How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?

Published on: 04 June 2018 Last Updated on: 15 October 2020
Business Marketing

Small businesses and startups often find it much easier to borrow the lion’s share of their capital. Finding an investor is never completely off the table, but it is not an easy task to do. It is much easier to find lending organizations, who are ready to test out the abilities of the new entrepreneurs to multiply their monies.

Very soon, a time arises when the creditors expect at least a part of their invested money back. Now, this is a time most entrepreneurs know will come, but none are ready to face. It is almost always “too early” or “too sudden.”

Online marking, when you are already in massive debt?

Online marking, when you are already in massive debt

Gaining momentum for a new business not only takes time and effort, but it also takes some serious marketing skills. By marketing, we do not mean TVCs, hoardings, and pamphlets. Those are ancient forms of advertising that no one even notices anymore. If you are in such a situation, what you need is a stable dose of online marketing that will make you visible to your target audience.

Here comes the biggest conundrum in the world. When a business is already nose-deep in debt, can it afford to plunge further in by going in for online marketing? That entirely depends on your perspective of online marketing. Your contenders and contemporaries may think online marketing to be an added expense, but you know what almost 71% of the US population is already online and looking for businesses like you. So, would you deem online marketing as an added expense or a smart investment?

You need a website first :


The first step of online marketing is getting your own presence established online. It means an excellent site. By nice, we mean something that’s functional, professional, SEO optimized, and capable of attracting and converting traffic. It should represent your selling theme, services, and products perfectly.

Building a website is no easy feat. You may have the enthusiasm to build a website from scratch, but not all entrepreneurs can have the coding skills and analytical skills needed to construct a working business website. Building a website from scratch can take up a lot of time, and it takes a lot of algorithms to perfect the buying and payment process. Either you can opt for DIY website builders like WordPress or Joomla, or you can surely approach a professional website builder.

A professional website builder will again cost you a few bucks. If you are thinking of building a PHP based website from scratch, it will also take considerable amounts of time. Now, this is not going to be cheap for your business. Therefore, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to wonder if going for online marketing is the best way to a debt solution.

The inspiration you need :

So, let us tell you a real-life success story. Initially a nobody, Rank Fishkin started out with his own tech startup and went plummeting into a $500,000 personal debt. From there he is now the owner of the world’s largest SEO, social media, and content marketing website Moz that is netting about $40 million in revenue for the last seven years. That is a success story better than any fairy tale you will ever hear. Was it easy? Did it involve magic spells? No! It required endless hours of smart digital marketing strategies and intelligent investment moves.

The moral of the story is: just because you are nose deep in debt, does not mean you can invest in something new. Digital marketing and social media marketing are the new ways to reintroduce your brand to a new world of potential buyers. People are waiting out there right now to hear from you about your products and services.

How to find them?

Finding the right people at the right time is the only “magic” you need to perform. You will need a few social media listening tools like HootSuite, Buffer, and Social Sprout. These offer a few free services. Their premium services cost less than a Grande. Of course, you will need to work on your social media account before you start listening to what people are saying about your brand online! So get started. Create a professional Facebook page, Twitter account, and at least an Instagram page. You need to post daily. Sometimes twice a day. Engage in regular conversations with your customers. Stay visible and exciting.

If you ever run out of original content, do not shy away from asking your followers for some. Do it tactfully. Introduce new photo contests, quizzes, and polls with attractive rewards. That is the way to create user-generated content. It is the most efficient way to keep your page and wall filled with meaningful content every minute of staying online.

Investing is not the problem, not spending in the right places is :

Online marketing

Online marketing is an investment in every way possible. It is like putting a bait to catch the bigger fish. Using the right keywords in your product descriptions, doctoring your URL to suit the liking of the bots, and including image tags to become visible during Google image searches are all parts of that investment. Still, you may want to consult your personal financial advisor before you take the plunge. You need to be in touch with your financial reality before you can make new investments. Your financial advisor or your debt counselor should help you in understanding the debt program’s details. Your current debt program may have reservations about making new investments or certain kinds of investments unless you pay off a certain fraction of the amount you have borrowed.

