How to Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business

Published on: 27 December 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Top Employees

Being the CEO of any business enterprise usually requires you to wear lots of different hats — one minute you are in charge of marketing, followed by accounting, and then customer service after lunch. However, the role that most entrepreneurs tend to struggle with above all others is hiring. The hiring process can be tedious and time-consuming, so once you have found the right person for the job it is imperative that you can retain their services for as long as possible. Of course, when you are trying to run a business, this is often easier said than done. Luckily, Victor Mitchell has listed some things that you can do to incentivize your best employees to stick around, such as:


As an entrepreneur, it is extremely easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the average work week. Before you know it, you have made it all the way to Friday, and you have barely spoken to your employees at all during the week. However, if you want to retain your best employees, you need to make a conscious effort to take some time out of your day to speak with them and let them know that they are doing a good job. A simple pat on the back can go a long way. You can even arrange a larger quarterly or annual awards ceremony where you hand out some certificates or trophies for added recognition.


Though employees and employers alike often try to ignore the issue, money is always going to be one of the main reasons why a person might decide to join or leave a company. This does not mean that you need to pay your employees way over market value to retain them, but it does mean that you should at least make sure that they are receiving a fair compensation package relative to the work they are doing. Markets shift and employees learn new skills, so make sure that their compensation package reflects their real value or they may begin to look elsewhere.


For many skilled positions, it isn’t necessary for the employee to be sitting at their desk in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As such, your employees are likely to be appreciative of a little flexibility when it comes to their work schedule. You could allow them to work from home occasionally, or will enable them to create their work schedule (within set parameters). Your employees are likely to find it difficult to replicate this kind of flexibility at another workplace, so they will be much more likely to want to stay in their current jobs instead.

Of course, it is important to remember that employee retention is an art, not a science. This means that you will ideally take the time to get to know the specific needs and desires of your employees before launching any retention initiatives. After all, there is little point in offering a raise to an employee who wants to be able to work from home more often. However, by speaking to your employees about their preferences and employing some of the tips contained in this article, you will find that your best employees are much happier and willing to stick around for much longer.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Ways To Improve Workflow Efficiency In Your Office

A workplace is a place where we spend most of our time. It needs to be organized and productive. But when it comes to managing office technology, it can be a challenge. How do you ensure that your employees can work efficiently without getting distracted by noise or other distractions? The answer lies in optimizing your office's workflow efficiency. Here are some tips on how you can improve the flow of information within your organization: Priorities Clarification To make sure you're working toward a goal that will actually help your business, make sure to clarify priorities. Define the problem you want to solve before starting on a solution. First, set goals for yourself and your company. It can be hard not to worry about what others' goals are, but don't compromise your own or those of other team members just because it's more fun or exciting! Be ambitious and realistic at the same time: if everyone else is doing 5 push-ups per day while you're doing 50, chances are high that it won't work out well if everyone suddenly decides they want to do more push-ups than they've been doing previously! What kind of tangible fitness goals could we achieve in 3-6 months? For example: running three times per week for 30 minutes each time; completing one full marathon within six months; running 5km without stopping, etc. Structured Cabling Systems Having structured network cabling is a great way to improve the efficiency of your office. A structured cabling system is a network that runs throughout the entire building, giving each office access to all other parts of the company. This allows for much more communication between departments and makes it easier for employees to communicate with each other. It will also help you be more productive because you won't have to make multiple trips back and forth between offices to get information or files from someone else. Excellent Internet Connection It is important to have a good internet connection because, without it, you will not be able to send or receive files, videos, and updates from clients. This could impact your workflow as it will take longer than usual to send or receive the file. You should ensure that there are no problems with your internet connection by testing them at least once a week. You could also consider getting installation services for data cabling in Newcastle in your office so that everyone has access to high-speed internet connections at all times regardless of where they are working. Automation Automation is a way to improve workflow efficiency in your office. It allows you to do more with less, saving time and money. It also improves the quality of your work by eliminating mistakes that result from human error. Here's how automation works: You can set up report automation in Excel that will perform a task for you automatically when it needs to be done, without any human intervention at all. When the task has been completed, this system can notify the appropriate person by email or text message so that they know what's been accomplished (and so they don't have to keep checking on it). Workspace When you're encouraging workers to do their best work, it's important to let them make choices about how they want to work. One of the best ways to help your employees achieve this goal is by giving them freedom over where they set up shop. If you have a team that works remotely or in different locations, they're probably going to have different preferences when working in an office environment. Some people prefer quiet, private spaces and others enjoy being around others while they work. Either way, it's important for employers like yourself who don't have control over where your employees will be working from day to day (or even month to month) to provide enough variety so that everyone can find what works best for them at any given time. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that it’s important for you to invest in a good office automation system. It will not only improve your workflow efficiency but also help you save time and money in the long run. Read Also: Why You Should Design New Offices Carefully? – Content Rally Top Expert Tips for a Stunning Condo Interior! 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment

Custom Bucket Hats

Different Ways You Can Grow Your Business With Custom Bucket Hats

Custom headwear is considered to be more than just an accessory because it can also express a passion, a trend, or a brand. Remember that headwear is a famous piece of custom apparel. Custom bucket hats allow you to display your company logo or even design to the public. Besides, custom bucket hats with logos are inexpensive when compared to other kinds of promotional materials. There are some businesses that utilize personalized design to create a product inventory while others build promotional materials for potential customers. This article discusses the different ways you can grow your business with custom bucket hats. Outfit your employees with custom bucket hats One of the best ways you can start developing your brand image is to outfit your workers in custom uniforms. There are some studies that indicate that most customers like uniformed workers because it’s easy to identify them. But this doesn’t mean that you need to outfit your staff members in expensive clothing. Instead, you can decide to use custom promotional headwear, such as custom bucket hats with logos printed on them. In this way, customers can easily identify the staff members when they visit your store. Regardless of whether your staff members choose to wear them outside or in the store, these hats can make many impressions and even familiarize potential customers with your business or brand. Connect with your customer by using freebies Many businesses tend to focus on increasing sales. Therefore, they usually overlook the opportunities to connect with potential customers. It’s a good idea to give custom bucket hats with logos of your business to your customers. There are some studies that have shown that customers believe that gifts are a great way for a brand or business to interact with them. Most customers like the brand that offers them promotional gifts. Hence, giving out durable promotional materials, such as custom bucket hats ensures that the relationship lasts for a long. Give influencers custom bucket hats Collaboration with online influencers is also a great way you can take advantage of social media platforms. They can simply post their pictures while wearing your custom bucket hat or even give your business a shout-out by informing their followers about you. But it’s crucial to work with the right social media influencers. You should not just choose anyone because they have many followers. Instead, you need to make sure that they are compatible and have the right audience. You should note that an influencer with millions of fans can sometimes fail to help you, especially if their followers don’t like your services or products. If you have a restaurant, then it doesn’t make sense to work with pro gamers because their followers are only interested in entertainment. In such cases, it’s a good idea to find a food blogger for your brand. Besides, you should also make sure that the type of content is relevant to the brand image you intend to project. When you do this, there are good chances that you can expose your brand to a large audience.  Additional: The Lifecycle Of Creative Branding Agency: How To Build A Brand? 5 Critical Branding Tips to Attract New Clients to Your Auto Parts Shop 5 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Branding Expert For Your Business How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes

HHA Business

How to Choose Insurance When Launching Your HHA Business

If you have decided to make a career in the home healthcare aide industry or set up a home healthcare aide agency, you already have a fair idea of how to set up your business. You know what kind of qualifications you need, or you must seek in your employees, and know what inherent qualities, such as compassion and patience, are needed to succeed in this field.  However, many HHA agencies start out without a comprehensive insurance plan covering them, and this can prove to be a dangerous lapse. Take a look at some facts that were outlined in a report by NERA Economic Consulting, commissioned by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. In the year 2008, small businesses in America paid up a total of over $105 billion towards tort liability. Small businesses absorbed about $35.6 billion of tort costs and paid from their funds, not through insurance. Medical malpractice costs plus other tort liability cost for small businesses amount to over $133.4 billion. The fact is that no small business owner wants to think about being dragged into a lawsuit when they are just about to embark on the business, but this is not something that can be ignored. The potential costs are simply too high, and they can push your fledgling business to the brink of ruin. Remember that letting a claim go unchallenged is not a very good option for you either, since your inaction may be taken as an admission of guilt by potential/future clients. This could impair your future business drastically. Given the disastrous consequences that a lawsuit against your agency can have, it makes business sense for you to get insurance cover in place as one of your top priority items when you set up your HHA agency. This also true if you are setting up a non-medical HHA agency. In fact, take a look at this step by step guide to setting up such an HHA agency, and you will see insurance coverage listed here as one of the critical tasks to do. Can liability insurance cover you effectively? The answer is a resounding YES! A savvy business owner knows that insurance is a simple, effective way to protect the business financially. Legal issues tend to run up bills that can be huge, even if you can prove your innocence and do NOT have to pay damages. There are costs associated with fighting your lawsuit, remember, and without the right insurance in place, it is your business that absorbs all these costs. To prevent this, you need to opt for the right kind of insurance plans to cover all your bases. Take a look at what you need: General liability insurance explained: This is broader base insurance that is often referred to as business liability insurance.  For example, if your aide accidentally damages some medical equipment that is at the patient’s place when they are operating it, this insurance may kick in to cover any costs arising from legal claims made against you for property damage or bodily injuries resulting from your services or operations. Malpractice liability explained: This insurance coverage kicks in when a claim is made against services you or your aide have provided. There may be patients or family members of patients alleging that you/ your aide were negligent in duties or there was a failure to perform services as claimed or that you gave wrong advice that led to some detriment to the patient. In any such situations where you are accused of a lapse in medical care that has led to some harm to the patient, your malpractice liability insurance helps cover the risk. Wrap: Knowing how your insurance plan protects your business helps you tackle legal claims with confidence, challenging allegations that are falsely made against you. Talk to your insurer and understand the many benefits that your insurance plan provides because this may be your lifesaver in a challenging situation with a client. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance