3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Business


30 March 2019


Employee Engagement

Whatever stage your business is at, employee engagement and general satisfaction should always be at the forefront of your mind. No business can run without its employees and at the heart of good business, the operation is making sure that your labor force is produced. There have been countless studies into the effects of high employee satisfaction on company-wide efficiency, all of which indicate that happy employees are productive ones.

Employee engagement is an extension of this satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to care about the company’s mission and goals, aligning their own success with the businesses. This is the core concept of employee engagement; staff who innovate and work hard because they care about what they do and see the value in the organization that they work for.

Boosting employee engagement promotes business growth and employee retention. the question is how can you, as an employer, improve engagement levels? Here are three ideas that we have put together with that question in mind.

Team Building Events:

Whilst team building is often viewed with skepticism, the truth is that it can have a drastic impact on how productive your employees are. Team building offers multiple benefits from an employee engagement perspective, here are some examples:

The most obvious benefit is that a good team building activity is fun. Enjoyable events breaking up working life are always appreciated by staff and as we have discussed, happy employees are engaged ones. This morale boost from enjoying something fun has a ripple effect around your organization, with this positive mindset remaining effective for a very long time.

Another benefit, which is much more underestimated, is the learning opportunities available. Team building activities aren’t designed to solely be fun, they are meant to have a learning outcome. Team building is almost a fun form of training, where staff practice skills that will benefit them at work and in turn, benefit your business.

These are just two examples of the benefits. With a little research, you will be able to discover what a well-placed team building event can really do.

Rewards and Recognition:

Implementing an effective rewards system is another great way of improving employee engagement. Positive reinforcement is an incredibly strong force, which is why publicly rewarding your best employees is so powerful. Not only does this encourage your hardest workers to continue putting the effort in, but it also pushes the rest of the staff to match their level and try to achieve the same recognition.

There are countless ways to reward employees, ranging from simple thank you to fully paid lunches. The key to successfully rewarding employees in a constructive manner is to make rewards both attainable and equal in value to the achievement they are associated with. Don’t give a salesman a box of chocolates for making the company millions, that will seem a little lackluster for what they have done.

Information Availability:

As a final, less concrete point, ensuring that your employees know the businesses goals and moral ethics is extremely important. To encourage your employees to align themselves with your business you require multiple ingredients. Firstly, they need to be happy. Secondly, they need to enjoy working for you and care about the company’s success. Finally, they need to be aware of the company’s goals and mission.

Many organizations struggle with this third and final point. These companies have incredible cultures where everyone loves coming to work but nobody is aware of where the company wants to be and what their vision is for the future. Without this information, employees can never reach total engagement because they don’t know what they should be targeting.

Making your organization’s vision and mission statements visible is absolutely essential towards improving employee engagement. These goals should be at the core of everything that the company does, embedding them into the workforce and uniting every employee in targeting the same goals. This is how true engagement is achieved.

There is much more to employee engagement than just these three points. People are extremely complicated, and every organization is unique, which is why you have to tailor your approach to your specific business. Try different techniques and see what works, just keep in mind that happy, staff are engaged and engaged staff are productive, which is exactly what you need to grow your business.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Construction Businesses

5 Ways Construction Businesses Can Gain New Clients

Construction companies have historically gotten new clients primarily through referrals. However, sometimes referrals are not enough – but unfortunately, companies cannot expect customers to magically appear on their doorstep. Luckily, there are other creative ways that contractors can boost their clientele. If your business is struggling to engage new clients, then consider the following tips to reach more potential customers and increase your profits. 1. Introduce Yourself to the Neighborhood : When working on a project don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the residents of the neighboring houses. Showing concern for the wellbeing and satisfaction of the whole neighborhood lets everyone know that you run a caring organization. If those neighbors ever need any services in the future they will remember the personal interactions that they had with your company. Additionally, if any neighbors need work done immediately you could offer them a neighbor discount. You will save money on transportation by working on two projects near each other so that the discount will not hurt your profits. 2. Educate the Public : Organize meetings with members of the public to teach them about construction techniques or anything related to your field that you have expertise in. Investing in the education of the general public increases your profile. It also helps your business for the public to see you as an expert in your line of work. You do not need to try to specifically market your business. When they have questions or concerns in the future about construction projects they will come to you for advice and possibly to even do the job. You could potentially partner with a local restaurant to provide food to engage with the public even further. 3. Follow-Up with Your Current Clients : Offer to be of service to your past and current clients. See how the project you did for them is holding up. Offer to make touch-ups. Keeping up with connections you have made in the past will keep you in the forefront of your clients’ minds. This will make your clients more likely to think of you again for future projects and to recommend you to anyone else they know who may need contracting help. This is a roundabout way to get referrals without directly asking for them. 4. Focus on Achieving Accreditations : Accreditations can help build the prestige of your company; especially if you study for and gain a contractor’s license. The more you can show your clients that you are qualified and experienced the more likely they will be to employ your services. Learning more things can never hurt you either. Getting more training can really help you to get ahead in business. You will be better able to serve your clients and your clients will easily be able to see that you have the qualifications to get the job done right. Additionally, it may be a good idea to send out press releases when you do receive an accolade to make sure that the public is aware of your recent achievement. 5. Attend Industry Events : Attending industry events can help you to stay up to date with the latest trends in the construction industry. They also can help renew your motivation and interest in your field. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals can help you to feed off their industry. Additionally, the right events can help to introduce you to people who can expand your business and help you to get in contact with new potential clients. The construction industry needs to acquire new clients just like any other industry does. However, since many contractors spend a significant amount of time out in the field, they cannot spend as much time in the office or in prospecting meetings. They may need to employ some more creative tactics such as the ones above. Hopefully, the techniques described above will help you and your business to come in contact with some new potential customers that will help your company to grow and prosper. Read Also: Construction Safety – What You Didn’t Know! All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

company employee

Ways to take the employee appreciation to next level in your company

There are countless small things that can be done to show your employees that they are appreciated. Setting your company apart from the next starts with the work ethic and loyalty of your employees. Hard-working and motivated employees are very productive. And as well all know, increased productivity leads to an increase in revenue over time. Employees flock to companies with reputations of a good work environment and employee appreciation. The best attracts the best if your employees are treated like the best that is how they will perform. Employee appreciation reigns supreme in the realm of productivity and its time for companies to step it up. Here are some ways to take the employee appreciation to the next level. Flexible Schedules : When your team members are willing to go the extra mile for their colleagues time and time again, it is important to let them know that it does not go unnoticed. A really positive way to encourage employees to put forth their best work is allowing flexible schedules. Acknowledging the difficulty of orchestrating all of the components of life along with work is a great way to relieve some stress and recognize ambitious employees. A flexible schedule is not the same as allowing the employees to control every aspect of their schedule. However, it is a step above having employee schedules being completely dictated by the company. Having slight aspects of flexibility when team members have something come up can go a long way. When employees feel respected as people with busy lives outside of work, they will be far more motivated to go above and beyond in the office. Communication : Communicating with your team and making an effort to understand them is one of the most vital steps on the road to success. Society has created a group of professionals who communicate largely through email and text messaging. While these communication mediums are wonderful and have bridged the communications gap in many ways, a lot of sincerity and authenticity can be lost when a message is typed instead of spoken. Take time to communicate face-to-face with your team members as often as you can. Not only encourage them to do well but get to know them as people. When teams form strong connections their ability to work together increases exponentially.  If you find yourself wondering what the best way to show your appreciation to a particularly hard-working employee, communicate with them. Ask them the ways in which they would like to be recognized for their hard work. Not only will this method of appreciation be a sure-fire way to show the employee how well they are doing, but they will feel respected and valued for being given the opportunity to choose their appreciation method. Team Retreats : Whether a team is treated to a simple luncheon or a weekend spent away from the office with their toes in the sand, they will return feeling revitalized, motivated and appreciated. Having small goals like retreats to work towards boosts overall happiness within the company as well as work ethic. It is no secret that working becomes easier when there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Team retreats can also be a great way to build stronger relationships among colleagues. It is important for employees to feel connected to the company as a whole and appreciated by their peers. Feeling appreciated by everyone you work with and not just the boss can really boost employee morale and make productivity soar.  Bonuses : Bonuses are no new-fangled recognition tactic. Employees have been receiving holiday bonuses and such for years. But, as they say, if it’s not broken don’t fix it. Bonuses are still a flawless way to show your employees they are valuable to the company. Bonuses can be given in the name of hard work. When an employee does exemplary work that goes beyond their job description- they should be rewarded for that. If employees know the extra work they are doing is noticed and, most important, appreciated, they are going to be so much more willing to continue with that standard of work.  Advanced Training Seminars : Employees that are capable are confident. In any given profession there is always room to improve and there are always new skills to master. By offering additional training throughout your employees’ career you show them that the skills and resources that they possess are valuable to the company. It is in your best interest to hone those skills and show your employees that their confidence and their performance are important to the company. Fostering growth and improvement among your employees is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation. Furthermore, training will greatly benefit the company as a whole by producing able and motivated employees. Not every sign of appreciation has to be huge; there are countless small gestures you can make as well. However, companies will benefit greatly by really bringing their employee appreciation up to the next level. Read Also : Finding The Right Moving Company Fred Loya Insurance Company Role Of Messaging Apps In Enhancing A Company’s Market Prospects Guide To Choose An Authentic Plumber Service Company

