Don’t Do the Math: 5 Reasons Outsourced Bookkeeping Services are the Right Choice for Your Business

Published on: 25 December 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
outsourced bookkeeping

Every business owner is faced with the challenge of knowing when to outsource and when to hire in-house.

With most business tasks, this depends on many different factors. But when it comes to accounting, it’s always better to outsource.

In this guide are five amazing benefits of outsourced bookkeeping. Read on to see why you should outsource bookkeeping services.

1. Increased Privacy/Security:

Due to the sensitive nature of financial documents, and the wide array of legal issues that result from improper bookkeeping, your accountant must be extremely trustworthy. If they do you wrong, it could completely destroy your company.

This is doubly true of in-house accountants. As they are a member of your own staff, you are held accountable for any mistakes they make.

But when you outsource your bookkeeping, this burden of accountability is outsourced as well. Since the accountant belongs to a separate company, any mistakes or intentional misconduct they make is on them, not you.

Plus, when you outsource, there’s far less chance of misconduct happening regardless. The stakes are much higher for outsourced accountants than for in-house ones.

For an in-house accountant, bookkeeping is just a job. They might leave for a better one at any time. They aren’t necessarily all-in.

But a third-party accounting company is. If they don’t provide you with competitively superior accounting service, they’ll go out of business.

2. Peace of Mind for Everyone Else:

When you do your own bookkeeping, you have exclusive control of your company’s secret financial records that no one else is allowed to see. Understandably, this makes clients and tax agencies nervous.

How do they know you’re not fudging numbers and manipulating the records for selfish gain? They’d have to just take your word for it. And that’s not very reassuring.

But a third-party accountant has zero incentive to bookkeep dishonestly. And since the accounting is done off-site, no one at your company will even have access to edit or share this information. So there’s no reason for anyone to question the accuracy or integrity of their accounting.

3. No Training, No Management, No Turnover:

Your outsourced accountant requires no recruiting, no training, and no management from you, ever. That’s all taken care of by their company.

It’s true, however, that you’ll still have to scout for the right accounting company for your business. But it’s much less involved than the typical hiring process. Here’s more info on that.

Best of all, you’ll never have to worry about turnover. This is a really, really huge deal when it comes to bookkeeping. Have you ever considered what happens if your in-house bookkeeper quits without any notice whatsoever?

Accounting is essential. It’s not something you can put on hold until you hire someone else (which can take a really long time). Who will take care of it in the meantime?

If you outsource, you won’t need to answer these questions. Even if the accountant assigned to your case abruptly quits, there’s an entire team of qualified accountants ready to replace them.

4. Keep Your Focus on Your Business:

You heard us right. When you outsource, you won’t have to recruit, manage, or rehire accounting staff, or do your own accounting, ever again. It sounds like you just got a lot more time on your hands.

What will you do with it? You’ll do what you do best, of course. You now have all this extra time to invest in your business where you’re needed the most.

5. Upscale or Downscale With Ease:

Outsourced accounting is as big or as small as you need it to be. It will more easily upscale or downscale with you as needed than in-house accounting staff.

There won’t be any hiring or layoffs of accounting staff when your company rapidly changes size. And they don’t take up any space in your office, so space restrictions won’t be an issue, either.

Get Outsourced Bookkeeping For Your Business:

It’s now plain to see that outsourced bookkeeping is the best option for any business. Outsource your bookkeeping to reap these great benefits.

Get more financial tips for your smoutsourced bookkeepingall business right here. Read about six loan mistakes every business owner must avoid.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Sales Velocity

