10 Carbon Capture Projects Around the World

Published on: 15 September 2021 Last Updated on: 16 September 2021
Carbon Capture Projects

Carbon capture projects, and storage projects, abbreviated as (CCS projects), is a climate change mitigation process whereby CO2 emitted into the atmosphere from industrial processes or power plants is recycled. The availability of carbon capture enables the continued use of fossil fuel in generating electricity as it is possible to reduce carbon emissions. For us to achieve a significant reduction in carbon emission, large amounts of CO2 need to be captured and stored.

CO2 gas emission is the leading cause of global warming as it brings about the greenhouse effect, which negatively impacts the environment. Globally there are three main carbon capture methods which are: post-combustion, oxy-combustion, and pre-combustion. These capture methods are applicable in various industrial processes like cement and clinker production, water desalination, oil and gas refinery, iron, and steel industry.

Don’t forget to reach out, why we should care about the environment.

Drawing from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2020 data, carbon capture helped capture and store about 40 million tonnes of CO2 globally from power plants and industrial facilities. In order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the carbon capture and storage rate should increase at least 100 folds.

Many countries in the world embrace carbon capture like Australia, China, Korea, Algeria, Norway, Netherlands, the Middle East, New Zealand, and the most being in the United States and Europe.

Most of the carbon dioxide captured and stored in natural gas plants, iron and steel industries, or coal fields is transported via pipelines to oil fields and used in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The wise decision for oil and gas field owners is to consult with professionals with a vast knowledge of CO2 enhanced oil recovery.

Consulting companies like Melzer Consulting offer their services to clients like oil producers, CO2 source companies, and research organizations. Some of the resources and projects include transmissive fracture detection, wettability, residual oil zones. CO2 EOR and C02 ROZ school.

Carbon Capture Projects Around the World

Carbon Capture Projects Around the World

Let’s explore some of the carbon capture and storage projects around the world:

1. Petrobras Lula, Brazil

Lula oil field is one of the largest ultra-deepwater oil and gas producing fields in the Santos Basin. This oil field produces about a million barrels of oil per day as of 2019 and is expected to reach its peak by 2021. Since 2013, the oil and gas field has incorporated carbon capture; about 0.7 million tonnes of CO2 are recycled and used in enhanced oil recovery annually.

2. Boundary Dam, Saskatchewan, Canada

The Boundary Dam is a coal-fired plant located in Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada, and has six production units. The coal-fired plant was commissioned in 1959. In 2014, the Boundary Dam Power Station completed its carbon capture unit. The captured project used carbon for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

Installation of the carbon capture and storage equipment helped convert Unit 3 into a reliable producer of clean-base electricity in the province. The plant is responsible for capturing a million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

3. Petra Nova CCS project, Texas, US

The WA Parish power station burns coal and gas. The plant has partially retrofitted post-combustion carbon capture equipment. This unit generates 240 MW and captures about 1.4 million tonnes of carbon per annum. The gas is transported via pipeline to West Ranch Oil Field and used for enhanced oil recovery.

4. Abu Dhabi CCS Project, United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi is the pilot plant with commercial carbon capture and storage facilities in the iron and steel industry. Carbon dioxide is a by-product of the production of steel and iron metals. Instead of emitting the CO2 into the atmosphere, it is captured and transported via pipeline to the region’s National Oil Company and used for EOR. Over 40% of the gas emitted proves helpful in crude oil production.

5. In Salah, Algeria

Salah is an operational onshore gas plant that began its carbon dioxide stripping and storage back in 2004. The CO2 is captured and filtered during natural gas extraction. The plant was suspended in 2011 over concerns of possible leakage. The plant had stored about 3.5 million tonnes of CO2 in a saline aquifer. The site is currently valuable for monitoring, modeling, and verification for future storage.

6. Uthmaniyah Demonstration Project, Saudi Arabia

The Uthmaniyah demonstration project was operational from 2015. Its primary purpose was to capture about 0.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide released at the world’s largest oil field, Ghawar. The captured gas is transported via a 70km pipeline to the oil fields and used in EOR.

7. CNPC Jilin Oil Field, China

The CNPC Jilin oil field was China’s first carbon capture project in Jilin province. The source of CO2 is a nearby gas field responsible for extracting about 22.55% of natural gas. The separated carbon dioxide is transported via pipeline and injected in EOR at the low-permeability oil field. So far, the project has injected over 1.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

8. Quest, Alberta, Canada

The Quest carbon capture project is a joint venture between Marathon, Shell, and Chevron Oil designed to capture about a million tonnes of CO2 gas. The hydrogen production facility was designed to convert bitumen from oil sands into synthetic crude oil. CO2 gas is a by-product in the hydrogen production process, and the unit captures, transports, and stores the gas in a deep saline aquifer.

9. Gorgon Injection Project, Australia

The Gordon Project is one of the most significant natural gas projects in the world. As of 2020, the project produces an average of 2.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The carbon capture unit will capture about 3.3 million tonnes of CO2 stripped from the natural gas. The carbon dioxide is stored in a saline aquifer.

10. Sleipner, Norway

Sleipner is an offshore gas field initiated in 1996. The CO2 separated from the natural gas is stored in the Utsira saline aquifer, about 800-1000m below the ocean floor. This large-sized reservoir accounts for about 600 billion tonnes of stored CO2.

It is safe to say that carbon capture, utilization, and storage are being embraced by many countries globally. The acknowledgment of the importance of capture, removal, and storage of carbon leads to the launch of carbon capture projects around the world. With the help of new policies and carbon capture, the results may have a significant climate impact.

Carbon Capture Efforts in the Future

Although carbon capture technologies have yet to be deployed on a large scale, the number of projects under development across the world has been steadily increasing. This is due to a combination of greater private sector ambition and more supportive policies. However, we will need much greater investments and governmental assistance to successfully decarbonize by implementing CSS at the scale required.

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4 Benefits Of Hiring 3D Designers For Remodeling Your Society

Remodeling is a complex job, especially when it is not for a single home or apartment but for an entire society. As everyone wants to get their dream home, a flood of ideas and demands makes the task even more perplexing. People would head to Pinterest boards, magazines, scrapbooks, and paint swatches and develop their vision of an ideal home. Only a seasoned and highly proficient builder such as the JKBD Building Design Company can deliver to everyone’s expectations effectively. Your quest to find a designer takes you to testimonials, reviews, recommendations, accreditations, and word of mouth. However, no amount of research guarantees perfect remodeling. One way to enhance the accuracy of your project and take it closer to perfection is to choose a 3D design. Realistic rendition of the design through 3D modeling empowers the contractors and develops greater trust in the clients. Here are some compelling benefits of opting for this revolutionary design process for a society remodeling. Realistic view and better communication between you and the contractor   Conventional remodeling drawings and construction blueprints often make no sense to the property owners. These people have no experience of construction and cannot comprehend the meaning and vision hidden in these drawings. It becomes hard to visualize the final result. On the contrary 3D designs render realistic remodel designs instead of coded architectural drawings. These designs imitate the final remodel and make it easy to understand and analyze how the end result will look like. It is also easy to communicate any change in the design and explain to them why the change is necessary and is a better idea. Accurate design and space planning Perfect planning and utilization of space are often crucial when it comes to remodeling societies. These are big projects and any alteration in the later stage can result in significant delays. Such revisions can also push the project over budget. 3D designs allow the designer and the building contractor to plan even the smallest aspect with unmatched accuracy. As they can see what they plan, they can easily resolve mistakes and incorporate revisions early and save you both time and money. You can see your plan in action With traditional design methods, one of the biggest issues was the lack of ability to explore different design options. For instance, people are often unsure of the hue for wall color or the hardwood strain that will harmonize with other elements of design. 3D modeling allows the client to virtually walk through multiple designs and explore various finishes and layouts. It opens boundless opportunities instead of limiting you to a few designs and experience your renewed as the work continues. Fewer alterations and mistakes This is a corollary of the previously mentioned points. 3D designs deliver accuracy that no other design format does. They also allow flawless communication of the vision between the designer, design-builder, and the client. This transparent and unambiguous communication brings everyone on the same page and ensures that minimum or no changes are made in the design during the building phase. It allows you to catch any possible mistake before the construction starts saving a lot of time and resources. Read Also: Divorce In Modern Society What are the Benefits of Eco-friendly reusable carry bags?

