Everything You Need To Know About A Board Meeting


19 August 2022


Board Meeting

Are you new to being a director of a company and are not sure how board meetings work?

Well, this is something that you will become acquainted with quite well as time goes on. But, before your first one, you may have a lot of questions. For example, what exactly is a board meeting and how do they work?

We have created a guide that is going to give you a rundown of what you can expect. This way, you can walk into the room with some confidence.

So, let’s get started.

What is a Board Meeting?

Let’s start off nice and simple. What is a board meeting?

Well, this is when the directors of a company of its board members all get together and discuss what is happening at that company.

In particular, a board meeting is often called to discuss the growth of that business and how it can move forward.

 Board Meeting definition

So, in a board meeting, it is likely that the directors and those present will discuss topics such as the company’s performance, as well as any concerns or issues that have to be resolved. Of course, the overarching aim is for the company to progress.

Note that a board meeting is supposed to be a formal meeting. It is going to involve people that have power at the company and that are capable of making decisions. Often, minutes are going to be made during the meeting so that they become a document afterward. Language is formal and so are the topics discussed.

How Often are Board Meetings?

When it comes to board meetings, every company is going to be different. Namely, some like to have them twice a year.

Alternatively, it can be more often than this. But, they are usually decided on in advance. You can learn more about who can call a board meeting when you click on the link.

This is going to be communicated ahead of time so that the meeting does not come as a surprise to anyone.

Board Meetings often

There is no official amount of notice that you should give before calling a board meeting. For example, this could be a few days or even a month in advance.

But, it is best to give everybody enough notice so they can prepare and make the most of the meeting. Generally, months in advance is too much and not standard. But, only a few hours or a day before is also unrealistic. You will need to think for yourself what a reasonable time is for giving notice of a board meeting.

Is a Board Meeting Important?

The simple answer to this question is yes, a board meeting is considered an important business date in the diary. Indeed, it is essential to review how the company is doing and how it can grow in the future.

Think about it as an opportunity to review objectives and goals and to see if progress is being made. Plus, it is the chance to create more.

Board Meeting importance

Therefore, board meetings are not something that should be treated lightly. If you are invited to one, it is expected that you attend. You may have to do some work to prepare for one too so that you are up to date with what is going on.

Do Board Meetings Have to be Face-to-Face

It used to be the case that board meetings would always be face-to-face. This was how they were done. But, over the years, technology has changed the way business is conducted.

Indeed, it has changed some board meetings. So, it is possible to have virtual meetings where you are on a video call or voice call.

But, some companies still prefer to meet face-to-face for board meetings. This is a good way to understand nonverbal communication and body language. Plus, it avoids the problem of technology going wrong and being unable to see or hear people on the other end.

Face-to-Face meetings

Ultimately, it will depend on what everyone is comfortable with. Virtual meetings will still have a place in the future. For example, if there are board members that cannot attend for some reason, they are still going to be able to join this way. All they will need is a computer or a phone to join in the meeting.

As long as all board members are happy with the way the meeting is going to take place, there are no rules on whether it has to be face-to-face or held virtually.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Courier Deliveries

What are the Different Types of Courier Deliveries?

E-commerce, online shopping, free delivery – are just a few of the convenient reasons why people are shopping from home now more than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic also greatly increased the number of people shopping online and having things delivered to their homes or businesses, rather than going to brick-and-mortar stores. All of these changes have been good for the courier industry, which provides valuable services in pickup and delivery. But courier services are much more than just picking up groceries or delivering mail. Atlanta courier deliveries include a wide variety of deliveries and services. What are the Different Types of Courier Deliveries? Courier companies use major categories to define their services, but there are many variations to the services offered. Some of the most common types of courier deliveries include: 1. Pickup and Delivery Services Pickup and delivery services are great for businesses looking to improve productivity without interrupting daily functions. A courier service will come to your office and pick up the documents, etc. that you need to have delivered. This can be done on a scheduled basis or on-demand. Some courier services offer exclusive services, where a driver works exclusively for your business and is ready at a moment’s notice. 2. Rush Delivery If you have products, documents, etc. that need to be delivered immediately, you know you can’t count on the postal service or a standard delivery company. Instead, you can count on a courier service that offers rush delivery. Rush delivery ensures that your items get where they need to go within 24 hours. Local deliveries, of course, maybe delivered more quickly. 3. Medical Delivery If you work in the healthcare industry, there may be times when you need to get a specimen, documents, or medical equipment delivered fast. Many courier services offer medical delivery options, which include trained and specialized medical transport bags and specific packaging requirements. Medical delivery is a great option for doctors' offices, hospitals, imaging centers, labs, and nursing homes. 4. Food Delivery One of the most popular courier deliveries is food delivery. Consumers and businesses use couriers to get groceries and meals where they need to be in a fast and efficient manner. Consumers use couriers to pick up groceries and have them delivered to their homes. This is a service useful for consumers who are unable to go shopping for themselves, or who need to have groceries delivered to a loved one. Many businesses utilize courier deliveries to have food delivered. This is especially helpful when a large business is hosting an event. A courier is a safe and affordable way for the business to get food delivered from local restaurants, bakeries, or catering services. 5. Retail Delivery For online retailers, getting goods delivered to the customer fast is not always feasible. But with a courier service, same-day delivery is often possible. Retail delivery courier services are available 24/7 and are on call to pick up items and deliver them within hours. Whether you are a customer or a small business in need of retail goods, a courier service can help you get your items quickly. Why Use a Courier Service? When you are busy with life’s demands, a courier service can take some of that pressure off your shoulders. Whether you are a customer, a healthcare provider, a business owner, or a retailer – a courier service is a fast and affordable way of moving goods where you need them without the hassle of trying to arrange something more convenient with the post office or other companies. Read Also: Ship Packages Often? Why You Need A Courier Broker! How to Overcome the Logistical Challenges of eCommerce