How To Measure Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is a vital metric that sheds light on the efficiency of your sales process. It helps you understand how quickly potential leads are converted into paying customers. Greater sales velocity means an organization is generating revenue faster, a positive indicator of healthy sales kinetics. However, measuring sales velocity involves an intricate understanding of individual parameters like the number of open opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and sales length. In this article, we delve into the labyrinth of sales velocity and reveal the processes to measure it accurately. Keep reading to empower your business with this substantial metric. Understanding the Concept of Sales Velocity Sales velocity demonstrates how swiftly a qualified lead converts into a closed deal. Understanding this idea is fundamental for companies wishing to increase revenue growth. It allows sales teams to identify bottlenecks within their process and address them efficiently. Increasing sales velocity can dramatically enhance your sales output and revenue generation. To give an insight into the concept of sales velocity, consider it the speed of your sales cycle. The quicker your leads move through this cycle, the higher your sales velocity. This concept provides insightful information about your sales pipeline and helps identify areas for improvement. It forms the foundation of sales forecasting, helping to create accurate sales predictions for future quarters. Accurately understanding sales velocity is not merely about measuring the speed of closing a deal. It includes a comprehensive analysis of your sales routine—from lead generation to sealing the deal. The concept gauges the efficiency of your sales process and can offer remedial measures for any shortcomings. Interpreting the Elements of Sales Velocity Four essential components determine your sales velocity: the number of opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and length of the sales cycle. These parameters collectively provide an accurate depiction of your sales velocity. The number of opportunities refers to the count of leads or prospects your sales team is working with. These open opportunities are the potential contributors to your revenue. On the other hand, the average deal size is the average value of each deal your team closes. It sheds light on the financial adequacy of your deals. Both components directly influence your sales velocity: the higher these values, the greater your sales velocity. The win rate is the percentage of opportunities that convert into actual sales. It directly correlates with the efficiency of your sales team. A higher win rate means your team is successfully persuading a majority of leads. The sales cycle length refers to the span between the first contact with a lead and closing the deal. This is inversely proportional to the sales velocity—the longer this duration, the lower will be the sales velocity. Precise Measurement of Sales Velocity To measure sales velocity, you need to calculate and analyze all four components, multiply the number of opportunities, average deal size, and win rate, and then divide the result by the length of the sales cycle. While this formula may seem complex, it yields a powerful insight into your sales dynamics. Calculating each component accurately is crucial for an exact sales velocity measurement. All these parameters are interconnected and contribute collectively to your sales velocity. Increasing one factor can compensate for a decrease in another, maintaining the overall sales velocity. Optimize Your Sales Velocity Understanding your sales velocity is one thing, but optimizing it is another. It requires strategic thinking and implementation. The first step is to conduct regular reviews of your sales velocity. Frequent auditing will spot changes in your sales velocity and allow immediate rectifications. Moreover, refining each contributing factor can lead to an optimized sales velocity. Effective marketing, lead generation, or referral programs can increase the number of opportunities. Raising the average deal size may involve upselling to existing customers or offering premium products to new customers. Understanding and measuring sales velocity can significantly boost your revenue generation. By mastering this art, you can spin the wheel of your sales pipeline in your favor, steering your business toward sustainable and substantial growth. Read Also: Types Of Objections In Sales And How To Overcome Them With An Email Delivery Test? 5 Ways To Help Your Sales Team In Door To Door Selling Top 9 Reasons Your Sales Training Isn’t Working

Mistakes B2B Businesses

Top 5 Mistakes B2B Businesses Should Stop Making Right Away

Many experts point out that running a successful B2B business is easy if you avoid making some important mistakes. Even if you are not running exceptionally sophisticated campaigns to woo newer clients, simply avoiding mistakes can give your company the much-needed boost. This is more important in the new scheme of things, especially for a post-COVID-19 business world. With 2021 just around the corner, it is essential that you pay heed to the contents of this article and ensure that you are able to avoid some if not all of these mistakes. In this article, we speak to some of the leading minds from the B2B world of marketing, sales, and logistics. We ask them about the mistakes and the way forward. List of Top 5 Mistakes B2B Businesses should stop making right away 1. Maintaining Data on External Disks- We all know how data is important to the success of any business. In the case of B2B companies, data can be the deciding factor between success and failure. Most B2B companies are still averse to maintaining data on the Cloud and prefer to use hard disks. Experts are of the opinion that in addition to the risks of data getting corrupted or being destroyed by human error, this strategy is flawed and outdated. Maintaining data on the Cloud does not only increase its security but also ensures cross-department usage of the same. 2. Using Outdated ERP and Inventory Management Tools- The next set of mistakes concerns B2B businesses still relying on age-old strategies for inventory management. With AI, ML, and Automation being offered by the best vendors, it is high-time, B2B businesses should opt for the best inventory optimization software. This will allow B2B businesses to accelerate the pace of their functions, boost the efficiency of the team, and improve customer experience. Looking after simple things like reducing the turnaround times can have a major impact on any B2B business in the world. 3. Manual Task Assignment and Follow-Ups- If you are a B2B business owner, you will agree that following up with your team members or checking the progress of their work can be a pain. Using phone calls, emails, WhatsApp and other outdated mechanisms promotes inefficiency and prevents clarity. This is why automated task assignment workflow software should be used to better employee performance. From Trello to Asana, there are many credible ones in the market, which are simple to use and will allow you to keep track of the work assignments of your employees. 4. Doubting Digital Platforms- Most business consultants point to the fact that B2B businesses and their owners are still hesitant when it comes to pursuing digital transformations. They still feel that the internet will not be able to help them fulfill their sales and marketing objectives. However, nothing can be further from the truth. Using search engines and social media in a strategic fashion can help you with a number of advantages. From reaching your target audiences to improving branding and lead generation, there is a lot to achieve from digital. 5. Taking help from External Specialised Vendors- B2B businesses think that in order for them to start digital transformation or automate their processes they need to set up internal teams. They get scared when it comes to hiring specialists internally. However, it does not have to be that way. By working with specialized digital marketing agencies, they can bring on an external partner firm, which can help them in multiple ways. This will ensure that they do not have to hire teams, give them systems, and spend on their office spaces. The Final Word Once you start avoiding these mistakes, you will see a qualitative and quantitative transformation in your B2B business. You need to understand that the world is increasingly moving towards a digital framework and as a business, you need to make the most out of it. Read Also: Top 10 B2B Marketplaces to Grow Business! 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

Support As A Service

Support As A Service For Your Company: Full Guidance And Useful Tips

Customer support is a powerful thing that can help your business to grow. Customers pay attention to how quickly and effectively you respond to their requests and what information you provide. For example, according to McKinsey, 70% of customers measure their experience based on customer service level. If the company is not ready to provide good customer service, it’s better to find other solutions than to lose customers. And one of these solutions is called support as a service. Support as a service: what is it Briefly, it means outsourcing customer support functions. Let’s imagine that you are managing a middle-sized company and are going to organize customer support. What options do you have? At least two. First, you may build a customer support department inside the company. Second, you may hire an outsourced customer service responsible for clients’ communications and requests. What choice is better? You may pick up any of these options considering available financial, human, physical, and other resources. Let’s compare the main pros and cons of both decisions. An in-house customer support department- Pros: The customer support team is fully involved in all processes. You hire every team member. You may manage everything on your own. The success of your external communications with the customers is in your own hands. Cons: It’s pretty expensive (needed equipment and installation may cost thousands of dollars). You pay customer agents for the whole working day and not for the number of calls. You are not flexible and can’t change the whole customer department in case something doesn’t work. An outsourced customer support team- Pros: You may choose from a variety of different providers unless you find an appropriate one. You may influence all processes that take place inside an outsourced team. You should not think about any technical aspects of customer support. You pay only for the delivered service. You free up a lot of resources inside the company and use them for more critical tasks. Your customer service team may speak different languages. Cons: It’s possible to get poor service because not all providers guarantee good quality. Sometimes you may experience issues, misunderstandings, and mistakes. Your customers may not be satisfied. Related Reads: Making Sure You’re SOX Compliant Support as a service: who uses it During the last five years, support as a service became widespread among different businesses. This model has a lot in common with another approach called SaaS (software as a service) or providing cloud software solutions on demand. Support as a service is popular in: E-commerce: People like shopping online (especially now, during pandemic times). They also want to choose goods on the weekend or late in the evening after work. So, customer support has to be ready to provide customers with the required information at any time. In these circumstances, an outsourced customer support team is the best option for businesses. Tech and finance business: Hiring a customer support agent with the relevant tech or software experience may last for several months. It’s a lot, taking into account that the company loses money during this time. Professional support as a service provider knows how to find required team members fast and effectively. Season businesses: Before Christmas or summer months, some companies experience an increasing number of customers’ requests. As a result, their internal customer support departments cannot handle all questions and answer them quickly. An outsourced customer support team on demand may solve this issue and take over part of requests only for a limited time. Available services- Another essential question is what exact services an outsourced customer support team may provide. In general, all normal functions of customer support. Calls: According to Zendesk, more than 50% of customers prefer to use phones for communication with the brands. That means that voice customer support plays a significant role in building a positive customer experience. Emails: Letters are an excellent alternative to calls. They allow sharing more detailed information with customers. But for better results and effectiveness, you should establish special rules on how soon customer agents have to answer letters, tone of voice to use, etc. Live Chats: If your company works with millennials and young generations, think of using modern communication tools like live chat or messengers. According to Statista, live chat has growing popularity in almost all industries. Support as a service: how to start Here is a checklist of everything you need to do to start collaborating with an outsourced customer support company. Read Also: How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business Key Marketing Tips To Gain More Customers For Your Health Care Practice 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers