Buying a House vs Renting an Apartment: Which is More Affordable?

Published on: 08 March 2019 Last Updated on: 14 January 2022
buying a house vs renting an apartment

There’s a knock at your bedroom door. It’s accompanied with a shrill nag:

“Get out of bed! It’s already noon, you lazy butt!”

That’s your mom. She has plans to convert your room into a yoga studio. Dad wants it for his home office. And all you want is for the sun to stop peeking through the curtains.

Time to move out. But there’s something you have to consider first: buying a house vs renting an apartment. If you make the wrong choice, it could leave you homeless and broke.

Is there a different option? Of course, there is. Find out how to choose wisely by moving on to the blog.

Buying a House vs Renting an Apartment: a Time Investment:

The first thing to consider, well before financial cost, is time. A broad question to mull, “how long do you plan to stay in one spot?”

Each decision, renting an apartment or owning a home, is a commitment to time in a single location. They’re both contractually binding; but, you’re signing up for different longevity.

If you don’t see yourself in the same place a couple of years from now: check apartment app and rent.

If you love the area, and you’d like to set up a permanent residence: buy a home.

Time investment is a crucial variable in calculating costs.

Love the Neighborhood? 

Owning a house is a wise decision if you plan on staying for a while.

Before moving forward (or out of your mom’s house), check if you afford a house in the area of your choice. It’s a good idea to get a gist of the quality of homes within your price range using Hommati.

It might surprise you what you can or cannot afford. This might persuade you to rent instead or move elsewhere.

You love the area. You love the house. I hope you love your neighbors.

Let’s talk about money.

Conventional home-buying wisdom would say to make a down-payment of 20% on the house. If you can’t afford 20%, there are government or less traditional loans to fund the mortgage. However, there are advantages to the former:

  • You’ll pay less in the long run. If you knock out 20% of the home’s payment from the start, you’ll have less of a principal that accrues interest.
  • Having a higher down-payment is a show of good risk. Banks will loan you the money at a lower interest rate if they think you won’t default.
  • Loaners require private mortgage insurance (PMI) if they think you’re a greater risk. This is insurance for them, which you’ll be paying.

If you can afford the housing costs, start working on your lawn tidying skills.

How About a Bachelor’s Pad, Instead?

If you want to get outta Dodge for a couple of years or dip your toes into adulthood, an apartment is your best bet.

If you don’t like it, an apartment is less of a ball and chain. Breaking a lease is less costly and less headache than reselling a home. Usually, it only costs a couple of month’s rent to ditch the apartment.

The biggest downside to renting an apartment: long-term cost. Remember, renting an apartment shouldn’t be more than the short-term.

Lease payments are typically more costly than mortgages. In the long-run, it’s best to buy a house.

Weird, right?

Something else to think about: you don’t own an apartment. You do own the house and are the owner of any profit it may generate.

Rent is pricey. It’s subject to frequent changes at the whim of the market. Don’t do it for long periods of time.

Get a Move On! 

When moving out, buying a house vs renting an apartment is your biggest conundrum.

Each has its caveats. Each has its benefits. Both share a relationship with time.

If you want to live somewhere for long, buy a house. It’s cheaper month-to-month, and it’s an investment piece.

If you don’t want to live in the same spot indefinitely, rent an apartment. The same is true if you can’t afford the down-payment. It’s more expensive monthly, but it’s less binding financially.

Get moving into your dream house or sweet pad. Let us know if you make it outta your mama’s house.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Estate Planning

10 Estate Planning Tips to Help You Prepare for the End

Death. It's not the easiest thing to talk about, but it's important. Especially when it comes to deciding what happens to your assets. After all, you spent all your life working hard to build your estate. On average, only 44% of Americans have their estate settled. Are you one of them? If not, don't fret. Read on to discover 10 estate planning tips, so that you're prepared for when the time comes. 1. Assess Your Estate: Before you begin legal processions, it is worth your while to take an inventory of your estate. Start by evaluating your possessions. Tangible objects, like heirlooms, are easy to make note of and won't be as complex to distribute to a beneficiary. But not every asset is tangible. Take care to note intangible possessions, such as investments, retirement contributions, or life insurance. Speaking of life insurance... 2. Get a Life Insurance Policy: A life insurance policy is a great investment to make, especially if you have a family. In the event of an untimely death, life insurance can replace income for whoever relies on you for financial support. And, investing in life insurance sooner can lower your cost. If you are looking for a way to add to your estate, life insurance is a safe bet. 3. Find the Right Lawyer to Give You Personalized Estate Planning Tips: In order to ensure your estate will be properly managed and distributed, you need a reputable estate planning attorney. An estate planning attorney will draft the documents needed in order to plan your estate, such as wills, and trusts. It's important to have an attorney on hand because they can provide counsel that you will not be able to find anywhere online. The attorneys at De Bruin Law Firm note how computer-generated forms and other DIY solutions won't cut it. Online forms may not be tailored to the local law in your area, and mistakes could actually cost you in the long run. An estate planning attorney will better understand the subtleties involved when it comes to the law and planning your estate. 4. Choose Your Beneficiaries: Certain types of assets aren't passed through wills, such as life insurance or retirements accounts. Instead, they're passed down by a beneficiary designation. Be sure to keep this information up-to-date, or the wrong person may receive the inheritance. 5. Determine Your Executor: An executor is someone who manages the plans for your estate. This could be anyone from a family member to an attorney. One factor to determine your choice of executor is the nature of your assets. For smaller estates, a family member could do. For more complex estates, consider an attorney or a corporate trustee. In any case, the executor should be someone you trust to carry out your wishes. According to leading legal experts at Faulkner Law, the executioner of the will plays a critical role in ensuring everything is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the individual. You need to choose an executioner that works in an affordable fee range. 6. Plan Your Taxes: There's a saying that goes like this: "There are only two certainties in life. Death, and taxes." In the case of estate taxes, they happen at the same time. To reduce estate tax liability, transfer assets gradually. This could mean breaking your assets into shares instead of one lump sum, then dispersing them in chunks yearly. By the end of the time frame you allotted for the disbursement, sole ownership will be granted to the designated beneficiary. 7. Write a Will: A will is a document that determines where your assets will be distributed only after you die. Wills must go through probate in order for the assets to be distributed to beneficiaries, which can be costly. They're also subject to public records. 8. Construct a Trust: A trust is similar to a will in that it is a document that denotes where assets are to be distributed. The difference, though, is that trusts are effective immediately, and can bypass the probate step. Trusts also allow you the ability to disburse assets slowly over time, instead of all at once. Trusts are more flexible than wills when it comes to estate planning, but that doesn't mean it's always the best choice. It's best to discuss your options with your attorney to determine how your assets are to be distributed. 9. Designate Your Power of Attorney: A power of attorney is someone that manages your affairs in your stead. This is helpful if you are unavailable for signing legal documents because it reduces disruptions in your own life. It's also beneficial to have a power of attorney because they can manage your estate if you are medically incapacitated. Because the power of attorney is someone that acts on your own behalf, you should choose someone that you trust. 10. Review Your Estate Plan: After your documents have been drafted, you might be satisfied with the way your estate will be handled. For now, that is. There are many unforeseen circumstances when it comes to life, let alone estate planning. It's important to keep your paperwork updated in the event of changes so that the correct people inherit what they're supposed to. Some things to look out for are our name changes, changes in power of attorney, or if any alternative guardians to minors should be designated. Check-in with your lawyer as instances occur to make the proper updates. Now What? Now that you're aware of a few estate planning tips, you can rest easy knowing that all of your hard work will fall into the right hands: the hands that you chose. If you're wanting to increase your estate in the long run, check out these tips that will change your finances for the better. Read Also: Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better A Beginners Guide To Investing: Getting Started In 8 Simple Steps


We Buy Houses Companies Saving Homeowners From Foreclosure

If you can’t buy something you really need, you can find other ways to purchase it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new car or house, you are going to buy it somehow. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to do this today. You can get out a loan. That way you will have the money necessary to buy something. You will pay back the bank little by little. You can pay it annually or monthly. It depends on the contract. To buy a house you want, you can get a mortgage and own the house of your dreams. But you will have to repay the money eventually. If you don’t do that, the bank will take away your home. It means you will be left out on the street. So, you can’t allow that to happen. You have to think about how to stop that from happening. There aren’t many options available really. You have to act fast. You could learn more about foreclosure. What is foreclosure? When you take out a mortgage, you will have to pay back the money. You’ll have to sign a document which says so. So, you are legally bound. You can’t afford to lose your job. No job means, no money. If you’re unable to pay the mortgage, the lender will take away your property. You and your family will get evicted. That’s called foreclosure. So, you have to pay close attention to your payments. The rules on this subject are different in each state. What are your options? If you don’t want to be homeless, you have to think of ways how to stop this process. The first thing you could do is try to persuade your lender to give you more time. If there’s any specific reason why you’re late, you should tell them. They may forgive you. But if you’re often late with your payments, they won’t be that easy to persuade. You could try filing for bankruptcy. If you go bankrupt, your assets will be frozen. Your debt will be frozen too. So, you may be saved for a while. What is your best option? You could try the things mentioned above. But they won’t do the trick. No one can be sure that the lenders will give you more time to gather the money. The bankruptcy procedure may lead you to bigger problems. So, you have to find another way to stop the foreclosure. You may not have heard about real estate investors. If you really want to save your family from all the humiliation, you’ve got to find out more about them. They are known for purchasing homes in foreclosure. How can investors save you from foreclosure? They are the best option you have. You can easily sell your home to them. But you have to do it quickly. You shouldn’t waste any time. The moment you sell your house, the mortgage debt will be gone. You should consider it paid off. So, you are in no danger. You won’t have to worry about being homeless. With the money you will receive, you can find another place to live. You will be able to find another dream home for you and your family. If you can’t find an investor who is willing to save you, you will lose your home. You will be left with nothing. Your family will never forgive you. Investment companies are known for their fast procedures. They can close a deal in a week. So, that is why they can save your house from foreclosure. You can sell your house to them in a few days. It can’t be faster than that. Once the deal is done, you are free. You could read some other things you could try here. You may be wondering about how they are able to do this so quickly. The thing about investors is that they don’t cooperate with banks. They avoid them at all costs. This is so because they just slow down the process. There are a lot of things that wait for their approval. So, the investors have managed to do this thing without them. It’s so much easier. Read Also: What To Do If You Facing Foreclosure? What You Need To Know Before Buying Property With A Tax Lien When Is The HAMP Program Beneficial To You?

Transaction Management

Best Transaction Management Software for Your Real Estate Business

There has been a myriad of changes that have occurred throughout the past two decades that have immensely shaped how our society functions. In the past 20 years, the Internet has been the single most important entity throughout all of society, and as it continues to gain in popularity all across the globe, we will continue to witness its effects. Real Estate Transaction Management Software Helps Agencies. The Internet has created a modern digital revolution, and this has led to transformation throughout our civilization in the 21st century. While much has been revolutionized by the rise of the Internet, one of the most influenced facets has been the economy. The modern economy has been affected by the rise of the web, and one field where this change has become increasingly evident is in real estate.  What Transaction Management Software Will Do to Aid Your Real Estate Business? Changes in Real Estate Real estate has been altered in a multitude of ways by the rise of the Internet, as people can view listings on specialized real estate websites, as well as finding real estate agents online. While there have been a variety of changes that have come about in the real estate field in recent years, one of the most influential of these alterations has been the introduction of transaction management software. Real estate transaction management software has greatly aided in growing and maintaining real estate agencies, and learning about this program and investing in it for your business will prove to be extremely beneficial.   Real Estate Transaction Management Software Helps Agencies While many real estate-specific technologies exist, none are quite as helpful as real estate transaction management software. This software aids real estate agencies with organizational and managerial benefits that help to ensure a more effectually run company. This could be compared to how landlords have moved past paper rental application forms and now use online rental application forms like these,, in the end, it is much easier.  There are numerous aids that this program can provide, including recruiting the best agents, growing your business, and closing deals more efficiently. The biggest focus of real estate transaction management software is the digitization of documentation that is essential for deals. Having all of your agency’s documents in a single location in a digital format will enable you to more efficiently run your enterprise. Agents on your team will also be able to submit their documents from their own computers, tablets, and smartphones, so they can more efficiently do their jobs and will improve communication.  Practical Uses of Transaction Management Software  While understanding the benefits of transaction management software is critical, understanding the practical uses of it for your business is even more imperative. Real estate transaction management software will improve employee morale throughout your business, as employees will appreciate the freedom and ease of access that this program will provide. You will also be able to decrease your company’s overhead because of the increased efficiency that this program provides for your business, and will be able to save your business money and time.  Final Thoughts As the real estate industry becomes more complex throughout the 21st century, technologies like real estate transaction management software will prove to be increasingly helpful. Learning about this technology and applying it to your agency will ensure that your business can be successful. Read Also: Five Reasons Your Business Needs Incident Management Software Why Contract Management Software Is Essential for Your Tech Company