones for your body if your goal is to lose weight. Protein shakes that contain more protein helps in better and faster weight loss.

In favor of losing weight, protein shake must contain 15-25 grams of protein, 10-15 healthy fat, and 18 vitamins and minerals. Getting enough of these nutrients can boost up your metabolism and help in losing extra fat.

3. Low-Calorie Soups

Meal replacements soups are high in protein and less in carbs/fats. Replacing your at least two meals with diet soups can reduce your overall calorie intake.

Not all soups you see are for the same purpose. Some contain vegetable oil and sugar in high amounts. Healthy vegetable-based soup can help in reducing the calories gained during the meal.

You can also add a source of protein to your soup, which by controlling your appetite, aids in weight loss. Sources of protein in your soup can be skinless chicken breast and beans that are low in fat.

4. Salads


Not all salads help you to lose weight. Most of the salads do contain more fats and calories than others. Replacing your meal is a common way to lose weight by most of the dieters. A high-calorie meal, when a healthy salad replaces it, washes away all the unwanted calories from the body.

Green leaves are the best friends of dieters. Using a diet-friendly salad can help you lose weight in no time. Beans can also be added to the salad as they are high in protein and fiber. Choose healthy fats for your salad, such as avocado, olives, almonds, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds are few sources of fat for your salad.

5. Oats


Who isn’t familiar with oats? Oats contain several nutritional benefits. For people on a diet, oatmeal is the favorite breakfast to have. The oatmeal diet is usually for the winter season. They provide enough fiber to the human body to lose weight.

Replacing your meal with oatmeal can be beneficial to your health as just one-half cup of oats contains two grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein, and guess what? Zero grams of sugar. They are also a great source of calcium and iron and are low in calories and fat. It makes you feel full longer than other foods as it helps to boost your metabolism.

6. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to lose weight when you are in a rush. Meal replacement smoothies are a healthier alternative that contains 200-300 calories and helps reduce calorie intake.

Not just any smoothies, but you should select the one that is rich in protein for meal replacement. Two smoothies a day can be enough for you to get several protein and nutrients needed by the body. Make sure the smoothie you are taking in is lower in calories. Smoothies that focus on fruits, vegetables, and protein with healthy fats are essential and a great source of losing weight.

7. Granola Bars

When it’s about diet and meal replacement, people immediately switch to eating breakfast bars and granola bars instead of taking proper meals. There are several other bars apart from protein bars, such as granola bars. You can eat granola bars or any other healthier breakfast bars in the morning. Your breakfast bars should contain at least 5 grams of protein and 35% of calories. Some healthy bars to consider are Clif bars, Odwalla bars, Luna bars, and crunchy Granola bars.


The best Meal replacement products, when taken in moderation, can help you reduce weight in no time. On the other hand, you should remember that not all shakes, drinks, bars, or salads are healthy for you. You should be very careful and selective of what you eat since a high amount of sugar and carbs can slow down your weight loss.

