Major financial problems that can affect a new business

Published on: 02 August 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
financial problems

For a new business just fresh out of the concept stage, there’s a lot of excitement ahead. However, there are often troubles on the horizon, and these tend to revolve around money issues. Finance streams may be in place when the business is first created, for example, but they can quickly dry up as time goes on. It’s expensive to hire staff, and this can often push a firm well into the problem zone. Here are some ways that new businesses can get around these problems.

No finance streams :

When a new business first launches, it’s usually the case that there’s some form of finance behind it – at least for a short time. The entrepreneur themselves might be financing it from savings, for example, while there may also be an investor. The long-term plan is usually to have incoming cash replace this stream once it dries out – but revenues and profits don’t come overnight, and in fact, they often don’t materialize for a long time.

Instead of relying on external finance providers, it often makes sense for a new business to be “bootstrapped”. Bootstrapping essentially means cutting down costs until you reach a stage where you have the funds to raise them back up. Instead of hiring an office space, for example, why not knuckle down and work hard in your spare room until you have enough – or almost enough – sustainable income to pay for a desk somewhere? It may be tough doing this sort of thing at first, but it could be the difference between business survival and failure.

Staffing costs :

In a bygone age of manufacturing and industry, the main cost that businesses faced was equipment. This also tended to be where companies made cutbacks when times were hard, either by downsizing their factories, leasing out their equipment or something similar. However, for many modern American businesses, the main cost is staff.

Staff members are, in general, expensive. Some, such as coders and executives, command high salaries that can quickly drain a firm’s budget. Even when a person is hired on a lower salary, there are plenty of extra considerations to take into account, which can make the hire expensive: from the additional insurance premium that a firm might need to pay on their office space to the additional computer and desk space that the staff member might need, the costs can mount up.

It makes sense for many firms to hire contractors instead of as they come with far fewer financial responsibilities for the firm – and the arrangement gives both parties the flexibility to move on if needed. With umbrella companies available to manage the tax side of contractor pay, there’s no need to worry about the effect that it might have on your HR or accounting departments either.

Running a new business is exhilarating in some ways, but it also comes with its problems. Finance is almost always the big one – and from large staffing costs to dried-up finance streams, there’s a lot that can go wrong. However, by focusing on finance methods such as bootstrapping and choosing contractors instead of employed workers, there are ways that you can get that profit and loss sheet under control and move towards a more sustainable financial future for your business.

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Good To Know Tips When Buying Or Financing An RV

Buying an RV requires making a huge decision that you should not take lightly. As an RV is a major investment, it is important that you do your research so you will know what your options are. If you do a bit of prep work, you can save yourself from making a purchase of the wrong type of RV that you will eventually regret. There are factors that will influence your decision. What is your financial situation? When it comes to determining your interest rate, there will be aspects of your financial situation that will come into play. These factors will include your financial history, your income, and the amount of money you are able to pay, which will serve as your downpayment. Before you consider shopping for RVs, you need to assess your finances first. Analyze how much you can afford before shopping around. By knowing your financial standing, you will know the amount of money you need to pay throughout the duration of your loan. If you think you will not be able to manage your finances when buying a new RV, do not lose hope. In recent years, the used RV market has seen an explosion. There are so many options out there with less miles and exceptionally long feature lists. You can easily go for used rv financing to get your dream machine and be out on the open roads with your family. Here, the interest period will be lower, along with the premium rates and processing fees. What is the price you can afford? Buying an RV entails spending a large amount of money. An RV combines both aspects of purchasing a home and purchasing a car. A car will depreciate quickly. In a few years, you will notice that its value decreases by 5%. If converted to cash, it can be a big amount. It is important that you know the type of loan you are getting yourself into. Having the ability to pay back the amount before your RV depreciates is important. Avoid These Financing Mistakes: 1. Not accurately estimating what you can afford: Compared to a regular passenger vehicle, RVs cost much more. In fact, you can expect to invest in an RV to be similar to investing in a real estate property. Some who are eager to buy an RV will exhaust all ways and means to secure a loan. However, when the times comes when you need to pay back your loan, this is where a series of problems start creeping in. Without carefully analyzing how much you can afford, you will end up having difficulties catching up with your loan. Before you take the plunge, you can use a personal loan calculator so you can estimate the monthly payments and interest you will have for an RV loan. The calculator will also provide you with essential details like your amortization schedule. When financing an RV for the first time, these details are going to be a big help. Aside from taking the taxes, loans and registration fees for owning an RV into account, you should also include the campsite and storage fees, the costs of maintenance, utility costs, and mileage rates. 2. Not reviewing your credit score: As part of taking out a loan, it is your responsibility to know your credit score as this can have an impact on your RV loan. If your credit score is in the mid-700s or higher, it is considered as the best rate. A credit score of 700 is also a good score. While a credit score in the 600s can still qualify you for a personal loan, your interest rate will be much higher. You should also keep in mind that the interest rates vary from state to state. However, borrowers with bad credit scores are expected to have higher interest rates which can go up to 24%. 3. Not doing thorough research: It can be tempting to settle for the first loan offer you get, but this can spell trouble. Regardless of the type of loan you consider, taking the time to do your research is important. Lenders have different payments terms. Some offer lower interest rates while others are a little bit higher. When you are financing an RV, you should also understand the RV policy being offered. It might be similar to regular car insurance, but there is coverage that is specific to an RV. One of which is property insurance because you essentially consider your RV as your home when you are using it. You should also know the difference between an auto loan and unsecured RV loans before you make a decision. 4. Owing more than the future sale price: One thing that you need to understand about owning an RV is that it can depreciate by as much as 30% once you start using it. That said, you are at risk of paying more than the future sale price of your RV. You can avoid this from happening by paying a large downpayment so you will owe less when you decide to sell or trade your RV. Another technique you can employ is by starting small until you have the capacity to invest in a larger RV. By buying a lower-priced RV that you can pay off, it will be easier for you to trade it in an improved model in the future without risking falling behind your monthly payments. Buying an RV can be quite complex. You need to be thorough so you will know the implications of taking out a loan. A Dallas RV dealer will be able to help you weigh your options and find the best deal. Read Also: 7 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster 3 Must Know Accounting Tips To Help You Finance Correctly Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation

Mutual Funds and stocks

Mutual Funds Vs Stocks: Which One Is The Best Option For You

Many people already know that mutual funds and stocks can be excellent sources of income and present great opportunities for investment. When it comes to monetary assets that give outstanding dividends, then the concepts of stocks and mutual funds are quite easy to understand and they have the potential of maximizing your earnings. Both stocks or funds are now known to be some of the most popular investment vehicles that many investors are interested in. This article discusses mutual funds vs stocks. Mutual Funds Versus Stocks It’s worth noting that stocks refer to the physical representation of part of a company’s value that can be traded on the stock market. Therefore, when a company decides to go public and issues its shares, it means the combined value of the shares either owned by persons or the company is what makes the total value of that company. As a result, being a shareholder means you own a small part of the company and you can take part in all the annual shareholder meetings. On the other hand, mutual funds are made of a pool of funds gathered from several investors to buy securities, such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. Simply put, mutual funds refer to a collection of bonds and stocks that fund managers manage. Hence, if it's a debt mutual fund, then it can have government bonds and securities, while an equity mutual fund can have stocks. Ideally, an investment in mutual funds is a type of investment in bonds and stocks that is managed by an investment firm. Direct investment in stocks is considered to be an active type of investment that involves you handling the buying and selling of the products yourself. For a new investor, perhaps it’s a good idea to choose mutual funds as it allows the experts to handle the investment on your behalf. Direct investment in a share is great for people who understand the market and can manage it themselves. Key Differences Between Mutual Funds And Stocks Keep in mind that shares are usually offered to the public as a business growth strategy for companies while mutual funds are just an investment for people. Because mutual funds are a portfolio of stocks belonging to a company and managed by a fund manager, it means you cannot control the trade of stocks. Also, you cannot decide to exit from some of the stocks that are in the portfolio. As explained earlier, with mutual funds, an investor is not involved directly in the management of a portfolio except when it’s the time to choose the fund. This is the reason why it makes sense for new investors to opt for mutual funds, especially those who know little about the stock market. Direct investment in shares needs a good knowledge of the company's performances and the stock market. No doubt, it’s a hands-on activity that needs quick market decisions and is suitable for experienced stock traders. Read Also: Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats Mistakes that Expats Make when they Move Overseas 6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success

Student Loan

Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks

Students are always having a tough time when they get into college because they do not have enough funds. In that case, they are left with no options but to take students loans. However, taking loans is not the end of your problems because then you have to worry about repaying them back on time and live comfortably during your student life. There are a few things that you can do to make your student loans repayment a bit easy. Here are some pointers for you. 1. Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is getting very popular these days. Whether you are an ambitious businessman or a student wanting to pay your way through the tuition fee of college, crowdfunding is a great way to overcome your financial issues. Raise funds from your inner social circle, including your family and friends, as a kind of graduation present from them to you. GoFundMe and Zerobound are sites that will help you raise such funds towards the student loan debt, and in exchange, you have to volunteer for some community work. 2. Borrow Federal Student Loans: If you think that the loan debt is unavoidable, you can always consider borrowing federal student loan first. The major reason is that federal student loans are usually not that expensive and are easier to qualify for as well. There are far more repayment options for you in federal students loans as compared to the private student loans.  You will also have protection programs in federal loans also. For example, if you lose your job, the federal loan program will offer you the option to defer payments. Click here to know more about it. 3. Total Student Debt Should Be Less Than Your Income: There is a set of rules that you must follow. Your expected annual starting salary should be more than your total debt from your student loans at the time of graduation. How else will you be able to repay your loans AND survive through your normal life? Many students take student loans so they can afford college, but it is advised that students should keep not take too many loans. What you should do is not to take out more loan than your salary.  Don’t take out more than your first year’s salary. What you can do is to keep the costs to a minimum and attend the college that you can afford comfortably. If you are able to do it as such, you might be able to repay student loans in less than ten years. Financial experts advise that if you are out of your federal loan options, you should consider a private student loan. However, if you will qualify for one private loan, you can qualify for more of them. You are the customer, so you should always ask for any benefits the loan provides. If you have any medical issues, you should buy college tuition insurance. The option will protect you from taking on more loans in case you get ill or have to withdraw. 4. Make A Budget: Most of the kids during their school and college years do not have any source of income, so you just have to keep living like that in college until you have a stable income. Build up an emergency fund for yourself, and start saving money for the things you want to buy. Remember, living modestly right now will help you in the longer run. When you graduate out of high school, it can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember to see the bigger picture here. These hacks will help you manage your student loans efficiently. Read Also: What Are The Types Of Debt That Can Be Discharged In Bankruptcy? Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need