How To Plan A Promotional Event For Your Business? – Steps & Key To Success


02 July 2021


Promotional Event

A promotional event plays an important role in the success of your business. Planning this type of event may be challenging but if you know how to do it right, you and your organization can achieve huge benefits in the end.

To learn more about how to plan a promotional event for your business, please scroll down to find out the answer.

What Is a Promotional Event & Its Importance?

A promotional event is a popular occasion created for organizations looking to promote their particular products, advertise new products, or promote their whole company. By launching this event, you can draw customers’ attraction about your business and reach your target audience.

More than just attracting people, a well-promoted event’s chief purpose is to increase public awareness of the business. In addition, it also informs customers about your organization, products, prices, services and persuades them to buy the products of your company.

Planning Promotional Event With 5 Steps

Step 1

Step 1

First and foremost, you need to define your goal and identify the target audience of your event. This is the most important factor because your promotional event tactics will depend mainly on your customers and the goals that you want to achieve.

The chief target might be increasing total revenue for your e-commerce marketplace or generating media coverage on your newly launched products which are about to be unveiled. However, having a defined goal enables you to build a strong, effective promotional event schedule and bring the right audience to your business.

Step 2

Step 2

Choosing the proper type of promotional event is the next significant step in your process.

There are several ideas of promotional events for your intention to gather new customers, raise people’s awareness of your brand, express the brand’s gratitude to current clients, etc.

This post will show you the three most typical types of promotional events that you may find helpful to your organization.

The first one is fundraising events, created to support an organization’s mission, especially nonprofit companies. These companies will raise funds via selling products or services activities. Your organization can hold this type of event by hosting a gala, online or offline auctions, or musical performance.

Next, you can also opt for those promotional events like giving the public free food and custom bottled water. Who doesn’t love free stuff? No one.

The crucial aims of these events are to spread people’s awareness about a particular product, service or advertise the image, trademark of your brand to your target audience. Giving the crowd a free trial is a great way to give them a good impression of your brand.

The final type which we want to mention today goes to the award ceremony. The prize might be given to “the most loyal customer” or the one who has a winning ticket.

This type of promotional event shows your brand’s gratitude to loyal customers. And that will help you gain more target audience and make them want to stay longer with your brand.

Step 3

To keep track of all activities of your promotional event, a schedule with strict deadlines needs to be included. Because the bigger the event is, the more things your team needs to put on the calendar.

Having deadlines in your team’s plan would make your job less sophisticated and give you appropriate time to change the plan if something occurs unexpectedly.

Step 4

Step 4

Since organizing a promotional event is not easy, you can share the load to distribute the promotional efforts to other stakeholders. Here are some tips for you.

Reach out to sponsors might be the best way to bring a helping hand to your business. Sponsors could easily help your brand access your target audience and re-enhance your promotional event’s key message on social media websites. They can also expand your company’s budget if your brand allows them to also display their products in your event.

You can consider another common way which is influencer marketing. If you can connect with influencers whose audiences are similar to your target customers, don’t hesitate to discuss this partnership marketing opportunity with them. Leveraging their influence in the industry is also a great way for your event to get closer to success.

Step 5

Step 5

After having done all things above, following up with your event attendees is the last important step to decide the success of your event.

You might want your attendees to remember your brand’s message and come back to buy your products in the future. Thus, send them emails, give them some small gifts, marketing flyers, or whatever you can to make sure that they will remember your brand after the promotional events.

If they come back and choose your brand as a reputable solution, you can tell that your promotional event is successful.

Tips For Promoting Your Event Effectively On Social Media

  • Using social media platforms wisely and suitable for your products/services.
  • Paid for advertisements on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.
  • Host a giveaway to pump up your brand awareness and help convert your followers to attendees.
  • Using your promotional event’s hashtag everywhere and every time you have the chance.


Promotional events are amazing in helping you gain more customers and spreading your brand’s key message to the community. We hope that our topic of “How to plan a promotional event for your business” today could give you the answer that you’re looking for.

Good luck and see you next time!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Email Marketing Mistakes

The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

Email marketing is crucial in driving brand awareness and bringing quality leads to your website. Your email list is the most valuable asset you can own in your business, serving as your virtual distribution channel. However, it's essential to recognize that not all customers will immediately purchase. In fact, on average, you will get less than a 5% conversion rate on purchases, which means you need to follow up with the other 95%. This highlights the importance of understanding the differences between direct mail vs digital marketing and how each strategy can complement your overall marketing efforts. In short, email marketing provides a powerful tool for encouraging interactions with your brand. When a customer subscribes to your periodic newsletter, it is an indication that they have a desire to engage with your brand. According to marketing tests and studies, email marketing affects consumer behavior and can convince consumers to visit websites for more information or make a purchase. Unfortunately, email marketing can be quite complex due to the sheer number of variables affecting email marketing campaigns. Therefore, consultants and marketing managers fail to achieve the desired email opening rates and click-through rates. Ultimately, marketing managers tend to ask a question like: Why did they receive it but never opened it? Did they open it but never took the desired action? Why are they unsubscribing? 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes In this post, we uncover the most prominent email marketing mistakes consultants can make. Therefore, if you have been struggling to increase the CTR through email campaigns, you have reached the right page. Let us jump in straight away. 1. Not Personalizing The Email Campaigns Personalized email campaigns can be a powerful tool. However, recent research revealed that 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messages. You are missing out if you are not taking the time to customize your email! Personalizing email campaigns involves collecting data related to your target audience and crafting custom content. Remember that the success of your email campaigns depends on how well you utilize the available data to come up with relevant content that target consumers will be willing to consume. Here are essential arguments to help convince you of the benefits of personalization in marketing. Email personalization gives you the ability to reach specific audiences Personalized emails stand out from the crowd by ensuring better and unique content that leaves special memories for your customers. Personalizing your email campaigns helps to build stronger and personal relationships with your customers. Therefore, start researching about your customers and ensure you personalize every email that you send to target customers. Ultimately, you will start enjoying higher email open rates and increased CTR to your money website. 2. Penning Poor Subject Lines No matter what your goal is, your audience will judge emails by the subject lines. According to Hubspot, 47% of email marketers test different email subject lines to optimize their email performance.  Thus, it is essential to create catchy email subject lines to get people to open the email and convert them into customers. So, what makes a great subject line? Here are essential tips to guide you when creating an email subject line. Communicate urgency and scarcity in your email subject lines to compel readers to act. Maintain some sense of curiosity to pique the reader’s natural interest. People love new things and experiences. Thus, do not forget to mention what is on offer. Incorporate trending topics to feel relevant and compel readers to click to read. Mention your audience to show you truly recognize them, and you are not merely after marketing. As you write personalized email campaigns, do not leave the subject line to chance. A catchy email subject line attracts the audience's attention and leads them into taking action. But, on the other hand, if your subject line lacks the above qualities, you start on the wrong foot! 3. Not Including ONE, Clear Call To Action As you already know, your content needs a call to action. Whether you are writing a blog post, a landing page, or an email, ensure your readers know what action they need to take. Without a clear call to action, you leave them to figure out what you want them to do. In that regard, before you compose an email, define a clear vision of its purpose. What outcome do you expect? Do you want them to subscribe, share or buy? Make sure your intention is clear to the audience. So, here are a few suggestions we think will help you come up with a great call to action: Use bright colors, bold text, or large buttons so that the CTA is easy to find Use words that foster curiosity and avoid bland or vague wording Do not end up including multiple CTAs When appropriate, repeat the same CTA more than once Remember, the CTA is the magic button that leads the readers into taking the desired action. 4. Not Looking Professional The fourth and worse mistake that consultants do is sending emails that appear sketchy or amateurish. Most readers will not be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thus, so long as you are not sending professional emails, you can forget about conversions. To maintain a high level of professionalism with every marketing campaign, follow these tips: Proofread every email and correct spelling or grammar mistakes Avoid attachments Use respectful and easy to understand language Professional emails attract higher conversion rates and encourage readers to share your message. 5. Sending Emails from A Emails from no-reply are uninviting and often end up marked as spammy emails. Thus, if you send marketing emails from a no-reply email address, do not be surprised if your open rate is still low. Always allow your recipients to get back to you, and include a phone number to reach you or the relevant persons quickly. Include your name and designation and links to social media to help the customers contact you. Sending an email from a person within your company could be a competitive advantage. 6. Ignoring Mobile According to statistics, 85% of users use Smartphones to access email. Thus, it is imperative to make marketing efforts seamless on mobile. Unfortunately, mobile email marketing is a calling that most consultants tend to resist for far too long because they do not understand what it means to go mobile. The reality is that emails that do not display correctly on mobile end up in the trash folder within seconds. To optimize your email marketing for mobile, follow these essential tips: Use a responsive or scalable mobile template Utilize a pre-header that includes a summary of the purpose and call of your email to action Keep the email short, sweet, and to the point Ensure finger-friendly and easy to find CTAs Leverage images to enhance your emails Ignoring mobile when designing an email marketing strategy is the worst of the mistakes you could be making. Instead, talk to an Email service provider to find out the various enhancements you can include in your email campaigns to ensure mobile-friendliness. 7. Wrong Links, Broken Links, Or No Links At All Sending out emails with the wrong link is as good as not sending the email in the first place. For example, you could create a beautiful and professional email, but you will not measure the CTR if no links direct the visitors to a landing page. Therefore, make sure you include relevant links. Then, test the links to make sure they direct the reader to the right page, and the page loads fast. Otherwise, your email campaign will not be fruitful. Conclusion We have looked at the top mistakes coaches and consultants make when it comes to email marketing. While email marketing offers a huge potential to your business, making these mistakes repeatedly will hurt your campaigns. Talk to email marketing professionals for assistance when it comes to email marketing campaigns, creating automation, and developing a solid follow-up system. Read Also:  How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? 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How to do bookkeeping in Malta minus complications

