Best Uses of Micro learning Based Training

Published on: 15 March 2018 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019

Microlearning is a modern learning technique based on short nuggets of information, focused on meeting a specific learning outcome. In other words, the purpose of the learning process is to acquire a specific skill that you will use in the near future. The bite-sized format of the courses makes it easy to retain new information, and it allows even the busiest people to learn new skills in their own time. While this learning technique can be applied to any subject, it has proven itself particularly efficient in a few specific situations.

For corporate training :

Corporate learning is usually based on a formal training model. However, microlearning can successfully be used in corporate environments in order to reinforce or supplement the primary training. This learning method is very successful in agile environments, it has low costs, it is easy to update and it can be applied for both formal and informal training. It can also be a great tool for compliance training courses, such as Health, Safety, and Environment courses.

For learning a new language :

Nowadays, most, if not all, language learning apps are based on micro lessons. The most popular language-learning app and the one that makes the best use of the microlearning concept is Duolingo. Not only does Duolingo use micro-lessons for written content, but it also uses them for speaking, listening and translating exercises. This app also uses gamification as a way to motivate and engage learners.

For retail training :

The retail industry is having a hard time at the moment, as online stores have become a serious competition. Not only that, but modern customers are a lot more informed than they used to be, and store employees need to be properly trained to help these new, discerning customers. Microlearning can be a flexible and cost-efficient solution for training store employees and keep them up to date with daily changes. the app is one of the few learning applications that address the particular needs of the retail industry. While EdApp’s user-friendly format allows it to be used for any topic, retail training is one of the most popular app microlearning ideas. The main reason why EdApp is so efficient is due to its intuitive authoring tool, engaging gamification, and analytics tool that helps monitor and improve the learning experience.

For developing soft skills :

Personal development is a very popular topic at the moment, as more and more people realize that you need more than just hard technical skills in order to be successful. Since learning soft skills require more practice than theory, they can be easily learned with micro lessons. This way, the learners can learn new skills fast, and they have all the time in the world to practice them in real life before they move on to the next lessons. Communication and time management are the most sought after soft skills of the moment and there are numerous learning apps that address these particular skills.

To supplement traditional education :

While mobile learning seems to be the enemy of a traditional educational system, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Many learning apps can successfully be used in classrooms, and the ones that use micro lessons are particularly efficient in keeping the students engaged and motivated. As a teacher, you can use an app with an intuitive authoring tool such as EdApp in order to create your own bite-sized lessons, or you can use an existing learning app such as Duolingo or TED-Ed to make your teachings more relevant and more engaging.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Benefits of Tutoring

