Best SEO Tools for Ranking the Website

Published on: 02 November 2017 Last Updated on: 02 December 2021
Best SEO Tools In 2022

In my previous post, I shared,  4 WordPress Plugins to Make Your Blog More Powerful. Today I’m going to share the best SEO tools for rank the website on the search engine to increase the website traffic. There are plenty of paid and free SEO Tools for ranking the keywords, below is the list of best SEO tools for ranking the website or keywords.   

Best SEO Tools Of 2021-2022   

There are several best SEO Tools you can have to make your journey easier in this domain. You have to follow several aspects while you want to improve your business in 2021-2022.

Most Popular Plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast

I always recommend to everyone to use WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast for the better result, it is my favorite too and I love to use it on my every website. It has been installed more than one millions times and is favorite of almost every WordPress user. This plugin makes things really easy for the user which are really effective for ranking the keywords. You can set your Title, description, keywords density, URL structure with ease.

It helps you to main the good SEO Score by some signal like if you are seeing red signals then you need to improve your SEO score and if you get the Green signal or dot then you did well.

All in One SEO

All in one SEO pack is also favorite one for many of WordPress users, it is a bit similar the Yoast and provide all feature which is necessary to optimize or rank the website and to make website SEO friendly. You don’t need to be expert or hire someone to do the task for you, you can familiar with this plugin in few Hours and can optimize your website easily.

You can easily set up the Meta tags, Titles, description etc. according to the requirements of Google and other search engines.


SEOPressor is another tool to optimize the website to increase the organic traffic from the search engines. Due to the number of features, this plugin is getting popular among the WordPress users. It will keep suggesting you during the SEO process for Good SEO score, like setting the title, description, keyword density etc. to optimize the website.

You can find the built-in keywords research tool in SEOPressor for choosing the long tail keywords according to your content and website so you can rank the keyword easily in search engines.

There is a testing system in SEOpressor for checking the SEO Score of post and articles, which help to make the content SEO Optimize. This plugin is also good to optimize the post pages.

W3 Total Cache

Google consider lots of factors for ranking the website or keyword. One most important factor which Google consider to rank the keywords is website speed. if your speed is slow then you must install the W3 Total Cache to improve the website speed, slow speed can waste your traffic and affect your website ranking. W3 Total Cache has more than 900,000 active installs and good rating and reviews by the users.

Broken Link Checker

Broken links which are disturbing and annoying the users and going wrong way can waste your traffic. Broken links also affect your website ranking and can be a great hurdle in optimizing the website. you don’t need to do much just install the broken link checker and let plugin to scan your post, pages, images etc. which can you edit as normal content.

According to SmallSeoTools, there are  a lots of free SEO tools that can compete with paid tools. Great SEO Management is crucial for your website rankings. Linkio is a link building management platform that helps SEO teams use data to plan their strategy and provides workflow management for monthly activities.


Maya is IT Girl and Full-time writer and Digital marketing specialist since 4 years, she always likes to write on tech topic. She spent most of her career as Guest Blogger and Digital marking expert.


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Mastering SEO: Tips And Techniques For Improved Search Rankings

