Choosing The Right Conveyancing Solicitors For You

Published on: 18 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Buying your dream home is something fascinating and one of the most significant purchases that you may ever make in your lifetime. You will need a solicitor to help you, and most people will turn to their colleagues and friends to give them some referrals. Without knowing what these conveyancing solicitors do and what you require of them, you will not know who is right for you. Listed below are some tips to help you find the right choice for you.

What Is The Difference Between A Licenced Conveyancer And A Conveyancing Solicitor?

Conveyancing is the legal process of buying and selling a property. A conveyancing solicitor is a solicitor who is legally trained and works in property law. A licensed conveyancer mainly focuses on property sales and purchases but does not have the same training as a solicitor. Both of them are legal professionals and will ensure that they handle payments and also make you a rightful legal owner of a property you have bought.

Factors To Consider


Before choosing one, you should ask for a breakdown of all the costs, not forgetting disbursements such as stamp duty and stamp fees. If they do not tell you how much it will cost upfront, then avoid them. It shows that they are not honest in their dealings. Also, avoid quotes that are suspiciously low. This may mean that they are not well experienced and may do shoddy work. Ensure that you get one that has an affordable rate and also good at their job.

Do Not Use Conveyancing Solicitors Recommended By Estate Agents

You may find that some estate agents will pressure you into choosing a particular solicitor. You may think that they have your best interests at heart, but this may not be the case. Most of them are given a big commission and hence, will be doing it for business. You should know that you are not obligated to use the one that they recommend. They may suggest a firm that is not right for you and will be more expensive due to the commissions.


One of the best ways to know if a particular firm is right for you is by looking at their reviews. You will need to ensure that they are legitimate to start with. One of the ways to know this is when you find all the reviews are excellent. As much as that may mean that they are good at their job, we are all human and there is always at least one client who had a minor issue. You could do more research and check on their social media reviews and those on their websites. By doing all that, you will get what you were looking for. Avoid those with many bad ratings since it means that they are incompetent. Also, those with no ratings may say that they just started the job recently.

It is prudent to choose the right conveyancing solicitors for you since you have a significant investment at hand. With the above points, you will be able to select the right one for you.

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Building Surveying

Tools Used in Building Surveying

Surveying is a construction technique and process that building contractors perform to measure distances between points and angles. Surveying is also a way of levelling construction sites before the actual construction commences. The right surveying equipment helps in guaranteeing the accuracy and efficiency of the measurements. There are several instruments and equipment that surveyors use before construction. Theodolite: Surveyors use a theodolite for precisely measuring both vertical and horizontal angles for triangulation. Triangulation is the measuring of the distance and location of a certain point. A moveable telescope connected to a perpendicular axis is what comprises a theodolite. The telescope is on top of a tripod head that supports the whole instrument. There are screws for tightening and loosening the telescope. Placing the apparatus directly above the point produces a precise measurement. A laser plummet, or a plumb bob is essential in measuring a position using a theodolite. Dumpy level: A device that looks like a telescope perched on a tripod is what makes up a dumpy level. Surveyors use this instrument in establishing points in one flat area. A dumpy level has other uses: paired with a vertical staff, it can measure differences in height and relocate elevations. A dumpy level has three variations: A tilting level is where you can move the telescope 180 degrees. A digital electronic level uses electronic laser techniques to interpret a vertical staff with barcodes. An auto level is easy to set up. The internal compensator mechanism can eliminate any variation. Measuring Wheel: A measuring wheel is a less accurate instrument for measuring distances. The wheel is rolled manually from one point to another. One turn of the wheel measures a certain distance, either a metre or a yard. A mechanical device connected to the wheel counts the revolutions and measures the range directly. The measuring wheel is the most straightforward and most uncomplicated surveying instrument, but it does not provide the same accuracy and precision that other devices offer. Total station: A total station is the more modern version of a theodolite. A total station has an electronic distance meter. Another essential component of a total station is a microprocessor unit. This component gathers data to establish the following: The three coordinates of the measured points. The elevation of elements. The average of various measured angles. The distance on a horizontal plane. The proportion of different measured distances. The range of two points. You can download the following data that is gathered by the total station to process using computer-aided design (CAD), geographic information system (GIS) or building information modelling. The best thing about a total station is that it can produce precise and accurate measurements. If you are planning to build an establishment for business or a home, you can seek the help of building surveyors in Leicester which has several companies that you can go to for this purpose. These surveying companies possess all the necessary tools for the job. Do not bypass the surveying part of construction as doing so may result in problems in the long run. Read Also: The Best Methods To Build Strong Customer Relationships 5 Ways Construction Businesses Can Gain New Clients

