How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort

Published on: 10 December 2020 Last Updated on: 26 January 2021
Real Estate

Being a real estate agent is already a tough job. With all the other agents out there and the competitive market, agents need to do their best to win their share of the market. But it has become even harder in the market since the direct marketing strategies are not as effective as they used to be. hard-earned cash is spent on ads on Facebook and Google and little is returned. The Roi of direct marketing strategies is not satisfactory. This does not seem to be a one-time decline in the performance of direct marketing methods. There seems to be a logical and meaningful trend emerging in the market: the audience is exposed to too many marketing messages and has started to ignore all-the-same ads.

However desperate it might make agents, especially those new to the business who do not enjoy the advantages of word of mouth and referrals, repeating the same mistake over and over is not going to fix anything. There should be another turnaround to this predicament. And that is to look at the problem and think of what the audience wants.

The Root of the Problem: Bad Content

Real estate just like any other field in business is overwhelmed with the huge load of marketing messages in which real estate agents all claim to be the best, but most offer the same message. A brief look at the ads on social media platforms and Google shows that a majority of ads are centered around the agents and few focus on the needs of the clients.

“Content is king”, said Bill Gates back in 1996. Back in the day, he saw the potential internet has and saw the content as the pivotal point. The content indeed turned to be the king. In an era, where people are tired of all those ads with nothing to offer, content is the key to stand out and be unique. Of course, everyone can make content, but not everyone creates great content.

But what is great content? the long and the short of it: content that your audience is looking for on the internet. It caters to their needs and problems. Real estate is quite complicated in the eyes of the homebuyers and home sellers. They have many questions which they try to find answers to. Agents who focus on these questions and problems tend to become the go-to guy. The expert they are looking for.

Videos, Videos, Videos

We simply cannot highlight this enough. Watching videos is now easier than ever thanks to the advances in technology which has resulted in an increase in internet speed. Every day millions of videos are shared across different social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. on the other hand, YouTube as the biggest video sharing platform has made videos easier to watch. This is all good, but the problem is unlike watching videos, creating them is not easy. The great content we mentioned in the previous paragraph is offered best in the form of videos.

America Foy

roomvu market update videos

A bad video should be better than no video, right? Wrong. Reputation and brands are so delicate in real estate that it is not recommended that agents risk them by using poor videos. As videos are hard to make many agents would rather stay away from them and forget about the benefits they offer. With a few searches on the internet, agents can find many great tips on how to record their own real estate videos and also the ideas to base their videos on. Another option is simply to hire professional real estate video creators to do the job for you. It might seem like extra expenses, but the ROI is definitely worth the cash you spend.

lilian smith

roomvu neighborhood bio videos

Social Media, Automated

Social media is one of the greatest avenues to generate leads in real estate. The features popular social media platforms offer, like Instagram live for real estate all help agents reach their audience on a larger scale. If you have the time, skills, and patience to manage a couple of social media accounts properly, create appropriate content, and keep it consistent, go ahead. But given the hectic schedule, most agents run; it is unlikely. The only way to make it as a real estate agent on social media is to keep it interesting, informative, and valuable for the audience and keep it going all the time. This is probably what keeps most agents away from giving social media a shot as they do not have the time, skills, content, etc.


All these do not mean agents can’t enjoy the benefits of social media. In fact, social media automation systems like roomvu real estate social media automation calendar can take care of all from content creation to sharing them on social media accounts. There are many platforms that offer social media automation. roomvu does what needs to be done effortlessly and also offers a free calendar. All agents need to do is connect their social media accounts and pick the right content provided by the roomvu content factory and then let the technology do the rest.

roomvu calendar

roomvu social media calendar

Final Words

Whether agents like it or not, they can’t insist on old-school methods. Furthermore, direct marketing methods too are failing due to being all the same and offering no value. No one clicks on ads anymore. It does not mean that ads are bad. The problem is that they offer nothing other than a bunch of claims which the audience is sick and tired of. What is suggested here is that agents need to take on a novel approach towards their marketing efforts. Coming across as a helpful expert who is always out there sharing valuable information and helping the audience with their needs by providing insightful answers through valuable content in the form of videos. This mindset requires patience and consistency as the desired community is not built overnight. Thinking of customers and their needs and concerns as the highest priority instead of claiming to be the best agent out there, is the key to success in real estate’s highly competitive market.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Don’t Forget To Plan For These 7 Hidden Costs Of Moving

Moving is a very expensive decision — whether you DIY with a rented truck or hire the professionals. You probably budgeted for the truck or moving company before you started packing. But these are just some of the most obvious expenses involved in the typical move. Unless you’re a seasoned professional or frequent mover, you may not realize plenty of other expenses are in your future. Things like child sitting, elevator charges, and parking tickets can up your costs significantly. You can usually rely on a line of credit when you’re faced with unexpected expenses. But when you have already put down $2,000 on a moving company, you may not have a lot of room left on this account. Part of managing your line of credit responsibly is learning to anticipate supposedly unexpected expenses before they happen. This article is critical reading for anyone who wants to limit how often they use their line of credit during a move. Planning early means you can start saving for these expenses in advance. 1. Child Sitting If you have children, you might have to think about getting a babysitter for your child. To save money, you can ask friends or family willing to look after your kids. Either way, removing your kids from the equation is easier for you and your movers. That way, you don’t have to worry about them being underfoot when you move heavy furniture. 2. Pet Boarding The same rules apply to your furry children. Keeping your dogs and cats away from the action protects everyone involved. 3. Takeout With your kitchen packed up, you will be relying on takeout and readymade meals far more often. You can save money by preparing frozen meals in advance, moving them quickly from one freezer to the other. Keep shelf-stable snacks handy, too. 4. Parking Tickets  If your moving company parks illegally on the sidewalk or in a no-parking zone, you (not the company) will have to pay the ticket. Avoid this by seeking out a parking permit for your new neighborhood. 5. Security Deposit  That hole your friends caused when they moved your antique armoire? If you can’t patch it up before you move, you might lose out on the security deposit you put down when you first moved in. DIY repairs might help you avoid losing your deposit, but even DIY work costs money. 6. Elevator Fees  If you live in a condo, you will have to book the freight elevator to move your things. Depending on the condo company, they may apply a charge for this elevator. This fee is usually non-refundable and must be paid when you book the elevator. To make matters worse, most moving companies also charge elevator fees if you live on an upper floor. They may also charge stair fees if you live on the top floor of a walk-up. 7. Utility Setup Once you arrive at your new place, you have to set up utilities to heat and power your home. Some utility companies may require you to put down a security deposit before they start the service. They usually ask if you have poor credit or are a brand-new customer. These deposits can be costly, charging as much as twice your average monthly use. Keep this in mind as you create a moving budget. It’s better to struggle to save this amount than the opposite, being surprised by it when you go to hook up utilities! But if all else fails, your line of credit can pitch in. Read Also : Cab Transportation Never Got More Luxurious At Affordable Prices, Than In Houston 5 Reasons Why SMEs Use Courier Services

Radon Test

What Is A Typical Radon Test Fee? Understanding Costs And Factors

When considering the safety of your home, radon testing is a crucial step. Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas that can pose serious health risks if present at high levels. To determine if your home is at risk, professional radon testing is advised. The cost for this service can vary based on several factors, including the size of your home and the complexity of the testing required. The fee for a radon test typically ranges from $146 to $716 for a professional inspection. This range factors in the methods used for testing, the size of the area being tested, and whether additional diagnostic tools are required. Understanding these costs is essential, especially considering the potential health implications of radon exposure. Keep in mind that while DIY test kits are a less expensive initial option, ranging from $10 to $50, they often include laboratory analysis fees.  However, it is recommended to use professional test services as they include requirements about the placement of tests, analysis, and recording and including proper test conditions for a final risk assessment For those seeking the most accurate assessment of radon levels in their home, hiring a professional is generally the most reliable option.  Understanding Radon Testing Radon testing plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy indoor environment, as radon exposure is a known health risk. This section will detail the significance of radon testing and outline the typical process involved. The Importance of Radon Testing Testing for radon is essential because this odorless, colorless gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon naturally emanates from the decay of uranium in the soil, and without testing, there's no other way to determine if your home's levels are safe. Regular radon testing ensures that any dangerous concentration is identified and mitigated promptly, protecting you and your family from the associated health hazards. How Radon Testing Works To conduct radon testing, various devices are available, ranging from passive kits to sophisticated radon monitoring solutions. Passive devices, like charcoal canisters, collect radon samples over a specific period. In contrast, active devices like the Model 1028 XP: Professional Continuous Radon Monitor continuously measure levels, providing more dynamic data. These active monitors are preferred for their ability to deliver real-time measurements and create detailed reports, informing you about fluctuations in radon levels and allowing for a comprehensive understanding of your indoor air quality over an extended period. Factors Influencing Radon Test Fees When you're looking to test your home for radon, various factors will determine the cost. Understanding these can help you budget more effectively for a radon test. Test Duration The length of time a radon test takes can affect the price. Short-term tests may last from 2 to 90 days, while long-term tests exceed 90 days; the latter typically being more expensive due to the comprehensive data they provide. Type of Test You have options between DIY radon testing kits and professional radon testing services. While an at-home kit can cost between $10 and $75, professional service includes the necessary expertise and equipment, incurring higher fees. Test Location The price of a radon test can vary depending on your geographic location. For instance, tests conducted in regions with known radon prevalence may involve additional precautionary steps, potentially increasing the cost. Professional Expertise Opting for a certified radon inspector adds value as they bring specialized knowledge and accuracy. The complexity of your home's structure can also necessitate more time-consuming and thus, costlier, inspection methods. Average Cost of Radon Testing When exploring radon testing for your home, you'll find that prices can vary widely based on location and the type of test you select. Understanding these costs is essential for planning your budget effectively. By Region The cost of radon testing can differ depending on the region due to factors like demand, the prevalence of radon, and labor costs. In some areas, testing can be as affordable as $100, while in others it might reach up to $1,200. For example, homeowners can expect to pay an average of $420 for a radon inspection. By Test Type Radon testing varies not only by price but also by the methodology and duration of the test. Short-term tests may range from $10 to $30 for home test kits, whereas professional long-term testing or the use of a continuous radon monitor could cost significantly more. Tools like a continuous radon monitor might incur higher upfront costs but provide more detailed information over time. Additional Costs and Considerations When budgeting for radon testing, it's important to factor in not just the base cost but also potential additional expenses. These can vary depending on several factors, including whether you require a more thorough inspection or if follow-up testing is necessary. Mitigation System Inspection If your property already has a radon mitigation system in place, you'll need to include the cost of an inspection to ensure it's functioning correctly. This typically involves checking the system's components like the fan and the vent and can add to your overall expenses. Follow-Up Testing After the initial radon test, follow-up testing may be recommended, especially if levels are close to or above the EPA's action limit. You may need short-term follow-up tests for a quick verification, or long-term tests for a more accurate assessment, impacting your total testing costs. Home Size and Test Complexity The size of your home and the complexity of the test required can also affect the cost. Larger homes or those with multiple foundations may need several test kits or longer testing periods, potentially increasing expenses. Remember, these costs are on top of the typical radon inspection fee which can range from $146 to $716, with an average of around $420. Your specific costs will vary based on these additional factors and the options you choose. Choosing a Radon Testing Provider When faced with the task of selecting a professional to conduct your radon test, focusing on their expertise and the variety of services offered will ensure you receive a reliable and thorough assessment of radon levels in your home. Certifications and Qualifications Certifications: Make sure the provider you choose is certified to perform radon testing in your state. The National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) and the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) are two leading certification bodies. A certified tester will have a sound understanding of radon testing protocols and state-specific requirements. Qualifications: Beyond certifications, assess the provider’s experience and training. Years in the field and specialized knowledge can greatly influence the accuracy of your radon test results. Experienced professionals will also be adept at using the most current and effective testing methodologies. Service Comparisons Range of Services: Compare different providers based on the scope of services they offer. Some may only conduct tests, while others provide comprehensive services including radon mitigation. It's crucial to understand whether follow-up services are available, should your test results show high radon levels. Test Types: Ensure they offer both short-term and long-term testing options to suit your specific needs. Equipment Used: High-quality, calibrated equipment yields more accurate results. Verify the type of devices used in testing. Pricing: Prices can vary, with professional radon inspection costs ranging between $146 to $716, with a common average being around $420. While cost is a factor, it shouldn't be the sole criterion. Lower prices may not always guarantee the same level of service as providers charging industry-standard fees. Interpreting Test Results Before you proceed with any steps following a radon test, it's crucial to accurately interpret the results. The test reveals the radon concentration levels in your home, allowing you to make informed decisions on necessary measures. Understanding Safe Levels Radon levels are commonly measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L) in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that there is no completely safe level of radon exposure. However, levels less than 2 pCi/L are considered acceptable, while readings between 2 and 4 pCi/L suggest a moderate risk that warrants your attention. It's important to know that some organizations, like the World Health Organization (WHO), suggest more stringent action if levels surpass 2.7 pCi/L. Low radon levels: (<2 pCi/L) Moderate radon levels: (2-4 pCi/L) High radon levels: (>4 pCi/L) Conclusion Professional radon testing can vary in cost, generally ranging from $146 to $716 with a national average of around $420. Factors that can influence your radon inspection fee include the size of your home and the type of test conducted. For those preferring a more economical approach, DIY radon test kits are priced between $10 and $50 and include lab analysis. It's important to ensure accurate results, which might lead you to opt for a professional inspection over a DIY approach. Read Also: How Pests Control Maintains The Aesthetic Appeal Of Your Home Guide To Making Your Home Guest-Ready On Time Exploring Ideas For A Biophilic Home Design

