Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? What is the cost to start a business?

Published on: 17 October 2018 Last Updated on: 02 March 2020

If you’re thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, you probably already have the motivation and guts to do so, but do you have the right knowledge and the right amount of capital?

Many Latinos have the drive and initiative to become entrepreneurs. This comes with many perks including consistency, hard work and an innate ability to be resilient and not stop at the potential of obstacles. But entrepreneurs often lack the proper information about how much it costs to start a business. For example, how many funds will I need upfront? How much do I have to invest from my own savings and how much will come to from a bank loan? How many employees will I have to pay? The cost always varies depending on the field. Usually, the industries with the largest profits are also those that require more expenses and ongoing investments: land, facilities, infrastructure, and major manufacturing equipment. Unless you’re starting a business solo as a freelancer or business consultant, there are a plethora of costs involved with starting a business.

Let’s start with a concrete example. If you are thinking of launching your own Mexican restaurant, what initial expenses should you consider? Well, first off you have to pay yourself. What will your salary look like? Then, estimate your business cost by creating a business plan. How many employees will you employ and at what hourly rate? What is the hourly rate for your state? How much do you have to invest in to make the restaurant appealing to customers including equipment and supply costs? All of these factors should be a top consideration in your mind and in your business plan. Having your own business means having to take care of your employees as well.

You will also have to consider administrative charges such as the fees you need to pay your state for being a business entity. Many companies opt to become a corporation, a process that can cost roughly around $100 – $250 in fees depending on the state. Franchise tax fees can cost an additional $800 to $1,000, with government filing fees adding an extra $50 to $100 to your expenses.

Plus, you cannot forget rent! In pricey areas, you can be coughing up around $50-$60 per square foot. That’s just an example, but the price varies depending on location and state. And, finally, insurance. Insurance is a pivotal part of business as you want to be sure you’re operating from a place in which you’re protected from liabilities. In an atmosphere where so many diners come and go day-by-day, insurance is a must-have.

Is your case similar to the one mentioned above? Do you dream of setting up your own business in a different field? Do you want to work for yourself? Whether you’re in the hospitality industry, the freelance industry, or legal, there are a lot of costs you should become aware of before you start. These are some of the questions you should think about and answer before starting your business.

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Business Processes

Simple Ways To Automate Your Small Business Processes

Every company and every business believes in hard work! Yes, without hard work and taking the rightful responsibilities, many wouldn’t have been able to survive many challenges. However, there is one more thing that can help many businesses. Whether you are an already established one! Or, You are just setting up your small business! Or, You are planning on the expansion! This is what we call smart work, and everyone in an organization needs to learn and incorporate it through automation. What Is Automation In Business? BPA or Business Process automation is the smart work we are talking about. This is where you transfer some of the manually done hard work to the machine, and they can help you with it. Business automation involves software application tools, reconstructing manual functions, and integrating technologies. The implementation of business automation has helped businesses to show positive results. This is only possible because business automation reduces manual dependence and automates most redundant business processes effectively. For instance, if you want your schedule to be perfectly executed without missing a single day, Calendly can help you automate all your meetings. It goes through your emails and arranges meetings, phone calls, and other appointments. If you want your meetings and phone calls scheduled automatically without opening any mail, download the software tool from the 1337x mirror website. Simple Ways To Automate Your Small Business Processes: While most businesses can identify the repetitive process and can implement business automation to become more productive, there are some areas where experts believe companies can get an immediate benefit. 1. Sales The sales department is one of the important areas where business automation can bring immediate profit. However, the goal of integrating business automation technology into the business remains the same: To close more deals in a typical workday. In the sales department, too many processes go into converting one customer. The process includes- Lead generation. Proposal development. Customer contact messaging. Sales quota. Contract management. 2. Product Development When developing a product, it is not a perfect product in the development phase. There are several trials and errors that go into the product's final launch. If everything is done manually, it can take weeks before one product development project is complete. However, the process can become more efficient with business automation software tools. With business automation, highly skilled employees can get that extra push to produce results faster without cutting corners and increasing risks. 3. Supply Chain Today, most businesses rely on sustainability in the supply chains to deliver their products to consumers. The whole process involves ordering, receiving, transactions, and warehousing. This makes managing the supply chain a pure nightmare. With the integration of business automation, businesses can use supply chain management systems to track everything from one single software. This makes the whole process more controlled and transparent. Frequently Asked Questions No, the article hasn’t ended because we understand the predicament of all our budding entrepreneurs. They are starting with a small business, and it is quite natural that they would want to know everything there is to know about a business. This is why we have scoured through the internet and got you some more frequently asked questions about automation. Plus, the answers that we are providing experts specifically suggest you. Q1. What Is The Most Important Aspect Of Your Business Should You Automate? Ans. If you are asking about the most important aspect of a business that someone has to automate, it should be the ‘ Customer Service Management.’ Every time you make a customer wait, it is like you are giving them another chance to choose another company over you. The automation process will help you analyze their needs faster and get an answer for them. Everything else can wait, but the people who are going to be your potential customer absolutely can’t. Q2. What Is The First Step Of Automation? Ans. The first step of automation is definitely looking into automation, especially when you look at a small business, which is something called focus and budgeting. A small business doesn’t have all the funds in the world, and they will need to focus on other things as well. So, it is better to focus on the parts that need immediate attention and automate them. After which, you can proceed with more as the time goes by and you expand. Read Also: Who Are the Best Software Vendors Out There? 5 Reasons Why Having Software for Your Business Matters Top 5 Mistakes B2B Businesses Should Stop Making Right Away IT Quick Fixes for Your Business During the Crisis by Paul Belogour

Succeed In Business

7 Tips For Women To Succeed In Business

Corporate culture has evolved over the years, as today, gender participation and role see new twists. In the present age, many women own businesses and are running them smoothly. Women now work in authoritative positions and run successful companies. Being an entrepreneur in the competitive business world requires business owners to demonstrate their A-game all the time. They have to stay abreast with the emerging technology, keep an eye on the market trends and be innovative with their marketing techniques to persuade customers into purchasing their services. Today, the representation of women in the business world is comparatively better than before. Still, the corporate world is primarily male-dominant. Women juggle many responsibilities and have to put in earnest effort to make a name for themselves. Modern women understand that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Yet, many are courageous enough to take the plunge and venture into the business world. Women can succeed in the business world by demonstrating dedication, being flexible, and having nerves of steel. Many females have business ideas that they want to turn into reality and earn money through them. Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is exciting for many females. Still, they also have a flick of fear in their hearts. Below we are stating some tips which will help women overcome their anxiety and succeed in business: 1. Focus on Continual Professional Development Successful people understand that there is always room for improvement, and they continue to strive for it. Women in the business should keep an open mind and not feel shy about learning something, even from juniors. Technology dominates the modern world, and many practices have been shifted online. Women entrepreneurs can take advantage of e-education and enroll themselves in online learning business programs. Several prestigious higher educational institutes have now waived off the GMAT requirement, a multiple-choice test, from the prerequisites of MBA admission. Women who want to make their companies flourish can enroll in online programs. They can search for online MBA no GMAT required programs to equip themselves with the latest business skills. Women who believe in constantly challenging themselves can groom professionally and thrive. 2. Get Skillful People on Board Entrepreneurs cannot take care of all the aspects by themselves and need to hire several people. They must ensure that they take competent people on board who are well-versed in their fields. Women business leaders must promote open communication and create an inclusive team environment where all employees work together to achieve the common goal. Besides, hiring professional people minimizes the chances of errors and enhances organizations’ productivity. Competent people know their jobs well and are committed to their companies. Female entrepreneurs must have a strategy for hiring their team and getting skillful people on board. 3. Know your Market Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot run businesses in a vacuum. They need to have a market and in-depth insight into it. Having a clear idea about the market enables them to formulate a business plan, devise strategies, and design their campaigns. Additionally, it helps them identify their position in the market and determine their competitors. The modern world has provided entrepreneurs with many options. Women business owners can use technology to conduct surveys to learn what their customers want. They can be creative and use other ways to get an idea about their audience and modify their techniques accordingly. 4. Learn to Prioritize Leaders have one thing in common: they prioritize their tasks and finish the utmost important ones without delay. Women entrepreneurs need to understand the difference between urgent and essential and should focus on significant tasks. The art of 'putting first thing first' helps business owners make their companies thrive as they accomplish their tasks on time efficiently. 5. Carry a Positive Attitude Women entrepreneurs can do wonders with an ‘I-can-do-it’ attitude. They must have confidence in their abilities and exhibit positive vibes. Entrepreneurs who empower others and have tremendous energy build a positive work environment and impact people in a good way. Another tip is to have positive self-talk as it boosts confidence and gives women business leaders the strength to overcome challenges. The key is to carry a positive attitude, believe in oneself, and be self-aware at the same time. Women entrepreneurs must not cross the line and be overconfident as it can adversely affect the business. Carrying a positive attitude helps in taking failures in stride and derive learning lessons from them. 6. Learn to Say No The world has changed massively and has started accepting women as leaders; still, there is a long way to go. Women entrepreneurs have to go through more challenges than their male counterparts. They may have to bear unnecessary pressure, but they need to develop a thick skin and learn to say no. If they disagree, then they should voice it professionally and should not give in to pressure. Women must realize that giving in the stress and agreeing to something they do not believe in can harm their company in the long run. 7. Take Care of Wellbeing Women entrepreneurs must realize that they cannot take their health for granted and look after their physical and mental wellbeing. Stress is part and parcel of the business world, and they should learn to manage it. Eat healthy food, be physically active and take proper rest. Good health is critical to succeeding in the cut-throat competition of the corporate world. Conclusion Words like ‘shepreneur’ or ‘womenpreneurs’ create a buzz in the business world as an increasing number of women take the plunge and enter the competitive market. They understand the challenges and the hard work that entrepreneurship demands and give their heart and soul to their companies. Women who are confident about their abilities committed to their cause, and learn from their mistakes put their companies on the path to success. They should equip themselves with the latest business skills, be strategic and thoughtful about their success, and demonstrate consistency to succeed. With each passing day, more and more women are launching their companies and are ready to do what it takes to succeed in the market. Read Also: How Business Leadership Plays an Important Role in Business Success? 4 Business Leadership Skills for Business Success


