8 Powerful Reasons You Need To Use Video Marketing


27 August 2021


video marketing

In 2021, we recently carried out a study that would help us to determine how important video marketing is going to be. Once we carried it out, the results were totally clear to us.

More than 63% of all businesses have agreed that they use video marketing, and at least 82% of them believe it helped them. That clearly tells you whether video marketing is now an essential resource for businesses or not.

Video has quickly turned out to be one of the most popular forms of content in the market. 83% of all businesses have agreed that video marketing offers them a better ROI.

Video marketing is a staple skill these days, and undoubtedly you can benefit from it. If you are running a business, then it can be one of the keys to success in the long run. Before you start to plan a video marketing campaign, here are the 8 powerful reasons you should use it.

1. Boosts Conversions and Sales

Videos can help you earn a serious amount of money. When you are adding a video to your business landing page, it can increase the conversion by 80%. Videos have the unique ability to lead to sales generation and improve the overall traffic to your website.

Videos contribute to better sales and convert the incoming traffic into potential customers. We have seen that 74% of all the users who watch an explainer video on a landing page are more likely to purchase the business.

So, when you have a video on your website, people are more likely to shop from your inventory. That directly impacts your sales and revenue.

2. Video Delivers Great ROI 

Whenever you plan to spend some money on a marketing campaign, you would expect a decent ROI on your spending, right? In terms of getting the best ROI, video marketing is the best as more than 83% of all marketers have agreed that they receive far better ROI from it.

Even though it is not a cakewalk to create videos and edit them for the best results, it definitely can pay off your hard work with better outcomes.

One of the best things about video marketing is that you don’t need to create the best-looking videos using the most expensive stuff. But, the overall content should be engaging, and you can use a simple video maker to create it.

3. Google Loves Videos

One of the top reasons why the best website in the world always pays a lot of attention to videos is because Google loves videos. Yes! Videos directly affect the number of time visitors spend on your landing page, and Google tracks that. The more time a visitor spends on your website, the higher your chances of getting a better rank.

You will be surprised to know that your website has a 53 times greater chance to rank in the top-tier results on Google if you embed a video on your website. So, your online traffic can also see a massive increase.

4. Attracts Mobile Users

More than 90% of all users watch videos from their mobile phones. The number of mobile phone users has grown a staggering 233% since 2013. YouTube also reports a 100% rise in the number of users watching videos from their mobile phones.

So, if your business does not focus on mobile users, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to attract brand new customers. With the help of video marketing, you can easily reach out to them and find the target audience for better reach and reliable exposure.

5. Draw Attention of New Audience

If your business can’t attract new customers over time, it becomes very difficult to sustain in this competitive world.

So, video marketing can help you out in this matter. Professional, explainer and informative videos help attract new people to your business over time. They can also target the right people with the help of audience tracking and reach out to more people via advertising.

The more audience you are able to attract to your business, the better it is for your growth. Video marketing also significantly impacts social media platforms where you can find a huge opportunity to attract a new audience.

6. Helps You build trust

Trust is one of the pillars of success when you are running a business. If your customers don’t trust your brand, then it won’t be long before you have to shut shop. When you build a good and positive relationship with your customers, they turn loyal to your business. That is why you can retain them for a longer period of time.

Video content can help you in this endeavor. They allow you to bring forward a story and intrigue the people in a more effective manner when compared to other means of content like texts or pictures. Videos help to establish deeper feelings and connections towards your brand over time.

7. Helps You Explain Easily

Being able to explain a new service or product can be one of the reasons why a business turns out to be successful. If your audience is not sure of what you are trying to say, you won’t be able to generate more sales and revenues.

Videos help you make your audience understand clearly about your products and services. You will be able to explain complex concepts with greater ease and make them understand how you can help them in a positive light.

You can even use animated videos for your cause and generate a better response from your target audience. If a person can understand how a product will help them, they will show more interest in it.

8. People Share Videos Easily

Videos become viral very fast. Be it a story or a live video, people share them with their friends or on different platforms more than any image. Thus, your video reaches people faster than you actually think!

The Bottom Line

So, these are the top reasons why a business needs video marketing in 2021. Make sure to go through all the points and find out exactly how video marketing can influence a business. If you can implement video marketing the right way, it will surely help your business achieve more success in the coming days.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Digital Marketing Classes

Digital Marketing Classes: What You Need To Know

As an entrepreneur or business-owner-to-be, you have a lot to learn about every aspect of your business. Working knowledge of subjects such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and content marketing is critical to just about any contemporary business. Many beginners attempt to create a sort of DIY digital marketing course, piecing together bits of information from various sources in order to understand the basics of Google Analytics, WordPress, and other vital internet marketing tools. But, in opting for more formalized digital marketing classes, you and your business will have a leg up in the learning process. A lot falls under the digital marketing umbrella: Depending on your unique needs, you might seek a digital marketing course focused on a particular program or strategy. Maybe you’ve felt comfortable working with Google Analytics in the past but find yourself overwhelmed since upgrading to GA 4. You might be looking to better apply those analytics or to begin an email marketing campaign. If you’re simply seeking out a beginner-friendly digital marketing class, though, you’ll find there’s a lot to learn. Amongst other topics, an expert digital marketer will master SEO, social media marketing, working with Google Ads, content creation, email marketing, and a wide variety of other digital marketing skills. If you’re trying to learn all of this through free online courses or resources, it’s easy to end up overwhelmed. By seeking out expert-backed techniques, you’ll be on your way to mastering online marketing with the exact course material and knowledge you need. You do need to put in the work: Whether you’re planning to enter the digital marketing industry directly or you’re learning these skills as part of a broader role, the fact that you’re seeking out a digital marketing course in the first place implies you’ll be a dedicated student. Otherwise, you could hire a professional digital marketer to handle your marketing channels for you. To get the most out of your digital marketing program, being an active learner is vital, as is actually implementing the skills you learn. Take advantage of your instructor’s expertise and ask questions. Learn as much as you can while working through the course, and you’ll learn everything you could need to manage your online presence. Prior knowledge helps but isn’t necessary: If you already have some experience with digital marketing strategies, you’ll have a strong start in mastering your online marketing efforts. That said, if you’re a beginner in the truest sense of the word, that’s okay, too. You don’t need to have a background in coding, search engines, or social media platforms. That’s why a course offered by digital marketing professionals is the best method for new learners. When your instructors are industry experts, you‘ll have the guidance you need at each step of the learning process. Each step teaches you the practical skills you need to get your offer or business in front of your ideal audience. You don’t need to be a marketer to use digital marketing strategies: Digital marketing as an industry is growing at an increasingly rapid pace, but you don’t need to be entering the marketing field to benefit from a digital marketing course. Small business owners can benefit from implementing digital marketing best practices, as can entrepreneurs, content creators, side hustlers, and job seekers. Mastering online marketing is a great way to market your business or yourself, whether you’re learning about how to improve your website’s conversion rate or curate your LinkedIn profile (in which case you’ll want to showcase your digital marketing certificate, of course!). Marketing managers and beginners alike can benefit from a course focused on online marketing best practices. Naturally, digital marketing professionals need to know how to implement strategies across social media, search engines, and other platforms. However, even if you aren’t a marketer by trade, you can take advantage of an online course to learn the basics and promote your business or yourself, so long as you put in the effort to implement all you’ve learned. Read Also: Essentials For Digital Marketing 5 Types of Digital Marketing Exploring The Different Types Of Digital Marketing Strategies


Best Way To Earn Passive Income In 2020: Email Marketing

If you’ve done it well enough and offered something of value for free, then a bunch of people will opt-in. Now you have their email address and contact info and you can follow up with them for the end of time or until they unsubscribe. So, its important to give out some sort of free gift that you give to people in order to get their email. Okay. Emails- All You Need to Know:  So what is your free gift, what are some things that work, really? Free ebooks. I'm sure you've seen those: “download our free report on __” For example, the eBook that I was circulating as a free gift was – “The 11 questions to change your life”. And then if people liked it (in a lot of cases they did), they want more and I give them an offer from my best Journal course, so there you know after they got it all they can get my best Journal course. So this is a very simple, opt-in I put 11 questions down and I give it away for emails (Shopify product research). Now, this right here has brought in probably ten thousand email addresses and, people have moved or they've unsubscribed or I’ve deleted them. Like I talked about earlier, but just from this little book right here I was able to generate a lot of income. Now I have their contact. So whenever I have a new video out, I know that they're interested in self-growth. So maybe if it's a self-growth video, I'll shoot it out to them. Or maybe if it's like a new offer I have, I'll shoot it out to them. Checklist: So anything like this, which is sort of like a free book and I say its more of a checklist, which is the second thing that works really well - you can do a checklist. I know some big entrepreneurs who were like to get the free YouTube checklist. Okay, like the five things to grow your YouTube channel get for free. Checklist and you take their email through email marketing and then you send it to them and it's all automated. Another thing that I'm a big fan of its free membership sites and. For instance, I’ve had one in my Facebook Community for YouTube entrepreneurs. It's pinned in the description there. And so it's like a gear list, a list of stuff you use or a quick start guide and the goal with your free report or your free opt-in or your baits is to get people immediate results. A good question to ask yourself is, what's like something that your audience could take action on open and get immediate results on in like 10 minutes. So you don't want your free report to be like an entire book, right? Authors will say get my first chapter for free, you don't want your free report to be like just mega long, although it is a strategy, I'm not a fan of it. If I get a free gift, I want it to be immediate action. So here is like gear favorites for it and conveniently these are all affiliate links, which is also cool, because even if they don't buy anything from me, down the road and they still get some good info if they want to buy something for themselves. Well, I make a commission on this. So that's a cool way you can cross-pollinate your income streams. I’ve built a multitude of free gifts and distributed them to my subscribers through click funnels something that they can do in 10 minutes or look at in 10 minutes, something that you can put together super quick even in like a Pages document or a Word document or a Google Document and just export it to a PDF. But don't spend too much time on this, the goal is to just get something up that you can start giving away to people to collect their emails through the email marketing. Best Way To Earn Passive Income: Email Marketing Lastly, when it comes to email marketing is for you to have multiple lists. This is because people have different interests. The people who are interested in YouTube, they're not guaranteed to be interested in personal development, for example. They're not, into maybe saving and investing and so if you talk about multiple things on your Channel, blog or your brand you want to segment your list as much as possible. Okay, so just try to narrow it down to people who like tennis or people who like golf or people who like swimming if you have a sports club or something like that, because of the tennis people are getting swimming tips. They're going to unsubscribe. They're going to get pissed off and that makes sense because you signed up for tennis not swimming. So as much as possible whatever that is in your business, try and segment your list as much as possible. And so that's why I have 20 lists of them have 300 people and some of them have 6000 people. Read Also: Pittsburgh Sportsbook Is Now Available At Parx Casino In Bensalem, PA 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

email marketing

Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Times have changed. Commerce no longer waits for customers to head into a brick-and-mortar store, but instead takes on a proactive approach. Marketers must rely on various tools to reach out to their consumers, create sales channels, and generate revenue. Gone are the days when newspaper ads and billboards took center stage; with technology, digital marketing outreach becomes a necessity as it can reach a considerable amount of users in the shortest amount of time. Marketers often ask us about the most effective platform they should first choose, and our answer always goes back to good old email marketing. Singaporeans are so comfortable with technology, and the majority of the technologically-savvy generation will check their emails at least once a day. Even though it’s one of the most traditional methods, it’s still used frequently because it simply works. Here’s the tricky part: email marketing has to be implemented correctly. Use it right, and it’ll become an incredibly powerful tool. Use it wrong, and you’ll risk turning away customers, both potential and returning ones. Unconvinced? We’ll give you two reasons why email marketing is the best digital marketing outreach, and how you should use it effectively. Whether you’re on a limited budget or hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, it’s important to understand email marketing so you can use it to your advantage, especially after your lead generation agency has delivered new prospects for your business. 1. Email marketing provides endless possibilities. Like we’ve mentioned, email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, yet marketers in most industries still use it today as it’s efficient and cost-effective. It involves sending emails to a target audience’s inbox and gives companies a chance to promote their product or service, create brand loyalty, deliver value to consumers; the possibilities are endless. Since there are so many ways to use email marketing, there is no reason for you to stick to one type. As sending the same emails too frequently may turn consumers away, you should find the right balance to keep your readers interested and hopefully increase sales.  Here are two different types of marketing emails that you can send out to engage your subscribers. Welcome emails are usually the first email a subscriber receives after giving you their email address. As it’s the first connection, it’s essential to not only introduce your brand but also make it a memorable one. There are several ways you can do this: you can either share with them more about your brand’s story, invite them to connect via other means (such as social media) or get to know more about them (such as asking for their birthdays). Since the purpose of welcome emails is to increase your engagement with your subscribers, an excellent way to start would be to give them a gift, either a trial or discount code. Informational emails are a series of emails sent to users to keep them engaged with your brand. There are several ways you can do this, depending on your brand. If sales are your priority, you can send out targeted emails informing your subscribers of promotions, discount codes, and holiday sales. If you’re providing software, and your main goal is to increase brand awareness, you can release a series of tips and tutorials on how to make the best out of it. There are so many ways you can continuously engage your subscribers, but remember to keep a steady pace; you want to provide your readers with value, not flood them with dozens of emails. As there are so many ways to use email marketing, if you’re hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, be sure to let them know what you’re trying to achieve. Different goals require different types of emails, and your agency needs to know what you need before they can help you get the results you want. Email marketing lets you personalize your engagement. Although every business has a buyer persona, it may not always be the same. As a brand, you may have a range of audiences that differ based on age, gender, and other demographics. The best way to reach out to different audiences is to cater to them differently, and email marketing helps you do so by segmenting your audiences into categories. The idea is to tailor various emails that will resonate with each audience segment and provide them with something exciting and of value. If you use email marketing correctly, you can not only address your subscribers by name but also provide them with something that they want. For example, you can email your VIP members about an exclusive event or reach out to your teen audience about a back-to-school sale. By targeting each segment differently, you can increase the effectiveness of your emails. This is extremely important as an email can only be successful if your subscribers open it, read it, and appreciate it. We can go on and on about how effective email marketing can be, but the best way for you to find out is to try it yourself. If you’re confused and not sure where to begin, now’s a good time to ask for help. Reach out to a digital marketing agency in Singapore, let them know what you need, and they’ll help you achieve it. Read Also: Why Every Business Holder Should Start Using The Drip Marketing Campaign Snov.Io Review: The Missing Piece Of The Marketing Outreach Strategy Puzzle