Two SEO Trends to Take Advantage of In 2018

Published on: 21 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
SEO Trends

With hundreds of factors affecting Google’s search engine results, SEO is no longer a simple science. Gone are the days when you could stuff keywords in an ordinary piece of work and help your site rank high.

With ever-changing rules, it is hard to master the art, unless you’re working with someone like Scott Keever SEO expert. What you should understand is that the search engines are striving hard to provide their audience with the best search results, and to achieve it, they have eliminated certain ranking factors and introduced some new ones out of nowhere. It means you need to know what has stopped working and what has replaced it. You need to educate yourself about the latest trends, and two of them are mentioned below.

The Evolution Of Google Serps 

Even a few years ago, you wouldn’t see more than a few “blue links” after searching. Things have certainly changed recently, and the Google SERPs have evolved lately to the extent that they are quickly grabbing searchers’ attention. This, in turn, has helped businesses get more clicks from organic listings.

With this latest trend, it is more important than ever to track your rankings in these features and keep a close eye on all those features that appear for your primary keywords. Many SEO tools are now available to help you in this regard. Many tools can help track several SERP features along with their results, which in turn will help you check the features that your keywords have triggered. Another benefit of these tools is that they help you measure the volatility of different SERP features on a regular basis, so you can easily change your strategy.

Using Structured Data To Inform Search Engines

What it means is that you will have to use structured data in a way that it makes it easier for Google and other search engines to interpret content. It is basically a new and more improved way to format HTML.

Interestingly, Google has not confirmed that structured data can affect ranking, but the truth is that you can use it to improve your search listings, especially when you’re willing to take advantage of features such as rich snippets and knowledge graph panels. Some statistics show that using the structured data correctly can help improve your CTR by 30% in most cases, and with an increase in clicks, you can see an improvement in your rankings.

The fact of the matter is that changing trends in SEO has made it tricky for anyone to rank their business high, but the latest trends show that you should pounce on any opportunity that would help you stand out. That is when you can take advantage of structured data and Google SERPs changing features. If you are still not sure how to proceed, do not take chances and end up making a costly mistake. Instead, let an SEO specialist help you with everything and ensure that you keep getting the juice your website needs to rank high.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Web Host Providers

Things You Should Know About Web Host Providers

Choosing a web host is an important decision you need to make before you launch your website. Take a web host as a brick and mortar location where your business will reside, so making the wrong choice would mean your business would be ruined. With many companies offering web hosting services, it could feel challenging to pick the best from them. To choose the right web hosting provider, there are few pointers you should consider. Below are some of the things a reliable web host should have: Server reliability : If you check the top web hosting providers for Australia, you will note server reliability as one of the key features that are highlighted when comparing these companies. The reason for this is because you want to ensure your website does not experience downtimes. It could be frustrating to suffer downtimes if you are running a business that expects a lot of traffic. That is why you need to choose a host that is reliable when it comes to uptime scores. Backup and security : Security is also something that should feature in your list of factors to look at when choosing a web hosting provider. A reliable hosting provider will include all essential security features that will protect your site and all data. Backups are one of the ways you can secure your data, so when there is an issue you can easily restore the data. Look for a company that allows auto backups so you will not need to do it manually. Security features like SSL certification systems are necessary to ensure connections through your site are encrypted. Support (Live chat or telephone) : Support is another factor you have to look at when choosing a hosting provider. A reliable web hosting provider should include seamless communication channels that allow you to reach support whenever you have an issue you want to be addressed. An unreliable support department means you could have to wait more than a day to have an issue resolved, and this could damage your reputation if access to the website is compromised and your clients are unable to access data. Server speed and responsiveness : A responsive server is a good idea as it guarantees quick access to vital information. Responsiveness is measured by the time it takes a user to get full access to the site from when they hit the domain. Speed is one of the metrics used by Google to rank sites, so good speeds could help you achieve better SERP ranking. Don’t be carried by the price because this is something many hosting companies use to win over buyers. Look for the features you will get and make sure your site will have a good platform. Before you choose a hosting provider, you need to look at the features that are offered. Some web hosts that charge low prices will not give you important features like security and their server responsiveness may not be good. Consider security and verify that the hosting provider offers reliable support when you need to solve a problem. Features like SSL encryption and site backup are necessary to secure your files. Read Also : What Makes A Web Hosting Good? Why Is Server Colocation Hosting In India Becoming More Popular Than Dedicated Servers? 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress


Methods of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business

SEO is a must for a local business no matter how big or small it might be. In the internet age, visibility matters a lot in marketing your products and services. In addition, consumers are inclined to get the types of businesses they are looking for at the right time and this is where local SEO gains its importance. Whether you are a florist or dentist, an accountant or a plumber, as long as you have a business that has an interest in the local market, local SEO is just meant for you. You are able to create two-way communication with the target consumers that build relationships that leads to improved sales. Why go for local SEO If you are wondering what would happen if you do not have a local SEO then be sure that it won’t be long before you are out of business.  Despite all other means of publicity that you adapt to let people know about your business, your efforts are no match to what you can get from local SEO for dentists. The reason is that more and more consumers are now turning to the internet before they buy any product or service.  At least 64 percent of consumers search the internet to locate the companies that they look for. So, if you are not there, you are losing out on this enormous opportunity of being seen by others. Read Morea: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Speedy business can happen Being seen easily is just the beginning.  Many of the consumers that happen to see you would perhaps generate business leads that you can latch upon. Knowing about their interest in your products or services, you begin to roll out the red carpet for them. What happens next bears enough evidence about the abilities of local SEO in garnering business quickly. About 47 percent of people who generate leads interacted with business owners and got the deals sealed just within an hour. This is the finding of a survey. Read also: Understanding Search Engine Optimization With so much potential to increase sales, it is no surprise that the popularity of local SEO is growing at a very fast pace. In addition, by listing in business directories like Google Places and by placing an advertisement on the platform you are likely to get a much higher ranking in search results outscoring many other localized keyword phrases. The advertisement also links consumers to the business website, company address, and hours of business of the stores, phone number and business reviews that can drive consumers in taking a positive decision. Have a responsive website Having local SEO is of no use if it is not properly optimized for local conditions.  Measures have to be taken to ensure that the local emphasis remains in the optimization efforts and the majority of the audience is reached. This means that you need to have a responsive website that is viewed with the same ease on desktops as well as mobile devices. With the widespread use of mobile phones, it is imperative that the majority of searches are triggered by mobile devices. The most encouraging fact about mobile users is that of all the leads generated from mobile devices 82 percent users have got back to the sellers to follow up the leads. This provides a big opportunity for converting leads into sales. Local citations are important Pay attention to citations on directory listings. Citations increase the reliability of your business for search engines. Citations mean the mention of your business name and address on some other web pages that are not part of your website.  If your business is listed on an online directory, make sure that the citations are correctly mentioned.  The ranking algorithms of search engines like Google and Bing consider citations as a key component. Therefore, the higher the number of citations, better rankings you are likely to get provided other factors of a business are all equal.  To add more power to citations, add incoming links to it. Increase customer reviews Customer reviews are critical for better rankings and the SEO campaign should target more and more customers who are willing to review and publish their views about the products and services. The reviews create a positive impact on prospective consumers who become confident about buying the product that has many satisfied users. The majority of consumers depend on reviews to decide about purchasing any particular product or service. The reviews also impact search rankings hence it acquires more importance from the SEO perspective. The reviews are equally important for all kinds of search engines and directories and not Google alone. Social media engagement As part of a local SEO campaign, make extensive use of social media to connect closely with consumers.  Present interesting and relevant content on the pages of social networks that would ensure that more and more visitors are attracted to it. Google pays a lot of importance to social media feedback about your website and this can influence search rankings. Use localized keywords Localized keywords are critical for local SEO even though Google can do even without it.  The keywords phrases are made more specific for the locality by adding a geographical dimension to it. This is of more help to searchers who are able to narrow down the searches without much effort as they are guided by the keywords. Localized keywords throw up more accurate results that searchers are looking for. This increases the possibilities of being found out very easily in search results. Google has its own ways of detecting the location and even if localized keywords are not used, Google can throw up the results that pertain to the area from where the search is generated. However, it is not always necessary that searchers would prefer to find businesses in their own areas but would also like to go beyond it. This is when geographical locations attached to keywords can work wonders for you. What has been discussed above are only some of the ways that can strengthen your local SEO efforts. There are many more things that can be done. However, these are some of the most elementary steps in optimizing local SEO that should never be missed out. Read More: Why SEO Is Still The Digital Channel With Highest ROI SEO For Dummies The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services


Tips And Tricks To Gaining Great Results From PPC

PPC can be difficult to get right, particularly if you have a limited level of experience, but with a detailed plan as well some planning beforehand you can create a campaign that delivers outstanding results. In this article, we will be looking into some of the tips and tricks at your disposal to deliver great PPC results. Choose The Perfect Bidding Strategy For PPC Getting the perfect bidding strategy is a time-consuming process but it can help to take your PPC campaign to the next level. By bidding on keywords with a higher search volume you are likely to see a return of investment as your ad will place you on the first page of Google even when using a PPC Essex service. Though bidding on expensive keywords can lead to an expensive start-up cost, this could be a benefit to the business depending on the amount of traffic you gain to the keyword. Time Your Ad Placement Perfectly Though bidding on keywords is essential to a successful campaign, the time that the ad is showing can make or break the campaign. This needs to be perfectly timed to coincide with the target audience to ensure the best possible results. Therefore, a corporate target market will be on their phones or commuting early in the morning and later on in the evening, this, therefore, means that you will put your advertisement up at these times. However, a younger target audience will need to be marketed between school hours and at lunchtime for the best possible results. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion To Your Advantage Dynamic keyword insertion is one of the ways that you can improve click-through rates to your website when running a PPC campaign. This is a clever strategy particularly for smaller businesses as you are making any links in home pages look natural whilst generating call to actions that are engaging. This is important when running a PC campaign as you want the best possible results to capture as much of the organic traffic as possible for the money that you are paying to be advertised on the first page of Google. Keep Trying And Testing Though PPC is beneficial on its own, it can also be used alongside an SEO strategy to provide faster results and capture more of organic traffic. Whether you are running it as a stand-alone campaign or as part of a collective it is important to try and test a number of different keywords as well as call to actions. This is important when looking to generate quality leads as different keywords may have a differing search volume. Though this can take time to get the perfect combination of keywords and call to actions, this will benefit you in the long term when it comes to campaign success. With this in mind, there are a number of ways that you can improve the outreach of your PPC campaign and deliver an outstanding return on investment when timing is right. Where will you start with your next PPC campaign? Read Also : Top 4 Reasons To Outsource White Label PPC For Your Business Organic Traffic Vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?