Online Ordering Systems

Online Ordering Systems Setting the Trend for Restaurants

The online ordering systems of restaurants have become very popular as restaurants have taken up the task of setting up the systems that help in serving their clients. This has increased their sales and also helped in creating traffic as they are able to reach clients who cannot make their way into the food courts. There are also applications that have been designed to make it easy for one to access the online ordering systems on their phones and laptops. The Restaurant Online Ordering System helps the restaurant in reducing the cost of marketing. There are so many ordering options that you could choose from. When beginning restaurant online ordering services, you should create a website that could make certain that your customers can learn about the restaurant. there should be a legitimate online receipt that has been set up for clients, this shows proof of payment and also the online systems should have an automated message sender that keeps the client informed. What is a Restaurant Online Ordering Systems? The Restaurant Online Ordering System should have a reliable delivery app that, effectively reports on the correct time of the availability of deliveries. They enable the customers to keep track of the delivery personnel. They should also have a server app that makes sure that they do not experience any delays and that the services provided are reliable and of high quality. The servers also ensure that all the foods on the menu are correctly represented to the customer. To know if a certain dish will do well, the restaurant can put it on the online ordering system so as to get reviews about the dish. It is very crucial for every restaurant to be able to serve its clients no matter their geographical location. Individuals do not have to make their way into the restaurant to get their orders met. The online ordering system is suitable for both small restaurants that are starting up and fully established businesses. The menu that is present at the restaurant. They should make sure that it can be edited depending on the point of sale. You can also include meals that can only be delivered and exclude the meals that cannot be delivered and that you only offer in the restaurant. This entices the clients to make a stop at the restaurant. What needs to be done from a Customer Perspective? Customers can have a profile that can be edited and show their addresses. This makes the deliveries to be done easily and effectively as they eliminate any room for error. There should be push notifications that keep the public updated on any information that regards their restaurant. The online system is able to reduce the traffic of the people in the restaurant. The order taking is faster and the table turnover time is effectively reduced. This helps improve the services that are provided. All the customer detail is represented to the restaurant. They are able to keep track of their loyal clients and also to offer discounts to their loyal clients. Read Also: The Business Advantages Of Mobile CRM Apps 6 Tips To Maximize Refrigerator Use In Your Restaurant