Customer Complaint

5 Reasons You Should Respond To Every Customer Complaint

Any business encounters a customer complaint at some juncture. Despite the best of intentions, there will be situations when a client leaves feeling dissatisfied. Such a customer may initially try to seek resolution from the business itself, but increasingly, they are more prone to air their grievances on social media platforms.  When such negative feedback is published online, it becomes a permanent fixture. This puts business owners and managers in a position where they must make a choice: either overlook the complaint or use it as a platform to exhibit their c for everyone to witness. Here Are Five Prime Reasons You Should Respond To Every Customer Complaint Here are some reasons why responding to customer complaints is crucial for your business's success. 1. Forge Strong Connections Customers tend to be doubtful, particularly regarding reviews. Research indicates that only 39% of consumers believe retailers seriously consider their feedback and an additional 22% feel this simply never happens. Making public responses to your reviews is the initial action towards alleviating these suspicions. Don’t solely concentrate on responding to negative feedback. Yes, one and two-star reviews should be addressed first, but recognizing customers who have given you positive reviews, even with a plain “thank you,” can greatly enhance brand loyalty and demonstrate to the world that you value every piece of customer feedback. Ensure your responses strike the right note. This is your opportunity to initiate dialogue with your customers and exhibit the personable side of your brand, so think deeply about the image you want to project. 2. Motivate Employees When your entire support team commits to elevating customer satisfaction by gaining insights from customer interactions, it naturally leads to fewer disgruntled customers and boosts motivation. Employees feel more motivated and their morale improves when they're not constantly dealing with negative feedback or hostility in every interaction. If you're overwhelmed, you could outsource professional answering services from Absent Answer to handle any high volumes of customer interactions. 3. Complaints Help to Pinpoint Defective Products Regrettably, despite rigorous quality control measures, defective products occasionally reach consumers. Organizations need to be informed about these flawed items by customers to rectify similar issues that might exist in other products. This scenario is especially relevant when a discourteous employee interacts with customers over the phone. Many individuals would prefer not to expend the effort to report such instances of rudeness. However, without this feedback, a manager may remain oblivious, potentially resulting in a single employee driving numerous customers away. 4. Complaints Pave the Way for Service Improvement Opportunities Studies indicate that a customer whose concerns have been addressed satisfactorily tends to be more loyal than a customer who has never had any issues. Complaints provide a chance to demonstrate to the customer that their satisfaction is a priority for the business by implementing service recovery measures. Numerous businesses implement a service recovery strategy to handle those occasional yet significant instances when customers feel their expectations have not been met. A well-executed service recovery program can potentially convert a dissatisfied customer into a loyal patron, who may be more satisfied than if they had never experienced problems. 5. Improved Digital Presence Complaints on review sites and social media are becoming more common. While it might be disconcerting to publicly display a customer's dissatisfaction, remember that potential customers expect to see some negative feedback. The key is demonstrating that your business is proactive and committed to satisfying its customers. Responding to complaints by regretting any less-than-positive experiences shows potential customers they can trust your service. In your response, highlight your eagerness to rectify the situation. Once you've addressed the issue publicly, follow up privately as well. This prevents the possibility of an extended discussion overshadowing your initial response. Generally, you'll be able to resolve the problem and, apart from maintaining a positive public image, you'll also enhance your reputation with the affected customer. Tips on How To Effectively Handle Customer Complaint Responding to customer complaints as soon as possible is crucial as it sends a message to them that the business or organization values their concerns and feedback. Moreover, ensuring customer satisfaction also helps in building and maintaining one’s brand reputation. However, handling and responding to customer complaints is not an easy thing to do. Here are some tips on how to effectively handle customer complaints. Go Through The Complaint The first step to effectively handling a customer complaint is actively listening to the customer and trying to understand the issues that they are facing with your product or service. If you are reading online reviews feedback or complaints sent via email, then don't just skim through. Make sure to read the review thoroughly from top to bottom.  While reading through the reviews, you should also try taking notes such as product or service number, day and date of the incident, and any other information that you think is relevant. Carefully reading or listening to the complaint will help you to understand the issues and determine a suitable course of action. Stay Professional and Apologise to the Customer It can be difficult to accept criticism, be it online or face-to-face, especially if it is about your business that you have worked hard to build from the ground up. However, it is crucial that you stay calm while listening to or reading customer complaints, even if you think that they are wrong, lying, or being unreasonable.  Getting emotional or worked up over customer complaints and then reacting angrily in front of customers will only escalate the situation and harm your brand’s reputation. So be professional and apologize to the customer even if they are the ones who are in the wrong. You should also be courteous and thank them for reaching out to you and voicing their frustrations and assure them that you are looking into the issue. Most of the time, apologizing immediately to the customer can go a long way toward defusing the situation. Formulate A Course Of Action To Resolve the Customer Complaint Once you have carefully heard or read the customer complaint and understood the issue, try to formulate a suitable course of action. Some problems can be easily resolved, while others may take some time. If the issue can be fixed easily, then you should get back to the customer as soon as possible with the solution. The customer will appreciate the promptness on your part, and it will go a long way in ensuring customer satisfaction. However, there can be issues that cannot be resolved quickly. In that case, you should determine how much time it will take for you to fix the problem. At the same time, be honest with your customers and tell them that you will need some time to fix the issue and provide them with a timeline. Here are some additional tips on what to do after the complaint is resolved:   Follow up with the customer after the issues are fixed and make sure they are happy with the outcome. You can ask for their feedback on how you handled the complaint and what you can do better next time. Try to exceed their expectations by offering them something extra, such as a discount, a freebie, or a referral. This will help you turn a negative experience into a positive one and increase customer loyalty and retention. Endnote If you've been neglecting your reviews, feeling too anxious to reply, or simply haven't had the opportunity, there's no more suitable time to start than now. Responding to all your reviews, whether they are positive or negative, can contribute immensely to strengthening trust in your brand and depicting your company as one that genuinely listens and deeply values its customers. Read Also: 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them The 7 Steps to Create a Storybrand to Ensure Marketing that Works How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business

Polythene Sheets

Heavy Duty Polythene Sheets For Construction: Applications & Benefits

As a contractor or builder, you know how important it is to control moisture, dust, and debris at a construction site. Heavy-duty polyethylene sheets offer versatile, cost-effective solutions that provide protection and containment on the job site. These durable polyethylene sheets can be a construction crew's best friend! Heavy-duty polythene sheets are typically made from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) or linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). These materials create sheets that are exceptionally tough, flexible, and water-resistant. Polythene sheets are available in a wide range of thickness gauges, with heavier grades like 500-gauge or 750-gauge used for demanding construction conditions. The multilayer, cross-laminated structure of heavy-duty polythene sheets provides exceptional tear and puncture resistance. They won't rot, mildew, or degrade when exposed to weather and ultraviolet light. You can count on these rugged polyethylene sheets to deliver outstanding performance across a broad range of applications on the building site. In this article, we'll explore the many ways heavy-duty polythene sheeting can make your construction projects cleaner, safer, and more efficient. These sheets offer proven protection for moisture management, dust/debris control, concrete curing, and temporary structures. Let's take a look at the benefits heavy-duty polythene sheets can provide on your job sites! Moisture Barriers Controlling moisture is critical in any construction project. Fortunately, heavy-duty polythene sheets can provide an effective barrier against water and dampness. The waterproof polyethylene material blocks liquid moisture and vapor transmission. Below Grade Installing polyethylene sheeting under concrete slabs is an excellent way to prevent moisture from migrating up through the concrete over time. The impermeable polythene layer acts as a barrier that blocks ground moisture from passing through the slab foundation. This helps prevent moisture-related issues like mildew, cracks, and buckling. Be sure to overlap seams and seal with waterproof tape. Wall Wraps Wrapping walls in polythene sheeting protects the structure from bulk water intrusion during construction. The water-resistant polyethylene film acts as an air and moisture barrier. This keeps wall assemblies dry until the final weather-resistant barrier can be installed. Properly taped seams prevent moisture ingress and air infiltration for better energy efficiency. Curing Blankets Proper curing is essential for concrete to achieve its full strength and durability. Heavy-duty polythene sheets can provide an ideal curing environment. Fresh Concrete Covering fresh concrete with polythene sheeting helps retain moisture and prevents the slab from drying out too quickly. This allows the concrete to hydrate thoroughly so that it can be set properly. The polythene curing blanket minimizes evaporation, which can cause shrinkage cracking. It also protects the slab from weather elements like rain, wind, and sun. Pre-cast Elements Heavy-duty polythene sheets are also ideal for curing pre-cast concrete elements like columns, beams, walls, and stairs. Covering the precast molds with polythene sheeting retains the moisture to allow the concrete to fully cure. This accelerates strength gain, allowing the molds to be stripped for re-use more quickly. The impermeable sheets also prevent surface drying defects. Containment and Dust Control Heavy-duty polythene sheets are invaluable for containing hazardous dust and debris on the construction site. The durable polyethene barriers keep workers safe and the site clean. Asbestos Abatement Installing polythene containment walls and ceilings seals off the work area during asbestos removal. This prevents fibers from contaminating other areas of the building. Polyethylene flooring also contains fallen debris. The poly barriers ensure proper disposal while protecting the health of workers and occupants. Lead Paint Removal Lead paint removal requires similar containment. Heavy-duty polyethylene containment keeps leading paint chips localized so they can be safely collected and disposed of. The containment area also prevents workers from being exposed to hazardous lead dust. Silica Dust Cutting and grinding concrete or masonry materials creates extremely fine silica dust. This dangerous respirable dust requires containment. Heavy-duty polyethene sheeting creates an enclosed area with reduced air circulation to contain the silica dust. This improves air quality and prevents workers from breathing in the dangerous particles. Temporary Structures Polythene sheets offer a quick, cost-effective way to create temporary structures for protection from the elements. Equipment/Material Covers Heavy-duty polyethylene sheets make great covers to shield equipment and building materials from rain, dirt, and debris. Simply build a basic frame from lumber or PVC pipe and stretch the polythene sheet tight over the top. This creates an inexpensive structure to keep valuable items safe from weather and theft. The transparent material even allows light through for better visibility. Temporary Roofing Large polythene sheets can also serve as temporary roofing during construction. Attach the polyethene sheeting to roof trusses to provide immediate cover until permanent roofing is installed. This allows interior work to progress while keeping the structure watertight. Polythene roofing protects the building from rain and humidity damage. Final word Heavy-duty polythene sheets truly are a construction site's best friend. As you have seen, they are a solution for many construction cases. As you tackle your next building project, be sure to keep heavy-duty polythene sheets on hand. Major manufacturers like Polystar Plastics offer a wide selection of polyethylene sheeting in various grades and sizes. Their experienced team can recommend the ideal polythene products for your specific applications. With the proper heavy-duty polythene sheets, you can increase efficiency and minimize hassles on the worksite. Protect your projects and your crew with these high-performance polyethene barriers. Let polythene sheeting make your next construction job smooth, clean, and successful! Read Also: What Industries Use Polythene Bags 3 Things You Should Know About Personalized Shopping Bags How Can Greenhouse Design Change Architecture?