5 Inexpensive Tips on How to Scale Your SEO Business

Published on: 08 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) business is a very competitive market. Almost all businesses today require SEO to advance their presence with their customers. Many different SEO companies today invest heavily in robust strategies and tools to attract and maintain customers.

Scaling up your SEO business need not be too expensive to compete with your competitors head to head. You just need to know the right buttons to push and how to use them. Here are 5 proven tips on how to scale your SEO business without spending too much.

5 Inexpensive Tips on How to Scale Your SEO Business:

1. Take advantage of your inner circle:

You might not believe it at first, but your inner circle can provide you leaps of opportunities for finding your initial customer base. It’s now common knowledge that family and friends aren’t always the best people to sell your products to. Especially when you’re starting up. Alibaba founder, Jack Ma, always reiterate this in his speeches.

However, family and friends can be a great source of the potential network, and eventually, customers. Don’t sell your SEO business to them. Explain what SEO is about and what your services are. Never ask them to buy from you. Instead, offer them an incentive or a small finder’s fee if they can refer someone who might need help with SEO.

Your initial sales will mostly come from the people who are referred to you by the people you know directly. On top of that, it’s easy to get buy-in from your inner circle if you don’t force your product to them. If you’ll ask for help, you’ll definitely get a lot of support, which can translate to referrals.

2. Mine popular freelancing websites and local community sites:

There’s a lot of freelancing websites that pop up every year. Finding jobs online has almost become a primary fall back for those who’ve grown tired of traditional office jobs. Upwork, for example, is a great source of customers finding talents with SEO expertise.

Take advantage of freelancing websites. Customers here already know what they’re looking for. You won’t have to explain to them what your SEO business is about. You just have to offer them your best pitch. Put together a system and a marketing strategy that will help you beat the competition.

If needed, incorporate ideas from awebmarketing123.com expert who can provide different effective methods for marketing your SEO business in these sites. Keep in mind that sites like Upwork have a very competitive environment. People around the world are always gunning to be hired.

3. Maximize tools and get everything organized:

Managing your business means making sure everything’s in order and you’re on top of things. That said, you’ll have to employ free and/or cost-effective tools available online to run your business and get everything organized. Popular tools below can help you organize and simplify your operations.

  • Google Calendar – free app when you have a Google account. It helps you organize your calendar for meetings, follow-ups, tasks, reminders, etc. It also syncs to your mobile phone, tablet, computer, and even Calendly meeting schedules.
  • io – a great and cheap CRM software that will help you track your funnel, customers, deals, and revenue. It also syncs with the Gmail app.
  • Asana – this is a remarkable task and project management app. It’s also free. You can keep track of your projects, individual tasks, and assignments that you need to accomplish.
  • com – a fantastic billing software that’s easy to use.

4. Be more proactive in answering your customers’ questions:

What you need to keep in mind is that your customers will not always be ready to buy your services right away. Especially if these customers are new to SEO. What’s certain is that they will always have questions.

That said, it’s critical that you feed your customers the information even before they ask them. This is where email marketing would come in as part of your strategy. Maximize your leads conversion by putting in place an effective email and content strategy. Provide more informational content and schedule these to be emailed to your leads automatically.

5. Outsource:

Lastly, optimize your output and get more things done without having to employ more people. The best way to do this is by outsourcing. Freelancing websites aren’t only your gold mine for customers but for credible and talented SEO experts as well.

You can source for talents or an agency who provides SEO services at much cheaper rates. With your workforce being taken care of by passionate SEO experts anywhere in the world, you can focus on getting more customers and really taking care of them.


Scaling up your SEO business requires great work and plan. However, it doesn’t have to be costly all the time. If you don’t have a bigger capital yet to launch a massive project to scale up your SEO business, then these 5 proven cost-effective tips to scale your SEO business should get you started.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Good Guest Post

5 Basic Tips How to Write a Really Good Guest Post

Being a guest blogger is something that you will need to work on it to remain relevant and provide useful information and will win the hearts of your audience. Taking a thoughtful approach to writing a guest post is key in determining whether you will succeed or not. Therefore, it will be a lot helpful to even consider to buy an essay from professional writing services to help you learn the basics of how to do it. Over and above that, here are 5 basic tips that you will need to really write a good guest post: Know the Audience: Get to know the kind of people you will be writing to. It helps a lot to tailor your thoughts and ideas around those who will be reading your post. There is a lot that you can learn from your audience hence the need to study their demographics and understand their language and needs before getting started with your writing. It all begins here – know the people you are targeting to be able to write content that is relevant to them. Write Catchy Headlines: Be creative in how you write your post headlines. Article headlines create the impression of what readers should expect from what you have written. In that case, you need to work on your ability to write attractive headlines to get you the attention you need to succeed in wooing your readers. Make the readers want to find out what you have written by crafting great headlines. Use Bullet Points: Long paragraphs and clumsy information is likely going to send many readers away. Knowing that readers will first scan the article, it is important to use bullet points to highlight key points in your article. These are easily noticeable and will encourage readers to take time and read the entire article to get ideas on what you have written in the entire post. Include Visual Content: A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual content is therefore key in making your post effective in communicating your message to the readers. As you endeavor to put your points across, use images and videos where possible to help readers connect with your writing with ease. A really good guest post must include visuals where possible to enhance the information provided through the writing. Optimize for SEO: Ensure that the post is optimized for search engines. This makes sure that it is ranked highly hence easily noticeable by readers online. This aspect should be included when writing a guest post. Look for keywords and keyword phrases to include based on the title of your post. It will help readers find it when they come to search for information online. Final Thoughts A good guest post is all about attracting readership. In that case, writing should revolve around what readers are looking for. Your audience is looking for meaningful information that will add value to their lives. All thoughts and ideas should, therefore, be organized in a way that enhances the interest of the readers! Read Also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing How To Become A Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets Best Ways To Get More From Your Outreach Campaign


What Do You Need To Know About SEO And Link Building For Insurance Companies?

Improving your website ranking in the insurance sector is challenging. As there is intense competition and high keyword difficulty. Thus, SEO and link-building play a vital role in overall digital marketing strategy. Let’s explore how SEO and link building help you rank higher on search engines and discover all you need to know for better business decisions.  Understanding SEO for Insurance Companies Search engine optimization for insurance companies requires improving their visibility in search engine results. Ranking for the keywords in the insurance sector is difficult. Initially, it starts with keyword research to identify phrases. In this, we have to look for the keywords or phrases that potential customers use when searching for insurance services.  In on-page optimization, we have to optimize website content, meta tags, and URLs. Lastly, in off-page optimization, we have to focus on building backlinks from reputable websites. This approach helps us to increase domain authority and improve website rankings.  All you need to know about SEO and link-building 1. Link Building for Insurance Companies Link building is the process where you acquire links from other websites. It helps to redirect traffic to your website and eventually, it increases your readership. We help you in building effective links for your guest posting.  These guest posts are industry-related blogs and we submit them to relevant directories. Further, we help you create shareable content to attract backlinks naturally.  We make sure that you get quality backlinks from reputable websites. Our best digital marketing consultant helps you drive organic traffic to your insurance company website. 2. Challenges in SEO and Link Building  We understand that SEO and link building are important for your website to show up higher in search engine results like Google. Here are some of the challenges shared by our best digital marketing consultant:  There is intense competition as many websites are trying to acquire top spots in the ranking.  The algorithms on search engines like Google keep changing frequently. Hence, it means what works today might not work tomorrow.  Only websites with quality content rank higher on Google. Besides, creating high-quality content requires a lot of research, time, and energy.  Getting backlinks from other websites becomes challenging. As it is tough to convince websites that are already established.  Our experts at Profit by PPC understand the challenges. We perform competitive research, provide quality content, build quality links, and help you get more traffic on your insurance website.  3. Effective Content Strategies:  Content marketing is the backbone of SEO strategy. It is important to remember that you have to have high and valuable content on your website. As it is essential for successful SEO and link-building efforts.  We believe as a business owner you should produce informative articles, blog posts, and guides that help your target audience. Further, you can also share some templates and ebooks. Make sure that your content caters to your insurance audience.  We know how to create engaging and valuable content, which helps your website attract more readers. In addition, we incorporate keywords naturally within the content. It improves visibility without compromising quality.  4. Local SEO for Insurance Agencies:  Let’s say you have a good online presence, and your prospective client wants to meet you personally. You have only mentioned your business on your website but not on local directories. We suggest updating your information, on local directories and adding reviews and testimonials.   With the help of this, you will be able to attract prospective clients who are in your nearby locations.  5. Measuring SEO Success:  Just optimizing your insurance website, updating content, and building quality links is not enough. At Profit by PPC, we understand the importance of measuring SEO success. It is crucial for refining strategies and achieving long-term goals. The main key performance indicators (KPIs) such as: Organic traffic Keyword rankings Conversion rates These KPIs offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of SEO campaigns. Many insurance business owners don’t know how to leverage analytical tools such as Google Analytics. Thus, our experts help you to measure and analyze your insurance website performance accurately.  6. Common SEO Mistakes Insurance Companies Make:  Every new business owner in the insurance sector makes SEO mistakes knowingly and unknowingly. It is important to make sure that you avoid making such mistakes as it may hamper your website rankings.  Let’s look into the common SEO mistakes one must avoid:  1. Avoid adding keywords more than required. If your article only requires you to repeat the main keyword three times, then do that much. As overstuffing can create consequences. Your website may fall into the trap of stuffing keywords unnaturally.  2. Avoid creating thin content. It means don’t create generic content that does not have any depth or details. Always try to add more detailed information with examples and numbers. Make sure your content has depth, value, and relevance to users.  3. Do not neglect mobile optimization. A measure of the audience will be operating from mobile and reading your content. Let’s say your website is not mobile-friendly. It will not give a good reading experience. Thus, make sure your website has a good user experience; especially for mobile users.  4. Not adding enough images and infographics. Your content will look dull if it only has text and long paragraphs. Make sure to add relevant images and infographics. Also, optimize those images with SEO keywords. For example, if an image is about “types of insurance policies” then optimize your image with the same keyword.  How can we help your insurance website overcome these challenges? Our experts at Profit by PPC understand the importance of SEO and link building. We help you to optimize your insurance business on local SEO, technical SEO, and on-page and off-page SEO. In addition, help you to create high-quality content, and along with that, we help you build quality links through guest post services.  Eventually, your insurance business stands out from the crowd and gets more website traffic.   Word of wisdom:  SEO and link building are indispensable for insurance companies looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. At Profit by PPC implement effective strategies, and create quality content. In addition to this, we help you to adapt to changing trends, insurance companies can enhance their online visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately grow their business.  Narendra Kumar is the Founder and CEO of Profit By PPC. In addition, he runs a successful digital marketing agency. We have a team of experts who will help you stand out from the crowd and build your brand in the insurance sector.  Read Also: The Key To Success Turns Out To Get The Top SEO Services Understanding The Role Of SEO In B2B Digital Marketing: Optimising Your Website For Success Partner For Success: 7 Tips For Choosing The Best Digital Marketing Agency For Your Ecommerce SEO


Things to consider while doing SEO

SEO is a difficult job; however, if you follow proven techniques, you may achieve success in the long run. If you are a business owner, then you must muse at length your SEO techniques... In this post, we think about the most recent patterns and forecasts for the year, disclose how to survey your present methodology. Keyword research : You must begin someplace and what preferred place over toward the start. Before you go tweaking your on location or stirring up your substance methodology, you have to ensure the keywords are refreshed. Return to your keyword research and refresh the information on which you at first base your choices. Individuals change, propensities change innovation changes. The possibility that what individuals are hunting down has changed too is likewise really high. Contingent upon to what extent back you last evaluated your keywords, you may find that there are more instruments available to you this time around. Reinforce your keyword sheet with information from various sources (kindly don't simply depend on Keyword Planner). SEMRush : An undisputed top choice is SEMRush, especially the Keyword Magic Tool and Keyword Difficulty Score. All the more critically, when choosing which keywords to designate to which pages, recollect the amusement has changed. There's not anymore a need to make isolate pages for every keyword variety. There's a seemingly insignificant detail called Latent Semantic Indexing and it does a large portion of the diligent work for you! You could have the best substance and third-party referencing procedures on the planet, however in the event that the establishments of your site are not up to scratch, at that point, it will never achieve its maximum capacity. On location streamlining is the establishment of any SEO battle. Regardless of whether you completed a completely far-reaching, kick-ass review, to begin with, things unavoidably break and new issues happen. So do it once more. There are excessively numerous variables to cover here however just to specify a couple of the essentials. Google Page Insights : A decent place to begin is with the site speed, particularly during a time where vigorously picture drove destinations are well known. Guarantee you have made every effort to send that Google Page Insights score as high as could be expected under the circumstances. As an expansion of page speed, give careful consideration to the general client experience of the site. This is ending up always vital and it merits getting a specialist in UX/UI to audit your site. In the event that you haven't just changed your concentration to portable, don't hold up a minute longer. There are various variables to consider while advancing for portable and it is along these lines a smart thought to complete a different versatile SEO review of your site. Factor in the ascent of voice inquiry and how this will affect on catchphrase designs. Give careful consideration to portable particular slither blunders by means of Google Search Console. Guarantee your site breezes through Google's versatile amicable test and that portable load speeds are up to scratch. Make a stride once again from your substance procedure, audit what is and isn't working, and pick up a new point of view. It can be very simple to start producing content for it, with no extremely strong methodology.  Indeed, even individuals who are not specifically included with the substance creation can give some accommodating understanding into the psyche of a normal web client. Eventually, you ought to be centered around composing content that gives so much esteem that individuals need to share it. Consider what influences somebody to share a bit of substance and actualize that reasoning into your posts. Make sure to likewise audit and refresh any old substance. Obsolete data can be hurtful to natural rankings, so set aside the opportunity to complete revive. SEMRush : Begin by discarding any unfortunate connecting propensities. Utilize an instrument like SEMRush to recognize any possibly destructive connections and deny them. Start the new year with a fresh start and spotlight on building high-esteem joins. Maybe it's an ideal opportunity to begin thinking past third-party referencing and focus on relationship building. Work on building a strong association with a portion of the best distributions in your industry. In case you're giving remarkable substance to them, at that point it's a win-win circumstance for both of you. Irrespective of the type and nature of your site, you can always contact YEAH! Local. Read Also : 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites Local SEO Is A Vital Aspect Of Any SEO Tactic; Let’s Find Out Why? SEO For Dummies