What To Leave Behind Once You Have Sold Your Home

Published on: 08 October 2020 Last Updated on: 02 June 2021
Sold Your Home

You have finally put your home for sale on the real estate market and now you are just looking for a potential yet promising buyer to purchase your home. As the seller of the property, you are likely to look forward to agreeing to future inspections and issues that need to be fixed before officially selling the property but if you have hired professional housekeeping services then your property will be spotless by the time the new owner comes around. When people finally reach the closing process, most of them don’t know what to leave behind or not leave behind exactly, but help is on its way through this article that will ensure you all that needs to be left behind and what you need to take with you so that you won’t have to face any stressful situations that you might deal with from either you or the potential buyers.

What Should Be Left Behind

The Keys To The Property

When it comes to closing day, the first thing that should be left behind are obviously the keys, while most new homeowners will probably make a new lock and have a new set of keys, they will also appreciate having obviously as a sign of respect because if you only have one set of keys it is best to suggest to the new homeowner that visiting a locksmith is an option if they want to make sets of keys. If you have your realtor under your services then you can give your realtor the keys on closing day and let them handle this situation for you so you won’t have to deal with the potential buyer himself/herself.

As a responsible homeowner who has now sold his home to a new couple or a family, there are many things, which you can do to help them. Firstly, any new homeowner would like to change the old locks of the house. This is where a central coast locksmith can help them change the locks to the entire household. This can give the new family complete peace of mind knowing that they are the only ones that have the keys to different areas of the house. They can store their possessions safely and secure the premises at all times.

A Folder That Contains Manuals And Warranties For Your Appliances

Keep in mind that once a buyer has purchased the household, they have also purchased all the appliances that are included inside as well. It would be best to leave behind all the user manuals for these home appliances and if you have a warranty or guarantee from a recent appliance that you recently bought, would be definitely useful to have as well. It would be best for the future owner to have all these documents in case they have to operate, repair, or maintain some appliances, they wouldn’t have to go through any hassles.

Features Included In The Household

Chances are when you bought this property yourself, is that there are things that came affixed with the property itself such as certain kinds of hardware, curtains, shelves, kitchenware, and light fixtures and blinds. Unless you have bought these things and possibly might need them for the new place that you are planning to purchase/rent then it is best to leave these home features behind for the new owners to use and enjoy as well. Things like remote controls should obviously be left behind for the new owners as you don’t want to leave your property with any questions being asked. Try to label each remote control in case it is not obvious which one is for which electronic appliances such as ceiling fans, lights, televisions, and much more. Believe it or not, home automation systems that are used as home’s smart features can actually be one of the things that made your potential buyer be appealed by the property so it is best to keep them where you are but if you paid a hefty price for them, it’s best to put this in the contract and have it be said during negotiations so that you don’t make any losses along the way that are not necessary. It has been researched that Smart Home products actually increase the property value by almost five percent by just owning home automation, so if you are getting it customized and built-in within the property, then it is best to leave it behind and ask for the price that would seem reasonable for you.

Pool Supplies

Does your property have its own swimming pool? If this is the case then it is best to leave all your accessories and pool supplies for the new owner. It will also be a great idea to leave any kind of directions, manual, or assist with any information regarding how to maintain and keep the pool or spa area clean as possible and who to contact if you have someone doing it for you as well.


If you have your own backyard or natural garden that you purchased and came with the property, most of these places have the plants, shrubs, and trees already affixed to the property and will remain with the household regardless of how much you would like to miss them. The only option that you have is the case that if you want to take the removable pots that have flowers and plants inside which won’t be a hassle in taking and moving away with you. There are things such as equipment within the garden such as chairs, tables, swings, and even a grill, which can all be seen as personal belongings so it would be better to take it with you unless you don’t find any value in them anymore and consider just leaving them behind for the future owner of the property to either use or throw out themselves.

Take Your Emotions Out Of The House

Last but not least, the most important thing to do is to take all your personal belongings with you and do everything to depersonalize your property so at least that potential buyers can imagine themselves there when you have emptied out the place. Just think of it this way, if you have all your stuff currently still at your homes such as family photos and stuff that comes with sentimental value, the potential buyer will only see your house and not the house on sale pretty much because they won’t be able to see themselves living there because they can only see you and your belongings among the place. Consider hiring a professional who will be able to stage your home and to maximize profits.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Property Investment

Is Property Investment Still a Good Way to Make Money?

With the recent changes in regards to the amount of tax that landlords pay, it has led to many people questioning whether property investment is still profitable. There is not a simple yes or no answer to that question, as all situations are different. For example, buying a single second property with a high mortgage rate is unlikely to be a big earner. And you need to think about whether property values are going to drop, as you could actually end up worse off. However, there are plenty of property investment strategies that do still work and that people are making good money out of. One such strategy is buying houses at auctions for below the market value and then refurbishing them and selling them on at a profit. Now if you have never been to a property auction before then you will need to learn the set up in terms of house bidding. But experienced property investors use auctions as a huge opportunity to make money. Refurbishing : Some investors have a strategy of ‘flipping’ a property whereby they buy the property at a low price and then they do some pretty basic repairs to make the property a more attractive option for people looking to buy a house. They work with tradesmen that they have good working relationships with and therefore can get a lot of the work done at cheaper rates than your average house buyer would be able to. The refurbishment might involve just putting a cheap carpet down and giving the rooms a fresh coat of paint. The work doesn’t have to cost much when investors know what they are doing and how to make a property look more attractive as a potential home. HMOs (House in Multiple Occupation)   Another popular strategy for property investors is buying a large property that they can turn into an HMO (house in multiple occupations). Here they will find a larger property on the market and assess whether it is suitable for turning into a shared property, incorporating the necessary construction work to adapt the property to create numerous living spaces. There is quite a lot of work involved in this type of property strategy and it isn’t something you would easily take on as your first property investment project. You need to know the legalities involved and you need to be able to identify an area that is going to be suitable for this kind of venture. Understanding the area and the demand for rental property is a key dependency on this being a successful investment strategy. Before you think about moving into property investment, it is definitely worth doing a whole lot of research before you put any money into it. There are so many people out there that rushed into property investment, thinking that they could easily buy a house cheaper than market value and do it up before quickly selling on. Then the housing market crashed and they ended up being left with a house that they could not sell or had to sell at a loss. So do your research about the market, about the area of the property that you are looking at, learn about all of the legal requirements that play into the investment opportunity. Factor in the financials like interest rates and tax. You also want to be doing some groundwork in regards to finding tradesmen that will be a key part of making money through property refurbishments. When you have done all of that, you can think about whether or not you are in the position to make money through property investment. Read  Also : How To Sell Your House Fast?! Five Must-Know Tips To Move Your Property! 7 Reasons To Buy A Condo Over A House

