Grant Management Best Practices


25 March 2020


grant management

Grant management, or a management plan, first and foremost includes all administrative responsibilities that must be completed during the time frame of a grant. When managing a grant, all promises must be kept that were made in the grant proposal, meaning that it’s important to stay in compliance with the terms of the grant, as well as to follow through on each deliverable and submit reports according to the requirements of the funder.

As George Mason University reveals, the federal government spends over $500 billion annually on grants-in-aid to state and local governments. Grant management, whether federal grant management, state grant management, private or another type, is more than just ensuring that all of the terms of the grant, sticking to the budget and any deadlines, however. It includes efficient program development and tracking and strategic planning as well as having the resources to ensure the process is managed smoothly. Managing the grant means working with your organization’s stakeholders to identify grant opportunities, develop strategies, evaluate projects that have been successful and implement specific grant awards. It requires working across departments, from working with those who implement all the details to the CEO.

Grant Management Best Practices:

A Grant Management Calendar

Creating a calendar that is specifically dedicated to management grants which every member of your team can access and work on will allow everyone to stay involved while staying on the same page resulting in improved communication and better accountability. It should include deadlines, progress meetings, and important dates.

Keeping Supporting Documents Organized

Staying organized throughout the year is key for optimal grand management. Be sure that all documents that support grant-seeking and grant-receiving efforts are kept well-organized. Keep answers that can be reused for common questions to save time too. A quality template will allow some of that work to be completed beforehand, in fact, as much as three-quarters or more of your funding proposals, before you even know which grants you’re applying for. Keep all financial records such as receipts, invoices, and contracts organized too, making sure everyone who needs this information can easily access it and update it when necessary.

Put Together An Archive for Grant History

Keeping archives of all grants can help you make better future decisions based on history while helping you save time when it comes to managing current grants. It should include critical details about all grants and funders, along with the kinds of programs that are funded, the usual range of funding, tax forms related to grants, any social media efforts, and notes kept during conversations. You’ll also want any previous applications you’ve submitted as well as contact details, information about the person who wrote the grant, amounts requested, and any amounts that are received.

Grant Tracking and Report

A grant management software system that efficiently tracks and reports everything is essential too. You’ll want something that provides checklists, status updates, regular reports, and reminders.

Providing Internal Progress Reports at Regular Intervals

Be sure that summaries on internal progress are provided regularly, keeping everyone in the organization and board up to date on the progress and current status of all grant-seeking efforts. That grant management software system you’ve invested in will mean the entire effort will be much easier, requiring just a few clicks.

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Project Management

Project Management in a PRINCE2 setting

Project management is a field that is worldwide and can include diverse fields such as IT and construction but not all of them. For many projects, there are automatically a number of specialized processes that need to be identified and created. As on a prince 2 Course London with training and Project management are conducted by  Project team Project board Project Steering Committee Project Office Project consistency agency Project director Project leader These organizations frequently conduct a review of project management, survey program participants, conduct annual review meetings, and other such activities to evaluate effectiveness and performance. The success of a project depends on the effectiveness of the system used to coordinate, plan, and control the project.  Effective planning and coordination create a most successful project.   The planning process must also evaluate and clarify the relationships and information among team members and the project stakeholders. Project Stakeholders These are typically the people that will be impacted by the implementation of a project. The first or principal stakeholder is usually an owner or manager within an organization. They have a variety of economic, legislative, social, and spiritual stakes in the success of the project. A project stakeholder can be defined simply as an " external party who will be impacted by the project."  The second most common stakeholder level is organizational stakeholders who may be directly or indirectly affected by the project.   These stakeholders normally fall along with the functional project organization.   They fall on the organizational hierarchy or project organization levels. Post-project assessment must include investment in the project stakeholder relationship. Project Periodic reviews must be conducted by project stakeholders after a minimum of the predetermined project period or project review meeting.  The review must be conducted at least semi-annually to evaluate effectiveness, progress, and impact on all involved stakeholders. Related Resource: Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work The Project Organization for effective project management A system for effective project management is essential to the success of any organization's infrastructure.  Projects, systems, and functions are backed up with a people, process, and technology foundation.   Keeping the system aligned with the organization's goals and objectives can not be accomplished without an effective project management approach. Project Management Process A structured system for managing projects is essential to the success of the project because creating reality from limited or theoretical plans takes a lot of work and energy for a solid foundation.   Beginning with a project definition provides the clarity and momentum needed to determine the specific areas to establish for the project at hand.  Each project has a unique set of limited and controlled resources and there are no similarities. The first and most important step in effective Project Methods, is the IPC, if you must have something else; an Integration Planning Process. The IPC provides the direction (not implementation) of the business benefits or impact of the plan for that specific project.   The goal of the IPC is to create a realistic blueprint of actions that could be undertaken by the stakeholders to optimize the business objectives. The most successful IPC plans are based on business benefit-supported plans. These business benefit plans can be used to validate the portfolio of projects selected for consideration, including the project for a single functional organization and also for various projects in the portfolio. Some project benefit is typically geared toward converting customer needs into new customer commitments and requires a change in the Customer's expectations. Read Also: Importance Of A Project Manager In An Organization Top Ways Contract Management Software Helps to Mitigate Contract Risk Run Your Business with Ease Using an Integrated Management System

