Local SEO In Australia: How Much Does It Cost?


13 May 2021


Local SEO In Australia

While we would love to give you a price list for local SEO services, it would be an impossible task, mainly due to the many variables that digital marketing involves, yet we can give you information about what local SEO consists of.

Tailored Solution:

Tailored Solution:

SEO services are tailored to suit the client’s business and much like quoting for a kitchen renovation, the price depends on the scope of the project, which would be unique.

The cost of an SEO campaign would depend on two things – the amount of work involved and the desired outcomes.

While any reputable SEO agency would not be able to tell the customer the exact cost of their services in advance, they would be able to give you a ball-park figure.

When a business owner is looking for local SEO services in Australia or in their country, it is important to use an SEO agency that is proven in the field and has extensive experience working with localized businesses.

Factors That Determine The Cost Of Local SEO

There are a lot of variables with digital marketing, which include the following:

  • The number of products or services offered.
  • The number of retail outlets involved.
  • The level of competition within the industry.
  • The current state of the company’s online profile.

When a potential client makes contact with an SEO agency, the provider will carry out a professional digital audit to determine all of the above and some more.

Cost Estimates:

We totally understand that anyone reading this will want to have some numbers to consider, so we can broadly say that a local SEO campaign could range from $750-$5,000 per month, depending on the intensity of the campaign.

That’s the great thing about SEO, the client can decide on a budget and the agency will work to that, which is how most customers first get onboard. Once you see the outcome, you will wish to continue with the investment, that’s how SEO works; it is a performance-based industry.


If, for example, a plumbing business covers a 50-mile radius, this would cost less than a company that offers its services across the state, as the SEO team would have to work on multiple zones to achieve the desired outcome.

At the upper end of the price scale would be a national company with a few hundred depots scattered across Australia, which would have many different websites that need to be optimized.

Local Keywords:

If your business is located in a Sydney suburb, for example, the suburb name and company location would figure highly when potential customers search for a service using Google, and the SEO team focuses on attracting local consumers.

A lot of keyword research is necessary for good search engine optimization, after all, you need to know the terms being used by the consumer if you want to boost your rankings. For a beginner’s guide to SEO, the internet has a wealth of resources you will find useful.

Return On Investment:

When talking about digital marketing, it is all about ROI – the return you get from the cost of the campaign – and when you deal with the best SEO agency, you can be sure of a healthy return.

All it takes to hook up with a leading Sydney SEO agency is a Google search and let the professionals turn your business around.

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SEO Predictions

3 Major SEO Predictions for 2020

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving concept because digital technology is always succeeding in finding new ways to elevate the user experience. With each algorithm formula change, it gets more difficult to rank because the bar of excellence is being raised continuously by search engines like Google and Bing. Search engine algorithms are calculated to make optimization user-friendly but, at the same time, it makes it challenging for companies to stay ahead of digital marketing ranking factors. Here are three major SEO predictions for 2020. 1. Screenless Voice Queries: Data collected by Gartner finds that by 2020, a third to half of search engine queries will be screenless voice queries. This isn’t such a problematic prediction because the technology had been slowly shifting to the dominance of voice-activated technology because of the popularity of Siri and Alexa. More than 77 million Americans also use voice-assistance applications when driving, which has encouraged hands-free voice technology as the preferred method when shopping or searching for credible data. PCs and mobile phones will come ready to use with standard screenless voice query apps. Instead of returning results in a ranked list of indexed content, businesses need to prepare now for search engines returning the top-rated content, much like the formula for Google Maps. The queries will take into consideration consumer engagement, referrals and brand recognition. This is a primary concern, so SEO companies like San Jose SEO Smart Street Media are helping clients now prepare for voice query keywords. 2. Social Media, Content Indexing & SEO: SEO will still be dependent on searches, but social media platforms will become a   significant factor in organic ranking in 2020. Historically, indexing focused on targeted keywords and long-tail phrases but, soon, the content will be ranked on branding, engagement, and keyword strong points. Unless your business focuses more on content that drives social media engagement, you’ll be missing out on essential ranking criteria. Social media marketing will become more credible and creative as well. As most of the world check social media at least once daily, companies will need the expertise of SEO companies or social media managers to ensure that their local SEO and national SEO strategy includes engagement, likes, shares, and comments. Another similar prediction is that as referrals will increase ranking, trends like backlinks will become less influential. 3. PC or Mobile-first Indexing SERP: Consumers have heard about mobile-first indexing since 2018 because desktop searches were continuously declining as smartphone usage increased. Google took the initiative to prepare for the future with its mobile-first index. In 2020, digital marketers will encourage businesses to offer dual website designs for PC and mobile phone users since search engines will soon answer user queries with either a PC or mobile-first indexing answer. With the mobile-first indexing, Google won’t want to index switchboard tags and will return the search engine results page (SERP) recommendations based on how a user requests information. Ultimately, each of these predictions will depend mainly on SEO-qualifying content that is indexed based on the targeted user’s device and will drive traffic to sites that ultimately deliver. Read Also: Improve Your Domain Using These SEO Tips What You Need To Know When Outsourcing SEO 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing The Desired Results


The Basics on Google Local Algorithm

Being at the top of Google search results page has been one of the goals of various businesses ever since the advent of the search engine giant. Landing the top ranking spot can help draw traffic to your page and increase the effectiveness of your website. Many have tried to breakdown the factors that affect Google ranking and a study in 2016 has made an analysis of the various factors that Google use in its rankings. The study determined which of the different factors correlate either positively or negatively with local rankings in the Google search results page. This study is very helpful in guiding businesses when prioritizing for their local SEO plans. Read also: Google Maps Marketing: Guides On How To Boost Brand Advantage The Factors that Affect Google Rankings 1. Website The use of keywords and the number of words on a page actually have a huge impact on the rankings. Location pages with a lot of information written have a tendency to fare better than those with less content. Put quality information on your website on different broad topics to help draw traffic towards your site. Crafting a quality small business website design is crucial from the start and best to hire a professional. 2. Links Backlinks affect your local rankings. In fact, it has the most positive correlation with good rankings. The infamous Toolbar PageRank is no longer a current tool but there are many other tools similar to the toolbar that can gauge the quality of a site. The study has shown that sites with older links are doing better than the newer ones. 3. Google My Business Having good reviews and verified information about your business, as well as photos of your location and products, all contributed to stronger rankings. It can be due to the reliable information that these sites have attracted more interaction with the searchers. Therefore, make sure that in every channel you have, you put in their the basic information about your business. Lastly, revamp your Google My Business pages because it also helps immensely in supplying information. 4. Citations One of the surprising findings of the study is that citations did not seem to correlate with positive local rankings. However, the researchers have pointed out that citations do help if the business or website is at its foundation stage. But once the groundwork has been laid down and all the citations have been made, further citing will not make any difference. 5. Surprises The study had a huge surprise when the researchers found out that the “City & State” information in the Google My Business page does not have any correlation with positive ranking. Therefore, geotargeting should not be all the craze. Keywords, however, do help. Going Forward With Google & amp; The Search Engines  Knowing what are the factors when Google ranks pages and which factor to prioritize will help you be more efficient and effective. In sum, if you are a new player in the business, lay down your citations as fast and as effectively as you can and then move on to getting backlinks, especially in competitive markets. Having your business have a solid SEO mechanism will help you entice a larger audience, promote your products effectively, and open your business to new opportunities. Read also:  Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO

Website Traffic

A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020

As soon as New Year's Eve is over, we all start scrambling to improve this or that, and owners of web-based businesses are no different. The web is flooded with entrepreneurs working to boost their web traffic in the New Year. After all, any good businessperson knows that the majority of success for web-based businesses begins with getting people to your site. If you want to implement an easy plan to boost your web traffic in 2019, just follow the steps outlined below. A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020: 1. SEO: To drive traffic to your page, you’ll want to begin with SEO tactics. There are some great companies out there who can provide you with professional SEO services if you don’t want to do it on your own. You’ll want to implement these SEO tactics on each of your web pages to get optimal visitors to your website and improve your ranking in search engines. Separate SEO for every single page of your site is the best way to go about this. You should also spend a bit of time writing concise meta descriptions to appear under your URL descriptions in search engines. This little step can make all the difference.  2. Listings: Another way to easily drive visitors to your pages is to improve your listings across the web. Peruse the internet and sites relating to your industry for directory listings, contact pages, and relevant links, and make sure you’ve linked to them. Check your pages for dead links often, and make sure all links are working properly. Keep any directories on your site easy to find, polished and relevant. 3. Social Media: Even in 2019, so many online companies think a social media presence is unnecessary. Unfortunately, foregoing any kind of social media interaction can really harm your business. It’s a matter of finding the social media platform that’s right for you – whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or something else entirely, find the social media platform that drives viewers to your business and makes those sales. Once you’ve got an account, start those promotions, post pictures, put up polls, and get those customers talking and engaging. Do it yourself or hire a social media whiz, but be sure to interact with your customers via these platforms to keep their interest, stay relevant, and drive customers to your site. It’s 2019 and let’s face it: most folks are addicted to some form of social media. Why wouldn’t you get in on that? If you operate an app, be sure to update links there often, too, and make sure your website is optimized for mobile. Not everyone, however, wants to use an app, and you never know, someone might be scrolling through your website on their phone, cursing because it isn't translating well. This also falls under the category of website speed, because when optimizing for mobile devices loading speed is very important. Start from fundamentals here by choosing a fast provider, then optimize your code, images, and content. Spend the time and money on making your site, app, and social media picture perfect. It's worth every penny. 3. Email Marketing: If you’re dead-set against social media, at the very least, you should have an email marketing campaign (and even if you’re totally into social media, this is still a good idea). Have your customers “opt-in” when visiting your site, offering them subscriptions to your blog or newsletter, or special promotions or deals. You’ll find that most of them are interested! Then you’ve got a ready-made list of email addresses, connected to real, live customers who will come back and become repeat customers. Avoid spamming them, of course – save the email marketing content for the really good stuff. It’s also a good idea to have a specific, set email address only for marketing, and a separate one for things like customer service, orders, etc. Having an organized email is just good business. 5. Guest-Starring: A lot of successful online entrepreneurs – whether it’s authors, business owners, musicians, marketing execs, or “social media influencers”, have learned that crossing over to other forums can increase their viewership and give them great success. Have a friend who runs a similar business? Someone who blogs about the products you sell? A repeat customer who has a podcast? Find common ground with someone who can give you a platform, or offer them a platform in return. Guest blog for someone, have someone guest blog for you or participate in a cross-promotion. The sky is the limit! Pairing up with someone can mean bigger viewership and success for BOTH of you!  6. Engage: Don’t neglect a really important part of web-business – engaging with the customer. Whether it’s responding to social media tags, reading blog comments, answering customer service emails, or frequently updating your blog, you want to make yourself available to your web traffic. They need to see that you’re present and engaging with the audience. A constant presence reminds the customer that you’re there, that they wanted to visit your site to make a purchase or look at the promotion. They come to see you as a friend, and your site might just become a frequent stop on their day-to-day web activity. 7. Analyze Your Data: Every forum from Facebook to Wordpress offers its users data; a breakdown of viewership, clicks, sales, and more. Naturally, if you run a website, you’ve seen lots of this information. Unfortunately, not enough entrepreneurs take the time to truly analyze website data, and you should. It’s a treasure trove of information, providing you with clues on how to increase your viewership. Through analytics, you can track everything from the age and gender demographics of the people who visit your site, their location, what they click on, what they buy, and more. Taking the time to track this data can help you decipher what’s working, what isn’t, and what’s bringing people back. Get the Boost: There are lots more things you can do to boost traffic to your page in 2019, but if you start with these easy, simple steps, you’ll find your traffic increase with almost no effort at all. These simple, quick measures can put your web traffic into the stratosphere and make 2019 your best business year yet. Read Also: Top Utility Tools You Need For Your Website Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company