Body Corporate issues

5 Common Body Corporate Issues Faced by Strata Management

Most body corporates tend to be well managed. However, there are still numerous issues that come with such management. It is actually possible for different issues to arise in two buildings that have been built the same way. Here are the top five problems that are faced by many body corporate managers: 1. Financial Stability: A body corporate is only as stable as its financial foundation. Like many legal entities, a body corporate requires strong financial stability if it is to run smoothly. There are credit contracts to be made, tax returns to be filed and bank accounts to be managed. If the finances of the body corporate are not managed effectively, many problems start cropping up. Bankruptcy actually becomes a possibility when the entity’s finances are poorly managed. Most times, however, members often contribute funds to prevent the entity from sinking into debt. To avoid falling into this pitfall, take a good look at the body corporate’s finances before you invest in it. Look at the cash levels and debt ratios. This should give you a sound estimation of the entity’s financial stability. 2. Compliance with The Law: Another common issue that many body corporate managers face includes compliance with regulatory requirements. Compliance with legislation means much more than simply complying with the BCCM Act.   There are fire safety rules to comply with and pool safety regulations to be adhered to. Sure, complying with the law will increase your management costs, but it’s much cheaper than having to pay fines or to face the consequences that the law is trying to prevent. 3. Management Problems: Poor management can be just as costly as non- compliance with legislation. Usually, the problem with management comes where the committee members are volunteers. This means that they have to squeeze in hours to do the management work in addition to their regular jobs and their family responsibilities. Poor management can be costly to any body corporate manager. Before you decide to venture into this investment, make sure that the properties are properly managed. Look at compliance with the law, fiscal strength and how well the management promotes harmonious living. 4. Dispute Resolution: When people live together, disputes are inevitable. In strata management, disputes can also be very expensive. Whether the cause of the dispute is noise or failure to abide by the set rules, it can be a very stressful time. Sometimes, disputes end up in court or arbitration, and this is both time consuming and costly. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, it is best to have clear rules that are enforced strongly. 5. Building Condition: The state of the buildings can also be a cause of a headache for property management. New buildings are often riddled with many defects; and old ones require renovation and refurbishment. You might think, but there are insurance companies to take care of the defects, right? However, sometimes the insurance companies just won’t pay, and you are suddenly faced with the problem of having to improve the state of the buildings. This can be rather stressful and costly. Conclusion: Most of the above problems are related. Poor management will certainly lead to poor dispute resolution as well as financial instability. If there is no money available, renovating buildings and fixing problems will be impossible. Although most body corporates are properly managed, a fair share are riddled with issues. And sometimes, those issues can go unresolved for a long time. Read Also: Tips For Finding A Joint Venture Partner Is Property Investment Still A Good Way To Make Money?

House Movers

What Should You Do Before The House Movers Arrive?

Moving to a new house is exciting. However, the chaos and stress in preparing to move are not welcome. If you are a parent, you can probably envision how much work you will do to pack everything you possess before the arrival of the removal company. Fortunately, you can hire a house removal company with the type of service that fits your budget. A removal company offers professional services with trained staff, industry organization membership, and comprehensive insurance to cover damages or loss of items. The company can help make your move as pleasant and easy as possible. However, you are still responsible for ensuring that there will be no mishaps on the day you move. Here Are 3 Important Things Should You Do Before The House Movers Arrive: Even if you choose to have the removal company do the packing and unpacking of everything you own, your preparation before the movers come will minimize the cost of removal. 1. Create a plan of action You should have a plan of action that will involve every capable member of your household. Each one should know what they should do and when the deadline is to complete their task. The plan will ensure that every person completes the task early so as not to cause confusion or delay. Creating a list of tasks and posting them on areas visible to everyone can serve as a reminder of the tasks they should do and who is responsible for specific responsibilities. Darvills of Leeds, a trusted home removals company that has been in business since 1876 suggests so. 2. Take out everything from cabinets, cupboards, drawers, and closets You will be more organized if you see the items you will pack. If you are doing the packing, segregate the items and put them in the boxes the removal company will provide you with. Separate the things you want to throw, give away, or donate. Label the boxes properly once it is full. If the company will do the packing, segregate and place the items on one side of the room to give them plenty of space to work.   3. Make an inventory of all items Making an inventory of everything in your house will ensure nothing is missing. It will also make it easier to find the things you need. Include photos and videos of every room and the contents within. You can visit this website to find more information on preparing for a move. After packing everything, make another inventory of all the boxes the movers will transport in their trucks. The list will help you identify if anything is missing. The inventory can also help prevent disputes over the value or number of items/boxes. For instance, you may indicate whether you placed other boxes in storage. Whether the removal company does the packing and unpacking or you do the packing yourself, it will make your move smooth sailing if you plan and organize the activities before the move. Get your family members to help pack and sort items. This will systemize the process of transporting the belongings you need and coordinating with the movers. Read Also: Top Things To Do Before Moving Into Your Own HomeWhy Are Lenders Moving Towards Automated Mortgage Processing?Top 10 Household Items That Are Commonly Damaged During Moving