Explore Some Interesting Marketing Trends for Your Business in 2018

Published on: 01 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Business Marketing

How effective is your business marketing strategy? Have you been successful in staying abreast with the latest marketing trends? Have you been implementing effective strategies for measuring your success? If the answers to the above questions are no, do not lose heart. You are certainly not alone on this count. Several small businesses and SMEs do not even bother to find out if at all their business marketing tactics are working successfully. Here we would be examining some of the latest business marketing trends that are dominating the scenario today. You are advised to follow these strategies for gaining incredible business success.

Tune Your Market Strategy :

A small segment of business owners is aware when their market strategies are tanking. This could happen due to lack of planning, poor planning, haphazard attempts at success and no foresight. Successful digital marketers know that a large portion of their budget must go into content marketing on blogs, social media, and emails and so on. Good content must be created and promoted so that the business is noticed and can take off.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Less than 40% of businesses have effective content marketing strategies in place. Some fail due to poor quality content, others because they don’t target their audience properly. A good marketer always tracks activity through each stage of the funnel and ensure that the strategy is fine-tuned when things go wrong.

Tracking & Measuring :

How to gain marketing success digitally for your SMEs could still seem to be a mystery for many of you. A huge percentage of small business entrepreneurs, as much as 46 percent to be precise, actually do not have any idea if the marketing strategies for their businesses are effectively working or not.

Thanks to the present cutting-edge technologies, you are in a position to keep on tracking all your marketing returns, expenses, and debtFor example, you could today find out exactly how much it would be costing your business for acquiring a new customer. You must consider all dollars diverted toward various areas of marketing including social media, website, blog writing, trade shows, direct mail, paid social, etc. you must consider factoring in all you have already spent on all these important marketing elements and then divide the amount by the number of new clients you acquire every month. Moreover, you must find out from exactly which marketing channel you are able to get new clients and more inquiries. It is imperative to consistently track ROI.

Social Media Marketing Is Currently the Rage :

Social Media Marketing

As per a recent study, it has been predicted that 2018 is surely going to be the year of intense social media promotion and marketing. Among the SMEs, an impressive 71 percent is expected to gain new clients by using social media platforms effectively for marketing their brands.  This present marketing trend must be given a lot of importance and most entrepreneurs are appreciating and understanding the effectiveness of social media marketing. Social media is certainly one of the hottest business marketing trends.

Facebook is obviously the prime choice for small businesses as 79% of entrepreneurs would be using Facebook in all their marketing endeavors. Will your business be benefitted if you incorporate the social media marketing plans into your business strategy?

According to some Facebook exponents, Facebook success is all about going mobile.  If you wish to maximize the impact of Facebook in the marketing and promotion of your business, you must dedicate all your efforts at generating and delivering everything mobile-friendly.

Virtual Reality Is Common :

Virtual reality is gaining importance by the day and is, therefore, becoming a common marketing tool for both small and big brands. The actual challenge would be to utilize Virtual Reality or VR in such an effective way that it really makes sense for both your target audience and brand messaging in general. VR marketing actually is an emerging trend and now is the right time for exploring the options that are available to you and getting well ahead of the competition.

More Dependence on Interactive Content :

Several brands, particularly in the B2B sector are relying heavily on PDF content or blog content for generating leads as an integral part of content marketing tactics for their organizations. 2018 is going to be the year of interactive web experiences which ultimately help in boosting engagement. These experiences would be demonstrating amazing thought leadership content definitely in more impressive, visual, and animated ways.

Pinterest :

Pinterest is actually regarded as a niche social networking site. However, it is forecasted to be a huge success. The best way of grabbing marketing attention is by utilizing Pinterest Lens and its versatility and functionality for engaging effectively with consumers and showcasing your mind-blowing style, products, and services.

Artificial Intelligence :

Early exponents of AI or Artificial Intelligence have categorically realized the efficacy of AI in boosting user engagement. However, incorporating AI into any site’s chatbox such as the Facebook messenger could be creating more creativity and it also helps you to understand clearly the target market of the brand. Artificial intelligence would be addressing consumer needs and issues with perfection and the same degree of efficacy as a human agent. Remember it would be quite effective and helpful if the artificial intelligence experience absolutely delights your customers in basically lighthearted and fun ways.

Conclusion :

This year marketing trends have focused on honesty and authenticity. The latest marketing trend is to focus on stark reality or brutal honesty and this marketing trend is winning a lot of acclaim and appreciation. Marketers could discuss their products and explain clearly how advantageous those products or services are. They must, at the same time, tell their target audience the scope for improvement and the flaws that may still exist. All these statements could be supported by truly objective customer reviews. Authenticity for brands is the hottest marketing trend today. Around 86 percent of the customers feel authenticity is of utmost importance while deciding and evaluating the brands. Around 60 percent of consumers believe that user-generated content is the best form of authentic content.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How To Choose The Best Broker For You

How To Choose The Best Broker For You

Choosing the right Forex broker can make a big difference in launching a successful investment career in the trillion-dollar forex market. However, choosing the best forex broker is no easy task given the overwhelming number of brokers all gunning for people’s money at any given time. 1. Types of Forex Brokers : When it comes to online foreign exchange trading, an important consideration is opening a trading account with a reputable forex broker. There are three types of forex brokers ranked based on how they handle transactions and how they execute market orders. No Dealing Brokers : As the name implies, No Dealing Brokers lack a dealing desk and instead, strive to offer the best composite quotes from multiple forex quote providers. In this case, providers will post their best market prices that NDD forex broker will have to choose to execute transactions. NDD brokers charge a commission or widen the bid-offer in order to make profits from trades entered by traders. Market Makers : A market maker is a type of forex broker that offers a two-sided customer market. In this case, the broker always ends up taking the other side of trade depending on the side that a forex trader has taken. In case a trader makes a buy, the broker is obliged to take the sell-side. Electronic Communication Network : An ECN forex broker provides a platform whereby forex traders from all walks of life regardless of skills congregate to place trades. 2. Features of a Reliable Forex Broker : Regulatory Compliance : In a sector where the number of international forex brokers can be overwhelming, scrutinizing regulatory compliance can be the only way of ending up with a reliable forex broker. Going through forex brokers reviews do not a sure way of ending up with a reputable broker as such reviews can be manipulated. Highest rated forex brokers are always in compliance with the highest level of regulation depending on jurisdiction. For example in the U.S, regulated forex brokers are members of the National Futures Association and are registered by the U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission as well as the Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer. A flashy forex broker website cannot be used to rate a broker. Trading with a regulated broker is essential if one is to rest assured of the security of their deposits as well as the integrity when it comes to trade execution. Trading Platform : The best forex trading account is one that comes with a trading platform that is pleasing, easy to use and has a variety of indicators and tools for technical analysis. Legit forex trading companies offer trading platforms that have clear-cut buy and sell buttons. Some go the extra mile and provide panic buttons for closing all open positions at once. Conversely, trading with a forex broker offering a poorly designed platform can lead to costly mistakes such as opening a trade when one intended to close or going short when one meant to go long. Customer Service : Highest rated forex traders come with a robust customer service team that is always on dial any time of day to address forex trader’s needs. When choosing a forex broker, it would be essential to give them a random call just to get an idea of the service they are likely to offer once an account is opened. 3. How to Identify a Good Broker : A good forex trader is one that charges lowest transaction costs when opening and closing trades. Spread and commission charges can significantly eat into one returns if caution is not taken. Legit forex trading companies allow people to deposit and withdraw funds hassle-free. Any broker that comes with restrictions on when one can withdraw or the amount of money one can withdrawal should be a big no. Execution of trades is another aspect that one should always pay close attention to when selecting forex brokers. Under the normal market condition, a forex broker should allow trades to get filled, at or very close to the market price on the screen. Going through forex broker reviews is of utmost importance prior to opening a forex trading account. Such reviews provide clear-cut information about the kind of forex trading service one is likely to experience based on other forex trader’s experience. In addition, trading with a regulated forex broker is a must. Read Also : How Real Estate Factors Into Business Decisions Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft 6 Tips To Help Your Business Stay Ahead Of The Competition

Automation Tools

How Automation Tools Are Transforming Digital Marketing?