Online Fundraising

5 Best Online Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

We live in what is perhaps the most unpredictable time of the century. There is a pandemic out on the streets and we have been forced to abandon our ways of interaction. Businesses have been forced to adapt almost overnight, bringing about a radical shift in operations. Nonprofits have also been forced to do the same. In just the last year the importance of fundraising platforms has risen exponentially. Fundraising has been the key to the operations of any and every nonprofit. Lately, the more commonly relied-on fundraising methods have been made redundant. A lot of nonprofits have been forced to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate ways to gather funds. Luckily the existence of text messaging platforms for nonprofit can easily get into the middle of it and utilize the same channels to make their ends meet. Why does online fundraising work? The reason is simple; we live in times where people are willing to lend out a helping hand, anywhere, anytime. Nonprofits simply need to host events online and let their donors know that they are very much active and are trying to make a difference in their communities irrespective of the condition. Sending your message across and showing them the work you are doing can appeal to all kinds of donors. Nonprofits can quickly adapt using fundraising platforms to reach out to donors and volunteers using the same methods that businesses rely upon. These channels have now become the normal way to work through and nonprofits have realized that they also need to be malleable. The pandemic has changed our understanding of what normal is and donors will be understanding. This is why hosting events, and especially fundraisers online has shown a lot of promise. Let us look at five great ideas you can use to supercharge your online fundraising campaign. Five great online fundraising ideas 1. Peer-to-peer fundraising The most innovative and proven way to raise funds online is through peer-to-peer fundraising. P2P fundraising accounts for nearly a third of every online donation. The idea is to use the credibility of your donors and their contacts to gather funds for your nonprofit. A great statistic is that ¼ emails sent by P2P fundraisers to their peers result in a donation. It might seem meager, but it is staggering when you compare it to the fact that 1/1250 emails from nonprofits result in a donation. Nonprofits can encourage donors to raise funds and run campaigns on their behalf. They can enlist the help of fundraising platforms to build their campaigns and send emails to their peers. Nonprofits can set up these directly on their websites. They can even use a personal appeal and a social sharing button on their website for direct encouragement. 2. Email flash fundraiser Another third of every donation made online comes through Emails. Yes, even in this day and age when instant messaging is the norm, E-mails more than do their part to raise funds. It is one of the older ways to gather funds and chances are your nonprofit has already finished its email fundraising campaign for the year. No worries, there are no limits to how many times you can leverage email fundraisers. A great idea would be to select a day and conduct an email fundraising blitz. You should not choose a popular day such as Tuesdays. Enough organizations are running Giving Tuesdays. Instead, choose a day that has symbolic importance to your organization or its cause. Your emails should build up a narrative that highlights your cause, the day, and a call to action. Urgency is the key and the better you express the need of the hour, the more likely you are to receive donations. You may go through: 8 High-Need Animal Shelter Donations 3. A drive for donation matching The idea behind donation matching is to encourage people to contribute, knowing that in the grand scheme of things the total donated amount will be big. Use the frenzy created by your flash email fundraising campaign to launch a drive for donation matching. You can secure a match from a company and advertise it in your email campaign. Donation matching is a good way to keep the interest afloat and to attract the younger crowd. Studies show that millennials are more likely to donate if they know companies are going to be matching their donation. Donation matching can also be used to boost a fundraiser. If there is a noticeable decline in the donations, launch a donation matching drive amid another campaign to acquire more funding. 4. Crowdfunding There is this misconception amongst nonprofits that crowdfunding is meant only for individuals. This fact could not be further from the truth. Nonprofits can use crowdfunding to amass a wealth of funds in a very short period. They can also use crowdfunding to appeal to a whole new group of donors. Through crowdfunding, nonprofits can gather funds for specific causes and projects. Nonprofits can easily set up a page on crowdfunding sites. They also have social sharing options to further promote your cause. PRO TIP: Before you choose a crowdfunding site, check if they have an easy-to-use UI, integration with compatible software, a mobile-friendly page, and space to tell your story. 5. Prospect research While this may not qualify as an idea as such, prospect research can help you land big philanthropists for your donation pool. Nonprofits can conduct thorough research to identify prospective donors. Doing so can help them focus on donors that can make a difference. Prospect research is especially important when it comes to online donors. The reason for that is online donations come in small amounts and it is hard to identify which donors can contribute in a big way. Research can help you land bigger donations. Final Thoughts These are just some of the ways you can maximize your donation pool through online fundraisers. By using the right tools and strategies your nonprofit will be back on its feet and perhaps, even run better than it did before. Read Also: Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey

Eco-friendly reusable carry bags

 What are the Benefits of Eco-friendly reusable carry bags?

Due to the many advantages of using jute bags, jute bags are widely used to replace plastic bags and other types of bags for various purposes. In addition to being organic and lightweight, these bags are cheap and reusable. While jute bags wholesale in Australia ensures that the bags are 100% organic and do not use biodegradable items. The jute we use to make bags is obtained from plants that are carefully grown and uses natural fertilizers in the best way to ensure that our production process is also environmentally friendly and the bags are of the highest quality. What are the benefits of jute? Bamboo seems to have a good reputation in the bio-fiber world, but we think it's time to make jute famous. Like bamboo, jute is a natural fiber that can grow cleanly and quickly and can be processed into a durable material. Affordable and durable, I researched this plant fiber and discovered 10 benefits of jute. The best substitute for Best Alternative To Plastic: Jute bags wholesale in Australia is a natural substitute for harmful plastics, jute (Corchorus olitorius and Corchorus capsularis) is now widely used in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, and some other Asian countries to make these bags. In addition to the other characteristics described below, jute is considered the best and cheapest natural fiber, which is strong enough to withstand the danger of long-term transportation, while the material carried in the jute bag can "breathe" and therefore will not rot quickly. We have briefly listed all the advantages of using jute bags for you. Durable and comfortable: Eco-friendly bags can be made of jute, cotton, canvas, etc. Nowadays, jute bags are widely used. Jute material can be used to make bags of various shapes and sizes, and the strength of jute bags is sufficient to carry heavy objects. Jute handbags are durable and not easy to break or damage. The jute bag handle is more convenient than other carrying items. Bag material. Soft and strong: Jute can shatter in a few weeks, but this does not mean it is fragile. It is an extremely strong fiber, known for its durability, so your jute bag can last a long time. It even has an anti-ultraviolet function, it only expands by 0.5% when pressed, so heavy objects will not cause your bag to deform. Jute has a tough texture and is often used to make rough fabrics; bags are inherently soft. And it feels smooth to the touch.  Recyclable: Jute bags wholesale in Australia are recyclable and 100% biodegradable. You can use the jute bag over and over again without breaking it like a plastic bag. If you are looking for environmentally friendly packaging solutions, jute is for you. Contribute to the cause of the earth.  Promotional Purpose: Many top jute bag manufacturers producing high-quality jute bags, but Gujarat Shopee has a large number of jute bags for promotion. Jute bags are used by many people and large companies for advertising purposes, because you can easily print the company logo on the jute bags, and the cost of printing the bags is also very low. Now people still print business bicycles on jute bags and dump jute bags with company logos on the market. The more jute bags you advertise, the higher the value of your company, the brand will grow, and the company will generate more sales.  Conclusion: Jute is the second largest plant fiber after cotton, and its resistance is even higher than that of cotton. Since growing important crops requires less water, maintenance, pesticides, and fertilizers, jute can become a green and sustainable agricultural commodity. The communities that grow it can directly or indirectly benefit from it, thereby contributing to their own economic development. Read Also Less waste – Something You Can Do for the World Holi Powder: How To Make Natural Eco-Friendly Holi Powder At Your Home – Step By Step Guide