3 Major SEO Predictions for 2020


01 July 2019


SEO Predictions

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving concept because digital technology is always succeeding in finding new ways to elevate the user experience. With each algorithm formula change, it gets more difficult to rank because the bar of excellence is being raised continuously by search engines like Google and Bing. Search engine algorithms are calculated to make optimization user-friendly but, at the same time, it makes it challenging for companies to stay ahead of digital marketing ranking factors. Here are three major SEO predictions for 2020.

1. Screenless Voice Queries:

Screenless Voice Queries

Data collected by Gartner finds that by 2020, a third to half of search engine queries will be screenless voice queries. This isn’t such a problematic prediction because the technology had been slowly shifting to the dominance of voice-activated technology because of the popularity of Siri and Alexa. More than 77 million Americans also use voice-assistance applications when driving, which has encouraged hands-free voice technology as the preferred method when shopping or searching for credible data.

PCs and mobile phones will come ready to use with standard screenless voice query apps. Instead of returning results in a ranked list of indexed content, businesses need to prepare now for search engines returning the top-rated content, much like the formula for Google Maps. The queries will take into consideration consumer engagement, referrals and brand recognition. This is a primary concern, so SEO companies like San Jose SEO Smart Street Media are helping clients now prepare for voice query keywords.

2. Social Media, Content Indexing & SEO:

digital marketing

SEO will still be dependent on searches, but social media platforms will become a   significant factor in organic ranking in 2020. Historically, indexing focused on targeted keywords and long-tail phrases but, soon, the content will be ranked on branding, engagement, and keyword strong points. Unless your business focuses more on content that drives social media engagement, you’ll be missing out on essential ranking criteria.

Social media marketing will become more credible and creative as well. As most of the world check social media at least once daily, companies will need the expertise of SEO companies or social media managers to ensure that their local SEO and national SEO strategy includes engagement, likes, shares, and comments. Another similar prediction is that as referrals will increase ranking, trends like backlinks will become less influential.

3. PC or Mobile-first Indexing SERP:

PC or Mobile-first Indexing SERP

Consumers have heard about mobile-first indexing since 2018 because desktop searches were continuously declining as smartphone usage increased. Google took the initiative to prepare for the future with its mobile-first index. In 2020, digital marketers will encourage businesses to offer dual website designs for PC and mobile phone users since search engines will soon answer user queries with either a PC or mobile-first indexing answer. With the mobile-first indexing, Google won’t want to index switchboard tags and will return the search engine results page (SERP) recommendations based on how a user requests information.

Ultimately, each of these predictions will depend mainly on SEO-qualifying content that is indexed based on the targeted user’s device and will drive traffic to sites that ultimately deliver.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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SEO Agencies

SEO Agencies Are the Experts at Improving Your Website Content

SEO agencies, by necessity, often perform two roles. They’re just as often performing digital marketing tasks for their clients. The internet is primarily a world of written content, and as that content is partly responsible for the rankings of the websites, SEO and digital marketing inhabit the same world by default. In fact, the names ‘SEO agency’ and ‘digital marketing agency’ are basically interchangeable with respect to the needs of their clients. This is good news for a brand that relies on its partnership with an experienced agency to deliver traffic to their site. Whatever this agency calls itself, their primary role in the partnership is to provide continuous support to their client’s website. And one of the techniques that they use the most in providing this support is called ‘content marketing’. What is Content Marketing? The term 'content marketing' covers a lot of areas. In the technical sense, it refers to the use of specific keywords that are entered by the users to find particular products and services that are offered by the clients. But content marketing also includes outreach pieces and blogs that are more indirect, but just as valuable to a brand's marketing efforts. Outreach pieces are written content meant to appear on other platforms than the client’s website. They can be on any subject related to the client’s products and services and are generally promotion-oriented. They contain links in keywords and phrases that direct the interested reader back to the client’s site. Blogs are generally information-oriented content that’s helpful and relevant to the client’s target customers. They can appear on a client’s website or other related sites, such as industry or trade sites, or regional sites. They also contain links back to the client’s site and specifically address their products and services in a positive manner. Content marketing also encompasses the content of advertisements. With many social media platforms, as well as Google expanding the formats of ads they offer, SEO agencies can get creative in the ads they produce. They mix written content with video, graphics, and images in new ways to deliver new messages to different target audiences. Good Content Delivers “Content is king.” For the longest time, this tired cliché has been uttered by marketers. Yet, it’s still as relevant as the first time it was said. Well-written content grabs people and compels them to keep reading. It can be persuasive, informative, and engaging. It can also sell products and services by offering far more information than the most attractive and well-produced image offers. Even video ads have to first contain a written script to convey their message to a target audience. Put your website to work for your brand by partnering with an experienced and creative SEO agency. Your partner can create a content marketing campaign that precisely spreads your message in many different formats to your intended audience and delivers valuable traffic to your website. Read Also: 5 Types of Digital Marketing Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO


Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO

SEO strategies have been a hot topic lately for its relevance to the online marketing world especially targeting this generation who cannot seem to get their hands off their tablets or mobile phones. There are no signs of SEO going obsolete any time soon. Read also: The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services In fact, SEO is constantly changing and adapting to whatever’s trendy nowadays. The recent evolution of SEO made it shy away from just being a mere marketing tool to branding strategies. Investing in professional SEO services is something that you should definitely consider and here are the reasons why. It Won’t Go Away Any Time Soon Search engines do not show signs that it will go away soon. On the contrary, search engines are actually continuously developing. Aside from the traditional text searches, audio and video searches are also dependent on keyword searches. No matter what kind of media you are searching, SEO can be linked to it. Therefore, SEOs will not likely lose its utility in the internet world. An Effective Marketing Tool at a Low Cost In contrast with other tools for online marketing suck as purchasing ads or leads, product placement ads on websites, etc., SEO gives a higher return on investment. Some has considered organic SEO as “the bedrock” of an online presence. It is not as flashy and as loud as other forms of marketing but it delivers the result. More and More People are Relying On It Presently, about 80-90% of customers turn to the internet for online reviews and comments before buying something. According to one study, online reviews are trusted by customers. The aforementioned percentage of customers will only increase through time. Capitalize on this by investing first in organic SEO. Without it, your potential customers will not be able to find you. It becomes imperative on you then to make sure that before everyone starts jumping on organic SEOs strategies that you have already laid down yours early on in the game. Extra tip: build a healthy content profile online for Google evaluates your business and its website using the content as one of the factors. It Works SEO techniques for online marketing still work. According to a study, even though search engines update their data and algorithm in determining the rankings, SEO strategies still work to your advantage. It was also said that as long as the focus of the business is on optimal user experience and methodical SEO plans, the business will surely be given a higher position in search engine results page and more organic traffic. Your Competitors Will Be Doing It Soon With the increasing number of people turning to their mobile devices and search engine sites to look for products and services, SEO strategies will surely be a hot tool to use. According to experts, SEO is “a never-ending process”. If you will not take advantage of this marketing strategy to improve your position, your competitors will certainly take your place. Secure your spot in search engines’ ranking pages by utilizing SEO now! SEO still remains one of the most important tools for a business’ online presence. Make your mark and invest in organic SEO. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing

SEO Health

How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website

Monitoring the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) health is essential for any website to maintain its search engine ranking and search results. You never know when an SEO issue left ignored can hit your ranking and impact your business adversely. Website owners need to take care of several SEO metrics regularly and be proactive to fix the issues that may lead to low performance.  This post explains the most important SEO health metrics that need regular monitoring to maintain the performance of a website. Organic traffic :   Your website ranking is useless unless it brings you traffic.  Tracking your organic traffic is an indicator of your SEO performance. An increase in visitors coming through search engines indicates that your rankings are increasing. Organic traffic is one of the most important metrics that you can track. While other metrics also show a trend, organic traffic provides you with quantifiable proof that your efforts are working to bring more visitors. However, the quality of the traffic depends on the keywords you're ranking for. Keyword rankings : Ranking of important keywords is a vital part of any SEO campaign, as high keyword rankings drive more traffic to the website. There are plenty of tools that will help you to conduct the keyword research, and track your website’s rankings over time. You can also search at Google Search Console to look for the keywords that drive most of the traffic to your website. As Search Console is a free-to-use platform, you can set up your website on it if you haven’t already done it. If you find it difficult to conduct the keyword research, you should get a monthly SEO maintenance plan to improve your keyword rankings. Backlinks and Referring Domains :   Backlinks are another most important metric and ranking factor in the SEO Analysis. You should track the backlinks pointing to your website. Keeping track of your backlinks and referring domains provides you with an estimate, how good your SEO efforts are working. A large number of backlinks might not immediately lead to better rankings (especially if the links are from low-quality domains), but they show positive results in the future. The quality and relevancy of backlinks also matter, and you should always use the backlinks from reputed websites. Bounce Rate : The bounce rate is defined as the percentage of single-page sessions in which the visitors left your website without interacting with the page. A low bounce rate indicates that the visitors have found your website interesting or useful. On the other hand, a higher bounce rate on a particular page might not be a bad thing, as it could just be that the user’s search query was answered on that page and they are satisfied. You should set up an event tracking to track the success of a page, even if you expect to have a high bounce rate on it. It is better to subscribe to a quick SEO plan to improve the bounce rate of your website. Click-Through Rate (CTR) :   The click-through rate (CTR) is another important metric to track the success of a website. Organic CTR is the percentage of clicks to impressions for your site in Google search. As you work on improving the CTR of your site, you may see an improvement in your keyword rankings. When Google sees that more people click on your website for a specific keyword as compared to other websites, it makes perfect sense that they would rank your website higher on search engines. Final words : There are many other metrics that you need to track to evaluate the performance of your SEO campaign. However, the above-mentioned metrics are the most critical in determining the SEO health of any website. A monthly SEO monitoring campaign is essential to monitor the important metrics and fix any issue at the right time. Tracking these metrics regularly and working on them will help you to improve the ranking and organic traffic on your website. Read Also : Critical Off-Page SEO Mistakes To Avoid Things To Consider While Doing SEO 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites