How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO

Published on: 15 September 2018 Last Updated on: 13 March 2019
Email Marketing

Marketers spend countless hours making sure every piece of content they publish online is optimized. However, many marketers fail to take the time to optimize their e-newsletters. These newsletters are not published online, which means they are not indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. But, this should not stop marketers from making an effort to integrate email marketing with SEO.

Effective email marketing campaigns drive traffic, increase engagement, and lower your bounce rate, which are three factors that affect your website’s ranking. Because of this, it is important to optimize email marketing campaigns in order to improve your ranking within search results. Here’s how:

Encourage Engagement:

Link to some of the most recent blog posts in your e-newsletter and encourage your audience to engage with your content. How? Ask them to leave comments with their feedback, questions, and suggestions. Search engines look favorably upon websites with an engaged community of users that are commenting on posts. If you encourage your subscribers to leave comments, this could improve your website’s ranking.

You should also place social share buttons next to your content and within the email campaign template so your readers can easily share your work with their followers. It’s important to encourage engagement in any way you can to boost your SEO ranking.

Create Link Building Opportunities:

Link Building Opportunities

Marketers can also use their email marketing campaigns to build inbound links, which are links to your website that are placed on other third party websites. If your inbound links are placed on relevant and trustworthy websites, this will have a positive impact on your ranking.

Create link building opportunities by including links to interesting pieces of content you’ve written within your email campaign. For example, if you’ve recently published the results of a study, include a link to this page within your email newsletter. This makes it easier for someone who wants to cite your work to find the link and place it on their website. If you choose the right piece of content to promote, you should see a spike in inbound links in the weeks following your email marketing campaign.

Identify New Keywords:

Many companies solicit feedback from their customers using email survey campaigns. This is a great way to hear what customers really think about your business, and it can also be used to improve your SEO. How? Include a few open-ended questions so participants have to answer in their own words. The way they write these responses is probably similar to the way they would write a search query, so this is the perfect opportunity to analyze their responses to look for potential keywords. For example, a gym might realize that their customers tend to refer to their business as a fitness center or health center rather than a gym. In this case, the survey helped this business learn that targeting “fitness center” or “health center” would be a better way for them to reach their target audience.

Optimizing email marketing campaigns is important, but it’s also crucial for marketers to remember the basics. Keep the subject line short and sweet, but make sure it is interesting enough to grab consumers’ attention. The campaign should also be mobile-friendly to ensure that it can be accessed by users on their smartphones or tablets. Following these simple tips will help you integrate your email marketing with your SEO strategies so you can increase your website’s visibility and your company’s bottom line!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Push Notifications

