3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Business

Published on: 30 March 2019 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Employee Engagement

Whatever stage your business is at, employee engagement and general satisfaction should always be at the forefront of your mind. No business can run without its employees and at the heart of good business, the operation is making sure that your labor force is produced. There have been countless studies into the effects of high employee satisfaction on company-wide efficiency, all of which indicate that happy employees are productive ones.

Employee engagement is an extension of this satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to care about the company’s mission and goals, aligning their own success with the businesses. This is the core concept of employee engagement; staff who innovate and work hard because they care about what they do and see the value in the organization that they work for.

Boosting employee engagement promotes business growth and employee retention. the question is how can you, as an employer, improve engagement levels? Here are three ideas that we have put together with that question in mind.

Team Building Events:

Whilst team building is often viewed with skepticism, the truth is that it can have a drastic impact on how productive your employees are. Team building offers multiple benefits from an employee engagement perspective, here are some examples:

The most obvious benefit is that a good team building activity is fun. Enjoyable events breaking up working life are always appreciated by staff and as we have discussed, happy employees are engaged ones. This morale boost from enjoying something fun has a ripple effect around your organization, with this positive mindset remaining effective for a very long time.

Another benefit, which is much more underestimated, is the learning opportunities available. Team building activities aren’t designed to solely be fun, they are meant to have a learning outcome. Team building is almost a fun form of training, where staff practice skills that will benefit them at work and in turn, benefit your business.

These are just two examples of the benefits. With a little research, you will be able to discover what a well-placed team building event can really do.

Rewards and Recognition:

Implementing an effective rewards system is another great way of improving employee engagement. Positive reinforcement is an incredibly strong force, which is why publicly rewarding your best employees is so powerful. Not only does this encourage your hardest workers to continue putting the effort in, but it also pushes the rest of the staff to match their level and try to achieve the same recognition.

There are countless ways to reward employees, ranging from simple thank you to fully paid lunches. The key to successfully rewarding employees in a constructive manner is to make rewards both attainable and equal in value to the achievement they are associated with. Don’t give a salesman a box of chocolates for making the company millions, that will seem a little lackluster for what they have done.

Information Availability:

As a final, less concrete point, ensuring that your employees know the businesses goals and moral ethics is extremely important. To encourage your employees to align themselves with your business you require multiple ingredients. Firstly, they need to be happy. Secondly, they need to enjoy working for you and care about the company’s success. Finally, they need to be aware of the company’s goals and mission.

Many organizations struggle with this third and final point. These companies have incredible cultures where everyone loves coming to work but nobody is aware of where the company wants to be and what their vision is for the future. Without this information, employees can never reach total engagement because they don’t know what they should be targeting.

Making your organization’s vision and mission statements visible is absolutely essential towards improving employee engagement. These goals should be at the core of everything that the company does, embedding them into the workforce and uniting every employee in targeting the same goals. This is how true engagement is achieved.

There is much more to employee engagement than just these three points. People are extremely complicated, and every organization is unique, which is why you have to tailor your approach to your specific business. Try different techniques and see what works, just keep in mind that happy, staff are engaged and engaged staff are productive, which is exactly what you need to grow your business.

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Iot Devices

How Do Iot Devices Improve Warehouse Management?