Most businesses end up in a fiscal dead-end due to ignorance and bad decision-making, rather than investing in new marketing. We have seen companies drown because they were not adventurous enough and they have always played safe. In 2017, online marketing is not a luxury or an option. It is a compulsion you need to embrace before your competitors take away all your potential clients. Making yourself more visible on the internet will get you more sales and profit. It will help you make more money and pay off your debts faster than usual.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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video marketing

8 Powerful Reasons You Need To Use Video Marketing

In 2021, we recently carried out a study that would help us to determine how important video marketing is going to be. Once we carried it out, the results were totally clear to us. More than 63% of all businesses have agreed that they use video marketing, and at least 82% of them believe it helped them. That clearly tells you whether video marketing is now an essential resource for businesses or not. Video has quickly turned out to be one of the most popular forms of content in the market. 83% of all businesses have agreed that video marketing offers them a better ROI. Video marketing is a staple skill these days, and undoubtedly you can benefit from it. If you are running a business, then it can be one of the keys to success in the long run. Before you start to plan a video marketing campaign, here are the 8 powerful reasons you should use it. 1. Boosts Conversions and Sales Videos can help you earn a serious amount of money. When you are adding a video to your business landing page, it can increase the conversion by 80%. Videos have the unique ability to lead to sales generation and improve the overall traffic to your website. Videos contribute to better sales and convert the incoming traffic into potential customers. We have seen that 74% of all the users who watch an explainer video on a landing page are more likely to purchase the business. So, when you have a video on your website, people are more likely to shop from your inventory. That directly impacts your sales and revenue. 2. Video Delivers Great ROI  Whenever you plan to spend some money on a marketing campaign, you would expect a decent ROI on your spending, right? In terms of getting the best ROI, video marketing is the best as more than 83% of all marketers have agreed that they receive far better ROI from it. Even though it is not a cakewalk to create videos and edit them for the best results, it definitely can pay off your hard work with better outcomes. One of the best things about video marketing is that you don't need to create the best-looking videos using the most expensive stuff. But, the overall content should be engaging, and you can use a simple video maker to create it. 3. Google Loves Videos One of the top reasons why the best website in the world always pays a lot of attention to videos is because Google loves videos. Yes! Videos directly affect the number of time visitors spend on your landing page, and Google tracks that. The more time a visitor spends on your website, the higher your chances of getting a better rank. You will be surprised to know that your website has a 53 times greater chance to rank in the top-tier results on Google if you embed a video on your website. So, your online traffic can also see a massive increase. 4. Attracts Mobile Users More than 90% of all users watch videos from their mobile phones. The number of mobile phone users has grown a staggering 233% since 2013. YouTube also reports a 100% rise in the number of users watching videos from their mobile phones. So, if your business does not focus on mobile users, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to attract brand new customers. With the help of video marketing, you can easily reach out to them and find the target audience for better reach and reliable exposure. 5. Draw Attention of New Audience If your business can't attract new customers over time, it becomes very difficult to sustain in this competitive world. So, video marketing can help you out in this matter. Professional, explainer and informative videos help attract new people to your business over time. They can also target the right people with the help of audience tracking and reach out to more people via advertising. The more audience you are able to attract to your business, the better it is for your growth. Video marketing also significantly impacts social media platforms where you can find a huge opportunity to attract a new audience. 6. Helps You build trust Trust is one of the pillars of success when you are running a business. If your customers don't trust your brand, then it won't be long before you have to shut shop. When you build a good and positive relationship with your customers, they turn loyal to your business. That is why you can retain them for a longer period of time. Video content can help you in this endeavor. They allow you to bring forward a story and intrigue the people in a more effective manner when compared to other means of content like texts or pictures. Videos help to establish deeper feelings and connections towards your brand over time. 7. Helps You Explain Easily Being able to explain a new service or product can be one of the reasons why a business turns out to be successful. If your audience is not sure of what you are trying to say, you won't be able to generate more sales and revenues. Videos help you make your audience understand clearly about your products and services. You will be able to explain complex concepts with greater ease and make them understand how you can help them in a positive light. You can even use animated videos for your cause and generate a better response from your target audience. If a person can understand how a product will help them, they will show more interest in it. 8. People Share Videos Easily Videos become viral very fast. Be it a story or a live video, people share them with their friends or on different platforms more than any image. Thus, your video reaches people faster than you actually think! The Bottom Line So, these are the top reasons why a business needs video marketing in 2021. Make sure to go through all the points and find out exactly how video marketing can influence a business. If you can implement video marketing the right way, it will surely help your business achieve more success in the coming days. Read Also: The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes Which Network Has The Longest Life For A Piece Of Content? How To Plan A Promotional Event For Your Business? – Steps & Key To Success

