6 Shameless Examples of Product Placement in Movies We’d Like to Forget

Published on: 25 December 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
product placement in movies

Imagine you’re on the edge of your seat in the middle of an action-packed, spellbinding movie. After a few climactic scenes, the main character makes a frantic phone call. He then cracks open a can of soda.

Nothing about this scene seems out of the ordinary. The character is simply quenching his thirst after a big police chase or a kung fu brawl.

That is until some familiar brand of soda appears on the can in a big, bold, unapologetic font.

Talk about a plot twist.

But product placement in movies is nothing new. Old school marketing techniques show how far companies will go to advertise. They’ll even go as far to pay directors and producers to feature them in films.

There have been great instances of advertising that worked well in films. But there have been plenty of others that were so shameless and unnatural, we wish we could forget them.

Here are 6 of the silliest, most cringe-worthy moments of advertising in movies.

1. Starbucks (You’ve Got Mail):

‘You’ve Got Mail’ may be the first film to portray online romance. Given that it takes place in 1998, AOL was practically its own character in the film. Without it, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan’s characters would have never “met” and fallen in love.

But AOL wasn’t the only company to get prime ad space in ‘You’ve Got Mail.’ At the beginning of the film, Tom Hanks quips about the obscurity of Starbucks.

His character’s snarky commentary doesn’t serve much to the plot. But it does help to give the audience somewhat of an introduction to his character. All while appealing to pretentious coffee drinkers like his character in the process.

2. Designer Brands (Sex and the City):

Curious which movies with the most product placement made our list?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the ‘Sex and the City’ film featured dozens of fashion labels. After all, fashion was a constant theme throughout the hit TV series.

The series has long appealed to women in the 20-30 age bracket. So, when it went to the big screen, tons of the biggest fashion labels came calling.

You better believe Louis Vuitton and Chanel made a handful of cameos throughout the film. But some other products made the cut, too. Nike, U-Haul, Apple, and Marie Claire are just a few of many brand name drops in ‘SATC’.

Producers and creator Darren Starr were clearly not ashamed.

3. Reese’s Pieces (E.T the Extra-Terrestrial):

Not all instances of product placement in movies are bad. Certain films have done it so subtly we hardly pick up on the smell of advertising.

Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T the Extra-Terrestrial’ is undeniably one of those movies. Who could forget when Elliot entices E.T by scattering Reese’s Pieces around the woods and back to his house?

Hershey’s certainly cashed in when E.T became a box office hit. But this was back in 1982. So, can product placement still hold merit today as an advertising technique?

The technique may actually be more effective than ever before. You can discover more about the different ways this technique continues to work.

4. Popeyes Chicken (Little Nicky):

Whereas E.T is a good example of subtle product placement, Adam Sandler’s ‘Little Nicky’ is not. It’s one of several Happy Madison comedies that wasn’t well-received by critics. But it gained a cult following for its ridiculousness and quotability nonetheless.

In one scene, Adam Sandler, who plays the kindhearted son of Satan, learns how to eat with the help of a talking dog. What does he learn to eat with?

Popeyes fried chicken. And the large takeout box of it sits in the center of the shot. Even a big K-mart bag makes a small cameo, as well.

The scene concludes with Nicky proclaiming how awesome Popeyes chicken is. Not subtle in the least, but the scene is something fans continue to quote to this day.

5. “I Will Not Bow to Any Sponsor” (Wayne’s World):

Is it any less shameful when a movie calls itself out on its attempts to advertise?

Few films are able to make fun of themselves about their blatant attempts to advertise. But the first ‘Wayne’s World’ film provided a plot where it was possible to do so.

Wayne and Garth sell their public access show to a big-time TV producer. In the build-up to the climax, the producer confronts Wayne and Garth about their contract. They agreed to air an interview with the show’s new sponsor, but Wayne insists otherwise.

What follows is a satirical scene of obvious advertisements all surrounding Wayne’s opposition. While opening up a box of Pizza Hut, Wayne proclaims, “I will not bow to any sponsor.”

Wayne goes on to explain that he doesn’t believe in “selling out” while holding a bag of Doritos and drinking a Pepsi. Garth also gives his two cents on the idea of selling out while clad in Reebok gear from head to toe.