When it comes to digital marketing, automation tools are no longer just a futuristic concept; they have become a fundamental part of the marketer's toolkit. Automation not only enhances efficiency but also brings a level of sophistication and precision to marketing campaigns that were previously unattainable. To explore its applications further, here’s a look at how automation tools are transforming the field of digital marketing, backed by facts and recommendations that may not be commonly known. The Emergence of Automation in Digital Marketing The digital marketing world is inherently fast-paced and dynamic, with an ever-growing need for more efficient and effective strategies. This is where automation tools step in. They are designed to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and ad campaigns. But apart from streamlining repetitive and time-consuming tasks, there are several other ways in which automation tools have impacted the field of digital marketing. These are as follows: Enhanced Personalization and Targeting One of the most significant impacts of automation in digital marketing is the ability to personalize content at scale. With advanced data analysis capabilities, automation tools can segment audiences more precisely and tailor messages to meet the specific needs and interests of different groups. This granular approach to targeting not only increases the relevance of marketing messages but also boosts engagement rates. For instance, automated email marketing campaigns are known to result in a 70.5% higher open rate and a 152% higher click-through rate compared to standard emails, as per Campaign Monitor’s data. Streamlining Marketing Operations Automation tools streamline various aspects of marketing operations, from lead generation to customer retention strategies. They allow marketers to set up triggers based on user actions, ensuring timely and appropriate responses. For example, a user visiting a particular product page can automatically receive targeted emails or ads related to that product. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also ensures a cohesive and consistent marketing effort. Other Benefits and Recommendations Here are some other benefits of using Automation tools in the field of digital marketing: Predictive Analytics for Future Planning Beyond just automating tasks, some sophisticated automation tools now incorporate predictive analytics. This feature uses historical data to forecast future trends and consumer behaviors, allowing marketers to plan more proactive and strategic campaigns. Automated A/B Testing for Optimized Results While A/B testing is a known practice, automating this process can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Automated A/B testing can simultaneously test multiple variables, providing quicker and more accurate results to optimize marketing strategies. Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integrating automation tools with CRM systems can create a more seamless customer journey. This integration ensures that all customer interactions, from initial contact to post-sale service, are tracked and managed effectively, leading to improved customer experiences and loyalty. Data-Driven Insights Marketing automation tools provide valuable data on user interactions, allowing marketers to make informed decisions. It helps identify audience preferences, optimize campaigns, and improve overall performance. Consistent Branding Automation tools maintain a consistent style across marketing channels, including visuals, content, and communications. This consistency enhances brand reputation in the competitive digital space. Social Media Integration Social media automation tools enable scheduled posts across platforms. Marketers can create content in advance, post at optimal times, and engage with audiences more efficiently. This results in better social media presence and increased engagement. Lead Nurturing and Generating Quality Leads Using automation tools allows marketers to nurture leads at every stage of the customer journey. For instance, when a user downloads a brochure from your website, marketing automation can automatically send personalized follow-up emails based on their interactions. This personalized approach increases the chances of conversion. Furthermore, 86% of marketers believe that marketing automation has improved lead quality. By analyzing user behavior and personalizing content, automation tools help attract and retain high-quality leads. The Challenges and Ethical Considerations While the benefits are substantial, there are challenges and ethical considerations in using automation tools. One major concern is the potential for a lack of personal touch. Marketers must balance automation with human interaction, especially in customer service and content creation. Additionally, data privacy and security are paramount. This is one of the most crucial considerations when it comes to using automation tools in digital marketing. Transparency and consent are absolutely essential. Hence, marketers must always inform users about data collection and usage beforehand. Moreover, with automation tools handling vast amounts of personal data, marketers must ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR and prioritize data security to maintain consumer trust. We have discussed some other challenges and ethical considerations of using Automation tools in digital marketing: Quality vs. Quantity Using automation tools can help to generate large volumes of leads but not all of them will be high quality. Focusing on the quantity of leads as opposed to quality can harm conversion rates. Hence, marketers should prioritize lead quality along with quantity to build meaningful relationships with customers. Customer Experience Overuse of automation tools can lead to impersonal interactions and can make brands seem robotic and detached. This spoils the consumer’s experience with the brand and results in a loss of authenticity. Hence, organizations should only use automation to enhance personalization not replace genuine human connection. The Future of Automation in Digital Marketing Looking ahead, the role of automation in digital marketing is set to become even more significant. Advances in AI and machine learning are expected to introduce even more sophisticated automation capabilities. As per Gartner’s prediction, by 2023, 40% of infrastructure and operations teams in large enterprises will use AI-augmented automation, resulting in higher IT productivity. We have explored some of the predictions and trends below: Automating High-Value Actions: Brands will move beyond automating repetitive tasks. They’ll focus on automating quality customer experiences, especially as consumers prioritize personalized interactions. Marketing, Sales, and Success Alignment: Teams (marketing, sales, and success) will collaborate more closely. Automation workflows will account for user behavior beyond marketing, ensuring a seamless customer journey. Automation as a Vital Part of CRMs: CRMs will integrate automation seamlessly. Sales professionals will leverage technology to close deals, enhancing efficiency and customer relationship management. Across a Company’s App Stack: Automation won’t be limited to marketing. It’ll extend across various business functions, optimizing processes and improving overall productivity. Business Chatbots as Full-Time Agents: Chatbots will evolve beyond simple responses. They’ll handle complex interactions, provide real-time assistance, and enhance customer support. AI for Automated Decision-Making: Artificial intelligence will drive data-driven decisions. Marketers will rely on AI algorithms for campaign optimization, targeting, and content recommendations. Automating Data Collection and Reporting: Automation tools will gather and analyze data efficiently. Real-time insights will inform marketing strategies and performance measurement. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) RPA will help businesses become more productive by automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up human resources. Improve Efficiency and Productivity With Marketing Automation Today, automation tools are not just transforming digital marketing; they are redefining it. By embracing these tools, marketers can unlock new levels of efficiency, personalization, and strategic insight. In this process, it’s crucial to approach automation with a balance, ensuring that the human element of marketing remains intact. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, the integration of automation in digital marketing strategies is not just a trend – it's a necessity for staying competitive and relevant in today’s digital marketplace. For further support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an experienced digital marketing agency. Read Also: What Makes Automation Testing Essential For Retail? What Is YouTube Automation? Everything You Need To Know The Rapid Growth In The Global Industrial Automation Market