Commercial Leasing Agent

What Is A Commercial Leasing Agent?

A commercial leasing agent is a professional responsible for finding tenants for commercial properties and negotiating lease agreements on behalf of the property owner. The retail leasing agent may work for a property management company, a real estate company, or an independent contractor. They are responsible for marketing the property to potential tenants, showing it to interested parties, and negotiating the lease terms. They may also be involved in the management of the property after the lease has been signed, including collecting rent and handling maintenance issues. Commercial leasing agents play a vital role in the real estate industry by helping owners find suitable tenants for their commercial properties. These professionals are responsible for marketing the property to potential tenants, showing the property to interested parties, and negotiating the lease terms. One of the primary duties of a commercial leasing agent is to market the property to potential tenants effectively. This may involve creating advertising materials, such as flyers or brochures, and placing ads in various media outlets. They may also use their contacts in the real estate industry to find potential tenants. In addition to marketing the property, commercial leasing agents are also responsible for showing the property to interested parties. This may involve conducting property tours, answering questions about the property, and highlighting its features and benefits. Once a potential tenant has expressed interest in leasing the property, the commercial leasing agent is responsible for negotiating the lease terms. This may involve discussing the length of the lease, the amount of rent that will be paid, and any other terms or conditions of the agreement. The commercial leasing agent must be skilled at negotiating and able to advocate for the interests of both the property owner and the tenant. In some cases, commercial leasing agents may also be involved in the management of the property after the lease has been signed. This may include collecting rent payments, handling maintenance issues, and communicating with the tenant as needed. Overall, commercial leasing agents are crucial in helping property owners find suitable tenants for their commercial properties. They are responsible for marketing the property, showing it to potential tenants, and negotiating the lease terms. Their expertise and skills help ensure the property owner and the tenant are satisfied with the leasing arrangement. How To Become A Commercial Leasing Agent? To become a commercial leasing agent, you will typically need to have a high school diploma or equivalent and complete some form of training or education in real estate. Some states may also require you to be licensed as a real estate agent to work as a commercial leasing agent. Here are some steps you can follow to become a commercial leasing agent: Complete A High School Diploma Or Equivalent Most commercial leasing agents will have a high school diploma or equivalent as a minimum educational requirement. Consider Earning A College Degree In A Related Field While it is not always necessary, some employers may prefer to hire candidates who have a college degree, particularly in an area such as business or real estate. Obtain A Real Estate License. Depending on the state in which you live, you may need to be licensed as a real estate agent to work as a commercial leasing agent. To obtain a license, you will typically need to complete a certain number of hours of real estate education and pass a licensing exam. Gain Experience In The Field While you can start your career as a commercial leasing agent with little or no experience, gaining experience in the field can be beneficial before starting in this role. This might involve working as a real estate agent or in a related field, such as property management or sales. Build A Network Of Contacts In The Real Estate Industry As a commercial leasing agent, you must be able to market properties and find potential tenants. Building a network of contacts in the real estate industry can help you to find leads and learn about new properties that may be available for lease. Consider Obtaining Additional Certifications Or Training Some commercial leasing agents obtain other certifications or training to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. For example, consider earning a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation or completing a course in property management. Commercial leasing agents are professionals responsible for finding tenants for commercial properties and negotiating lease agreements on behalf of the property owner. They are skilled at marketing properties, showing them to potential tenants, and negotiating the lease terms Commercial leasing agents may work for a property management company, a real estate company, or as independent contractors. They may also be involved in the management of the property after the lease has been signed, including collecting rent and handling maintenance issues. To become a commercial leasing agent, you typically need a high school diploma or equivalent and may need to be licensed as a real estate agent. Gaining experience in the field and building a network of contacts in the real estate industry can also be beneficial. Additionals: What Is Property AR? Benefits of Investing in City Centre Property 7 Tips To Purchase A Prime Real Estate Property