Importance of Web Push Notifications in Search Engine Optimization

If you are concerned about getting your website ranked high up in search engine results, you will need to pay special attention towards the web push notifications. It has been identified as one of the proven methods available for you to secure higher positions in the search engine rankings. Why search engines pay attention to web push notifications as a ranking parameter? First of all, you must understand why all the leading search engines such as Google and Yahoo have started paying attention to web push notifications as a ranking parameter. Every single business that exists out there in the world is equipped with their loyal customer bases. Your business will have such a customer base as well. Those customers will visit your website on a regular basis to see what you have got for sale. Those customers are concerned about what your brand has got to offer. This ensures repeated traffic to your website. When you are having a bigger customer base, you will be able to end up with better conversions as well. You can allow web push notifications to provide the latest updates to your customer base. Then you can increase their chances of coming to your website. This can be considered as the main reason why search engines tend to pay special attention to web push notifications. Below mentioned are a few examples, which indicate how web push notifications are capable of providing tremendous assistance to you with increasing your rankings on search engines. 1. They can assist you to create a marketing list: If you are looking for a convenient method to create a marketing list, web push notifications will be one of the greatest options available to consider. It is an extremely easy task for the people to sign up to receive web push notifications. They just need to allow or block, once they are prompted with the notification. As a result, any business owner can instantly transform a visitor into a subscriber of the website. The web push notifications are effective and impressive when compared to landing pages and marketing emails. People in today’s world rarely tend to go ahead and complete the lead generation forms on the landing pages and emails that they receive. By taking a look at the conversion rates, you will be able to get a better understanding of the above-mentioned fact. However, it is possible to engage in an effective and efficient marketing campaign. This has impressed the search engines as well. 2. They can help you to drive repetitive traffic: Another obvious benefit associated with web push notifications is that they are in a position to drive repetitive traffic towards your website. You just need to send out a push notification when there is an update. Then your loyal customer base would come to your website in order to see what the update is all about. With this, you can easily increase the traffic that you are getting on the website. The best thing about web push notifications is that it can help you to drive relevant traffic towards the website. Therefore, every single visitor that comes into your website will be in a position to contribute towards your business at the end of the day. This can be considered as another great reason available for the search engines to provide more attention towards your website when determining the search engine rankings. 3. They can increase your chances of growth in the future: If your business becomes successful in creating a loyal customer base, you will be able to increase your chances of growth in the future as well. That’s because the loyal customers come back to your website on a regular basis and purchase the products or services that you offer. This can add tremendous value to your SEO strategy as well. When your web traffic is increasing, many other important parameters that define your SEO strategy will be impacted. Pageviews, average session duration and bounce rates are perfect examples of such parameters. From one of the recently conducted experiments, it has been identified that the push notifications are linked to the highest click-through rates. In other words, the click-through rates associated with web push notifications is in between 12% and 21% on average. This is obviously better than email marketing campaigns, where the click-through rates are below 5%. Due to this reason, search engines tend to pay special attention to the availability of web push notifications on your website. 4. They appear directly on any device: When you go ahead with a traditional email marketing campaign, your customers will need to open their mailboxes to see what you have sent. Due to this reason, you will be able to get the results of your email marketing campaigns after a couple of days of sending out the emails. This hassle can be eliminated effectively with the assistance of web push notifications. That’s because the web push notifications that you send out will be displayed instantly on any device. For example, the Chrome push notification is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the computer display. They are instantly displayed on mobile devices as well. Hence, your chances of getting quick results from the web push notifications are extremely high. Due to this reason, search engines tend to give more priority towards the push notifications. 5. They can reach a wider audience: You must also keep in mind that the web push notifications are in a position to reach a wider audience. All the major browsers that you can find out there on the internet, such as Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome support push notifications. Therefore, you will find it as an easy task to spread your message to a bigger audience with minimum effort. Search engines have identified this as a powerful factor and give more priority towards your web rankings.   Read Also: Things to consider while doing SEO. Why SEO is still the digital channel with the highest ROI.


