Organic Traffic vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?


03 September 2019


organic traffic vs paid

Getting potential and paying customers, who will bring your business success and ranking, demands many efforts. You will need to have a certain plan to understand your business goals for attracting visitors and making them your “happy clients”. People will hardly find your business if you do not “help” them. Here a question arises: How? Surely with the help of eCommerce marketing tactics. You will need to invest some money in order to have success in this competitive online marketplace. You can have your success either with organic traffic, or eCommerce PPC management. However, first, it is important to find out which of these two approaches will drive more traffic to your website and convert them into paying clients.                                      

SEO and PPC are two completely different approaches, although they share the same goal: bringing more traffic and high ranking. One of the vital differences that we can mention is that you invest your time for SEO, while for PPC you invest money. However, if you hire an SEO agency, in order to implement the best tactics for your success, here not directly, but you as well pay money.

Both SEO and PPC are effective. However, let us find out the best option for you to focus your budget.

1. Benefits of Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic comes from an organic search. Its role in your business is really important. It brings you real visitors providing you with conversion rates. Its benefits are a lot. However, the main ones include:

  • Better User Experience;
  • Higher Conversion Rates;
  • Higher Brand Credibility;
  • A long Term Marketing Strategy;
  • A Cost-Effective and Sustainable Approach.

Targeted keywords help potential clients to meet your business very quickly, as mostly when they want something, first of all, they try to find it in search engines. Many people give their preferences to the organic search results rather than advertisements. It means that through SEO you can increase your traffic, without any additional expenses for each click. Besides, organic SEO is long-lasting, regardless of the fact that it takes longer than PPC.

2. Benefits of Paid Traffic

Pay per Click (PPC) demands a certain amount of money for each click. In case of SEO you “earn” visits to your website, while in case of PPC you “buy” them. It allows you to reach a targeted audience. However, you need to pay a fee when someone clicks your ad. Among the main benefits, you should remember that PPC:

  • Increases brand recognition;
  • Helps to get fast results;
  • Offers fast entry;
  • Works well with different marketing channels;
  • Gives the opportunity to choose your audience (based on location, place, gadget, etc.).

One important fact about PPC is that it is independent of Google Algorithmic changes. In comparison to SEO, its results are faster. You can see them almost immediately.

3. Combining SEO and PPC

Both SEO and PPC are great channels and each of them includes unique approaches for your business growth. While deciding which one is better for your business, you can detect one more option as well: combining them together to gain more customers and boost revenue. It will really provide you with greater and more effective results rather than using them separately. However, you need to review your tactics when using them together.

You can easily replace the word “VS” with the word “AND”. Each of these methods has its important impacts on your business. You can mix their tactics and best practices taking advantage of both. This is a great step for not only SEO marketing but for PPC as well.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Push Notifications

Importance of Web Push Notifications in Search Engine Optimization

If you are concerned about getting your website ranked high up in search engine results, you will need to pay special attention towards the web push notifications. It has been identified as one of the proven methods available for you to secure higher positions in the search engine rankings. Why search engines pay attention to web push notifications as a ranking parameter? First of all, you must understand why all the leading search engines such as Google and Yahoo have started paying attention to web push notifications as a ranking parameter. Every single business that exists out there in the world is equipped with their loyal customer bases. Your business will have such a customer base as well. Those customers will visit your website on a regular basis to see what you have got for sale. Those customers are concerned about what your brand has got to offer. This ensures repeated traffic to your website. When you are having a bigger customer base, you will be able to end up with better conversions as well. You can allow web push notifications to provide the latest updates to your customer base. Then you can increase their chances of coming to your website. This can be considered as the main reason why search engines tend to pay special attention to web push notifications. Below mentioned are a few examples, which indicate how web push notifications are capable of providing tremendous assistance to you with increasing your rankings on search engines. 1. They can assist you to create a marketing list: If you are looking for a convenient method to create a marketing list, web push notifications will be one of the greatest options available to consider. It is an extremely easy task for the people to sign up to receive web push notifications. They just need to allow or block, once they are prompted with the notification. As a result, any business owner can instantly transform a visitor into a subscriber of the website. The web push notifications are effective and impressive when compared to landing pages and marketing emails. People in today’s world rarely tend to go ahead and complete the lead generation forms on the landing pages and emails that they receive. By taking a look at the conversion rates, you will be able to get a better understanding of the above-mentioned fact. However, it is possible to engage in an effective and efficient marketing campaign. This has impressed the search engines as well. 2. They can help you to drive repetitive traffic: Another obvious benefit associated with web push notifications is that they are in a position to drive repetitive traffic towards your website. You just need to send out a push notification when there is an update. Then your loyal customer base would come to your website in order to see what the update is all about. With this, you can easily increase the traffic that you are getting on the website. The best thing about web push notifications is that it can help you to drive relevant traffic towards the website. Therefore, every single visitor that comes into your website will be in a position to contribute towards your business at the end of the day. This can be considered as another great reason available for the search engines to provide more attention towards your website when determining the search engine rankings. 3. They can increase your chances of growth in the future: If your business becomes successful in creating a loyal customer base, you will be able to increase your chances of growth in the future as well. That’s because the loyal customers come back to your website on a regular basis and purchase the products or services that you offer. This can add tremendous value to your SEO strategy as well. When your web traffic is increasing, many other important parameters that define your SEO strategy will be impacted. Pageviews, average session duration and bounce rates are perfect examples of such parameters. From one of the recently conducted experiments, it has been identified that the push notifications are linked to the highest click-through rates. In other words, the click-through rates associated with web push notifications is in between 12% and 21% on average. This is obviously better than email marketing campaigns, where the click-through rates are below 5%. Due to this reason, search engines tend to pay special attention to the availability of web push notifications on your website. 4. They appear directly on any device: When you go ahead with a traditional email marketing campaign, your customers will need to open their mailboxes to see what you have sent. Due to this reason, you will be able to get the results of your email marketing campaigns after a couple of days of sending out the emails. This hassle can be eliminated effectively with the assistance of web push notifications. That’s because the web push notifications that you send out will be displayed instantly on any device. For example, the Chrome push notification is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the computer display. They are instantly displayed on mobile devices as well. Hence, your chances of getting quick results from the web push notifications are extremely high. Due to this reason, search engines tend to give more priority towards the push notifications. 5. They can reach a wider audience: You must also keep in mind that the web push notifications are in a position to reach a wider audience. All the major browsers that you can find out there on the internet, such as Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome support push notifications. Therefore, you will find it as an easy task to spread your message to a bigger audience with minimum effort. Search engines have identified this as a powerful factor and give more priority towards your web rankings.   Read Also: Things to consider while doing SEO. Why SEO is still the digital channel with the highest ROI.


Demystifying SEO: A Comprehensive Guide To Navigating The Digital Landscape 

In the vast world of the internet, you might have stumbled upon the term "SEO" a lot. Having a staunch online presence is crucial for any business to thrive. But how do you incorporate SEO practices to build a strong web presence? For long, search engine optimization has captivated everybody’s interest. But what does it mean, and why does everyone seem to care about it? Let's break it down without diving into the jargon. What's SEO, Anyway? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's the magic behind getting your website to show up when people search for things on Google, Bing, or any other search engine. Imagine you have a shop on a bustling street. SEO is like putting up a big, clear sign so people can easily find you. For more information, you can visit this link: SEO is further subdivided into two main categories: on-page and off-page. Firstly, on-page SEO is all about optimizing web pages to enhance search engine ranks. On the other hand, off-page SEO determines external factors that impact your website’s relevance. Keywords: The Building Blocks When you search for something online, you type words into the search bar. Those words are keywords. In the SEO world, understanding what words people use to find stuff is crucial. If you sell sneakers, you'd want your website to pop up when someone types "best running shoes" or "cool sneakers." Quality Content Matters Search engines love content that's relevant and helpful. So, if you're writing about sneakers, make sure your content is all about sneakers – not about cats or the weather. Quality matters more than quantity here. Write content that people find useful, and search engines will notice. Titles And Headings: Make Them Count When someone searches, they see a list of results. The title and headings on your page are like the headlines in a newspaper. Make them catchy and reflective of what's inside. If your title is "Sneaker Paradise," but your page is about sandals, that's a no-go. Links: The Web's Street Signs Imagine links as street signs that guide people around the internet. When reputable websites link to yours, it's like a vote of confidence. Search engines see these links as a sign that your site is trustworthy and relevant. So, aim for quality links, not just quantity. Mobile-Friendly Websites More and more people are using their phones to browse the internet. If your website isn't mobile-friendly, you're essentially shutting the door on a big chunk of your audience. Search engines also favor mobile-friendly sites, so it's a win-win. Speed Matters Too Have you ever left a website because it took forever to load? You're not alone. Search engines know this, and they prefer websites that load quickly. Optimize your images, use a reliable hosting provider, and keep things snappy. Site speed optimization is a necessary criterion for any website or webpage that must be fulfilled, which is where SEO comes into play. Social Media: It's Not Just For Fun Social media isn't just a place for cat memes and vacation photos. It's also a tool for SEO. When people share your content on platforms like Facebook or Twitter, it sends signals to search engines that your content is worth checking out. So, don't shy away from social media – it's more than just a popularity contest. Schema Markup: Enhancing Visibility Schema markup refers to the form of structured data that provides additional context to search engines about your website’s content. By leveraging schema markup, one might enhance how your website appears in SERPs, potentially securing rich snippets that offer users more information directly on the search page. This not only improves visibility but also increases the possibility of attracting clicks. SEO Audits: A Diagnostic Checkup Periodic SEO audits are akin to health checkups for your website. These audits involve a comprehensive review of your site's performance, identifying areas of strength and weakness. Conducting an SEO audit allows you to rectify issues such as broken links, outdated content, and technical glitches that might be hindering your site's search engine ranking. Ethical Link Building While the quantity and quality of links are essential, the ethical aspect of link building should not be overlooked. Engaging in manipulative tactics to acquire links can lead to penalties from search engines. Instead, focus on building organic, high-quality links through genuine relationships, guest posting, and creating shareable content that naturally attracts backlinks. Future Trends: Video and Visual Search The future of SEO is undoubtedly intertwined with the rise of video content and visual search. Search engines increasingly prioritize multimedia content, including videos, images, and infographics. Incorporating visually engaging elements into your content not only caters to evolving user preferences but also positions your website favorably in the eyes of search algorithms. Read Also: Local SEO is a vital aspect of any SEO tactic; let’s find out why? Inclusivity And Accessibility SEO extends beyond keywords and algorithms; it encompasses creating an inclusive and accessible online space. Ensuring your website is accessible to users with disabilities not only aligns with ethical principles but also positively influences your search engine ranking. Search engines value websites that prioritize a seamless user experience for all visitors. Stay Updated The internet is like a constantly changing city. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Keep an eye on the latest trends and updates in the SEO world. Search engines evolve, and you need to adapt to stay in the game. Staying on the same SEO page helps your industry discover what’s going around and strategies used by your competitors. Conclusion SEO might sound like a mysterious code only known to a select few, but in reality, it's about making your online presence visible and accessible. Use the right keywords, create quality content, and make your website a welcoming place for both users and search engines. It's not rocket science – it's just good old common sense for the digital age. So, that’s all about search engine optimization practices! Thank you for reading the article till the end. Do share your thoughts in the comment box below. Read More : SEO For Dummies Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO

Local SEO In Australia

Local SEO In Australia: How Much Does It Cost?

While we would love to give you a price list for local SEO services, it would be an impossible task, mainly due to the many variables that digital marketing involves, yet we can give you information about what local SEO consists of. Tailored Solution: SEO services are tailored to suit the client’s business and much like quoting for a kitchen renovation, the price depends on the scope of the project, which would be unique. The cost of an SEO campaign would depend on two things - the amount of work involved and the desired outcomes. While any reputable SEO agency would not be able to tell the customer the exact cost of their services in advance, they would be able to give you a ball-park figure. When a business owner is looking for local SEO services in Australia or in their country, it is important to use an SEO agency that is proven in the field and has extensive experience working with localized businesses. Factors That Determine The Cost Of Local SEO There are a lot of variables with digital marketing, which include the following: The number of products or services offered. The number of retail outlets involved. The level of competition within the industry. The current state of the company’s online profile. When a potential client makes contact with an SEO agency, the provider will carry out a professional digital audit to determine all of the above and some more. Cost Estimates: We totally understand that anyone reading this will want to have some numbers to consider, so we can broadly say that a local SEO campaign could range from $750-$5,000 per month, depending on the intensity of the campaign. That’s the great thing about SEO, the client can decide on a budget and the agency will work to that, which is how most customers first get onboard. Once you see the outcome, you will wish to continue with the investment, that’s how SEO works; it is a performance-based industry. Localization: If, for example, a plumbing business covers a 50-mile radius, this would cost less than a company that offers its services across the state, as the SEO team would have to work on multiple zones to achieve the desired outcome. At the upper end of the price scale would be a national company with a few hundred depots scattered across Australia, which would have many different websites that need to be optimized. Local Keywords: If your business is located in a Sydney suburb, for example, the suburb name and company location would figure highly when potential customers search for a service using Google, and the SEO team focuses on attracting local consumers. A lot of keyword research is necessary for good search engine optimization, after all, you need to know the terms being used by the consumer if you want to boost your rankings. For a beginner’s guide to SEO, the internet has a wealth of resources you will find useful. Return On Investment: When talking about digital marketing, it is all about ROI - the return you get from the cost of the campaign - and when you deal with the best SEO agency, you can be sure of a healthy return. All it takes to hook up with a leading Sydney SEO agency is a Google search and let the professionals turn your business around. Read Also: What You Need to Know When Outsourcing SEO 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing the Desired Results Best Monthly SEO package for 2020