Buying House

5 Awesome Advantages of Buying a Smaller House

Bigger isn't always better--as the owners of giant houses will tell you when the energy bill comes around. But there's a lot more to love about buying a smaller house than lower energy bills (though it's a major perk). If you've ever wondered if there's a brighter side to living less luxuriously, this article will help you explore just that. Continue reading to learn why you should consider downsizing in the near future to be happier: Why Buying a Smaller House is a Big Win 1. Lower Energy Bills : Whether you're in a mansion on Long Island or a Ranch home in Texas, your body will demand comfortable temperatures year-round. Seasonal temperature swings like harsh summers and winters mean heating and cooling systems will have to work harder, using more energy. And that equals a steeper energy bill. Big rooms and vaulted ceilings pose a problem: the time it takes to alter all that air temperature requires much more energy than compact homes. 2. Less House to Clean : A smaller house inevitably means smaller piles of dirt, smaller dust bunnies, fewer floors to mop and less carpet to vacuum. With fewer rooms, daily chores and tasks aren't nearly as burdensome or demanding, freeing up time and a lot of peace. You'll also save money on various cleaning costs, from paid cleaning services to scrubbing materials. 3. Reducing or Eliminating Mortgage Payments : A house at $200,000 today (an average price) will cost someone on a 30-year mortgage a little over a thousand dollars a month. At that price tag, these houses are likely to have only a couple of rooms and moderate square footage. When you're considering a house with 4-5 bedrooms in a highly desirable area, don't be surprised to encounter a mountainous mortgage. Downgrading is likely to put a hefty amount of cashback into your pocket after mortgage payments are processed each month. 4. Helping Purge Junk : Having less stuff seems to equal happier living as there are fewer things to fret over, fewer things to purchase, fewer to clean up. When downsizing homes, it's easy to rummage through your belongings and separate out what you won't need. From there, you'll have fewer things to worry about when moving into your smaller home. Regardless, however, you should seek out quality moving services, such as Corrigan Moving, to secure your belongings in the process. 5. Frees Up Time Commitments : There's no currency like time, and if you're looking for more of it, then downsizing to a smaller home is your ticket to the good life. As we mentioned, cutting down on the amount of cleaning will cut out wasted time. A smaller yard will need less work, and a smaller pool won't require as much scrubbing. Choosing a smaller home will generally require less maintenance time, giving you back the freedom of a wider available schedule. Why Wait to Downsize? The buyer's market is ripe with opportunity, and downsizing has never been more rewarding than in our digital age! Buying a smaller house proves to be a wise decision on funds and time, and a strong move toward a happier life. For more practical and insightful information, visit Content Rally today! Read Also : Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Buying Or Selling A Home In Seattle? Buying Your First Home In St. Louis


Buying or Selling a Home in Seattle?

Regardless if you are new to the Seattle area or just looking to find a new place to live in the city you already love, buying a home is a big deal. You aren’t simply making a purchase, you are making an investment. An investment that by all means should end up being a part of your identity, a member of your family so to say. Read also: The Glitches Arrived In Travelling To New Place Why Seattle is the place to be Seattle has become one of the most popular places to live in the Northwest. Despite what you have heard about the weather, there are plenty of cities throughout the United States that accumulate more rainfall than the Emerald City. New York City, Jacksonville, Raleigh, and Hartford are just a few that might catch you by surprise. There are several parks and scenic getaways throughout Seattle to escape the hustle and bustle of busy city life. A weekend mountain getaway is just a matter of thirty minutes away. If that isn’t enough to talk you into making the move, you are always just a block away from the best cup of coffee you have ever had. Because of these factors and many more, there has been a significant rise in the price of houses on the market in the area. Because of this, realtor services such as Findourpad have distinct advantages over trying to find a home on your own. This particular service will update all of the current listings throughout the Seattle area as often as every 15 minutes. Easy to access information They make it easy to find a home matching exactly what you are looking for when it comes to area, price, and size. Trying to find this information on your own would take days, if not weeks. By being able to see current listings, images, and details at the palm of your hand, you save yourself valuable time over visiting site after site, looking for the perfect match. Services such as Findourpad allow you to compare listing on the market in different areas, by different realtors. You have the ability to compare how much home you are getting for your dollar compared to other options, providing you the opportunity to find exactly what you and your family are looking for. You will have information at your fingertips concerning the type of view from the home you will enjoy, the school district your children will attend, the annual amount that has been spent on taxes for the property, even the type of vehicle parking the home provides. With the simple click of the mouse, you can request even more information about the home or schedule a viewing to see the place for yourself. If you are currently or will soon be selling a house, the service can be just as valuable for you, if not more. By listing your home on the website, you will put it in front of thousands of eyes that may not be able to see the property otherwise. Regardless of which end of the market you are in, Findourpad makes the task of buying or selling a home much easier for everyone involved. Read also: Why Should You Consider Security Doors For Your House?