Improve Your Local SEO via Content Marketing

In 2016, a local business in Lethbridge, Alberta, won the viral lottery when a raving Facebook post drew in customers in flocks. Whitby's Fish and Chips shop was struggling for months due to poor location and expensive marketing. Owner John McMillan, who had been unable to pay himself a salary, shared his plight with a first-time customer Colin Ross. The meeting changed Whitbie’s destiny. Ross posted a Facebook review promoting the shop and urging the close-knit Canadian community to help out McMillan by trying the sumptuous items on Whitbie’s menu. The post went viral and sent people lining up from opening to well past closing time. According to a local news report, about 400 people visited the shop the day after Ross’s post, and 500 more lined up the next day. The power of digital marketing The viral post about Whitbie’s is a dream come true for any business. Not only did it provide the local shop exposure in local and international news outlets, but most importantly, it brought in real customers. Whitbie’s social media success is one of the products of digital marketing. Digital marketing is simply the promotion of products and services via digital technologies such as the Internet, mobile phones, and display advertising. One of the most popular digital marketing tools is social media where roughly a third of the global population actively interact. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques that helps businesses and publishers maximize digital marketing in reaching out to their target audience. Essentially, its main goal is to rank high in search results pages. Google uses 200 signals in ranking webpages including keywords, the freshness of content, and region. It’s the job of a digital marketing agency to apply effective and ethical SEO strategies to sustain a business’ top ranking in major search engines. Local SEO and citation consistency If SEO is macro, local SEO is micro. Local SEO “allows local businesses to promote their services to local customers at exactly the time they’re looking for your type of business.” This set of processes aims to target real customers in a geographical location. Aside from search engines, local SEO uses online directories such as Yelp, Qype, and TouchLocal. The core of local SEO is information. Your citation or NAP (name, address and phone number) must be updated and consistent in all webpages and online directories. Inconsistency can adversely affect your ranking in organic search results. Try searching for your business in search engines. You’ll see which webpages still reflect your previous address or old phones. “The citation consistency of your business across the web helps search engines decide where you are geographically relevant for various local search queries,” wrote Sinclaire Dickinson, content strategist at Wired SEO. Read also: Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business The 3-pack challenge Recently, SEO experts received news that would make their jobs a little more challenging. Google updated its search results to show three local businesses instead of seven. The business listings were also redesigned to suit the mobile user interface. According to Google, the update “provides people with more than relevant information, including photos, review, and prices, for searches that have multiple results for a given location.” The challenge lies in how to make into the first three results in the world’s most powerful search engine. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Content strategies for your business Google’s ranking factors serve as a compass leading the best digital marketing tactics. Ross’ viral Facebook on Whitbie’s Fish and Chips shop has the formula every digital marketer aims to master: a unique content too appealing to influence action. Ross’ own reputation as an influencer within his own circle was also key. Content is one of the most important signals Google use in ranking webpages. In creating an article or video for your business, use Google’s content-related ranking signals as your guide. Your content must not only be original, but it should also provide value and unique insights. This increases demand for journalistic materials supported by data and written by experts. Create useful content for your target audience. Food brands are making 30-second cooking videos sharing how their products can be incorporated in easy-to-make meals. Regularly update your webpages and social media pages as Google takes note of the recency of content updates especially for time-sensitive searches. Read also: Social Media Marketing Role In Technology Don’ts in content marketing Do you need to hire an SEO expert or a digital marketing agency? Google warns that choosing an SEO expert partner is critical for your business as it can either improve your site or risk damage to your site and reputation. “Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site.” Some of the techniques that you or your SEO expert should avoid is producing duplicate materials on the same site, spinning words to create “new” content, and posting misleading information. Google advises to watch out for rogue SEOs that own shadow domains, place links to their other clients on doorway pages, and offer to sell keywords in the address bar. Shadow domains direct users to the website through deceptive redirects. Attaining a number 1 ranking on Google is not guaranteed. If your SEO promises a top spot, it’s likely that it’s a scam. Some content marketing tips from experts Today, consumers would check online reviews, blogs, and other online information before making a purchase. One tip to boost your local SEO is to submit guest posts on local websites. This will expose your business and offerings, and earn you valuable backlinks. Backlinks are ranking factors. You should also make use of relevant local keywords. An SEO expert can help you determine the right keywords that will attract local searchers. Produce content relevant to your local audience. One of the most popular blog posts is how-to’s or “Top 10” lists related to a certain industry. Adding high-quality photos can also help. A viral post can only come once in a lifetime. Instead of aspiring for something that will be shared everywhere, work for content that will place you on top of search engines and attract real customers within your region of operation. Maximize local SEO. Create useful and appealing content. Reach out to people who will bring value to your business.  