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High Cholesterol

Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can be caused by your hereditary makeup, a diet high in excess fat, and obesity. If you've lately been diagnosed with high cholesterol, discussed below are tips to combat the condition: Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol: 1. Track the Cholesterol Level Frequently As stated by the American Heart Association, the risk of a heart attack with a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl is twice as high as for a person with a cholesterol level of 200 mg/dl. Most doctors want total cholesterol below 200 mg/dl, meaning that LDL (bad cholesterol) is less than 130, and HDL (good cholesterol) is above 40. Observing or monitoring your cholesterol level can help you achieve the right cholesterol balance. 2. Read Resources by Yourself Ensure you explore the topic of cholesterol and learn as much as you can. Remember that our body produces and makes use of cholesterol to help execute certain vital functions, such as building new cells and creating hormones. It appears that low HDL levels can intensify your risk of heart problems. Saturated fats in most foodstuffs are blamed for increasing cholesterol. It is important to identify treatment options that are accessible to both conventional medicine and substitute treatments so that you can make a good decision. The choice of traditional or alternative medicine is determined by your present cholesterol level, your overall health, and your way of life. Some people like to take statins to lower cholesterol, while others do all they can to evade them. Make sure you tell your doctor about all of the treatment methods you have chosen. 3. Lose Weight If you're carrying some excess weight, dropping part of it can lower cholesterol, as well as improve your overall health. Being overweight can interrupt normal fat metabolism. Do not start on an accelerated diet, but watch for a slow and stable loss of half to one pound per week. Combining this with regular exercise can lower your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. 4. Exercise Regularly Spend 30 minutes a day walking briskly or doing moderate exercises such as cycling, aerobics, swimming, or running. Following the NHS exercise recommendations are useful for lowering dietary fat and the risk of heart disease. 5. Make a Distinction between Good and Bad Fats Research has revealed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats lowers the risk of coronary heart disease by decreasing LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL. This kind of good fat is found in olive and peanut oils, avocados, and nuts (mainly walnuts and almonds). Also, the unsaturated cholesterol counteracts swelling in the arteries and prevent damage to the blood vessels. Limit your intake of saturated fats (mainly animal products such as cheese, butter, fatty meat, and whole milk) and trans-fats (salad dressing, margarine, cakes, pastries, and snacks) as these can increase cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are an additional group of HDL. They are found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. They can decrease LDL and triglycerides. However, to benefit from omega-3, you need to lower your total saturated fat intake. 6. Increase in Fiber Consumption Vegetarians are known to have lower fat levels and a lesser risk of heart disease than meat lovers. Plant products, such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and beans, are all high in fiber. There are two main types of fiber - soluble and insoluble, with the soluble form lowering cholesterol absorption in the arteries. 7. Eat Compound Starches Whole grain pasta, root vegetables, brown rice, barley, oats, and whole-grain dough are complex starches that are not just high in roughage, but also have many vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and Life essentials nutrition. They help lower cholesterol. Try to reduce your consumption of refined starches like cookies and white bread, as this can increase the risk of high cholesterol. 8. Drink Green Tea A good and healthy substitute for soft drinks and other sugary drinks is green tea. Studies have revealed that it aids in lowering LDL cholesterol. 9. Eliminate Stress Studies have found a link between job stress and disturbances in cholesterol levels. Stress and the associated emotions such as fear, tension, depression, and anger cause the discharge of hormones that tighten the arteries, reduce the flow of blood to the heart, and increase blood pressure and heart rate. These reactions, along with increased cholesterol, can significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack. To get rid of stress, leave the situation by taking a short walk, taking a deep breath, meditating, stretching, or listening to soft music. This allows you to cool down and relax. 10. Stop Smoking Smoking not only lowers HDL, which is the good cholesterol, but it also comes with a whole host of adverse health effects, such as an increased risk of many cancers, stroke, and heart disease. Following these tips will go a long way to ensuring your cholesterol level returns to the normal range. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and improving your diet are also great for your health and general well-being, so there's no excuse for avoiding these positive changes. Read Also: 11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body 5 Natural Immune System Supplement Tips for Cold and Flu Season


The Truth About Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and IQ

Fluoride first rose in popularity in the mid-20th century when it was discovered that residents living in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride in the water have stronger and healthier teeth than those without the supplement. Subsequent research led to fluoride being added to the water to help strengthen teeth and bones in the general population. Today, it isn’t just in the water, it’s in toothpaste and a variety of other products. Unfortunately, some studies today also suggest that there is a link between fluoride consumption and an increased risk of cancer. It’s worth noting that this research is limited to rats and hasn’t been borne out in human studies yet. In short, don’t give up the fluoride or stop taking your children to a reputable paediatric dentist Sydney yet. Other studies have suggested there could be a link between fluoride consumption during pregnancy and reduced intellectual ability in children. Of course, this is difficult to study effectively. How It’s Studied The study involved assessing the children born over several years in a specific area with at least half of them living in places that added fluoride to their water. At the age of four, the children all undertook IQ tests in accordance with the Wechsler Primary and pre-school intelligence standards. The results of this study showed that women who had higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy had children with lower IQ scores. Although one study cannot be considered conclusive proof, it is enough to raise questions and, when erring on the side of caution, make sure expecting mothers reduce fluoride intake. At least while they are pregnant. The biggest issue for this study and future studies is that it is only one possible reason for the reduction in IQ. Genes, lifestyle, and other factors can also affect the IQ of an unborn child, creating a controlled study to assess the severity of the impact of fluoride is difficult.  Future Steps: As mentioned, this is one study, and more are needed to confirm or expand on the findings. However, if you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant it is advisable to assess your fluoride consumption and reduce it. The simplest way to do this is to check with your water board. Not all treatment centers add to the water. If you’re in an area that dos you’ll want to invest in a water filter at home. This will remove any fluoride and reduce the potential harm to your unborn child. Of course, you’ll still be exposed to fluoride in toothpaste and other products. But, you can check these ingredients and decide whether you should be using them or not. At the moment, the studies are too small and too vague to confirm the role of fluoride in IQ. This means there are not yet guidelines regarding the safe amount of fluoride that can be consumed daily. In other words, you’ll have to check the products you’re using and decide whether to have them or not, based on their fluoride content. Read Also: Is It Healthier To Have Dentures?7 Health Tips For Medical StudentsHow To Help Sensitive Teeth After Whitening?Creating Health Advice Resources? Foreign Language Versions Are Essential

