What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event

Published on: 23 March 2020 Last Updated on: 21 April 2020

When it comes to finding fun ways to advertise your business. It can be tricky to think of something that is unique, fun and impactful. Gone are the days of ‘swag’ is enough to win over the potential business. Forking out for a bulk order of pens with your company’s logo won’t work because, to be frank, people are bored of pens. What you need is something big, unusual and attention-grabbing. If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to grab the attention of passers-by and make your logo stand out. You should definitely consider inflatables. Whether you are preparing for a trade show, fun day or grand opening, giant inflatables are a fantastic way of drawing in new customers. And putting a smile on peoples’ faces while marketing your brand will only lead to good things.

What Type of Inflatables Should You Opt For at Your Business Event

While any type of giant inflatable is pretty much guaranteed to increase brand awareness due to the sheer size and quirkiness, there are a number of different types available, and choosing the right one will make all the difference. Here are just a few of the giant inflatables that can be custom made for your company these days:

Giant product replicas

What better way to show off your product than having an enormous blow-up version of it for everyone to see? This creates instant brand recognition and is the perfect solution to a product-specific marketing campaign.

Air dancers

Also known as sky guys (or ‘wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men’ if you’re a fan of Family Guy), putting your logo on one of these charming retro inflatables is a great way to catch people’s attention.

Inflatable archways

These are the ideal investment if you’re sponsoring a race; displaying your branding in a prominent yet non-obtrusive way that’s integral to the event. Having your logo overhead at the start of a race and visible in all event photographs will go a long way for your business.


Often called inflatable airships in the industry, these helium-filled advertisements for your business can be hoisted up to 200 feet/ 60 meters in the sky and act as a homing device to attract potential customers.


If your company has a friendly character as a mascot, whether it’s a friendly farmyard animal or a quirky monster. Make sure they’re always visible with an oversized inflatable version. This is especially great if you’re a family-friendly business; kids love them!


Offer shelter from the elements in the form of domes, tunnels, arches, and cubes and you’ll find that people are happier to give you more time than under an exposed gazebo.

The type of inflatable you opt for will vary depending on the event and what your current marketing plans are. Whichever of these you choose, taking a ‘go big or go home’ approach to marketing at a business event will always guarantee that you stand out from the crowd and gain the best possible ROI of any promotional materials.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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First Virtual Meeting

