Defending Your Modern Company Through the Use of Threat Intelligence


23 March 2020


threat intelligence

Our society has seen a significant shift throughout the past decade, as the Internet and other technologies have become more essential to our society than in previous eras. In 2020, the web has become imperative for communication, media consumption, and numerous other entities that have enabled our society to undergo a dynamic transformation. There has been a digital revolution in the past 10 years, as numerous elements of our society have been revolutionized. One sphere that has had one of the most significant digital revolutions has been the economy, as the web and other technologies have impacted it so immensely. There has been a myriad of changes that our global economy has experienced due to the rise of the web, and one of the most overt has been the increasing threat from hackers and other cybercriminals. Cybercrime has become a major problem for companies throughout the globe, as the threat of data breaches and other online attacks has become more relevant. Utilizing the top cybersecurity measures is now critical for all modern companies, and learning how to protect your business is crucial. One of the most effective cybersecurity measures is threat intelligence, and understanding this facet of online protection is essential to the success of your company.

Defending Your Modern Company Through the Use of Threat Intelligence:

Outlining Threat Intelligence

There are numerous challenges of operating a modern enterprise, and one of the most ubiquitous issues is cybersecurity. Investing in threat intelligence is one of the most proactive steps you can take towards safeguarding your business, and learning about it for your company is imperative. It is an aspect of cybersecurity where a multitude of data is analyzed and examined to figure out potential issues for your business.

It aids in creating informed decisions and helps to eliminate many data breaches by implementing high-quality solutions. Threat intelligence is composed of tactical threat intelligence, operational threat intelligence, strategic threat intelligence, and technical threat intelligence.

Having these four elements work in tandem to create a diverse approach to mitigating cyber threats will ensure that your business is protected.

Practical Uses of Threat Intelligence

Understanding why your business needs threat intelligence protection is important, but learning how to effectively implement it into your business model is more essential. Threat intelligence aids in stopping data loss by finding and reporting security threats before they become more serious.

It also aids with direction by identifying potential threats and learning how to safeguard against them for the future. Finally, the most critical element of threat data is that helps to inform open source IT communities online about possible warnings.

This ensures that the entire web community is aware of these warnings and has information on how to protect themselves from these risks in the future.

Final Thoughts

There are numerous challenging elements to having a top-quality company in the modern era, and cybersecurity is one of the most difficult.

Learning how to eliminate threats through the use of threat intelligence and understanding how to keep your business safe is essential for a 21st-century enterprise.

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Business Broker

What Is a Business Broker, And How Can He Help You?

A business broker helps people to sell or buy businesses. We can compare business brokers with real estate agents or brokers since they try to bring sellers and buyers together. However, unlike real estate brokers, business brokers focus on selling businesses. This makes business brokerage considered one of the most complex and challenging jobs since they have more responsibilities than real estate brokers. Being a business broker isn’t an easy task. Think of it—being a mediator, bringing seller and buyer together, and negotiating the terms of the sale. The common responsibilities of business brokers include understanding the needs of their clients and building a relationship with them. Besides, business brokers are expected to maintain confidentiality during the entire process for sale to be successful. After that, the broker is expected to find the perfect fit, matching the right buyer and seller. So, when you hire a business broker, you should expect them to ask the right questions to identify the needs of their clients and how they can fulfill those needs. Now, since you understand who a business broker is, let’s look at how they help you. 1. Business valuation Business valuation is the first task of a business broker. As we all know, buying and selling businesses is a complicated process, so it must be done with care and precision. When you hire a business broker, they will take care of this for you by understanding your needs and requirements and those of the buyer. After that, they will search for potential buyers willing to meet those requirements until they find one who’s ready to buy your company at an agreeable price tag. 2. Finding prospects All business brokers have research teams that make them capable of finding relevant information about prospects in their profile or details on social media accounts such as LinkedIn or Twitter. This way, a good business broker can find prospects who are willing to buy your business and those who are interested in purchasing the type of business you own. 3. Negotiation According to Business Broker, Orlando, negotiating is a very important part of the task as a business broker since they have to satisfy both parties—the buyer and the seller. To fulfill this requirement, a good business broker should know various negotiation strategies. When you hire a good business broker, they will know how to negotiate with buyers. That means that you don’t have to worry about finding a good price for your company or making other concessions that might affect your final decision later on after closing negotiations. 4. Maintaining confidentiality As we mentioned above, a good business broker should maintain the confidentiality of the entire process. This means that you can expect your personal and professional details such as name, address, and phone number to remain confidential during the whole process. A good business broker will keep all your information private by ensuring they don’t disclose it even when meeting with potential buyers in person or over the phone. 5. Make the necessary legal arrangements Some states require business brokers to be licensed attorneys before practicing their profession legally. If your state requires this, you will need to hire an attorney who specializes in business brokerage since he might help set up preliminary meetings for consulting purposes and draft contracts. Your attorney will also play an important role in helping with negotiations throughout the entire process. 6. Expert marketing One of the most important parts of selling a business is making sure that it’s properly advertised, and this is where marketing shows its importance. An experienced business broker will help you with everything from advertising to promoting your business and getting an attractive marketing website, and even designing a logo if needed. This way, they can help you get more buyers interested in buying your company and have the edge over other competitors on the market. 7. Buyer screening A good business broker will create a list of all the interested parties during the entire process. Each one of these prospects will need to be carefully screened until you find the most suitable prospect depending on your preferences. This means that each prospect should go through detailed background checks to get an idea about their reputation and work history before they can get more information on what your business is worth. 8. Market analysis One of the most impressive parts of selling a company with help from experienced professionals is to do a market analysis for your business. This gives you complete details on how much growth or decline has taken place, any seasonal trends that might affect its value, and future predictions based on current conditions, including inflation rates, demand, supply, and overall industry trends. Bottom Line An experienced business broker will do everything needed to find the most suitable buyer for your company. A good business broker will create an attractive marketing campaign for your company and make sure that they put your interest first. Besides, a professional business broker should take care of all the paperwork, including tax forms, financial statements, and other details involved in the transaction, to make sure everything is done with complete accuracy. Read Also: How To Sell A Small Business Without A Broker 3 Types of Businesses That Can Greatly Benefit From OTC Trading What Can I Do With An International Business Major? Is Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service A Good Career Path In 2021?