8 Important Benefits of Tutoring for Your Child

As of the 2015-16 school year, the graduation rate in the U.S. was 84%. If that sounds pretty good, it's because it is. But, there's one area of education where kids still struggle -- STEM. Science, technology, engineering, and math industries are growing. In fact, it's expected STEM jobs will increase significantly by the year 2020. The Dept. of Education is going all-in on these crucial fields. In 2018, the DOE invested $279 million in STEM grants. Parents can help, too. How? With professional tutoring. The obvious benefit of tutoring is your child is more likely to get good grades. But what if your child already gets good grades? Are they being challenged? Are they developing critical thinking skills? Believe it or not, there are benefits of tutoring that go beyond grades. Take a look at eight of them below. 1. Child Gets Individual Attention: The average class size in the U.S. is 21.6 students. Doesn't sound too bad, but again, that's the average. States like Oregon come in with 26.7 students per classroom while Vermont averages 16.7. Even at 17 students per class, that's for one teacher. Doesn't a ratio of 1:1 sound much better? The advantage of tutoring is that your child gets individual attention. You can opt for a group-type tutoring program but most professionals offer one-to-one learning. 2. Distraction-Free Learning: It's easy for kids to get distracted. It happens quite often. With 20 others students in the class, it just takes one to throw off your child's focus. In a tutoring program, your child is able to focus on their work. They're able to invest 100% of their attention into each lesson plan. There are no bells ringing, kids laughing, extracurricular announcements -- it's only your child and their tutor. 3. Child Grasps Concepts at Their Own Pace: School districts and schools devise year-long lesson plans. There are certain criteria teachers need to cram in every week. There have state testing and subject exams to prepare their students for. But not everyone is ready to move on with their class. Some kids struggle during one area of a subject. In school, it's a bit of sink or swim. Tutoring allows them to take the time they need to understand the content. They do it at their own pace. For example, programs like Mathnasium draw up individualized plans that ensure your child understands what's taught in class. 4. Encourages Good Studying Habits: You encourage your child to pick up a book and study. Sometimes, they throw a fit. Other times, they may flat out refuse. Many kids don't like studying because they don't know how to study. Tutors give your child the tools they need to study more effectively. They'll learn study strategies for making the most of their time. You'll start to see your child is more organized. They'll have a study plan. They'll start learning and using active listening skills. You'll start noticing they find quiet places to study and do their homework. These are all behaviors they'll learn through tutoring. The chose online tutor or teacher should be flexible to work with your schedule and learning style. 5. Challenges Advanced Students: Tutoring has a bit of a negative connotation in the sense that people think it's only for struggling students. The truth is, tutoring is for everyone. The same way some kids fall behind, others jump ahead. Just like teachers can't abandon entire class plans to devote all their time to a struggling student, the same goes for those who are ahead. When a child gets ahead of the class, they can get bored. Parents enlist tutors to keep gifted children motivated. Because of the individual learning plans, the tutor will design lessons that challenge them. This keeps them interested in school and out of trouble. 6. Helps Children with Learning Delays: Not all students struggle because they don't understand what is being taught. Some children can't understand lessons due to learning delays. Yes, there are special education programs in the U.S. But, not every child has a medical or psychological diagnosis. In some cases, even when they do, the school district may not have a program designed to help their specific delay. Tutoring is a way to combat this issue. Some tutors are teachers who retired. Others have special qualifications to help kids with delays. This means they're able to assist your child to understand the concepts getting taught at school. With the individual plan and the ability to learn at their own pace, children with learning delays benefit greatly from tutoring. 7. Beats the Summer Blues: Every spring, your child starts to get a little antsy. They see the school year is winding down and may even mark the last day on their calendar. Their brains start focusing on summer fun. You may have done the very same thing when you were their age! Over the summer, we tell ourselves our kids need a break. They've worked hard all year and deserve a few months off. Except, the next grade rolls around and they're a little rusty. Without the constant pressure to read books and work on math, they regress a bit. It's called "summer learning loss." One way to ensure your child isn't affected is through summer tutoring. It's a refresher and primer course all in one. They'll go over what they learned in the previous year and get ready for what's next. 8. Improves Self-Esteem: One of the biggest benefits of tutoring -- if not the biggest -- is it improves self-esteem. Kids are sensitive. When they're struggling in a subject everyone else grasps, it makes them feel bad about themselves. They shouldn't -- everyone struggles at some point -- but it's hard to explain that to kids. Tutoring helps remove these feelings. Your child will start to see that no one's perfect. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. They'll also start to believe in themselves when they conquer challenging lessons. Over time, their confidence will grow. You'll see their grades start to improve. This boost in confidence may carry over to extra-curricular activities or social situations. Consider the Benefits of Tutoring: The benefits of tutoring go beyond grades. Tutoring improves how your child learns. This gives them the confidence to overcome obstacles -- both in school and out. It's important you know the proper steps to take to ensure your child has the best chance to succeed. Tutoring is one of them. Another one is knowing different learning methods. Check out four emerging trends in education. Read Also: 10 Effective Homework Tips For Your Kids 5 Strategies For Parents To Help Kids With ADHD Perform Better At School


The Benefits Of Modular Classrooms In Education

In a world where children dream of fun camping trips and exciting days at the pool, why not infuse their educational journey with a dose of creativity and flexibility? In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovation is the key to unlocking brighter futures for our students. Modular classrooms stand out as the optimal learning environments that foster growth, adaptability, and collaboration. Gone are the days of traditional brick-and-mortar structures that limit educational possibilities. From elementary schools to universities, many educators nowadays turn to flexible and sustainable modular classroom building. Whether you're tired of the same old classroom routine or just someone who's fascinated by the blend of architecture and education, these structures are worth checking out. Thanks to the durable materials and high-quality construction, they can handle the wear and tear of everyday school life with ease. Fast Construction Regular construction is such a pain - the noise, the dust, the never-ending wait. Well, with modular classrooms, all those headaches disappear. These structures are prefabricated off-site, which means while the building's being built, your school life remains nice and peaceful. No more dodging construction zones on your way to class! And once they're done with the construction, they deliver them to your school ready to go. It's like a huge puzzle that's already been put together! You don't have to wait months and months for the building’s completion. So, how fast can you build a modular classroom? You can have a brand-new structure up and running in just over two months! No more waiting around for ages, dealing with construction delays, and counting the days. So, whether your school needs to accommodate a growing student population or wants to create a flexible space for different activities, modular is the answer! Cost-Effective Traditional construction can be a money drain. From hefty material costs to never-ending labour fees, it often leaves schools scratching their heads and digging deep into their pockets. But with modular classrooms, it's a whole different ballgame. They build these structures in a controlled environment, which means less waste and more savings. And since they’re built in record time, you save on labour costs. Less time on-site means less money spent on construction workers. With these buildings, you can avoid the headache of unexpected expenses that often pop up in traditional construction, such as surprise repairs or delays that can send the budget skyrocketing. Their streamlined process keeps things predictable and budget friendly. So, whether you're on a tight budget or a savvy spender who loves getting more bang for your buck, these classrooms are the answer. You don't have to break the bank to create a top-notch learning environment! Sustainable Eco classrooms are built with sustainability in mind, using sustainable materials and energy-efficient features. Since the construction happens off-site, they produce way less waste than traditional construction. The manufacturer carefully selects the materials to minimize their impact on the environment. A modular classroom building will also reduce energy consumption. With proper insulation and ventilation, they keep the temperature just right without overloading the AC. That means lower energy bills and less strain on the planet. Modular structures are like the eco-warriors that come to the rescue. They’re built to last, so they reduce the need for constant repairs and replacements. This way you’re investing in a sustainable future for generations to come! Minimal Disruption With modular buildings, the noise, the dust, and the blocked pathways that drive everyone crazy are a thing of the past! Since they're built off-site, all that noisy construction stuff happens far away from your school. It's like the construction zone is in a secret location, away from all the daily hustle and bustle. So, your students can continue learning and your teachers can continue teaching, without any interruptions. And when they're ready, they just deliver the completed structure right to your school. No more waiting for months and months for a building to rise from the ground. The assembly process is super quick and efficient. It's like a well-coordinated dance – they bring in the pieces, fit them together like a jigsaw puzzle, and before you know it, your brand-new classroom is ready to roll. Say goodbye to blocked paths and detours that can feel like a maze. With modular classroom buildings, it's smooth sailing all the way! Customisation Every school is unique and has different needs. This is why you need a super flexible structure, so you can customise it to fit your school's personality and requirements. From the layout to the colour scheme, it's all in your hands. You can go wild with your creativity and create a space that reflects your school's vibe and values. You can choose the number of rooms, the size of each one, and even the configuration – it's like building your own educational paradise! Want big windows to flood the classroom with natural light? You got it. Fancy a cool outdoor deck for some fresh air learning? No problem. The possibilities are practically endless! Plus, the manufacturers understand that schools change over time. Maybe you need to expand in the future or reconfigure the rooms for a different purpose – not a big deal for modular structures. They're the shape-shifting transformers of education! Mobility Sometimes schools are expanding, relocating, or just trying to keep up with the changing educational landscape. If your school needs to move to a new location, modular classrooms are your trusty sidekick, ready to pack up and hit the road. It's like having a portable structure that you can take wherever you go! And this mobility doesn't mean you're compromising on quality. These structures are built to the same standards as traditional buildings, so you're getting durability, comfort, and flexibility all rolled into one. The mobility also means you can repurpose these classrooms. Need a new science lab or an art studio? No problem! It's like having a classroom that's always up for a makeover, no contractor needed. Bottom Line From their rapid construction that saves time and reduces disruptions to their cost-effectiveness eases the burden on school budgets, these modular classrooms have proven to be a game-changer. Their flexibility and customizability empower schools to create learning spaces that reflect their unique vision and adapt to ever-changing educational needs. Moreover, their sustainable design showcases a commitment to both student growth and environmental responsibility. These buildings embrace innovation and pave the way for a brighter future in education! Read Also: Enhancing Nursing Education: A Detailed Guide To Performing Head-To-Toe Assessments With Goreact Creating Educational Materials? Find Out Why Foreign Language Versions Are Essential SAP Hana Training Courses And Their Importance In IT Industry

Vocational Education

Benefits of Vocational Education

The world today mostly focuses on white-collar jobs and businesses. Due to this, it’s significant for learners to prepare for such tasks. With vocational education, a learner will be ready to showcase his/her skills in the job market. You have to brush your skills properly due to the high competition in the job market, requiring expertise as a top-notch requirement. The following shows the benefits of vocational education. Benefits of Vocational Education: Flexible Class Schedule: Vocational training assists students to attend the institutions as well as taking care of their jobs and families. Also, the training is flexible as it offers evening, online, and weekend classes. The good thing is that you can work full time as you develop your new career through online or part-time classes. Vocational programs are mostly unique and focus on expanding one’s skills. Most academic educational programs lack a flexible class schedule, therefore, making it difficult for students to find time to focus on their abilities. Gaining efficient skills: Vocational education offers you practical skills to put into usage immediately. The training enables you to get the skills in your area of interest, be it carpentry, locksmith, or another vocation. This is why college-educated counterparts do not get jobs as fast as the vocationally trained ones. When you have the practical skills, you will undoubtedly absorb what your trade entails. For example, Scott published the list here of different fields of vocational education to improve career productivity. This included locksmiths and how they can deal with various brands of locks and keys. Without proper training, you cannot apply your technical skills at work. Talent and passion: Deciding to go for vocational education depends on your hands-on capabilities. You will enjoy learning because technical training will be focusing on a specific area of interest. This will help you grasp the skills you have always desired to learn. Having an interest in knowing specific skills is the first step to unmask your talent during the training. Increased chances of getting hired: All programs offered by technical schools align with the economy’s demands. Vocational institutions courses focus on what most employers need to the benefit of their companies. Therefore, students who concentrate on specific fields are on high demand when it comes to employment. Affordability: Vocational courses are usually cheap than college-based programs. This is because you will get the financial freedom that comes with the affordability of professional courses. Unlike academic educational programs, vocational ones do not require studying and working at a go, which only leads to exhaustion. Instead, you will need the skills to begin working immediately and earn. Conclusion: Vocational education courses are usually short, and you can join the workforce faster than students taking academic programs. Getting the right job at the right time will enable you to make early savings. Scott published the list here indicating the benefits of vocational education and how it uplifts the business sectors. Also, the training offers the right technical skills to compete in the job sector professionally. Read Also: Benefits Of Internship Programs The Many Benefits Of Online Education 8 Useful Tips For Personal Career Development