Why It’s Important to Avoid Killing a Sale with Kindness

Salespersons are of two kinds- there are those who are smart enough to sell themselves and are charmers. Then there are those who know how to sell products and services. They might not be presentable enough, but they do know their business. Employers are often tempted to hire people with pleasing personalities, rather than people, who know how to do their job. While it’s always important to be polite, sometimes these basic niceties can get in the way of sales – it might even prevent people from closing sales. Feeling too pushy to pull the trigger will no doubt affect performance negatively. This kind of occurrence is called “Yielder Call Reluctance.” The first step in overcoming Yielder Call Reluctance is to understand what it is and how it could be affecting you. The following criteria may help you determine if you are too nice to close the deal: You are fearful of bothering people unless you’re given an explicit “ok” to talk brass tax You are afraid of being too pushy, intrusive, or manipulative while talking to a client or potential client You are afraid to incite conflict while talking about a sale and its specifics You are taking clients out for dinners and lunches, as well as other lavish outings, but you aren’t breaking even or haven’t actually made a big sale yet You have a number of relationships with clients set out, but your production goals have not been met If you answered “Yes” to three or more of the above questions, you may be suffering from Yielder Sales Call Reluctance. It’s important to raise it to the attention of the employee or candidate in question because a lot of people simply are not aware of their own awkward dispositions or they are trying too hard to be pleasant and gregarious. By taking them aside and letting them know about what their actual role is, you can help them take the first step towards making the necessary adjustments. This will also help them when it is time to interact with customers. If you want to see someone in action, you should always try one small trick. Try and listen to their phone calls. One of the best things about listening to a representative’s call is figuring out whether he is trying too hard to be nice and approachable. You should also ask them to assess or evaluate their performance for themselves. Always remember, self-learning is the best form of learning. Once the problem has been identified and the sales representative has narrowed down the issue at hand, it is your task as a sales manager to coach and changes their professional behavior. This is the stage where you provide your representatives with useful coaching, tips, self-practicing scripts, and sort their approach. In short, a candidate with too much potential for phony small talk and feigned joviality can help tell you how to spot an unsuitable sales candidate quickly and efficiently. After the entire process has been completed- reviewing, coaching, and on-field practice, you need to do a final assessment. This can involve listening to the representative talk over the phone with a client. It can also involve seeing them in action on the floor of the store. Read Also: Cold Calling Script For Successful Sales Persons 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales 5 Major Tips To Increase Employee Engagement In A Call Centre Industry Why Do Entrepreneurs Put Up Their Drop Shipping Websites For Sale?