Search Engine Marketing

Advantages of Search Engine Marketing in Tulsa

A fun fact for business owners out there is that did you know that Google handles around 5.6 billion searches every day? This is an exposure that you can’t usually find when you advertise in magazines and billboards. Nowadays, you need to utilize this powerful tool to make your business known to millions of people. When it comes to search engine marketing, know that exposure alone is not the only thing that will come into mind. A Tulsa SEO company will guide you about SEM, how it works, and the steps you need to do to ensure that you’re getting the desired results. It’s best to go over some of the details about SEM and why it’s essential in the first place. Why Should You Implement SEM in your Digital Campaign? Search engine marketing includes using the results from the search engines to promote your business. This is a strategy that uses paid advertising to get people to visit your website and know more about your products and services. The best examples are the ads that may appear on a specific keyword search at the top of Google. This is where SEM makes a difference from the other popular strategies like SEO. Although SEO is still an essential strategy for the long-term, using paid ads like PPC will increase your traffic and give you a jumpstart over your competitors. With a search engine optimization campaign, you’re essentially trying to get traffic organically, but it will take a lot of time, money, and effort before getting results. Benefits of SEM to Consider Now that you have an idea about SEM, you might want to know more about how it would help your business in the first place. Keep in mind that the advantages will only show when you’ve successfully implemented the strategies and tools that are standard in these kinds of campaigns. With the help of professional digital marketers in Tulsa, you can skip the DIY phase and get help from them to see the results faster. Learn more about digital marketing on this site here. Other advantages to know are: 1. Get More Brand Awareness Paid ads will help you cut through the competition even if you’ve just established your website. Whether you’re setting a URL link or a headline, people seeing it often will help you leave a lasting impression on your customers. When you combine your efforts with the pay-per-click with other brand awareness tools, you’re slowly building your company to be visible on your target customers’ radar. The audience will know more about you, and it’s possible to get the exposure you need without spending too much. 2. Faster Visibility As mentioned, it might take months before your efforts with SEO are going to get paid off. It might take a lot of your energy and time, but this is not the case with SEM. On the other hand, you can reach the top instantly when you win a bid for a particular keyword. The results are almost instantaneous, and you’ll find customers wanting to visit your website or knowing more about you when you’re always visible on Google. The ads are placed in front of customers with commercial intent. This means that they are searching for a specific keyword because they intend to know more about it or purchase the associated products. If your goal for the short-term is to add revenue and become visible, then SEM is something that you need to consider. Getting your products, organization, employees, and services visible on the internet is a goal that you need to work on. See more info about getting visible when you click this: 3. Be Seen by Target Audience in the Place Where You’re At Another more considerable advantage with SEM is that it’s possible to set your advertisements to the people who are in your vicinity or near your state. This is helpful if you have a Tulsa store and want the locals to patronize you. Many webmasters have the option to filter the searches related to them, and they can avoid people that are too far from their location. Local audiences always get excited when they find a new place to shop or a new restaurant in their area. It’s no surprise that they add “near me” keywords and queries on “where to buy” on their searches because they also want a more accessible business. The ads will also help you connect to the people in your area, and you’ll know more about their behaviors. 4. Simple to Manage Another benefit of SEM is its overall simplicity. You can manage everything in a single platform like Google Ads to create high-quality, catchy, and attractive advertisements. There’s an option to manage your posts and enter bids according to your budget, so you’ll be able to get a grip on your financial situation. There are options to create different schedules for various ads, so you’ll be visible even at night. The schedules will allow you to maximize the advertisements before you decide to end them. They would continue to run as long as your budget allows, and others let the experts manage their ads, so they’ll be able to track what’s working and what’s not. 5. Target the Audience in your Area As mentioned, some of the PPC campaigns are geared towards a specific location. This way, it’s easier to target the users and audiences that live near your place. You’ll find them flocking to your shop when your website announces a sale, and you have the chance to get seen. However, geographical convenience is not the only benefit of SEM. With the right keywords, you can reach various socioeconomic groups, ages, and races, so you’ll have a wider reach. Utilizing the best search terms in your ads will help you stay in touch with many customers. Others targeting the Gen Z audience may find themselves crafting effective and catchy posts that will be interesting to the younger generations. With these strategies, you’ll find out what they are looking for and create relevant articles accordingly. Read Also: Top 4 Reasons to Outsource White Label PPC for Your Business The 4 Essential Marketing Strategies To Help Boost Any Small Business’s Revenue 9 Best Entry Level Marketing Jobs When Starting Your Career What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do For You?