Hair Loss

The Connection Between Melatonin And Hair Loss

We can suffer from hair loss as we grow old, and it can happen if we go through a stressful time in our lives. The change in our appearance can lead to us feeling self-conscious and can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. Thankfully, there are ways of promoting hair growth being developed every day, so you can restore your locks to their former glory. A hair transplant in Turkey could be advantageous and making changes to your lifestyle and diet can have a positive result. Read on to find out more about hair loss, and how melatonin could be the answer. Common Causes Of Hair Loss Hair loss is not uncommon for both men and women, and it can happen throughout our lifetimes – generally, for men, it happens after puberty. Pattern baldness is caused by both genetics and hormones and often leads to total hair loss in males, but it can also be an issue for females too, with thinning hair being the main indicator. There are other causes of hair loss like alopecia, an autoimmune condition that attacks the hair follicles not just on the head, but everywhere from eyebrows to eyelashes. Those of us that have suffered a stressful or traumatic period, like childbirth, surgery, or injury may also suffer from hair loss, but this tends to grow back as normal after time has passed. Usually, hair loss is nothing to worry about and is simply a part of growing older – however, if you are having other symptoms along with your hair loss, you should seek advice from a medical professional. Who Can Suffer Hair Loss? Anyone can suffer from hair loss throughout their lives! A lot of us associate thinning of the hair with older men, however, male pattern baldness can happen as soon as a man has been through puberty. And as we mentioned above, even females can be affected by pattern baldness. Alopecia can happen at any time during our lives, as can hair loss that happens due to trauma. We lose hair every day, but when it becomes an issue, it can affect our self-esteem. Below, we’ll look at some of the known treatments that can help with hair loss, including some breakthroughs! Hair Loss Treatments If you suffer from hair loss due to genetics or aging, unfortunately, it cannot be prevented. However, there are treatments that you could implement into your routine that could help to slow down the process. You can buy medicated shampoo over the counter that can be applied directly to the scalp to promote hair growth. You could also talk to a specialist about a hair transplant – this is a more permanent solution, and with pain-free procedures, you can benefit from a natural-looking hairline. You could also make a few changes to your lifestyle, for example, quitting smoking, eating plenty of nutritious food, and reducing your stress levels. Below, we’re going to look at a relatively new breakthrough that could help restore your confidence. What Is Melatonin? You may have heard of melatonin in terms of sleep. This is because it helps us to regulate our sleeping patterns and helps our body clock establish when we’re ready to wake up. It also helps with other systems around the body – it can boost the immune system, treat inflammation, and protect the cardiovascular system. It has been said that melatonin used topically on the scalp can help slow down the process of hair loss. So how does it work? How Can Melatonin Aid Hair Loss? It is said that melatonin works in two ways, it can protect the hair follicles as it is an antioxidant meaning that it can fight oxidative stress (pollution, UV rays, smoke). And applying it directly to the scalp can extend the growth phase within the follicles. Melatonin can also stimulate hair cell growth. This causes a decrease in hair loss and an enhancement in hair density. Applying melatonin topically to the scalp once a day could mean an increase in re-growth. Read Also: How To Spot Hair Loss EarlyHow Can You Let Your Hair Regrow Naturally?6 Proven Ways to Deal with Hair Loss for Women