Components of a Successful Business Function

Published on: 22 May 2019 Last Updated on: 06 December 2021
Audience that works effectively for business Function

Imagine this for a minute. Your boss has asked you to plan a product launch for an up and coming product that you’ve been working hard on. While this is your chance to prove your capabilities and stand out in your team, it can also be a source of unwarranted stress. Your Business function plays a vital role in upgrading your business to the next level.

So, how do you plan a successful business function if your event planning experience is only limited to those frat parties you used to throw back in college? Who are the people you need to work with and what are the things you need to prepare to organize a corporate event?

In this short guide, you’ll learn just how easy it is to put together a successful event – with the right mindset and strategy.

Essential Components Of Business Function Are As Follows

There are several essential components of business function that you need to take care off while improving your business to the next level.

Pre-event planning:

Pre-event planning

The basics:

Before you book those suppliers, the first thing you need to do is understand the who, what, why of the event you’re planning. Without the basics, it will be hard for you to put the different components together.

  • Who are you planning an event this for?
  • What is your company trying to achieve with this event?
  • Why is this event important for your organization?

Understanding that the company’s vision and mission come before your own personal goals will enable you to deliver the message that the company wants to communicate. Organize a meeting with the event stakeholders to discuss the questions above and hopefully, it will help you make the event more meaningful.


Part of planning any event is deciding on a date to have it on. Make sure that your event doesn’t fall on the same date as any major industry conferences. You should also steer clear of holidays and civic celebrations.


Your budget will dictate how well you will be able to execute your plans so don’t just pull a random number out of thin air. Consider both your expected costs and actual costs when asking for a budget so that you don’t end up broke.


While you might prefer to hold your event at the hottest spot in town, you need to make sure that your location reflects your company’s main purpose for the event. Your location shouldn’t just be a great fit for your event, it should also accessible enough even with public transportation.


Let’s face it, planning food and drink for any business function can be nerve-wracking when you’re trying to impress the head honcho. For big events, it’s always best to hire a catering specialist who can meet your specifications and expectations.


You can’t run a successful event as a one-man show. You need the help and support of a great team to get your event off the ground. Since you’ll be handling pretty much everything from event promotion to on-the-day coverage, look for people who are not only creative but also willing to work overtime for the pre-event preparations.


Promoting the event should begin as soon as you have the materials from the marketing team. This way, you’ll have enough time to get send your invites out and secure any VIPs you want to invite. As a rule of thumb, you should send out your invites at least 4 weeks before the event date and send out reminders weekly.

Program flow:

Having an event without a program flow is a recipe for disaster so try to come up with an event checklist before the date. Create a “run of show” document that lays out the whole event as you plan it to happen. Make sure to include contact information of the persons involved for each part.

On-the-day event execution:

event execution

One of the most challenging parts about managing an event, especially a big one with plenty of guests, is keeping track of the onsite registration. While there’s nothing stopping you from doing this manually, you can make the process easier and faster by using the right tools.

Here are some innovative ideas to make the check-in process flow seamlessly.

  • Self-registration using tablets
  • Face recognition
  • RFID
  • On-site badge printing

At any event, you want to make the right first impression, especially with the VIPs. Make sure that you have a team dedicated to welcoming guests as they enter the door. You also want to have enough space between your venue’s entrance and the registration table so that you can minimize jams at the entrance.

Expecting a lot of VIPs at the event? Don’t be afraid to ask the corporate heads for help to usher them into a designated area where they can have the best view.

Post-event follow-up:


A successful event doesn’t end once the doors close. You need to have a system for the follow-up to keep up with the guests who made it to your event. Depending on your event, you can utilize social media, email marketing or even snail mail to let guests know that you appreciate the time and effort they put into coming to your event.

While you’re at it, you might as well ask your guests for input or feedback. The information you gather will be extremely helpful for your next corporate event planning.