In the highly competitive digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) has become essential for businesses looking to improve their online visibility and attract organic traffic. SEO techniques focus on optimizing websites and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and reach the target audience effectively. Mastering SEO requires a combination of technical expertise, content optimization, and staying up-to-date with search engine algorithms. Here are some tips and techniques to help you improve your search rankings and dominate the SEO game. Keyword Research Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use keyword research tools to find relevant and high-volume keywords with moderate competition. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website content, including titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body text. Aim for a balance between relevancy and user intent to attract qualified traffic. Do you know? You can build your SEO even with email marketing! It is always a great marketing strategy that doesn’t require much investment, yet you get greater results. Finding the right email addresses and connecting to your target audience is the key. How do you find the correct email address, you ask? Simple - This AI-powered tool helps you how to lookup an email address with ease. You can use its extension even on platforms like LinkedIn, Gmail, and Salesforce too! Quality Content Creation Creating high-quality and valuable content is paramount for SEO success. Develop content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Use a mix of formats such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and guides to engage users. Focus on creating long-form content that thoroughly covers the topic, providing comprehensive information and insights. Ensure your content is well-structured, easy to read, and optimized for relevant keywords. Ideally, the audience must find your content comprehensive because comprehensive pages help search engines bring authority to the same topic. We all know how evergreen content has a prolonged value which makes it relevant for a long time.  On-Page Optimization Optimize your website's on-page elements to improve search rankings. Pay attention to title tags, meta descriptions, headings (H1, H2, etc.), and URL structures. Incorporate target keywords naturally in these elements while maintaining clarity and relevance. Optimize image alt tags and file names, as search engines also consider visual content. Improve website loading speed by compressing images, magnifying code, and leveraging browser caching. On-page SEO is the measures that one can take directly within the site for improving its place in the search rankings. Examples of on-page site optimization are content optimization or including the title tags and meta description. Technical SEO Technical aspects of SEO play a crucial role in search rankings. Ensure your website has proper crawl ability and index ability. Submit an XML sitemap to search engines to help them understand your website's structure. Optimize your website for mobile devices, as mobile-friendliness is a significant ranking factor. Ensure your website has a secure HTTPS protocol implemented, as it provides a secure browsing experience and is favored by search engines. Technical SEO is largely responsible for a website’s performance on search engines like Google. A Website’s page speed and mobile responsiveness are confirmed banking factors by Google.  Regular Monitoring And Analysis Continuously monitor your website's performance using analytics tools like Google Analytics. Track important metrics such as organic traffic, search rankings, bounce rates, and conversions. Analyze the data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Use this information to refine your SEO strategies and adapt to changing algorithms. Backlink Building Building high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites is crucial for SEO success. Focus on earning backlinks naturally through compelling content, guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and outreach efforts. Quality over quantity is key when it comes to backlinks. Avoid questionable link-building practices that may lead to penalties from search engines. Backlinks are inbound links that are links generated from a particular website to another with the help of an anchor text. Google and other search engines regard backlinks as “votes” for a desired page, thereby denoting the quality and relevance of the web page.  User Experience Optimization User experience (UX) is a critical factor in search rankings. Make sure your website is intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. Optimize for mobile devices, as the majority of searches now occur on mobile. Improve page load times, as slow-loading pages can negatively impact user experience and search rankings. Focus on reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement metrics, such as time spent on site and pages per session. In order to boost retention, it is significant to optimize the user experience of a website page. When you keep improving user satisfaction, there will be fewer risks of users navigating to other websites. Local SEO If you have a local business, optimizing for local search is crucial. Ensure your website includes location-specific keywords, and register your business on Google My Business and other relevant directories. Encourage positive online reviews from satisfied customers, as they can enhance your local search visibility. In simple terms, Local SEO is a strategy that makes your business more visible in Google’s local search results.  Stay Up-To-Date With Algorithm Changes Search engine algorithms evolve regularly, and staying informed is crucial. Follow industry experts, blogs, and official search engine announcements to keep up with the latest trends and algorithm updates. Adapt your SEO strategies accordingly to maintain or improve your search rankings. Google’s Algorithm keeps changing consistently. Thus, you need to be on par with those to make your website page a big hit.  Patience and Persistence: SEO is a long-term game. It takes time to see significant results, and search rankings can fluctuate. Be patient, persistent, and consistent with your efforts. Continuously improve your website, create valuable content, and adapt to changes in the SEO landscape. Over time, your efforts will pay off with improved search rankings and increased organic traffic. In conclusion mastering SEO requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses technical optimization, quality content creation, and a focus on user experience. Stay informed, adapt to changes, and consistently refine your SEO strategies to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape Read Also: 3 Major SEO Predictions for 2020 How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website Improve Your Domain Using These SEO tips 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should!

PPC Agency

8 Tips For Hiring The Right PPC Agency

If you’re looking for a way to drive more leads and sales for your business, you may be considering hiring a PPC agency in Toronto. Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns can be an effective tool for driving targeted traffic to your website and generating conversions. However, it’s important to choose the right PPC agency to ensure you get the best results from your campaigns. In this blog post, we’ll discuss tips for hiring the right PPC agency. Here Are Eight Prime Ideas For Hiring The Right PPC Agency Let us dive in: 1. Define Your Objectives Before you start looking for a PPC agency to hire, it’s important to take the time to define your objectives. What are your goals? Do you want to increase website traffic, drive conversions or boost brand awareness? Or do you have multiple goals that need to be achieved? Knowing exactly what you want from the agency will help you find the best fit for your needs. Additionally, having an understanding of your own internal resources and capabilities can help you determine what kind of agency you need to achieve your goals. Once you know what your objectives are and what type of help you need, you can begin the process of researching potential agencies. 2. Do Your Research The other step should always be to do your research. Start by searching online and looking at reviews of different agencies. You should also check out the websites and social media profiles of the agencies you’re considering. This will give you an idea of their expertise, and the types of services they offer. It’s also important to read up on industry news and trends to make sure that the agency you’re considering is up-to-date with the latest changes in PPC. Doing your research can also help you find a few agencies you’d like to contact. Make sure to take your time and evaluate the options you have. 3. Consider the Size When it comes to hiring a PPC agency, one of the most important factors to consider is the size of the agency. A larger agency may have more resources, experience, and expertise to draw from when managing your campaigns. However, a smaller agency may provide a more personalized approach that you may prefer. It’s important to assess the size of the agency and consider if they have enough resources and capabilities to provide you with the results you’re looking for. Think about the size of your budget and the scope of your campaigns to determine what size of an agency will best fit your needs. 4. Check Their Case Studies It's important to take the time to review their case studies. Case studies are an important way to gain insight into the strategies that a PPC agency uses to achieve results for its clients. Ask the agency for links to their case studies and review them. Ensure they have experience with clients similar to your business in terms of size and industry. This will help you get an idea of the results the agency can deliver for you. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask for further details about the case studies. This will help you better understand the campaigns and how successful they were. It can also help you decide if the PPC agency protects your data and is right for you. 5. Make Sure They're Certified Another important criterion is to make sure that they're certified. This is especially true if you're looking for a PPC agency in Toronto. Many agencies claim to be experts in the field but may not have the necessary qualifications or certifications to back up their claims. Look for certifications from major search engines such as Google and Bing, as well as professional organizations. Ask the agency directly what certifications they hold and check to see if they are legitimate. A certified PPC agency will be able to provide you with the best service and ensure that your campaigns are run in a compliant manner. 6. Find out About Their Clients When researching potential PPC agencies, one of the most important questions you can ask is who their clients are. Knowing who the agency currently works with will give you a good indication of their experience and success in the field. You should also look for clients that are in the same industry as you. It will give you a better understanding of how well they’ll be able to service your own needs. When looking at the client list of a potential PPC agency, you should also consider their level of involvement with each client. Ask them how long they’ve been working with the client and what types of services they provide. Also, make sure to look out for any awards or industry recognition they may have won while working with that client. This will give you a better idea of their capabilities and how well they’ve been able to service their other customers. 7. Check Their References When you’re looking for a PPC agency in Toronto, it’s important to make sure you check out their references. A reputable PPC agency will be able to provide a list of clients who have had positive experiences with their services. Ask the agency for a few contacts you can talk to and get feedback from. Make sure to ask if the agency was able to meet its client's expectations and goals. You should also inquire about the customer service they received and the quality of results they achieved. Gathering feedback from former and current clients is a great way to get an inside look into the work of the agency and its capabilities. 8. Get a Proposal Getting a proposal from potential PPC agencies is an important step in the hiring process. A well-crafted proposal can give you a better understanding of the agency’s capabilities and how they plan to help you achieve your goals. When requesting a proposal, provide the agency with a clear list of your objectives and expectations, as well as any relevant data or information about your business and current campaigns. This will help them create a more detailed and accurate proposal for you. Conclusion When it comes to hiring a PPC agency in Toronto, there are many factors to consider. By following these tips, you can ensure that you are making the right decision for your business when hiring a PPC agency. Remember to carefully review the proposal before making a decision. Good luck! Read Also: Why Would The Data For A Search Network Campaign Show Conversions But No View-through Conversions? To Increase The Speed At Which Google Analytics Compiles Reports – What Action Could Be Taken? Quality Of E-Commerce Data Entry Services- Whether You Should Invest In Them?

organic traffic vs paid

Organic Traffic vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?

Getting potential and paying customers, who will bring your business success and ranking, demands many efforts. You will need to have a certain plan to understand your business goals for attracting visitors and making them your “happy clients”. People will hardly find your business if you do not “help” them. Here a question arises: How? Surely with the help of eCommerce marketing tactics. You will need to invest some money in order to have success in this competitive online marketplace. You can have your success either with organic traffic, or eCommerce PPC management. However, first, it is important to find out which of these two approaches will drive more traffic to your website and convert them into paying clients.                                       SEO and PPC are two completely different approaches, although they share the same goal: bringing more traffic and high ranking. One of the vital differences that we can mention is that you invest your time for SEO, while for PPC you invest money. However, if you hire an SEO agency, in order to implement the best tactics for your success, here not directly, but you as well pay money. Both SEO and PPC are effective. However, let us find out the best option for you to focus your budget. 1. Benefits of Organic Traffic Organic traffic comes from an organic search. Its role in your business is really important. It brings you real visitors providing you with conversion rates. Its benefits are a lot. However, the main ones include: Better User Experience; Higher Conversion Rates; Higher Brand Credibility; A long Term Marketing Strategy; A Cost-Effective and Sustainable Approach. Targeted keywords help potential clients to meet your business very quickly, as mostly when they want something, first of all, they try to find it in search engines. Many people give their preferences to the organic search results rather than advertisements. It means that through SEO you can increase your traffic, without any additional expenses for each click. Besides, organic SEO is long-lasting, regardless of the fact that it takes longer than PPC. 2. Benefits of Paid Traffic Pay per Click (PPC) demands a certain amount of money for each click. In case of SEO you “earn” visits to your website, while in case of PPC you “buy” them. It allows you to reach a targeted audience. However, you need to pay a fee when someone clicks your ad. Among the main benefits, you should remember that PPC: Increases brand recognition; Helps to get fast results; Offers fast entry; Works well with different marketing channels; Gives the opportunity to choose your audience (based on location, place, gadget, etc.). One important fact about PPC is that it is independent of Google Algorithmic changes. In comparison to SEO, its results are faster. You can see them almost immediately. 3. Combining SEO and PPC Both SEO and PPC are great channels and each of them includes unique approaches for your business growth. While deciding which one is better for your business, you can detect one more option as well: combining them together to gain more customers and boost revenue. It will really provide you with greater and more effective results rather than using them separately. However, you need to review your tactics when using them together. You can easily replace the word “VS” with the word “AND”. Each of these methods has its important impacts on your business. You can mix their tactics and best practices taking advantage of both. This is a great step for not only SEO marketing but for PPC as well. Read Also: 5 Inexpensive Tips On How To Scale Your SEO Business 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should!