7 Tips To Get Started On Your First Virtual Meeting

Virtual meetings are a great way to get your team together from different locations and are used for various purposes. Whether you need to conduct training, hold a brainstorming session, or keep communication open with your remote employees, virtual meetings can help you reach your goals. Yet before you start planning your first virtual meeting, it’s essential to know how to set up and manage these types of sessions. Here are seven tips to get you started: 1. Set An Agenda If you’re new to virtual meetings, it can be tricky to know where to start. One important thing you can do is set an agenda for your meeting—this will let everyone know what to expect and ensure that all essential topics are covered. Some tips for setting an agenda for your first virtual meeting are as follows: 1. Write down all of the topics you want to discuss. Ensure they are relevant to the meeting’s purpose. 2. Order the topics by importance. It will help you to focus on the most critical issues first. 3. Decide how much time you want to spend on each topic. It will ensure that the meeting stays on track and doesn’t run overtime. 4. Send out the agenda in advance so that everyone has time to prepare for the meeting. Setting a plan will ensure that the meeting is productive and focused, and it will help everyone to know what to expect. Planning can ensure that your first virtual meeting out of many fun virtual events is a success. 2. Know Your Audience Know who you will be speaking to when planning a virtual meeting. It will help you to tailor the content of the meeting and ensure that everyone can participate. The following are some things to consider when planning your audience for a virtual meeting: Size: How many people do you need to reach? Location: Where are your audience members located? Accessibility: How will your audience access the meeting? When you know your audience, you can ensure everyone can participate in the meeting. You can also tailor the content to ensure that it’s relevant and valuable for everyone involved. 3. Choose A Platform Wisely When it comes to having a virtual meeting, the first step is choosing a platform that will work best for you and your team. Many different options are available, each with its features and benefits. Some platforms allow for videoconferencing, while others focus on audio-only format. Others offer a variety of features, such as file sharing and screen sharing. Still, others are designed for team collaboration. The key is to choose a platform that will meet your specific needs. Once you’ve selected a platform, the next step is creating an account and signing in. Then, create a meeting space and invite your team members. Once everyone has joined the meeting, you’re ready to start collaborating. 4. Set Up A Test Run The best way to get started is to set up a test run with a few friends or colleagues. It will help you get familiar with the software and figure out any kinks before you have to lead an important meeting. To start, choose a videoconferencing tool that you’re comfortable using. You can choose from many options, so take time to explore what’s out there. When you’ve chosen one, invite a few people to join you for a practice run. You can use this time to test out the various features of the software and figure out how everything works. Observe the sound quality and image clarity, as well as how easy it is to use the various features. It will help you ensure everything is working correctly before leading an actual meeting. 5. Establish Ground Rules You can establish a few ground rules to help everyone feel more comfortable and get the most out of the experience. First, set some expectations about etiquette. For example, let everyone know that it’s okay to take breaks as needed and that it’s perfectly acceptable to mute your microphone when you’re not speaking. It can also be helpful to establish a ‘no interruptions’ policy so that everyone has a chance to be heard. Next, ensure everyone knows how to use the meeting platform you’re using. Everyone must be familiar with the basics of how the system works. Finally, take some time at the beginning of the meeting to check in with everyone and see how they’re doing. Small talk can go a long way towards making everyone feel more comfortable and setting the tone for a productive meeting. 6. Consider Logistics When you’re planning a virtual meeting, there are a few logistical considerations to keep in mind. Choose a time that works for everyone involved. It can be tricky, especially if you have team members in different time zones. It’s crucial to find a time that works for most people involved. Once you’ve selected a date and time, ensure you send out reminders to everyone so they’ll know when the meeting is taking place. Lastly, think about how you will share information with your team. Decide whether you will use audio, video, or both. Determine how you will share any documents or files you need. Making these decisions in advance will help the meeting run smoothly. 7. Have A Backup Plan Even if you’ve planned everything perfectly, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong. Hence, a backup plan is critical. Start by ensuring everyone has the contact information for everyone else on the team. This way, if the meeting platform you’re using goes down, you can still get in touch with everyone. It’s also a good idea to have a backup meeting platform should your first choice doesn’t work out. Finally, ensure you have all of the necessary files and documents saved in a safe place so you can access them even if your computer crashes. By taking the time to plan for the worst, you can help ensure that your virtual meeting goes off without a hitch. Takeaway The tips discussed here can set you up for success when leading your first virtual meeting. Remember to be prepared, establish ground rules, and have a backup plan. With some planning, you can ensure that your meeting is productive and successful. Additionals: How Your Singapore Business Could Benefit From A Virtual OfficeHow a Virtual Assistant Is Beneficial to BusinessesWhy Virtual Offices Are The Future Of Business