Here are some ideas to make follow-up a breeze:

  • Using the emails from the registration process, you can schedule an email drip campaign for the people who attended your event. It’s a great way to make special offers on your new product or send them useful tips on how to use the product you just launched. Try not to go overboard with the offers though.
  • Even before the event date, you can already put together a content packet that you can give away to guests right after the event. A good way to digitize printed content is to use a QR code that will quickly give guests access to a landing page you want them to visit.
  • You can also build a social media following around your event with a dedicated hashtag. Encourage guests to like and follow your social media accounts and use the dedicated hashtag in their posts. Make it even more exciting by offering a special prize to the best post about the event.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Running a business is not for the weakhearted! You'll need to overcome countless hurdles, obstacles, and challenges to flourish and thrive in this competitive environment. You must ensure your workers are trained and skilled in handling complex client interactions and situations. You’ll also need to know how to market and advertise your establishment effectively. Another vital skill that you’ll need to pay close attention to is your customer's overall experience of your business. You’ll need to be detail-oriented, focused, and goal-oriented. In this blog article, we will explore a few vital tips you should implement in your business. Let’s get started! You've Always Have To Be Prepared For Any Situation Being a business owner comes with a lot of responsibilities. This means you’ll need to learn how to lead your team and take your business to the next level. This means you’ll need to be prepared in every circumstance to run your enterprise effectively. You’re always going to need to expect the unexpected. This involves ensuring you’re prepared for power outages or electrical issues. This is why you need to ensure that you buy batteries in bulk and have a backup energy source. Along with being prepared for power outages, you’ll need emergency plans regarding the stock control or equipment required to complete your daily tasks. Make Sure Your Staff Members Are Trained And Skilled First, for your business to thrive and keep clients coming back to your establishment, you need to ensure that your workers are effectively trained and skilled in the specific field. This means you will first need training material, resources, and programs to employ your workers. You’ll need to teach them how to diffuse complex client interactions, work with specific equipment and operating systems, and educate them on the latest industry trends and information. You’ll also need to ensure they’re equipped with the right tools and equipment to thrive and be productive in their job! Focus On Marketing Your Establishment For your business to grow and thrive in the market, you will need to market it effectively. This is where you’ll need to get creative and think outside the box. Social media is one of the most powerful tools to advertise your business. This is where you will need to implement digital marketing strategies, SEO best practices, and paid media programs to help you build your online presence. To thrive in this sector, you must understand how to communicate with your clients effectively. This will inform them of price changes, new specials, or shifts in your products and services. Marketing is the most essential aspect of running a successful business and should be considered in detail. Final Thoughts In conclusion, running and operating a business is no walk in the park, but it’s gratifying! To climb the ladder of success, you must market your business effectively, train your workers, and find the best ways to prepare for unexpected shifts. With the right team behind you, the proper strategies, and a positive mindset, you’ll succeed in no time! Read Also: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Effective Ways To Utilize Digital Marketing 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business

Pharmaceutical Company

How To Start A Pharmaceutical Company

When making your own company, there are several challenges that you will encounter. From the manufacturing to the distribution, you will face challenges that can affect the growth of the company within a competitive market. In this article, we will be looking into how you can start the perfect pharmaceutical company. Discover The Niche In The Market One of the first steps to making a successful pharmaceutical company is to discover the niche in the market. Whether this is for distribution method to supermarkets, or running an online pharmacy, there are several ways that you can make your pharmaceutical company stand out as a result. By taking the time to plan this beforehand, you are likely to make a company that can stand out from the competition and provides a service for your customers. Consider The Upfront Costs In addition to this, it is important to consider the upfront costs. When creating a business of any kind, there are several upfront costs such as office spaces, manufacturing costs, and several other elements such as pharmaceutical distribution methods. This is because you need to consider the costs for this as will ensure that you are as successful as possible in your business venture. With this in mind, there are several elements to consider in order to work with your finances as this will ensure that your business starts off right and ensures financial stability as a result. Establish Your Branding When you have considered your niche in the market as well as the upfront costs, you should also consider establishing your branding. Whether this is the logo or online marketing for your business and the website, it is important to ensure that the marketing is consistent. When you establish the branding, it is important that the logos, ad copy, and locations of adverts in the right place. This is important as this will aid you in growing your business and the visibility online regardless of whether you are distributing to supermarkets, selling the medication yourself, or manufacturing them yourself as this will help to boost your branding. Research And Development The final step for you to consider is the research and development aspect of the business. Not only will you need to consider the research, but you will need to look into the development of PPE or medication. Whether you are manufacturing this yourself or you are relying on business and working in the distribution process, this can help to make the most out of the research as a result and ensure that your business is as successful as possible. In addition to this, you can ensure that the development of your business is always at the forefront of the business to make sure they can develop as technology changes. With this in mind, there are several elements to consider before you make your own pharmaceutical company. This will ensure that you have a successful business that can provide your customers with exactly what they need. Read Also: How to choose the right online pharmacy Where Do Healthcare Companies Buy TVs In Bulk? Five things to consider before starting a Business When Should You Turn to a Pharmacist Instead of a GP?

