Bezwaar WOZ Waarde Aantekenen Via


07 April 2020



What Types of Tax Does the Netherlands Have?

Similar to other nations, Netherland is no stranger to Taxes. Different types of taxes also apply as is one liable for things like taxes on income, local taxes, taxes on assets and even wealth tax.

A few of the different types of taxes Netherland residents pay are:

  1. Municipal Taxes (Real-Estate Tax)
  2. Income Tax
  3. Road Tax (if you own a car)
  4. Waste-Collection Tax
  5. Water Tax
  6. Boating Tax
  7. Parking Tax
  8. Dog Tax

But it’s not all as bad as it looks, the government taxes you only if you are able to pay these taxes. So, it depends on aspects like if you have a job, the level of your income, and only if you fall under the category of being able to afford to pay the tax, then the Dutch Tax Office debits a certain amount every month. If you file your tax returns (belastingaangifte) at the end of every tax year, you may get some tax back too. For more information, you can visit their website.

What is a WOZ Evaluation?

WOZ or ‘Immovable Property Tax Act’ is a type of valuation that the municipality does on its resident’s behalf, usually on real-estate/property if you are a homeowner, or if you are renting out an office for instance. This value is reassessed every year and you are sent a notification of the amount to pay. Depending on the municipality, you either have to go to their office to pay it in person or via direct debit.

Other residential categories that pay this tax are social housing, owners of a house boat that may be used to conduct professional services like running an office, are all liable for this real-estate tax.

On top of that the same owners of the boats also pay what’s called a liggeld, which is like a penalty for occupying an area of water that belongs to the authorities, in this case the municipality themselves. If you own a boat for leisure purposes, you pay a boat tax shown by the vignette that needs to be displayed on your boat.

With all these WOZ and additional taxes adding up, it is no wonder some residents are not happy with the evaluations that are sent to them on a year on year basis as due to human error sometimes the total amount can be wrong. But what can you do about this?

Can a WOZ Decision be objected?

The short answer to this is – yes, you can object the WOZ value sent to you. You can either do it yourself directly with the municipality, or seek out the services of professionals who can bezwaar woz for you.

You would need to explain why you are objecting to the decision. Every resident has the right to this service, and information is also provided on a leaflet that is sent from the authorities to you with your evaluation.

Items that they can assist you with are:

  • Reimbursing housing costs of up to Euro 270
  • Saving you a significant amount on property and real-estate tax payments (up to 30%)
  • Saving you a significant amount on multiple properties and real-estate tax payments (up to Euro 730)

With the WOZ value objection services – you can request an evaluation report from them, detailing how they got to the numbers. If your house has not been valued correctly, you can submit this objection to the government body within 6 weeks of the original decision, there after the authorities will give their response and any change in decision by the end of the calendar month in which it was submitted initially

Hiring a professional to do this part for you can save you a lot of time and hassles, as they have years of experience handling cases like these, sometimes even going to court with it and have legal knowledge that can assist in the decisions put forth by the municipality office. The bezwaar maker can help you make both a formal informal objection, depending on the circumstances – they would be the best people to decide this for you.

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Essential Reasons for Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

Are you searching for the best car insurance for your vehicle? Do you wish to save money on your car insurance premium? It would be in your best interest to look forward to comparing different car insurance quotes offered by different companies in the region. However, it would be pertinent to look for the best platform to compare different car insurance quotes online. Rest assured that searching for the best car insurance quotes could be a daunting task for most people. It implies that you have to research a lot and request quotes from insurers to find a suitable car insurance coverage meeting your specific needs and budget. The online car insurance rate comparison sites would be a boon for you. They would offer you the best price for all kinds of car insurance quotes offered by different insurers in your region. A good option to get the best quote would be by exploring They would cater to your specific needs at an affordable price. Let us delve into a few essential reasons for using car insurance comparison websites. Reason #1: Comparing several insurers You would be able to compare several insurers simultaneously. It would be something deemed highly time-consuming when you inquire quotes from different insurers separately. Therefore, it would be ideal to compare different companies and their quotes simultaneously on a single platform. Reason #2: Saving time You would be required to save plenty of time using a comparison website. You would need to fill a short online form and the site would compare the different quotes online. They would offer you the best results suitable for your need in minutes. Reason #3: Saving money A comparison of different insurers on a single platform would save your money. You would get the lowest price for your car insurance needs. However, it may be difficult with a few insurers you come across online. However, with the comparison website at your behest, you would be able to compare various quotes from nearly all insurers in your region. Reason #4: Free to use Online comparison websites are free to use. You do not have to pay them anything for comparing different quotes on car insurance. You would not be charged for making a comparison. Reason #5: No obligation to purchase insurance You would not be under any obligation to take out any insurance from the insurer from the comparison site. However, a majority of people would take out insurance, if they get a quote they agree to, due to its low cost. Therefore, if you find a quote that you like, you could purchase the insurance. With the aforementioned reasons to use car insurance comparison websites, you would be keen to try one. It would be important for you to go online, provide the required details, and compare the different quotes offered by different insurance companies online. If you were looking for low-cost insurance for your car, comparing different quotes online would help you save time and money in the best possible way. Read Also: Why You Need Classic Car Insurance? Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs Car Insurance For Electric Vehicles Explained Get Cheap Car Insurance For Young Drivers


What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?

When it comes to unmanageable debts, it is common to think for a bankruptcy to avoid further issues. The law gives us the opportunity to discharge our debts through bankruptcy in order to recover our financial status. In this article, we are going to talk about the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy. Some of the debts cannot be discharged, but they can be restructured to allow you to pay them easily. Others can be completely eliminated, which will give you the opportunity to keep most of your belongings, rather than selling them to pay off. How does it work? There are two main types of bankruptcy that can be found in Chapter 7 and 13. “Chapter 7 allows you to clean a great variety of debts in a short period of time, while the later Chapter is used to keep your assets in touch.” says Bankruptcy Lawyer Boca Raton With some cases, you’ll have to sell some of your property to pay off creditors. However, if you don’t own much property, you might be qualified as a “no asset” case, which would save you a lot of headaches. Debts that can be forgiven by Chapter 7 include the following: Personal loans Medical Bills Credit card debt Utility bills Repossession deficiency balances Auto accident claims Lease debts Student loans Attorney fees Civil court judgments. With Chapter 13, you can reorganize and consolidate your payments to prevent having any penalties. This way, you can pay most of your debt in a period of three to five years. Upon completion of the repayment plan, you will be discharged by most of the debts that remain. This Chapter is suitable for individuals who wish to keep their assets and those whose income is too high to classify for Chapter 7. To apply for Chapter 13, you must have a solid source of income and enough money left to add them towards your new payment plan. Debts cleaned by Chapter 13: Unsecured Debts Medical Bills Personal Loans Credit card debt utility bills lawsuit judgments income tax obligations The chances are that you’re going to repay some of the amounts through the repayment plan, but the remaining will be discharged. 1. Secured Debts : This chapter allows you to remove debts such as a second mortgage through lien stripping. This way, it will be marked as a non-priority unsecured debt It is important to check all of your debts whether they can be split up. For example, you can split your car loan into two parts - secured & unsecured. Obviously, the secured portion must be paid, while the other one will disappear after the repayment plan is completed. Debts discharged ONLY by chapter 13 Debts accumulated through a property settlement agreement in a divorce Retirement account loans Fines & Penalties owed to the government Condominium Fees Debts from previous bankruptcy that were denied for discharge Debts from malicious damage to a property What Bankruptcy can’t discharge Of course, you can’t discharge all debts using these two Chapters. By using the first one, you will still have to repay the debts after discharge. While using the second, the debts will remain after the repayment plan is completed. Furthermore, if you’d like to keep your personal belongings such as a house or a car, you can’t omit payments Non-dischargeable debts: Debts accumulated due to a personal injury caused by driving under the influence. Student loans Fines and penalties for violating laws Child & Family support Income tax debts within the past three years. If your creditor is against your request to discharge the following debts, they might be classified as non-dischargeable. Debts from willingly causing an injury to a person or property Debts owed due to a divorce settlement Debts due to fraudulent activity Credit purchases for luxury goods within the last two months. Bankruptcy will surely not solve your financial problems, but it will ease your situation, allowing you to make timely payments and recover quickly. Read Also : Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy Myths Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses?