6. Heineken (James Bond Franchise):

The character James Bond has always had an affinity for dry martinis. This trait has inspired fans of the franchise to become martini drinkers for decades. But over the years, James Bond has dabbled in other commercial alcoholic drinks.

In 1997, the famous film franchise partnered up with the Dutch beer company, Heineken. Heineken has advertised the James Bond films since 1997’s ‘Tomorrow Never Knows.’ The ads have always been over the top, contributing to the promotional side of the Bond franchise.

But Bond himself never drank the Dutch beer until 2012’s ‘Skyfall.’ In one scene, while James Bond is in bed cuddled up with his latest love interest, he drinks a Heineken.

For any fan who has ever wished to be like James Bond, this scene is definitely inspirational. At least that’s the kind of association Heineken had intended to portray.

The Power of Product Placement in Movies:

If you’ve ever watched a movie and noticed an advertisement, you may have reacted one of a couple of ways.

You may have hardly noticed or didn’t care all too much. You could’ve felt preyed upon as a consumer or felt the ad ruined the experience. Or, you may have thought to yourself, “Wow. That was actually a great instance of advertising.”

Product placement in movies allows companies to reach a worldwide audience. Depending on how big the film is, these audiences can reach into the millions.

When characters we love use certain products, we’re more inclined to buy them. But there are other lots of other innovative and clever ways to advertise in movies – and beyond. If you’re in need of some inspiration, check out more advertising news and ideas.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? What is the cost to start a business?

If you’re thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, you probably already have the motivation and guts to do so, but do you have the right knowledge and the right amount of capital? Many Latinos have the drive and initiative to become entrepreneurs. This comes with many perks including consistency, hard work and an innate ability to be resilient and not stop at the potential of obstacles. But entrepreneurs often lack the proper information about how much it costs to start a business. For example, how many funds will I need upfront? How much do I have to invest from my own savings and how much will come to from a bank loan? How many employees will I have to pay? The cost always varies depending on the field. Usually, the industries with the largest profits are also those that require more expenses and ongoing investments: land, facilities, infrastructure, and major manufacturing equipment. Unless you’re starting a business solo as a freelancer or business consultant, there are a plethora of costs involved with starting a business. Let’s start with a concrete example. If you are thinking of launching your own Mexican restaurant, what initial expenses should you consider? Well, first off you have to pay yourself. What will your salary look like? Then, estimate your business cost by creating a business plan. How many employees will you employ and at what hourly rate? What is the hourly rate for your state? How much do you have to invest in to make the restaurant appealing to customers including equipment and supply costs? All of these factors should be a top consideration in your mind and in your business plan. Having your own business means having to take care of your employees as well. You will also have to consider administrative charges such as the fees you need to pay your state for being a business entity. Many companies opt to become a corporation, a process that can cost roughly around $100 - $250 in fees depending on the state. Franchise tax fees can cost an additional $800 to $1,000, with government filing fees adding an extra $50 to $100 to your expenses. Plus, you cannot forget rent! In pricey areas, you can be coughing up around $50-$60 per square foot. That’s just an example, but the price varies depending on location and state. And, finally, insurance. Insurance is a pivotal part of business as you want to be sure you’re operating from a place in which you’re protected from liabilities. In an atmosphere where so many diners come and go day-by-day, insurance is a must-have. Is your case similar to the one mentioned above? Do you dream of setting up your own business in a different field? Do you want to work for yourself? Whether you’re in the hospitality industry, the freelance industry, or legal, there are a lot of costs you should become aware of before you start. These are some of the questions you should think about and answer before starting your business. Read Also: How To Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs Building Your Business Profile Is Easier Than You Think


6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant

Eateries dependably need to stock up on sustenance fixings in mass amounts. For organizations in the nourishment and refreshment administration segment, coming up short on provisions is just impossible. There are different ways a refrigerator can make use of several aspects. This is the fundamental motivation behind why they esteem and keep up great working associations with their discount nourishment wholesalers. At the point when an eatery comes up short on fixings, Eateries dependably need to stock up on nourishment fixings in mass amounts. For organizations in the nourishment and refreshment administration part, coming up short on provisions is basically impossible. This is the primary motivation behind why they esteem and keep up great working associations with their discount sustenance merchants. Globalseaoods At the point when an eatery comes up short on fixings, the administration will be disturbed. The foundation may even close down through the afternoon or night. This will, obviously, sway the eatery's ROI and benefit, also its notoriety. Putting away Food Supplies in Commercial Refrigerator: Having enough nourishment supplies, however, is unique in relation to keeping up their quality and security. To keep up the freshness of the greater part of their key fixings, feasting foundations need to keep them in coolers and coolers. Sadly, not all eateries can put resources into a few business cooler units as they can be extremely costly and will gobble up a great deal of room. All things considered, these entrepreneurs should manage with whatever they need to protect their fixings crisp and for utilization. For eatery, proprietors searching for approaches to augment their utilization of their iceboxes, underneath are six hints to pursue: 1. Know the right arrangement of nourishment in the icebox: Temperature and dampness shift inside the cooler. Accordingly, certain territories are increasingly appropriate for certain sorts of nourishment. For example, organic products are best kept in a zone with low mugginess levels. Along these lines, apples, orange, berries, and another ice chest neighborly natural products are best kept on the top rack. Vegetables, then again, must be kept in a region with higher dampness. They should, in this manner, dependably be set in the crisper. Meat, obviously, dependably must be put away in the cooler. It is imperative that you know where every item is best kept for sanitation and to save quality. 2. Leave space in the middle of things: Cold air needs to flow in a business cooler. All things considered, regardless of whether you need to pack the same number of things as you can in the icebox, abstain from overloading it. This is on the grounds that a cooler requires, in any event, a large portion of an inch of room in the middle of sustenance items to get the best refrigeration results. Abstain from setting nourishments against the back or sides of the icebox also. Thusly, you will anticipate problem areas and the uneven cooling and solidifying of sustenance. This will at that point help keep sustenance from ruining rapidly. 3. Exchange sustenance to little compartments: Air is the normal foe of most nourishments since it can build their rate of waste. To draw out the freshness of nourishment fixings and limit air contact, move them into little compartments with hermetically sealed tops once they leave their unique bundling. Furthermore, by exchanging them to littler holders, you will likewise help keep your ice chest sorted out and simple to explore. Subsequent to moving nourishment in holders, name them as needs be. Spot concealing tape on the holder and utilize a marker to compose the date of capacity and its substance. This will assist you with the following stage. 4. Pursue the First In, First Out (FIFO) rule: To keep away from sustenance wastage and keep up the nature of your fixings, you have to observe their timeframe of realistic usability and use-by dates. Next, mastermind them following the FIFO rule. This implies stocking recently purchased items in the back of your refrigerator and cooler. In the event that an item's date codes are little, compose greater numbers on the bundle before putting away it. Ensure you place the things such that you can see the dates right away. Do likewise with your marked nourishment compartments. Ensure the open things are utilized before opening comparative ones that are new. 5. Stop the nourishment level: Get more space in your business refrigerator and cooler, on the off chance that you have one, by solidifying nourishments level. You can do this by putting meat, pre-cut products of the soil, semi-strong nourishments, for example, sauces and stews, and soup in zip cooler packs. Next, cautiously press out the air from each sack before putting away them in the refrigerator Besides making more space in your cooler, when you pursue this tip, you will keep away from cooler consume also. 6. Try not to put the ice chest against the divider: Finally, if your icebox is near the divider, pull it forward an inch or two. Thusly, you will diminish its vitality utilization by as much as 40 percent. This will go far in helping you decrease your month to month power bills. Furthermore, you will accomplish this without influencing the nature of nourishment in your cooler. Regardless of whether you are as yet opening another eatery or officially running one, your main need ought to be to dependably serving great quality sustenance. Keeping up the quality and security of your fixings is the initial step to achieving this — something you can undoubtedly accomplish by augmenting the utilization of your business icebox. 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Succeed In Business

7 Tips For Women To Succeed In Business

Corporate culture has evolved over the years, as today, gender participation and role see new twists. In the present age, many women own businesses and are running them smoothly. Women now work in authoritative positions and run successful companies. Being an entrepreneur in the competitive business world requires business owners to demonstrate their A-game all the time. They have to stay abreast with the emerging technology, keep an eye on the market trends and be innovative with their marketing techniques to persuade customers into purchasing their services. Today, the representation of women in the business world is comparatively better than before. Still, the corporate world is primarily male-dominant. Women juggle many responsibilities and have to put in earnest effort to make a name for themselves. Modern women understand that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Yet, many are courageous enough to take the plunge and venture into the business world. Women can succeed in the business world by demonstrating dedication, being flexible, and having nerves of steel. Many females have business ideas that they want to turn into reality and earn money through them. Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is exciting for many females. Still, they also have a flick of fear in their hearts. Below we are stating some tips which will help women overcome their anxiety and succeed in business: 1. Focus on Continual Professional Development Successful people understand that there is always room for improvement, and they continue to strive for it. Women in the business should keep an open mind and not feel shy about learning something, even from juniors. Technology dominates the modern world, and many practices have been shifted online. Women entrepreneurs can take advantage of e-education and enroll themselves in online learning business programs. Several prestigious higher educational institutes have now waived off the GMAT requirement, a multiple-choice test, from the prerequisites of MBA admission. Women who want to make their companies flourish can enroll in online programs. They can search for online MBA no GMAT required programs to equip themselves with the latest business skills. Women who believe in constantly challenging themselves can groom professionally and thrive. 2. Get Skillful People on Board Entrepreneurs cannot take care of all the aspects by themselves and need to hire several people. They must ensure that they take competent people on board who are well-versed in their fields. Women business leaders must promote open communication and create an inclusive team environment where all employees work together to achieve the common goal. Besides, hiring professional people minimizes the chances of errors and enhances organizations’ productivity. Competent people know their jobs well and are committed to their companies. Female entrepreneurs must have a strategy for hiring their team and getting skillful people on board. 3. Know your Market Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot run businesses in a vacuum. They need to have a market and in-depth insight into it. Having a clear idea about the market enables them to formulate a business plan, devise strategies, and design their campaigns. Additionally, it helps them identify their position in the market and determine their competitors. The modern world has provided entrepreneurs with many options. Women business owners can use technology to conduct surveys to learn what their customers want. They can be creative and use other ways to get an idea about their audience and modify their techniques accordingly. 4. Learn to Prioritize Leaders have one thing in common: they prioritize their tasks and finish the utmost important ones without delay. Women entrepreneurs need to understand the difference between urgent and essential and should focus on significant tasks. The art of 'putting first thing first' helps business owners make their companies thrive as they accomplish their tasks on time efficiently. 5. Carry a Positive Attitude Women entrepreneurs can do wonders with an ‘I-can-do-it’ attitude. They must have confidence in their abilities and exhibit positive vibes. Entrepreneurs who empower others and have tremendous energy build a positive work environment and impact people in a good way. Another tip is to have positive self-talk as it boosts confidence and gives women business leaders the strength to overcome challenges. The key is to carry a positive attitude, believe in oneself, and be self-aware at the same time. Women entrepreneurs must not cross the line and be overconfident as it can adversely affect the business. Carrying a positive attitude helps in taking failures in stride and derive learning lessons from them. 6. Learn to Say No The world has changed massively and has started accepting women as leaders; still, there is a long way to go. Women entrepreneurs have to go through more challenges than their male counterparts. They may have to bear unnecessary pressure, but they need to develop a thick skin and learn to say no. If they disagree, then they should voice it professionally and should not give in to pressure. Women must realize that giving in the stress and agreeing to something they do not believe in can harm their company in the long run. 7. Take Care of Wellbeing Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot take their health for granted and look after their physical and mental wellbeing. Stress is part and parcel of the business world, and they should learn to manage it. Eat healthy food, be physically active and take proper rest. Good health is critical to succeeding in the cut-throat competition of the corporate world. Conclusion Words like ‘shepreneur’ or ‘womenpreneurs’ create a buzz in the business world as an increasing number of women take the plunge and enter the competitive market. They understand the challenges and the hard work that entrepreneurship demands and give their heart and soul to their companies. Women who are confident about their abilities committed to their cause, and learn from their mistakes put their companies on the path to success. They should equip themselves with the latest business skills, be strategic and thoughtful about their success, and demonstrate consistency to succeed. With each passing day, more and more women are launching their companies and are ready to do what it takes to succeed in the market. Read Also: How Business Leadership Plays an Important Role in Business Success? 4 Business Leadership Skills for Business Success