Pay Per Click Services

Benefits of Pay Per Click Services to Your Business

If you want to attract more audience, ad revenue, and gain affiliates to make profits to what you are selling, you need to increase your traffic. If you are a startup or a small business, your advertising budget may be limited. The good news is, using pay per click services from a professional agency can help increase your traffic while balancing your budget. This is because you pay for your digital ads that display on banners, pop-ups, and other online formats only if a user clicks on them. The Benefits of PPC Advertising: Copy-testing solution PPC ads are an excellent way to experiment with various techniques if you are looking to create the best ad copy for different platforms. It is easy to do because you can change your PPC campaigns any time, allowing you to try different copywriting, graphics, colors, headlines, etc. You can test each option for a specific period and review the campaign analytics to find out what works best for you. Polish or change your advertising by using this data. Targeted audience Your PPC ad only shows up when a searcher uses the keyword you have bid on. In other words, an online user who sees your ad means the person is interested in what you are offering. With PPC advertising, you have full control when and when your ads will show up online. This allows you to have better targeting capability and set up your pay per click campaign to attract your target market. So, if your ad is visible to your target market, it increases your chance of acquiring click-throughs and converting them with sales. Increased brand awareness For a small or startup company, other people besides your existing audience may be unfamiliar with your name. For this, many people will not search for you online using your business name. However, they may use related keywords when searching on Google, displaying your ads in their web feeds. Consumers will begin to recognize your name or logo when they constantly see your PPC ads. This will trigger their curiosity to click and take action because they keep seeing you in the search result pages. Grow your traffic fast As you build your search engine optimization and increase your audience, working on your organic traffic often takes time. To obtain a huge amount of traffic, you need to rank in the SERPs. On the other hand, your ads will skyrocket straight away with the help of pay per click services, giving you the amount of traffic you want much faster. You will get clicks through once you set up a PPC campaign, gain more exposure, acquire more business, and rise in the results because of increased traffic. Measurable outcomes Using pay per click gives you easy access to essential data to thoroughly evaluate the results of your marketing strategies. You can determine the number of people who have clicked your PPC ads. This helps you analyze the effectiveness of your campaign when you run your reports. PPC also allows you to keep track of your costs. You can calculate your return on investments and profits from your campaign if you know your advertising spend and the number of clicks you get. All these details can help you decide if you should change or continue certain aspects of your campaign. Why Use a PPC Agency? If you allow the skills and expertise of a PPC team from a reputable agency to handle your campaigns and manage your accounts, you will have some peace of mind as the professionals’ work on your side. Expect them to stay updated with the best PPC practices, keep up with the constant changes to various platforms, and how to optimize your PPC campaigns. These specialists possess the experience and knowledge that are essential to increase the ROI of your business from your ad spend and budget. Also, the best PPC agency knows that it is risky to disregard any data that have key insights regarding the improvement of your business. You do not want someone running an ad campaign for you but not paying attention to their performance. Whether you need to overhaul your existing campaign or need to start from scratch to set up your first campaign, using pay per click services will give you a team that will use an innovative approach to each of your PPC campaigns, making sure you will get the best ROI. You could either have an employee to work on your PPC or take advantage of a professional agency with a team of well-trained and highly experienced specialists who know how to run a wide range of PPC campaigns. Read Also: 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing the Desired Results Organic Traffic vs. Paid: Where Should You Focus Your Budget?