Bookkeeping and accountancy are always seen as a complicated and tedious process. It does not have to be because you just do a book as long as your know-how. The major purpose of the book is recording financial of the organization. Learn the basics of doing books in Malta so that you eliminate perceived complications from this process. Bookkeeping is the procedure of recording your financial transactions as a business in the year. It is among the necessary processes that your business cannot survive without. The bookkeeper is the one to do your books. The importance of this book Even though it is viewed as the routine task and does not directly contribute to the process of generating income for the business, it has to be among the priorities of the business for the following reasons. The generated records from the book are good for getting you the finance you need for the business. This is usually the basic requirement from lenders before approving a loan for your business. Also, your records will determine the financial obligations of your business to the taxman so as to provide the required deductions as reflected in the records. In case you are not able to give these documents and fail in fulfilling your obligation, you may end up facing huge penalties. Your books have the ability to determine the steps you require to improve your business operations and how to take the business to another level. Minus accurate diagnosis of financial conditions, you will not have the ability to handle cash flow in the right way. It is assumed that the most crucial individual in the organization is the accounting clerk or bookkeeper. Why is it that there is a lot of value for the bookkeeper or accountant? The underlying reason is that the business will not see progress when it does not have transaction records. For the financial institution or business entity to move forward, it requires an organization of financial records. This is crucial for having the ability to plot growth and to have the ability to design or contrive an action plan for growth. Bookkeeping in Malta is, therefore, a process of recording financial transactions of a firm. The bookkeeper will keep track of transactions of the business or company and then prepare a report that can be consolidated into a daybook that consists of sales receipts, payments, purchases, receipts for the business entity or firm. After the consolidation of these reports, they will then be utilized by accountants to formulate an income statement plus a balance sheet. Due to its extreme volatile nature, the work of the bookkeeper is very crucial for the functions of the firm, and are the first to get pirated by other firms or in case there is a takeover from another company by competitor entities, it is the role of the bookkeeper that stays put. Bookkeeping in Malta is not just the only crucial aspect to the business entity but is also very crucial for individuals. Most likely since the whole world is feeling its effects due to the financial crisis, bookkeepers, accountants, and accounts clerks are now increasing in their demand. Even companies specializing in information technology are cashing in on the requirement for the necessary bookkeeping packages by coming up with software solutions that will fit in the company type that is in need. There are also sites that are providing bookkeeping and accountancy services. You can do your books in two methods; you can record your entries manually or automate your process by use of reliable bookkeeping software. Since most of the tasks are routine entries, many businesses choose to go for automated processes by use of reliable and preferred software. The programs enable you to experience simplified bookkeeping in Malta to get accurate results. Read Also : Top Tips For Making Business Purchases Tips On Selecting A Storage Solution For Your Growing Business Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy

Forex Trader Guide

Forex Trader Guide: How to Start

If you are here, you have probably already decided to run a Forex trading campaign or started considering this as a good online business opportunity. If you want to trade classical Forex or CFDs Forex, you need the truth on how to start, so here is a detailed started guide from actual experts in the field, the team. Let’s start! 1. Learn The Key Principles: Before you start practicing Forex trading through your first demo account, you have to note down and learn the fundamental principles of trading. The list of these short rules will help you even when you get into the professional trading league one day. Don’t expect too much –  All your expectations should be based only on sober judgment. You always have to think of both positive and negative results that can happen when you open the next position and focus on the opportunities rather than on potential profits. The last may cause terrible anxiety and make it impossible to focus on the right things. Don’t invest more than you can lose – Leveraged trading, which makes Forex so attractive, can lead you not only to multiplied profits but to immense losses as well. That’s why you have to avoid investing more than you can payout if you lose. Even if you are 100% sure about a position, don’t try to be in over your head.  Follow the headlines –  Being aware of the markets is incredibly important for every trader. You have to know the entire background of every Forex pair you want to trade to be able to predict the most probable results. Turn off emotions –  Emotional trading is is a failure even if you win the first few times. You should develop a strategy and follow it strictly to the end, without letting your emotions change your decisions. Otherwise, you won’t learn anything from your current strategy and won’t be able to develop a better one. There’s no reason for losing time and money like this.  Get ready to lose – There’s no such trader who doesn’t lose. Even if you look at the trading history of top professionals, you will see multiple losses for every year of their careers. What makes a trader successful is the ability to overcome losses quickly and end up earning more money than losing. 2. Choose a Reliable Broker: Brokers are mediators between you and trading platforms. Technically, they provide you with access to certain trading platforms and charge a certain fee based on the services listed in the agreement. The truth is that brokers can impact the quality of your trading, so it’s very important to analyze all the popular offers and select the one that matches your needs, market standards and has generally positive reviews from the business community and trusted industry experts. 3. Use Stop Loss Orders: Of course, a stop-loss order is not a 100% guarantee that you won’t face losses if the market goes down too fast, but it’s definitely, a way to minimize potential losses. You can set the orders for specific scenarios to be sure that the system will cut you from the falling position automatically until you lose too much. 4. Pick a Strategy & Improve It: There are four main trading strategy categories that cover the vast majority of trading strategies. These common categories include: Scalping – Scalping stands for very short trades that usually take just a few minutes. Scalpers develop strategies aimed at making small profits on multiple trades during the day. One of the most popular examples of scalping is the Forex-1 minute Trading Strategy. Make sure to google it. Scalping is widely considered one of the most advanced trading categories as it requires a trader with a quick, agile mind who can adapt to frequently changing circumstances and understand where the wind blows.  Day trading –  Day trading strategies open and close within the trading day timeframe and last for a few hours. It’s a popular category amongst beginner traders as it provides you with enough time to think and doesn’t overwhelm you with potential overnight market changes. Swing trading –  This category involves trading strategies that last around 2 trading days and stay overnight. It’s quite a risky thing for beginners but can be a great instrument when you have enough experience. Positional trading – This trading strategy type involves following long-term market trends in order to multiply profits on significant currency price shits. Unlike the previous three, this approach is considered long-term and requires traders to be extremely patient and disciplined. There’s no real need to start with your own custom strategy created from the ground up. You can start by testing classic trading strategies that have proved efficient over time and learn what makes them so good while practicing in real-world conditions on your demo account or a real one. 5. Learn to Analyze: The lesson to learn here is that there are two main analysis types:   Technical analysis – This analysis typically involves studying price movement patterns of a specific currency pair or asset. Your aim here is to see historical price trends and try to make accurate predictions on future price movements. This way, you can gain more confidence in the trend you should bid for. You can use indicators, chart patterns, and candle patterns to conduct effective technical analysis. Fundamental analysis – Similar to technical analysis, fundamental analysis involves making predictions, but it focuses on the general economic situation worldwide, including current GDP, interest rates, employment rates, worldwide trade, manufacturing of physical goods, economy-driving commodities, and more. Long story short, fundamental analysis is practically about everything but the price movement pattern. Time to Start a Demo: You can read hundreds of articles, but they are just nothing until you start practicing real-world platforms and instruments. The best way to start right away is to select a reliable broker and open a free demo account to see how it goes. You can practice on a demo account without spending a cent as long as you need to get used to the platform, test your first strategies and try to understand what you feel. Don’t be there too long, though. The real market with real money is the best teacher.  Read Also: How Financial Trading can give you the Life you want Forex Trading Wisdom: Talk Yourself Out of Bad Trades CFD Trading: Everything You Need to Know in 2021