Business Marketing

Explore Some Interesting Marketing Trends for Your Business in 2018

How effective is your business marketing strategy? Have you been successful in staying abreast with the latest marketing trends? Have you been implementing effective strategies for measuring your success? If the answers to the above questions are no, do not lose heart. You are certainly not alone on this count. Several small businesses and SMEs do not even bother to find out if at all their business marketing tactics are working successfully. Here we would be examining some of the latest business marketing trends that are dominating the scenario today. You are advised to follow these strategies for gaining incredible business success. Tune Your Market Strategy : A small segment of business owners is aware when their market strategies are tanking. This could happen due to lack of planning, poor planning, haphazard attempts at success and no foresight. Successful digital marketers know that a large portion of their budget must go into content marketing on blogs, social media, and emails and so on. Good content must be created and promoted so that the business is noticed and can take off. Plan, Plan, Plan Less than 40% of businesses have effective content marketing strategies in place. Some fail due to poor quality content, others because they don't target their audience properly. A good marketer always tracks activity through each stage of the funnel and ensure that the strategy is fine-tuned when things go wrong. Tracking & Measuring : How to gain marketing success digitally for your SMEs could still seem to be a mystery for many of you. A huge percentage of small business entrepreneurs, as much as 46 percent to be precise, actually do not have any idea if the marketing strategies for their businesses are effectively working or not. Thanks to the present cutting-edge technologies, you are in a position to keep on tracking all your marketing returns, expenses, and debt.  For example, you could today find out exactly how much it would be costing your business for acquiring a new customer. You must consider all dollars diverted toward various areas of marketing including social media, website, blog writing, trade shows, direct mail, paid social, etc. you must consider factoring in all you have already spent on all these important marketing elements and then divide the amount by the number of new clients you acquire every month. Moreover, you must find out from exactly which marketing channel you are able to get new clients and more inquiries. It is imperative to consistently track ROI. Social Media Marketing Is Currently the Rage : As per a recent study, it has been predicted that 2018 is surely going to be the year of intense social media promotion and marketing. Among the SMEs, an impressive 71 percent is expected to gain new clients by using social media platforms effectively for marketing their brands.  This present marketing trend must be given a lot of importance and most entrepreneurs are appreciating and understanding the effectiveness of social media marketing. Social media is certainly one of the hottest business marketing trends. Facebook is obviously the prime choice for small businesses as 79% of entrepreneurs would be using Facebook in all their marketing endeavors. Will your business be benefitted if you incorporate the social media marketing plans into your business strategy? According to some Facebook exponents, Facebook success is all about going mobile.  If you wish to maximize the impact of Facebook in the marketing and promotion of your business, you must dedicate all your efforts at generating and delivering everything mobile-friendly. Virtual Reality Is Common : Virtual reality is gaining importance by the day and is, therefore, becoming a common marketing tool for both small and big brands. The actual challenge would be to utilize Virtual Reality or VR in such an effective way that it really makes sense for both your target audience and brand messaging in general. VR marketing actually is an emerging trend and now is the right time for exploring the options that are available to you and getting well ahead of the competition. More Dependence on Interactive Content : Several brands, particularly in the B2B sector are relying heavily on PDF content or blog content for generating leads as an integral part of content marketing tactics for their organizations. 2018 is going to be the year of interactive web experiences which ultimately help in boosting engagement. These experiences would be demonstrating amazing thought leadership content definitely in more impressive, visual, and animated ways. Pinterest : Pinterest is actually regarded as a niche social networking site. However, it is forecasted to be a huge success. The best way of grabbing marketing attention is by utilizing Pinterest Lens and its versatility and functionality for engaging effectively with consumers and showcasing your mind-blowing style, products, and services. Artificial Intelligence : Early exponents of AI or Artificial Intelligence have categorically realized the efficacy of AI in boosting user engagement. However, incorporating AI into any site’s chatbox such as the Facebook messenger could be creating more creativity and it also helps you to understand clearly the target market of the brand. Artificial intelligence would be addressing consumer needs and issues with perfection and the same degree of efficacy as a human agent. Remember it would be quite effective and helpful if the artificial intelligence experience absolutely delights your customers in basically lighthearted and fun ways. Conclusion : This year marketing trends have focused on honesty and authenticity. The latest marketing trend is to focus on stark reality or brutal honesty and this marketing trend is winning a lot of acclaim and appreciation. Marketers could discuss their products and explain clearly how advantageous those products or services are. They must, at the same time, tell their target audience the scope for improvement and the flaws that may still exist. All these statements could be supported by truly objective customer reviews. Authenticity for brands is the hottest marketing trend today. Around 86 percent of the customers feel authenticity is of utmost importance while deciding and evaluating the brands. Around 60 percent of consumers believe that user-generated content is the best form of authentic content. Read Also : Marketing – What’s Right For Your Business? Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business

content marketing

6 reasons your content is not ranking well on Google

Having a comprehensive strategy based on the content is pivotal when it comes to content marketing. The Montreal Digital Agency is one of the top agencies where the amazing articles, infographics, and the case studies are done in a much more effective way.  The content is something that drives the tone as you set it to gain the attention of the audiences. When it comes to the ranking of the content on Google, there are various strategies that are to be maintained for a better result. If the ranking is poor then apparently your content will not exist in the list overall.  If you are an interested content marketing person, you must be wondering about how to fix the trouble of what happens or why the ranking drops?  Well, to make your idea sharper and keener we will suggest some points for better content marketing. There are certain strategies you need to keep in mind while you are pushing your content on Google.  Understand you’re potential to write better optimized content One major reason for the content not getting a proper rank is that you are competing with or against some sort of saturated verticals. The importance of the keyword research for the content strategy must be focused based on the underserved niches or some sort of keywords which has high volume or title ranking.  The ideal way of creating content is by focusing on the Bitcoin which is going to face more competition based on a scale other than the topics.  You are targeting only high ranking keywords The content may not get good engagement if you are only targeting highly competitive keywords. As per the recent conditions of Google, they are going to review all the thousands of content and will keep the unique ones, alone on the pages. The keyword stuffed contents will be gone forever. What is important right now is to bring on table certain unique content which will have the necessary keyword as per the requirement to get it ranked.  You may not have done On-Site SEO  To market, the content using the right keyword must be present. Like for example, you are writing on ‘a restaurant’ and you have stuffed your content with ‘restaurant cleanings’ will never work.  Also you require optimizing the content based on the high quality using various optimization ways.  You may not have used enough Backlinks To market content is not at all easy. You need to do research and use the search engine ranking processes which are the best indicator for your website’s trustworthiness and authority. The essential good link profiles are majorly SEO optimized.   You haven’t yet Optimised you SERP snippet  SERP Snippet is title and meta-description which is highly displayed for each of the searches. You need to optimize your content for each search result.  If 3% of the click is increased, believe the fact that is done through this process.   Your content lags behind to match the user requirement If you are writing a blog or an article, using diverse small business tools with a hope that the content will rank well. If your content is not found do not think that it is irrelevant or bad. No! It is because the user is looking for something else. You need to optimize your content and do strong research before you are writing anything on any topic.  If you start with the idea of offering a complete guide to the user, then your content will surely get some views if optimized well.  By periodic revisit to your website, the search results for the important keywords do increase the demand for the content. It is better to always revamp and add new things or update your content with new concepts and ideas.  Never over-optimize your content or use unlikely links for gaining more audiences.  There were plenty of reasons why a website or content doesn’t work.  It is likely to audit every Google Adwords planner to find high traffic and low competing keywords for a proper rank on the first or second page based on your target keywords.  Make your content useful with necessary inclusions for a better result!  Read Also: 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Why Email Marketing Is The BEST Digital Marketing Outreach In Singapore