Digital Currencies

The Future Of Digital Currencies: 7 Things We Can Expect In 2022

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Cryptocurrencies have gotten a lot of attention throughout the world because of the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19. Many people believe that digital currencies are the way of the future. In the absence of restrictions, however, Cryptocurrencies have been relegated to a speculative asset class with high volatility. On the first day of the Digital Currency Conclave on January 11, 2021, experts stated the Cryptocurrency sector presents India with a great growth opportunity, but positive laws are needed to realize its potential fully. According to experts, effective regulation and ease of doing business can help India become the world's largest Crypto, Blockchain, and Web3 leader. So, let’s find out all about the digital currency trends that are bound to erupt this year. 7 Things You Can Expect From Digital Currencies In 2022 Digital currencies are tied to grow in leaps and bounds this year. If you are already a Crypto trader on the tesler app, you may witness the growth from the earliest onset. So, let’s find out what can we expect from digital currencies this year: 1: Crypto ETF It's too early to know how many investors will flock to BITO, but the fund saw a lot of activity in its first few weeks. In general, the more traditional financial products that include bitcoin assets, the more Americans will be able to participate in and influence the crypto market. You may add crypto to your portfolio straight from the same brokerage with which you already have a retirement or other traditional investment account rather than learning how to navigate a cryptocurrency market. Investing in a crypto ETF like BITO, on the other hand, involves the same risk as any other crypto investment. So it's still a risky and speculative investment. 2: Environmental Fallout The bitcoin industry's steady expansion has brought increasing attention to its carbon footprint over time. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are created or mined by high-powered computers vying to solve complicated mathematical riddles, which consume a lot of energy and emit greenhouse gases unless they use renewable energy. According to a University of Cambridge index, bitcoin mining consumes around 0.5% of worldwide electricity, which is more than Sweden consumes in a year. 3: Central Banks Going Digital As more countries experiment with their central bank digital currencies, state-issued digital coins will compete with Cryptocurrencies in 2022. Central banks worldwide are recognizing that digital payments are rapidly becoming the standard. Keeping central bank money relevant in retail transactions demands the development of digital analogs of their currencies. From Russia to Chile, many countries have begun to investigate CBDCs, with trials and rollouts planned for 2022. 4: Legal Tender You can see some nations are still fixated on banning Cryptocurrencies, but some countries are passing legal tenders to integrate them into the traditional economy. Inspired by the 'experiment' in El Salvador, other impoverished countries would accept Bitcoin as legal cash. In September, the Central American country became the first to recognize Bitcoin as a recognized currency alongside its domestic currency, the US dollar. 5: Broader Institutional Cryptocurrency Adoption In 2021, mainstream companies from various industries expressed interest in Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, and some even invested in them. AMC, for example, just announced that before the end of the year, it would be able to take Bitcoin payments. PayPal and Square, for example, are banking on cryptocurrency by allowing consumers to buy it on their platforms. As a result, experts expect that this type of buy-in will become more common. 6: Wild West In August, the chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission chairman's chairman referred to the world of decentralized finance platforms, or DeFi, as a "Wild West." It pressed Congress to grant the SEC additional ability to oversee the unregulated blockchain-based banking services. Regulators worldwide are increasing their monitoring of trading platforms in 2021, concerned about a lack of consumer protection and insufficient quality of anti-money laundering procedures. 7: Volatility Will Continue Since Bitcoin is the largest Cryptocurrency by market value, and the rest of the market tends to follow its patterns, it is a good predictor of the crypto market in general. In 2021, the price of Bitcoin embarked on a rollercoaster swing, reaching a new all-time high of $68,000 in November. Following earlier highs of over $60,000 in April and October, as well as a summer decline to less than $30,000 in July, this current record high has been set. Because of this volatility, experts recommend that you limit your Crypto investments to less than 5% of your overall portfolio at first. Wrap Up If you know all about the future trends of digital currencies, we hope you have got the knowledge already. However, if you need more details, you can let us know in the comment section. We will get back to you with an answer in no time. Read Also: Can Blockchain Help In Other Ways Apart From Cryptocurrencies? Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption 5 Trends To Watch Out For In The Bitcoin Ecosystem In 2021