5 Reasons Why SMEs Use Courier Services

5 Reasons Why SMEs Use Courier Services

Rather than handling their own delivery processes, many small businesses turn to logistics companies to fulfill their shipping needs. This includes companies from every industry, including small local businesses and nationwide e-commerce retailers. It is one of the easiest ways to make your business operations easier. But why is this? What are the benefits of using a courier service? And should your business consider outsourcing delivery? Here are 5 reasons why SMEs use couriers and the benefits they can have. Efficient Booking : If handled in-house, arranging delivery can be a long process. This includes selecting the right route, arranging for parcels to be loaded and ensuring the vehicle leaves on time. Outsourcing to a courier only requires a short booking process using a streamlined, online system. Parcels can simply be collected at a time that suits you, then the rest is done for you. It’s one of the most efficient ways of making sure that your luggage is delivered in good time. More Affordable : Running your own delivery fleet can be expensive. From recruitment and wages to fuel and repairs, and training and software, costs can be sporadic and soon mount up. A courier, on the other hand, can be paid by invoice. This provides one single payment per month, which could help to boost cash flow and plan for growth – to save further, you could consider using a courier comparison service, like It is the most cost-effective way of shipping your products from one place to another. Professional Image : As a small business, it can be hard to attract customers. One reason for this is trust, as, without a reputation, customers may be unfamiliar with your brand. However, using a courier service can inspire trust by making your SME appear larger, more established and more professional. A courier service could also help your business to stand out from competitors. Courier services will definitely take the image of your brand to the next level. Reduces Risk : For SMEs completing their own delivery, should a parcel be lost or damaged, the onus is on them. When using a courier, on the other hand, items are insured. This provides the opportunity to claim, covering the cost of the order and reducing loss. However, it is important to remember that your company is responsible for resolving the issue and boosting customer satisfaction. You will significantly reduce your risk levels when you use courier services to ship your goods. They have safe transportation cargos and an insurance cover to mitigate the risk. Provides Updates : For SMEs, providing customers with regular delivery updates requires investment in software and staff training, both of which can be costly and time-consuming. However, a courier already has these systems in place. This provides your customers with tracking and notifications at every step, saving your business money and keeping customers happy. As you can see, using a courier can benefit both SMEs and their customers, by reducing costs and saving time, as well as projecting a more professional image and providing delivery notifications. For more tips, see our business section.


Prep Your Office For An Ergonomics Work Setting: Tips To Make It Perfect

A healthy and safe working environment is quite a product-oriented work environment. Regardless of the company’s size, some enterprises strive to prepare an ergonomically sound and capable workplace for their employees.  Ergonomics is vital because it safeguards the employees' mental and physical health and well-being. Similarly, you can avoid issues like repeated injuries and overexertion by incorporating effectively designed ergonomics equipment.  When there is poor ergonomic practice, it is the duty of every employee to ensure they are using good ergonomics at their own working station.  With a desk, fancy chairs, and equipment, the world will not assist an employee who slumps and slouches in an awkward way at their desk. In this article, you will find certain important tips to help you focus on the office and create a productive and healthy working environment.  Ways To Immediately Improve Your Workstation Ergonomics When you are uncomfortable at your desk or feel discomfort while working, it is due to a poorly positioned keyboard and monitor. It might further prevent an individual from reaching their full potential of working.  Here is a list of tips to help you create an ergonomic working station.  1. Proper Height Display  Monitor and other display devices should be placed at an eye level when your employees use them.  Similarly, when viewing a display, one must not strain the neck or squint the eyes. Therefore, ergonomics is dedicated to employees not being required to alter their neck to right, left, down, and up to see a display.  Thus, the principles apply to individuals with conventional single monitors and power the users in employing the multiple displays. 2. Good Working Posture  Whether your employees work in a warehouse or within a corporate office, the top ergonomics priority is establishing an effective workstation.  You need to ensure that your employees are able to stand or sit in the correct body posture. On the other hand, you need to see if they work in a relaxed position that requires no stress or excessive reaching to task completion.  Standing at the workstation is also suggested and is a good ergonomics approach. This will ensure your employees stand straight and wrists and arms remain in a neutral position.  3. Keyboard Position With ergonomics, a proper keyword, a mouse, and other gadget configurations are just as significant as your employee posture regarding neutral body position.  If the individual is reaching out for the mouse at a problematic place and has violated the parallel rule (inline) of wrist or elbow, then it might not be suitable for health reasons.  Ensure the employees reach for input devices that can lead to excessive fatigue after lengthy exposure.  You should place the mouse and keyboard where the employees can easily access them without neglecting any of the neutral body positioning rules.  Furthermore, tailor your devices for the employee who is using them.  Furthermore, both the devices should be tailored for the person using them. This might require an adjustable device for diverse users. Thus, flexibility or malleability is the most important element.  4. Adjustable Chairs And Desk  You must prioritize purchasing high-quality commercial business furniture with adjustable chairs and equipment to maintain a good posture and a neutral body position.  If you observe, there are individuals who have a poor sitting posture. On the other hand, there are employees who do not take breaks and sit constantly in one place for a long duration. This creates a risky situation of experiencing injuries and weariness to their neck and back.  The more comfortable a chair and desk can be, the more you can tailor the individual's use. Similarly, when it comes to ergonomics, employees must sit comfortably and work with dedication rather than suffer from pain.  5. Reduced repetitive Movement  The majority of business or corporate employees suffer from MSDs or Musculoskeletal disorders that occur due to repetitive movement.  Even if your employee applies perfect ergonomics rules, repeating the same without any motion will cause them stress and later an injury.  One of the best ways to combat the issue is by altering the duties and responsibilities. When they do something else and perform a different movement, even after a short time, it will eventually bringing down the capability for stress and injury.  6. Environmental Setting Often, the environmental setting is overlooked within a working station. Some essentials of ergonomics are proper lighting, convenience, humidity, and temperature.  However, the lighting must not cause any glare on the computer screen. This denotes that your workplace should be equipped with soft light systems. Incorporate light that is good for working and reading and will be necessary for computer light.  On the other hand, the settings of temperature are trickier since individual preferences differ. Avoid MSD among employees and reduce the working space temperature for a comfortable work experience.  7. Standing Up And Moving Around  This is one of the most important tips for office employees: get up from your seat and move around. It is as simple as it can be.  Once an hour, workers should get up from their seats and take a few minute breaks.  You can also encourage your employees to take short breaks, walk, visit the restroom, or grab a cup of tea. Remember, a healthy working environment is a productive working environment.  8. Shield Your Eyes  There are many business sectors that use computers regularly, and employees spend several hours each day.  When you constantly work in front of the computer at a regular stretch of time, the blue light from the screen induces eye weariness and strain.  In this situation, it is an effective method of incorporating ergonomics in your workstation to include preventive measures to keep employees motivated.  It is your responsibility to look after the employee and their well-being. In order to do this, you might either wear blue glasses or rearrange the employee schedule of spending screen time.  Summing Up Some of the major advantages of ergonomics working station include: Increased working satisfaction. Reduced number of employee compensation claims. Decreased sick leaves or less number of physical injuries.  Therefore, the majority of professionals within different business sectors spend their working days at a desk. This is why it is crucial to adjust their desk and chairs to their comfort level.  Thus, it is important to learn about workplace ergonomics as it can help you reduce fatigue, workplace injuries, and stress levels.  Even if the employee is not in danger, you can contribute to making the workplace a pleasant atmosphere where individuals look forward to coming to work every day.  Read Also: Remote Working In 2022: 5 Must-Have Tools—You Need To Know Sneak Peek Into The Working Of HR Department Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space