Sales growth in e-commerce is good. But as the business expands, it becomes increasingly difficult for warehouse managers to track large volumes of goods. Products can get lost, deteriorate or, conversely, take up extra space. In order to restore order and have time to respond to customer requests on demand, warehouses turn to IoT devices. Let's look at how the Internet of Things simplifies inventory control and revolutionizes warehouse management. Inventory management means coordinating and controlling the movement of goods in a warehouse: getting new products; their movements around the warehouse; storage of products; return of units; SKU extension; checking the rack code and so on. It is often impossible to fit such volumes of information into spreadsheets, besides it is not very convenient. Therefore, enterprises buy IoT solutions for warehouse management in order to work efficiently. IoT solutions for enterprises IoT devices automate warehouse processes and reduce labor costs. This can be done by implementing the following technologies: Drones It is not easy to move around a large warehouse to describe the location of goods and climb the stairs to high shelves. In addition, it takes a lot of time to search. Amazon has long had an army of 200,000 robots working in warehouses with humans for better drone management delivery systems. They saved people from having to walk 10-20 miles a day on a concrete floor and helped the company store 40% more inventory. They also increased the average productivity of the assembler to 100 units per day, and managers plan to increase these figures by 3-4 times. Robots Industry and warehouses are priority places where global robotization is unfolding. According to recent reports, the warehouse robotics market is steadily growing by 15.26% per year and will reach $9.5 million by 2026. Amazon has long had an army of 200,000 robots working in warehouses with humans. They saved people from having to walk 10-20 miles a day on a concrete floor and helped the company store 40% more inventory. They also increased the average productivity of the assembler to 100 units per day, and managers plan to increase these figures by 3-4 times. Radio frequency identification tags Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags can be embedded in IoT devices. These tags store much more data than traditional barcodes. They can be used to scan up to 200 tags at a time. The received inventory information is stored in the cloud platform, automatically processed, and analyzed. The expiration date, serial numbers, sizes, manufacturers, and other product information do not need to be entered manually on the panel. Voice selection systems Warehouse workers can use IoT devices to increase the efficiency of operations. For example, voice systems allow you to work without the help of hands, giving instructions and directing workers through their list of orders. Sensors Connected devices are able to track the productivity of warehouse workers using speed, motion, and GPS sensors. Managers also better control the goods in the warehouse by measuring humidity, temperature, and other characteristics that can spoil the products. DHL has implemented similar innovations in its warehouses. The company uses smart glasses, robots, drones, a digital twin, and other technologies. The IoT increases warehouse security, tracks the location of goods, and predicts weather changes and possible equipment failures or breakdowns. Up to the point that the warehousing of goods begins 30 minutes after receipt, and outgoing goods are ready for shipment in 95 minutes. Problems that IoT solves The main problem of warehouse management is manual work. Working with their hands, employees perform operations more slowly, with a higher probability of errors and damage to inventory. IoT solutions for enterprises simplify the following management and work tasks: Product search Imagine that the manager has a warehouse of several floors at his/her disposal. How to track where a particular product is located? Or how to avoid a situation when an employee wants to pick up a product from the right place, but it is not there? You will have to spend time correcting errors and searching for the goods, which will delay the shipment. To avoid such problems, it is worth using IoT and the best warehouse management system, which automates registration and data tracking. Movement of goods Any movement of the goods must be recorded by the manager. At the same time, he/she needs to know how many units are arriving and how many are leaving. It's hard to keep track of the exact numbers, but with IoT solutions for business, it becomes easier. Thus, reporting will not be such a difficult task. In addition, connected device analytics will tell you which products will increase demand in the near future. Use of storage areas In the warehouse business, it is important not only to accept goods but also to place them efficiently. Then it will be convenient for employees to pick up goods from the shelves, and they will do their job without delay. If you configure the storage system manually, you can repeatedly make mistakes and redo the layout. With IoT, this is done quickly and with minimal effort. Warehouse equipment maintenance Any equipment breakdown can lead to downtime, which distributors do not like. IoT devices for enterprises are able to monitor the status of equipment and warn about possible failures. Thus, managers will be able to prepare spare equipment in advance, avoid downtime, save money, and preserve their reputation. Storage of goods It is extremely important that during the storage period in the warehouse and during its delivery to consumers, the goods do not deteriorate. According to the latest data, about 11% of products die during transportation due to the fact that managers did not provide proper conditions for their storage. It is necessary to maintain the desired temperature and humidity so that the product can be brought to the endpoint and sold. IoT devices are able to control environmental parameters, saving goods from deterioration. Advantages of using IoT And now let's take a deeper look at the advantages of the Internet of Things, supporting them with figures. Saving on salaries An average warehouse with a hundred employees can allocate about $3.7 million a year for wages. This amount is approximately 65% of the operating budget. With the help of the IoT, employees sort goods on shelves faster, in addition, they search for goods, check equipment and perform other tasks more efficiently. Automation brings great money savings. Better use of the warehouse The average warehouse area is 16,400 feet. This is a huge space where you need to conveniently and appropriately arrange products. However, overloading and improper distribution of goods can lead to traffic jams and delays on the roads. You have to move inventory or take it out, which takes time and labor. With the help of the IoT, you can place more goods in the same area, so that it is convenient to find empty seats and later fill them with new goods. Automated storage and search systems are able to increase the accuracy of orders by up to 99%. Taking into account the fact that rents are growing and will not stop growing in the future, rational use of space is a matter of saving and making a profit. Information support The number of goods is growing, and slow goods are taking the place of strategically important products. Less relevant products stay in stock longer and require placement, which increases the rental cost. Not all warehouses have an adequate information support system. In other words, managers have no idea what the supply and demand in the market are. IoT analytics provides information about the state of the market so that managers can rationally manage purchases and plan other operations based on inventory. IoT devices for enterprises give managers the opportunity to cover large warehouse work, put it in order, automate, and speed up. Andersen will help implement the warehouse management system software and automate important operations. If you are ready to save time and resources with the help of new digital technologies, contact our team for a private consultation. 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business benefit

How can your business benefit from bespoke software development?

