Courses For Entrepreneurs Are Worth It – Here’s Why


01 October 2019



Being a self-proclaimed entrepreneur is hard. At first, you think it’s okay as long as you have a strong drive for success and an indestructible morale. However, as time goes by, you realize that there are simply things that won’t go as you expect no matter how much you will them too. All too often, a determination that borderlines stubbornness is not exactly the trick to getting what you want. More times than not, what you need is to do things the old-fashioned way – putting in lots of time and effort to better yourself in the field of entrepreneurship.

Do you know how people always say “learning never stops”? Well, it’s true. It never does. Most of us seem to have this misconception about finishing college. We all tend to think that the end of a course is the end of all scholarly hardships. But let me tell you something: That is hardly the case – ever. Learning doesn’t stop at any one point. It doesn’t stop when you graduate from primary, secondary, or tertiary levels. Heck, it doesn’t even stop after you’ve acquired your Ph.D. You see, the world’s information is vast and ever-evolving. This is why you’ll never reach the end of it. The only thing you can do is to keep learning and adapt to the changing times.

Of course, if we try to take in information all at once, our minds will probably explode. There’s only so much we can take after all. This is why instead of trying to digest everything all at once; I suggest that you practice “selective learning.”

How Can You Improve Your Entrepreneurial Skills?

Are you familiar with the expression Jack of all trades but master of none? This is exactly the kind of person you wouldn’t want to be. A jack of all trades is a typical person that is capable of learning and doing almost everything he tries a hand at – but only to a certain extent. It means that he is knowledgeable about many things but he is never considered an expert on any of them. It’s like a plumber who can fix a sink but can’t fix a toilet; a carpenter who can fix a chair but not a table. Or, you could be an entrepreneur who can sell silver but not gold. Does this make any sense?

A jack of all trades may be capable of a lot of things which is great but it is also because he knows far too many things that he can’t just focus on mastering one (read more). He is constantly in a state of confusion. And in the real world, being a “Jack” won’t cut it. Nobody is going to pay you for being an “almost” expert at something. It’s either you’re an expert or you’re not. The same thing goes with entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial Skills

Why Take Online Courses?

If you are hoping to get anywhere with your business career, you have got to stop being a Jack. If you want to sell, you have got to raise the bar for yourself. Dedicate most of your time and energy in trying to become the best entrepreneur that you can be. You see, legends don’t just happen – they are made. And you too can become a legend of your own in the field of business if you work hard enough.

The very first thing that you should look into is taking online courses for entrepreneurs. Marketing, PR, Social Media Advertising, Public Speaking, Product Pitching, SEO, and Digital Marketing are just a few of the many supplementary classes you can attend to further enhance your entrepreneurial skills and abilities. The more you learn about entrepreneurship and the more you immerse yourself into the reality of becoming a successful businessman, the closer you are to making it all happen.

You know what they say, if you want it, claim it. Yes, claim it as if it was always yours from the very start. Again, heed my advice: If you want to be an entrepreneur not just in name but in skill as well, take online courses. It’s your best bet to becoming better at what you do!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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stock broking

Business potential of stock broking agencies in India

Over the last few years, quite a few stock brokers have been forced to shut shop due to weak business. This is true not only of broking but also of other businesses where automation has been taking its toll. To survive and thrive in the stock broking business you need to be able to extrapolate the key trends in stock broking and position yourself accordingly. How do you differentiate yourself as a stock broker? That is the only way you can realize the full potential of stock broking. Remember, each year Indian investors are investing more than $25 billion into equities either in direct equities or via equity and ELSS funds. That is a lot of money. How do you grab the most of this potential? There are five things that you need to be aware of. The industry is getting divided into two segments: In the broking industry, you either need to run with the hares or hunt with the hounds. The broking industry as a whole is getting stratified into the zero brokerage discount brokers and the full-service brokers. The room for the in-between brokers is increasingly reducing. If you want to be a discount broker then focus on an efficient offering at a very low cost. Alternatively, if you want to be at the full-service end then you need to be prepared to invest in research and technology. In the past, there was room for the median brokers who were somewhere between the full-service brokers and the discount brokers. With both these categories of brokers pushing their boundaries, the gap in between is getting squeezed. First, be clear on your positioning and your strategy should follow after that. Be clear on the value proposition: This is a logical corollary to the first point. What is your value proposition? Are you offering the lowest brokerage in the market? That is an advantage that is hard to sustain over longer periods of time and the model is always vulnerable to sudden changes in the market undertone. Secondly, are you offering the best advisory services in the business? This called multi-level skills in portfolio design, need understanding, portfolio customization, portfolio review etc. This is quite complicated and any advisory is always open to an opinion about success and failure. In a competitive market, this can work both ways. Lastly, is technology your USP? In the past, technology was just a tool, but that has changed. Today it is possible to look at broking as a software company and offering a robust trading model that is super efficient and intelligent. Automate and employ technology intelligently: If you look at how brokers are adding value to their customers, most of the value addition in the last few years is coming through technology. Thanks to broadband and the use of smartphones, it is possible to trade on the fly using your mobile app. Brokers are also employing artificial intelligence and machine learning to make machines increasingly think and strategize like humans. And then there is the all-powerful call to action. Here the customer is guided seamlessly through research, screening, and execution without really realizing that they are different parts of the trading system. Engage the customer continuously through financial planning: Broking is increasingly commoditized. That is more the case when you try to offer broking as a solution rather than as a service. For an investor, the solution is the creation of wealth in the long term. The solution could also be managing risk. The solution could also entail profiting from short-term trends. Most often brokers tend to confuse between the product and the solution. Focus on the solution in this industry. When you are in the financial services industry you always start with the financial goal in mind. Help the client identify long-term goals and then prepare a plan to reach these goals. As a broker you will find out how easily equity, mutual funds, and even bond sit prettily into this scheme of things. That is the best way to increase your customer engagement and improve your ROI per customer. It is just that in this case, the ROI flows naturally. Provide a delivery platform that simple, elegant and actionable: One of the critical success factors in the broking industry will be the variety and robustness of the delivery platform that you offer. If you offer more platforms like online, offline, mobile, call-n-trade, SMS trading, non-market trades etc, then your chances of engaging the customer meaningfully is much higher. Your delivery platform should also be seamless such that the movement between research ideas; advise, screening and execution should be smooth and with minimum clicks. That is when the clients can actually experience the value proposition. The key issue here is that the opportunity in the broking industry is still huge. It is just that the nature of the opportunity is changing. As a broker, you need to position yourself in the bracket that reflects your core strengths the best. The rest will follow! Read Also: How To Become A Sub-Broker? How Businesses Can Use Stock Trading

Virtual Offices

Why Virtual Offices Are The Future Of Business

During this worldwide pandemic, people have been forced to work from home much more than they venture into the office. Not only is this the safest and smartest option to remain healthy during these trying times, but having a virtual office makes the argument for increased productivity while working remotely. A virtual office space enables professionals to be physically present at a certain address without being at the company’s location. By providing flexibility, a virtual office can help those who work far away from their typical workplace remain productive. Benefits of a virtual office: Administrative staff- A virtual office solution in your home or co-working space typically features an administrative assistant and staff trained to help you improve your productivity so you can focus on what really matters - your business. The staff will answer your phone, take messages, and greet clients while calling in for their phone meeting. When searching for a virtual office in Boca Raton, make sure you find a service that features an administrative staff to increase your focus and productive hours on the job. Click here if you’re aiming to put a stop to that tiring search. Conference space- The second benefit of a virtual office is the on-demand conference space used to speak with clients, host a meeting, or set up a business presentation or proposal. Most virtual offices in Boca Raton will use this feature to be beneficial for start-up companies and entrepreneurs who need to frequently pitch their idea. On-demand business center- Another aspect most virtual offices feature is an on-demand workspace that is the perfect solution for preparing for an interview, organizing for a meeting, or reviewing the notes from your latest team collaboration. As you search for the perfect virtual office in Boca Raton for your small business, make sure you find one with an on-demand workspace. Rent Virtual Offices in Boca Raton: There are many options for virtual offices while living in Boca Raton. If you live too far away from your workplace to make the daily commute, or you want to physically distance during Covid times, a virtual office can be the best solution for your predicament. Here are some of the most popular virtual office options in the Boca Raton area that might be of interest to employees, business owners, or entrepreneurs: Federal Highway Office Center - This Boca Raton virtual office is located right in the center of the city, featuring collaborative workspaces, networking events, and call answering help. Yamata Road Office Center - Yamata is a convenient choice for those who want a mail-handling service and on-demand conference rooms for important business meetings. West Palmetto Office Center - Lastly, this virtual office in Boca Raton offers receptionist services and on-demand conference rooms to help your business flourish. Conclusion: Virtual offices could be the wave of the future, helping reduce daily commute time and boosting productivity through services like receptionist call answering, on-demand conference rooms, and administrative staff. When looking for a virtual office in Boca Raton, you will be happy to find there are plenty of options to suit your business needs. Read Also: 4 Reasons Your Home Business Needs A Virtual Receptionist Balancing the Books with Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists


Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider

So, your business is thriving. All the hard work is paying off and you’re starting to reap the benefits – repeat customers, growing workload, increased revenue, so is it time to move out of your 3rd bedroom-turned-office, into a more professional environment? It can be tricky to take the leap as an SME owner – so here are key things to consider when buying or renting office space for your business. Shared or Private Space? There are many options for professional working environments, including the private vs shared space debate. There are pros and cons for each option, so it really is down to how your business operates. If you are currently the only worker or you have 2 to 3 employees, you may benefit best from a co-working environment. This means you will be in a larger office space which other business people are using at the same time. You can take advantage of an office environment with internet allowance, desks, lockable storage units, and telephone systems without having to pay a hefty price tag for private space. Alternatively, if you have a larger amount of staff, or the business you run is highly confidential or sensitive, you may be better off in a private space where you can discuss business freely and openly without worrying about being overheard. There are many serviced offices across the country, with companies such as BE Offices and Prime Office Space offering both shared and private spaces so you are sure to find something to suit your business. Renting or Buying? When looking to set up your first office, you will no doubt deliberate over renting or buying. The rental market is extremely popular as it gives you the flexibility to move on at the end of the lease. So, if your business grows significantly and you need more staff, you can move to a larger space in line with business requirements. This flexibility may also be useful if you decide an alternative location may be better down the line for your business, due to localised demand for products or services. Renting also usually means fewer upfront costs than buying, but you do run the risk of rental values inflating, with a subsequent high impact on your finances. Buying is obviously a huge commitment and requires a larger investment up front. This may be suitable for you if you have a good idea of your long-term business requirements and you know that the property will serve these. This may be the case for businesses requiring large factory spaces, for example. It also gives you the ability to make any changes to the property that you desire –you own it, so you can do what you like to it. Is It Practical? It is also important to consider whether the location is suitable for you and your staff. It is easy to get to via public transport? Does it have sufficient car parking? Finally, always put your Health and Safety hat on and make sure the building abides by current health and safety standards. It may look pretty, but it needs to be a safe place to work with comfortable conditions for you and your staff. Undertake a risk assessment before you move in to highlight any potential issues and implement strategies to mitigate risks. Read Also: Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office