Digital Marketing Agency

5 Questions To Ask Your Digital Marketing Agency Before You Start Working

In the past few years, brands, regardless of their shape and size have started understanding digital marketing. This means that convincing a majority of them about the advantages of digital marketing has ceased to exist in most situations. You need to do thorough research when choosing a digital marketing agency that you need to partner with. If you are starting from scratch, you need to go via Digitech Web Design, a leading agency that can help you with everything from designing your business website to taking care of your SEO strategies and plans. In 2020, brands are faced with a new challenge- which agency to partner with! Digital Marketing agencies are propping up left, right, and center. While everyone claims to be the best at what they do, it is for brands to be sure of their abilities. In this article, we are going to help brands get on board the best digital marketing agencies as partners. However, before we get to the questions, brands should ask agencies, let us first look at some of the challenges of the same. Challenges to Hiring the Best Digital Marketing Agency for your Brand Every business is unique. It has its own sets of challenges. In terms of priority, some businesses want to concentrate on one aspect, while others look to do something else. It is important that your internet marketing agency understands your needs and requirements as a business. Many brands feel that every digital or internet marketing agency offers the same. However, that is not the case. If you want to work with a complete 360-degree agency, you will have to shell out a premium. Therefore, it is essential to work with a skill set, which you feel would be most helpful for you at a specific time. A creative agency will tell you that it is all about branding, logo, design, and language. An agency geared towards social media would want to focus on just that one aspect. You need to team, which amplifies your complete digital performance at all levels. List of 5 Questions to ask your Digital Marketing Agency before you start 1. What is their area of Expertise? It is essential that you honestly ask them about what their area of specialization at the very start is. Like we already mentioned, while some have a great social team, others might boast of a brilliant SEO team. Depending on what you want to proceed with for the next year, you need to ask them about their different verticals in the organization. 2. What are Budget and Fees? At the end of the day, money matters. If you are looking for a highly-skilled, specialized agency, you need to shell out a good amount as retainer every month. However, if your agency helps you increase your sales and revenues multiple times, you will not feel the pinch. Try starting with a smaller agency to understand those basics and then proceed with the bigger ones. 3. What are their Credentials and Past Work Records? Many brands feel secure when they see that an agency has handled clients in the past from their niche. While this is a great starting point, you should not let your options be limited by just this fact. If they have worked with a business of a similar nature in the past, then they are aware of all the challenges, strategies, and processes, which will be required in the case of your business. 4. What are their Marketing Inputs about your Brand? Most agencies will ask you about your pressure or pain points and then proceed to offer solutions accordingly. You can use this to ask them about larger marketing and sales goals. This will help show you how much they are aligned with your brand. It will also demonstrate whether they understand your issues and are willing to address the same with their skills. 5. What is the Timeframe for seeing Results? You are only working with an internet marketing agency because you want to start seeing results. There is always an expectation involved. Do not fear or feel embarrassed in communicating the same with the prospective agency. This will allow them to assess their performances and see whether they have the capability to fulfill your expectations. The Final Word It is essential that you proceed with these five questions before signing on an internet marketing agency. This will allow you to structure your expectations accordingly. A good digital agency can be a great asset to a brand. However, on the flip side, if you do not get the best agency, you will end up losing money. Read Also: 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them How to Empower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing? Why Should You Hire a B2B Digital Marketing Consultant?