Many businesses rely on off-the-shelf applications and stock software to run their operations. As much as such software comes with different features, it might not provide all the functional requirements that come with running a business. You might also run into challenges as stock software also comes with other unnecessary functions that might not be relevant to your policies. One of the solutions to this challenge is to hire professionals for bespoke software development. It comes with a number of benefits that could help your business as shown below. Control over design and functionalities : Bespoke software development helps a business to customize its applications to accommodate its requirements and needs. The developer uses tools to come up with designs that are useful to their clients. The advantage of bespoke software development is that the entire development process is monitored and your feedback helps in ensuring the developers include only features that your business needs. Complete ownership : As a business owner, you will have complete ownership of the software designed for your business. This might not be the case with third-party applications as there are terms that bar you from making any changes to the way the software operates. Working with a Bespoke Software Development Company that deals with web and software development gives you an asset that you can manage freely and you don’t have the compulsion to upgrade your software. You can only do this whenever you feel that your business needs an upgrade of operations but not because a third party has decided it’s a mandatory procedure. Expansion of existing tools : If the business owns tools for managing data and other processes, you can hire a bespoke software development agency to have these tools expanded to transform repetitive tasks through automation. Tailored multi-user tools can store data and use a central repository and this would help to save time for the business. It also enhances transparency, access and reporting, and data validation. Such a system brings together an array of operations together to transform how the business runs. Integration : Developers can make bespoke software to integrate with other applications installed to help the business. This is not to say previous integrations are rendered obsolete, but it’s a way to enhance the efficiency of systems by providing backing technology. Bespoke software should be introduced as a measure to improve operations. Potential marketability : In other cases, you might decide to sell software that was developed for your business. Although the application was originally developed for internal use in your business, a bespoke solution could be turned into an off-the-shelf application that can be used by other businesses. This creates room for your business to earn more money by leasing the software. Software integrations can help a business to run more efficiently. Although many businesses use third-party applications, it is cheaper and more convenient to have bespoke applications developed with the needs of the business in mind. Such an application is the property of the business and you can make any upgrades or tweaks you want to suit your business. Read Also : What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses? The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces Get The Details On How Sferic Protect Can Benefit Your Business & Its Safety

Statutory Compliance

Why Is Statutory Compliance Important In HR? 

In the Human Resources definition, Statutory Compliance is the legal structure which a company must comply with, with regard to the treatment of its employees. Statutory compliance is relatable to the various types of labor and taxation laws prevalent in different countries.  It is important for a company to comply and keep up with these laws since they are very dynamic and can even change on a month-to-month basis. Thus, it can be highly beneficial to hire or consult with Global Compliance Expertise, especially if a company is multinational and has offices spread throughout various parts of the world.  The following are just a few reasons why statutory compliance is highly important.  Let’s have a look at what is statutory compliance. What Is Statutory Compliance? The word statutory compliance means this is related to the rules and the regulation status. Compliance means adherence. Statutory compliance means you are getting adherence along with the other rules and regulations. Statutory compliance means the legal framework of an organization which is a great way to deal with its employees. In statutory compliance, the legal framework works associated with all types of corporate norms. In this compliance, everything is included. For example, if any legal penalties and legal complaints are included, these are also applicable here. 1. Legal Penalties  Statutory compliance ensures that an organization can avoid any legal penalties, fines, lawsuits, or other such legal troubles. Being aware of and complying with regulations is the easiest way to ensure that the business faces no additional difficulties and is abiding by the laws. Legal penalties are an important part of statutory compliance. The facts are every organization has some specific company norms and rules. And these legal penalties are making the business run in a better way. The employees and the employers are aware of the facts about what to do and what not to do. Note: Potential lawsuits could be highly costly for the organization. Thus, it is best to ensure that such a situation does not occur in the first place. 2. Good PR A company that fully complies with prerequisite regulations is a sign of responsibility and stability. As statutory compliance is related to an organization being able to follow the rules and laws of a country, it is important for the organization to show that it is authentic in its management and legal compliance.  PR compliance is making the company's process smooth. And both the employee and the employers are aware of the facts about what types of relationships they have to maintain or which is going to be profitable for the company. Note: An organization that fully follows statutory compliance will have good PR as a result. Organizations are only going to call good organizations if a good PR is applicable to the company policies. For these, the organizations are always concentrating on building better PR and simpler the whole employee and the employer relationships. 3. Employee Morale Employee morale can be boosted by statutory compliance since compliance with the regulations means the company performs efficiently and with good intentions. This improves the morale of employees since there is goodwill being built.  It’s important for companies to build a good reputation, and one aspect of reputation comes in how well the company complies with laws regarding employment and the treatment of employees.  There is a long list of laws in statutory compliance, especially with regard to HR. For larger multinational companies, these laws can vary depending on geographical location. Note: It can be overwhelming to stay on top of these trends, which is why it might be ideal to employ statutory compliance management.  4. Compliance Is Making Whole Business Process Smooth Statutory compliance specialization is a key concept in business that allows organizations to be run more effectively. Therefore, it might be ideal for enabling such work with regard to compliance and complex facets of the law to be handled by an external organization that is experienced and has expertise.  OSHRS is one such organization offering various solutions and global compliance expertise for a myriad of countries, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and more.  Note: Employing the services of an organization with expertise in statutory compliance in HR is highly beneficial for avoiding legal penalties, good PR, and boosting employee morale.  Wrapping Things Up: Every company has its own statutory compliance. Based on corporate law and company policies, these compliance are applied. These are the main benefits of having statutory compliance in the company. So what is your opinion? Do you think statutory compliance is developing a clearer relationship between employees and employers? Then you can share your opinion through the comment sections. Additionals: Sneak Peek Into The Working Of HR Department7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021Why In-Company Training Results in Better EmployeesPossible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It