Stacy Lash

Stacy Lash – Deal with Trusted Suppliers

When it comes to choosing the best eyelash extension tools, you probably want to deal with a reliable supplier that offers the lowest prices and high-quality materials. However, the number of such online stores is huge today. If you are currently searching for a reputable supplier of lash extension tools, why not try the services of Stacy Lash? It is a time-proven online store, offering a wide variety of quality materials that make the work of lash makers as convenient as possible. What Does Stacy Lash Offer? The main mission of this company is to be focused on clients’ needs and lashing essentials. This is the best place on the internet where you can find tools and materials of premium quality. Thanks to their professionalism, you can stay focused on your job and your clients. Stacy Lash is a reliable company offering a broad selection of lash extension tools. Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you needed high-quality adhesive or tweezers, but couldn’t find a reliable supplier? If this situation sounds familiar to you, the use of Stacy Lash services might be the best idea. This company launched in 2016 with the mission to provide lash artists with materials of excellent quality. All their products are manufactured under a US-registered trademark. Therefore, quality is guaranteed. Moreover, Stacy Lash is one of the best selling brands on Amazon in this area. So you shouldn’t worry about quality-related issues. Another great benefit of this online store is that they offer a personalized approach to any client. They understand that many factors contribute to the best results. Every lash maker has their own preferences. It takes some time to find the right product for a particular person. Therefore, the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can place your order, receive it, test the products and decide whether you are comfortable working with this particular tool or not. You will hardly find a company that offers the same bonuses. Other benefits include: Timely delivery of your orders; A wide array of lash extension tools; Round-the-clock customer support. If you don’t understand what adhesive to choose and can’t find the best lash extensions, you can address these questions to their support desk. They will be glad to provide you with clear answers at any time. Besides, this online store has already been tested by hundreds of lash makers. There are lots of online testimonials proving their effectiveness. You need less than a few minutes to place your order. However, the delivery time depends on the country. You need to open their catalog, choose the tools you need and complete the order form. There are a few payment methods to meet your needs. All in all, Stacy Lash is the best and the most reliable online store that allows you to acquire high-quality eyelash extension tools at a reasonable price. This is the place where you are always welcome! Read Also: 5 Handy Survival Tools To Invest On CRM And ERP Combination For Business Solutions

SOX Compliant

Making Sure You’re SOX Compliant

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) is a federal law established in 2002 to combat corporate fraud. The act requires public companies, private companies with more than 500 employees, and bank holding companies to maintain adequate internal control systems. If you are one of these organizations, then this blog post will go over the SOX requirements to help you become SOX compliant! What is SOX Compliance? SOX compliance is a set of regulations created to protect investors and the financial markets from fraudulent activities. The act requires organizations listed above to test their internal controls through an independent third party, such as AICPA or COSO. In addition, they must document all findings in detail and implement changes that will correct any deficiencies. The Four Areas of Compliance Are: Financial reporting (SOX 404)- This section requires businesses to have adequate internal financial controls. Internal control structure (SOX 302)- This area ensures your business has procedures and documentation for employees responsible for recording transactions, processing payments, and monitoring risk. Compliance with laws/regulations (SOX 404)- SOX compliance provides a set of procedures to help monitor compliance with laws and regulations. Internal audit function (SOX 404)- This area ensures your business has an internal auditing system in place that reviews financial transactions, lines of authority, IT security controls, physical access, etc. Why it’s Important to be Compliant The consequences for failing to become compliant with SOX can be serious. Not only can your organization face fines and penalties up to USD 15 million, but you might even cause a financial crisis in the market! The SEC has increased their monitoring of companies required to comply with these regulations and will take immediate action when they see any signs of misconduct. How to Stay Compliant There are five ways that you can maintain compliance with SOX. You must have a clear understanding of the risks facing your organization, establish internal controls to minimize those risks, create an environment for open communication between management and employees, avoid conflicts of interest within the company, and finally document all policies following these rules. If you need help making sure you’re SOX compliant, then don’t hesitate to contact our compliance experts! Tools for Staying Compliant If you are looking for a way to simplify being SOX compliant, hire experts to help you. You can find a wide range of companies specializing in SOX compliance, and they will save you from having to deal with headaches. In addition, most experts can help you meet all your deadlines for each stage of the audit process! Resources for Staying Compliant The SEC has an excellent FAQ section that will give you the answers to any questions about SOX compliance and what it means for your organization. The COSO ERM Framework is another great tool that can be used by managers who want a better understanding of how to create an efficient company. Ensuring that your company is SOX compliant can seem like more than you want to take on, but it’s not as difficult or overwhelming as some might make it out to be. If you are having trouble understanding the requirements of this legislation, talk with us about how our team can help. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with complex compliance issues for small businesses just like yours! Read Also: Principles for Leading Your Company through COVID-19 Crisis How to Register Your Company in China Fast Demystifying the Duty of a Company Secretary in Hong Kong Why In-Company Training Results in Better Employees