How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages

Published on: 26 February 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Tag Pages

Have you ever thought of optimizing your tag and category pages? Well, not many people are aware of the role these pages play and how they can negatively impact your SEO.

However, categories and tag pages are much more than just optimizing things for readers and search engines. Categories are essential for SEO; in fact, they are more important than the individual posts and pages.

Let’s say, you stumble upon a DIY makeup and hair blog and you suddenly find the post you just read quite fascinating and you are looking for more. Where would you go next? How will you read next?

You see a big tag cloud at one side with ‘Hairstyles’. You are going to a party, so you click it.  You see, many random posts on the same page, but since the posts are not sorted, you become confused and leave the page. That’s how WordPress behaves! And, sometimes this behavior only makes sense to the authors, not the readers.

However, if the web page has the same and sorted content, maybe the best hairstyles on that page with the content explaining how you can try those styles, it would have been easier for the reader.

What Is A Category Page?

A category page lets you combine different posts altogether. It’s more like your main page of the blog that displays posts from a particular category. Think of categories as a table of content of your site that will give readers an overview of what the comlplete guide to seo is all about.

Further, the categories are hierarchical, which means you can create a subheading with ease. Category pages might have the same template as your post with the similar widgets and sidebar.

Usually, category pages have the title, image, and the introduction of the post with paging at the bottom to help readers navigate through the archives. In terms of SEO, category pages have many issues with duplicate content being one of them. A category page with excerpts of different posts need not have to be unique, as everything is already available at various posts.

Category Pages Are Also Difficult To Rank….

Because of the piracy and duplicate content, Google will rank a page or post from your website instead of the complete category page.  Put any keyword on Google, and you will rarely find any category page in the SERPS.

The only time when Google might show a category page is when a website has many related pages, and the SEO structure of a website will help Google choose category pages over a post page.


Tags help in describing the details of your web post; you can think of them as your website’s index words. Besides, they can also be touted as the microdata that you can use to micro-categorize your content.

Also, tags are not hierarchical, for instance, if you have a blog where you write about daily events; you can categorize it as Music, Food, Books and more.  Now, if you write posts in these any of these categories lets say food, you can put tags like pasta, pork, pizza, etc.

Further, when you add a tag in the tags section of the post, WordPress automatically creates a page for each tag. Further, a tag page is just like a category page that lets you group posts together. It shares the same template as archive pages and is also not shown in the menu unless you specifically add them in the post.

How To Add Content In Both Category And Tag Pages?

Spend time in organizing content and ensure they look relevant.  It’s very easy to randomly add tags and categories, but that creates confusion and looks messy.

You can either add categories or tags, or both. Besides, you can also add individual categories, but don’t get overwhelmed thinking you will have to complete everything at once.


Your website is for readers, not for the search engine bots. Just think of your webpage as an evolving book, so choose your table of content and increase readability!

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Source: SEO for dummies

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Search Engine Optimization

SEO for Dummies

Yes, you can find tons of content out here on the internet if you plan to look up the same topic! Our effort though is to simply introduce you to some of the fundamental aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and what you can expect out of SEO services offered by just about any SEO company in India if you are not familiar with the subject. Let’s move on to see what SEO is, what it includes, and how best you can get it done. Search Engine Optimization – What is it? You are aware of the fact that search engines are the default go-to destination for people looking for information on the internet. They simply key in the “search term” or “keywords” in the Search Bar, hit the search button, and pages of results instantly flood the screen.  Understandably the websites featured on the first page of search results have content that is more relevant to the search (that’s how search engines work!). Search Engine Optimization is a process that makes websites search-engine friendly, enough to rank high on the first page of the search results, as typical internet users hardly have the time or patience to look past the top 10 or 20 websites listed on the Search Engine result pages (SERP).  Ranking high on the SERP simply means your website has higher chances of being noticed/visited, by potential customers looking for products or services that your business deals with. Increased visibility tends to increase traffic to your website but need not necessarily guarantee a conversion.  What information you feature on the website, how well it is presented, how useful it is for the visitor, how you strike an interactive rapport with the visitor via your website and of course the quality of your company’s products or services will decide the business outcome and also future rankings on the SERP. Search Engine Optimization – What does it involve? SEO is an umbrella term typically spanning a set of fundamental tasks that make a website search-engine friendly earning it a high SERP rank in the process. It ideally includes: Website Analysis Keyword Research and Optimization On-Page Optimization Off-Page Optimization Link Building Ideally, these services are available either as a bundle or independently from any SEO company in Delhi, based on the client requirements.  The website analysis will help get an idea of, website design, structure, and traffic, while keyword research focuses on unearthing and using industry-specific trending keywords (search terms) that ensure better visibility. Creating relevant content using the right keyword density, intelligent use of keywords throughout the website right from the URL, to html pages, links, and alternative text for images, linking out to high authority sources and building backlinks from reputed websites with high traffic are but a few standard services that are offered. When done in an ethical, organic manner (White-Hat SEO), website rankings do improve, ideally with time. The challenge however is to rank high and stay there. Search Engine Optimization – Best Approach Search Engines, for instance, Google has its own set of ranking algorithms that determine the rank of a website on the search results. These algorithms or programs focus primarily on making search results more relevant to the search terms or conditions entered in the search bar.  These programs look for and evaluate a number of aspects related to the website before ranking it. While there are ways to mislead these programs (Black-Hat SEO) to get better rankings, it is better to follow guidelines specified by Google to design or optimize a website to make it search-engine friendly so that it naturally qualifies for a high rank and continues to stay there as it meets standards defined by the search engine. Read More: The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO Why SEO Is Still The Digital Channel With Highest ROI Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website

keyword selection

Comprehensive SEO services: how important is a competent keyword selection

Investing in SEO optimization, Sydney business owners expect to draw the attention of the target audience, boost sales, and, consequently, increase income. All site optimization practices are aimed at achieving higher rankings to promote the interaction of users with website content and stimulate them to buy. Experts use different tactics, adjusting them to specific business objectives. Keywords of SEO services are of great importance. The selection of key queries remains the initial task in the field of search engine optimization to reach successful promotion outcomes and the following SEO goals: attract organic traffic and generate more leads; boost site ranking and increase conversion rate; raise brand awareness and improve online reputation. But the rapidly changing requirements of Google and search robot algorithms sometimes can confuse. Will key phrases be needed tomorrow or in a few months? Let’s consider the main keywords criteria, the selection procedure, and site promotion tips, as without SEO, Internet marketing efforts will definitely be in vain. And having a poorly optimized site with irrelevant content, you will fail to win the competition, expand the base of loyal customers, and implement a social media marketing plan or a contextual advertising campaign. Requirements to keywords every SEO services provider must comply with Relevancy. First of all, keywords should share an idea of what is your business about and match the site topic or information on a particular web page. Secondly, they must reflect search queries, be relevant to what users are looking for in search engines, and solve problems of clients. Exclude all off-topic keywords and use only high performing phrases that will boost organic traffic, enhancing SEO optimization. Sydney business owners can apply a DIY method and try free keyword research tools. However, to run a winning content campaign and avoid poor online presence practices, it is better to rely on experts in the promotion. Competitiveness. The more frequent your chosen keywords are entered by users in the search engine, the better your SEO strategy will be developed. You must be guided by their popularity. However, do not steal or copy them in competitors within your business niche. For this, professionals can provide competitor analysis, determine the keywords with the highest ROI, and those keywords which your opponents have not yet reached. How to find effective and productive keywords Your customers’ desires and needs first. SEO services must start from your target audience not with the selection process of keywords. You need to study the habits and behavior of your visitors. Knowing your target audience, you will become invincible, strengthening your business positions on the Australian market. In addition, you have to understand the potential clients, figure out what they want and what they expect, and give it to them through engaging and useful content with competently inserted keywords. What does a customized and individual approach mean in terms of SEO and keywords research? It means that professionals taking into account the special features of your company and brand choose only those keywords that describe your offer and benefits, excluding inefficient ones. Experts must expand this list, look for new keyword groups, alternative phrases, high and low-frequency queries. For reliable SEO service, consider cooperation with reputable LuxSite professionals. Honest commitment, regular communication, and the latest technologies are the foundation of a promotion strategy offered by a skillful and qualified LuxSite team. Read Also: 3 Major SEO Predictions for 2020 How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website Improve Your Domain Using These SEO tips 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should! 5 Ways to Improve Mobile SEO


Top 4 Reasons to Outsource White Label PPC for Your Business

White label is the term used for goods and services that a company provides to resellers so that they can rebrand such goods and services as their own. A white label PPC service has the ability to provide a team of certified PPC experts to achieve the best results for the clients. As you pay extra attention to your customer service, the white label service will take care of your PPC campaigns. Why hiring white label PPC is good for your business Working with search engines can be complex especially if you are not well versed in that field. SEO is a very broad subject and it will take a while to learn the ropes. You can save a lot of time by outsourcing PPC experts. Below are some of the benefits that you can enjoy by using white label pay per click services: Cost Effective Training in-house PPC experts are expensive. Sometimes after training, they leave and then you have to incur training expenses again. You can only keep as much in-house PPC specialists because hiring too many can be heavy on the budget. On the other hand, hiring a white-label service will lower your costs by a huge margin. Team of PPC Experts When you hire a white label PPC service, you also get a team of experts on PPC with years of actual experience. Each expert has handled different types of campaigns that were successful so you can be sure that you are in good hands. They know your business and these experts work together to achieve the best way to get quality traffic to your client's websites. If you have a major campaign coming up, you can increase the people in your team easily and then reduce them when the project is completed. You can also add more people to your team during your "peak season" without having to worry where to get them.  Imagine if you have to hire a lot of in-house PPC experts – that will lead to huge overhead expenses as opposed to hiring a white label firm that automatically put a number of PPC experts for the job. Short Preparation Time Preparations for a major campaign can be done in a short time. This is particularly useful if you have a client that needs to capture a large audience. You do not have to be daunted by the scope of the task and you can deliver effectively. High Success Rates The reason why companies prefer to partner with white label firms is that they see very good results. Any PPC campaign aims to generate high quality leads to a client's website and then convert these into customers. With the professional team in a white label pay-per-click company, the rate of success and the ease of achieving your goals are high. Outsourcing to a white label company will give you the best of both worlds - you are able to run a successful campaign at a low cost. Your client will never know that you are working with a white label company so your company gets all the credit. Read  More :  The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO