Can’t Go To The Beauty Salon In Lockdown? Here’s How Women Used To Do It

Published on: 30 May 2020 Last Updated on: 24 November 2020
Beauty Salon

The global pandemic has impacted all of our lives, schools are shut, employees are working from home and our regular beauty treatments have been put on hold until further notice.

Even if we haven’t got anywhere to go, it’s still important to take the time for some self-care, feeling glamorous, even at home, can be an instant mood lifter.

Flawless Lashes by Loreta know some of us can’t even get to the shops at the moment and it began an interest in how women throughout history achieved that luscious long lash looks we all dream of. Lash extensions are the latest luxury fashionistas are having to do without, the next best thing is applying strip lashes. Check out the range of strip lashes offered by Flawless here.

If you can’t get to your nearest beauty store, want to try something new (although some of these techniques we certainly don’t recommend!) or are simply curious about how women still managed to be glam even without the modern treatments we have today, keep reading.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

This is where makeup obsession began. You can’t get more dramatic than the intense eye makeup of the Ancient Egyptians.

A copper ore known as malachite was used to create that famous green we associate with the people of the pyramids. It was crushed into a powder and applied in large quantities on the upper lid.

Kohl was used to creating the sweeping black eyeliner and also provided the benefit of protection from the searing sun.

It may surprise you to know this trend first started among men, the women quickly caught on not wanting to feel left out from this new fashion.

It wasn’t reserved for the rich either, poorer families would still adorn this extravagant look. However, they didn’t have access to the more expensive application tools such as ivory or metal, instead, they settled for clay or sticks.

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

It wasn’t just fashionable to have long eyelashes in Ancient Rome, there was a deeper meaning behind it.

It was believed that sex caused eyelashes to fall out, so to prove their chastity (or fool potential suitors)  Ancient Roman women would use kohl to create the illusion of longer, thicker lashes.

Another alternative was burnt cork, using a small stick of ivory to meticulously apply this to their lashes.

When Christianity began to rise in popularity, Christian women were discouraged from using cosmetics, opting for a more natural look. For centuries after, eyelash modification was forgotten about.

The Elizabethans

Just like we copy celebrity makeup trends today, people did the same centuries ago. The difference was the only real celebrities were royalty and it was expected that ladies of the upper-class were to follow the reigning monarch’s look, no matter how ridiculous.

Queen Elizabeth, I certainly had a distinct look and this meant extreme measures were taken to copy her.

Her pale complexion was sought after by ladies of the court but with few being born with the skin of a redhead, they turned to alternative measures.

White lead and vinegar became the method of choice, not only was this extremely heavy on the skin, but it was also incredibly toxic. Some women even bled to death just so they could be fashionable.

The queen’s famous red hair was the most enticing craze, wigs were the most popular choice but women wanted to copy Elizabeth down to every detail, including her red eyebrows and eyelashes.

Oil was mixed with saffron, cumin seeds, and celandine for an at-home dye treatment. However, it was deemed ‘unacceptable’ to do this so many women had to attempt this beauty regime in private.

Considering high-class women often had little knowledge of how to do anything themselves as they were used to being served by maids, it’s likely many suffered the consequences of this going wrong.

The Victorians

The Victorians are infamous for some grisly medical practices and the beauty salon is no different.

You can’t get more Victorian than teaming painful procedures with dangerous drugs and that’s exactly how women of the time achieved long fluttering eyelashes.

We definitely don’t recommend you do this one at home! Cocaine was used to numb the upper lid of the poor client, then individual human hairs were trimmed to size and sewn with a sewing needle through the epidermis.

Thankfully this fad didn’t last for long, women across the globe can thank Eugene Rimmel for inventing the first mainstream mascara and creating the Rimmel brand that still stands strong today.

This mascara was a mix of vaseline and coal, although it was worlds away from the precise mascara we see today, it was certainly a welcome alternative to poking eyelids with sharp objects.

The early 1900s

1902 saw the first patent for false eyelashes registered and they certainly weren’t subtle.

While they may have finally given women the long lashes they wanted, they were certainly far from perfect. More specifically, the glue needed a lot of work.

They were made popular by the Hollywood actress Seena Own adorning them in Intolerance. The director, D.W Griffiths requested her lashes ‘brush her cheeks’ and they have become iconic for the era.

Unfortunately, the glue caused irritation to Owen’s eyes and was hard to remove, it was so bad that her eyes swelled and they were glued shut. Griffiths didn’t regret his decision, especially as this reaction happened after all her scenes had been shot.

So are you still feeling sorry for yourself not being able to visit the salon? Just think what these poor women had to endure in the name of fashion. While using a safe, natural makeup alternative could be a fun thing to try in lockdown, the other methods are definitely best left in the past.

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5 Ways To Acquire Veteran’s Benefits

Most veterans usually rush to claim for their education and health care benefits which are offered by the Veteran Affairs Department in the form of GI Bill and Tricare. Although these benefits are great, they forget to claim other programs which may improve their lives and that of their families. Even in the education and health care programs, there are other benefits that would help ease their overall expenses. Here are the 5 ways that veterans could further acquire more benefits. The Aid and Attendance Program : This program ensures that every veteran accesses extended care together with their relatives. Through the program, you are able to get money for covering expenses for programs related to assisted living, nursing homes for your loved ones and long-term options of care. In a year, veterans are entitled to get a total of $25,020. In addition, the program awards veterans’ spouses with a total of $13,560 to cover health care costs each year. Certification programs : Apart from healthcare programs, veterans could also get funds to support their college degree. With a GI Bill in place, every veteran is eligible for about $2,000 which is aimed towards completing certification and vocational courses. Certification programs are very important for those who want to pursue multiple career paths or change their careers. Free tax preparation : If you are a veteran, you and your family members are eligible for free services that help in preparing and filing tax. At the military bases, there are offices that offer Tax Assistance programs that can easily assist you with the complex tax issues associated with military-related budgets. Mortgage support : Paying for a mortgage is never an easy task, and the majority of Americans are unable to afford their own homes. However, for veterans, they can easily acquire homes since they have assisted repayments for mortgages through the Veteran Affairs Department. There are several options to consider including loan forbearance, loan modification plans, and special repayment options. There are also more mortgage options for homeless veterans. Many veterans have always given up applying for mortgage support because they assume the process is very hectic. But this is not the case; recently the fastest way of getting you signed up for this benefit was introduced. With DD214 Direct, you will be able to get your mortgage plan faster than you thought. The document is usually considered just as important as the marriage license or your birth certificate. You can easily apply for the document by going directly to the National Archives or hiring an independent researcher who will help you locate one. Life insurance : It is very challenging for veterans to obtain life insurance especially if you have an injury during your service term. By applying for the Group Life Insurance Program, you are assured of life insurance that offers coverage of up to 400,000. The program which is available for both veterans and service members provides competitive premium rates. These benefits are just part of the several offers that the federal government offers veterans. On top of these, you are likely to become eligible for further aid offered by the federal and state veteran funds. All you need is to make a free application for the benefits and they will never count as part of your income. You can ease your family expenses and use the dollars to cover other additional programs in your life.

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Gold and Silver Prices are weaker in midday U.S. trading Thursday. Traders are looking ahead to the Labor Department on September Friday morning regarding the employment situation. European and Asian stocks were mixed overnight in U.S. stock indexes at midday at a lower rate. The risk aversion is present and delayed this week. Other interest rates have sourced the global economic outlook. Anuj Gupta, the Head of Commodity at HDFC Securities, said that gold prices yesterday were corrected and closed at 58593 due to no refresh buying interest in the market. The expectation of an increment rate is also putting pressure on Gold. The market awaits the FOMC decision and U.S. Economic data on every interest rate. We even noticed some profits while booking in the dollar indexing from the higher rate. Several Jobs in the precious metal industry also calculate the gold and silver mild pressure rate.   However, the market price is still very short-term and due for a satisfactory corrective bounce very soon. The first resistance was seen on Tuesday at $1,843.50 and then at $1,850.00. The Associate VP, Praveen Singh, has said, ”The US CPI inflation data (August) showed that the US core CPI inflation m-o-m rose 0.30% Vs the forecast of 0.20%, thus registering the first increase in six months, whereas the headline CPI inflation y-o-y was up 3.70% as against the forecast of 3.60%.” He further said, “However, a 0.60% rise in m-o-m reading, led by gasoline, rent, new cars and shelter, amounts to near 8% inflation on a y-o-y basis, which is uncomfortably high. The CPI reading has risen for two straight months on a y-o-y basis." Read Also: What To Consider When Investing In Gold Coins Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path In 2023? Investing In Gold And Silver Bullion


Evolution of the U.S. Patent System

Patents have actually existed since the 1300s when an inventor was granted a right to a monopoly. While the specifics of the grants, the complexity of the issuing process, and the number of patents that exist have greatly expanded, the principle idea of the right has not changed significantly. However, we now have a robust industry of patent attorneys like Tampa’s The Patent Professor, a profession you probably wouldn’t have stumbled across in the Medieval times. Read more below about the evolution of the United States patent system to what we know it to be today: The Colonial Period: In the Colonies, there was no set patent process or a centralized patent office, since each colony operated essentially as a completely individual territory under the British monarchy. However, each colony issued “patents” on a case-by-case basis, with the first being issued to Samuel Winslow by the Governor of Massachusetts in 1641. Winslow was granted a 10-year monopoly on a particular method of harvesting salt. Adoption of the US Constitution: In Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, there is a provision that specifically addresses the protection of intellectual property. This was the first official mention of a patent in US documentation and signaled that the United States would support innovation with legal tools that allowed term-limited “monopolies” on registered inventions. The Patent Acts: 1790: 3 years after the adoption of the US Constitution by the newly formed United States, the Patent Act of 1790 was passed. It gave limited protections, a short, 14-year term for protection, and was found to be fairly unsatisfactory to most concerned citizens of the new country. It would only last a few years before being replaced. 1793: In 1793, the modern definition of a patent was introduced, and the application process was simplified. This Patent Act stood for over 50 years and granted over 10,000 patents before being updated once more. 1836: In 1836, a new Act was passed that formally established the United States Patent Office, whereas previous patent applicants had to appeal directly to the Secretary of State (and in the first Patent Act, to the Attorney General and Secretary of War as well). In addition, it created a database of all existing patents, available in public libraries, so that people could research before submitting their application to ensure that it was a truly original idea. Finally, it created the option for patent holders to extend from 14 to 21 years in some cases. Depression and Anti-Patent Sentiments: In the 1890 Depression, and again during the Great Depression, US citizens held an exceptionally negative attitude towards patents, and these sentiments led to the establishment of antitrust laws. These laws created limitations on the monopolies that major corporations were able to form and gave power back to the smaller players of the industry. The Modern United States Patent and Trademark Office: The Patent Act of 1952 created the current patent system as we know it today. It added additional stipulations for the final approval of a patent, such as ways that it could be infringed, explaining how it is useful and non-obvious, and other details that are still present in the application process to the USPTO. Patent law is constantly evolving, and as more patents and new technologies develop, you can be certain that they will continue to evolve, even more rapidly as the rate of innovation increases. Read Also: Tips To Improve The Onboarding Process At Your Company Preparing For Your Initial Consultation With An Immigration Lawyer