business benefit

How can your business benefit from bespoke software development?

Many businesses rely on off-the-shelf applications and stock software to run their operations. As much as such software comes with different features, it might not provide all the functional requirements that come with running a business. You might also run into challenges as stock software also comes with other unnecessary functions that might not be relevant to your policies. One of the solutions to this challenge is to hire professionals for bespoke software development. It comes with a number of benefits that could help your business as shown below. Control over design and functionalities : Bespoke software development helps a business to customize its applications to accommodate its requirements and needs. The developer uses tools to come up with designs that are useful to their clients. The advantage of bespoke software development is that the entire development process is monitored and your feedback helps in ensuring the developers include only features that your business needs. Complete ownership : As a business owner, you will have complete ownership of the software designed for your business. This might not be the case with third-party applications as there are terms that bar you from making any changes to the way the software operates. Working with a Bespoke Software Development Company that deals with web and software development gives you an asset that you can manage freely and you don’t have the compulsion to upgrade your software. You can only do this whenever you feel that your business needs an upgrade of operations but not because a third party has decided it’s a mandatory procedure. Expansion of existing tools : If the business owns tools for managing data and other processes, you can hire a bespoke software development agency to have these tools expanded to transform repetitive tasks through automation. Tailored multi-user tools can store data and use a central repository and this would help to save time for the business. It also enhances transparency, access and reporting, and data validation. Such a system brings together an array of operations together to transform how the business runs. Integration : Developers can make bespoke software to integrate with other applications installed to help the business. This is not to say previous integrations are rendered obsolete, but it’s a way to enhance the efficiency of systems by providing backing technology. Bespoke software should be introduced as a measure to improve operations. Potential marketability : In other cases, you might decide to sell software that was developed for your business. Although the application was originally developed for internal use in your business, a bespoke solution could be turned into an off-the-shelf application that can be used by other businesses. This creates room for your business to earn more money by leasing the software. Software integrations can help a business to run more efficiently. Although many businesses use third-party applications, it is cheaper and more convenient to have bespoke applications developed with the needs of the business in mind. Such an application is the property of the business and you can make any upgrades or tweaks you want to suit your business. Read Also : What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses? The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces Get The Details On How Sferic Protect Can Benefit Your Business & Its Safety

DevOps Metrics

Top DevOps Metrics in Development Companies

DevOps, though exclusively focused on the improvement of software development businesses’ operations, are often misunderstood, especially at the initial stage of their adoption. This concept means different things in different companies, primarily due to the distinctions in focus and various tools’ choices for solving specific business needs. But measuring the DevOps success is imperative for any business, as the large-scale transformation they require is usually expensive and long-term. So, how can you determine whether the project succeeded or not? To keep the progress under control, every company has its own comprehensive list of DevOps metrics to measure the success of its operations. Here we offer a detailed guide on choosing your metrics and making sense of them. Features of Actionable DevOps Metrics Overall, there are dozens of metrics experts recommend, but your company may need a specific set thereof. How to choose the ones that fit your organization the best? We advise focusing on the following characteristics and checking these points before including the metric in your checklist. i. Relevance When you put DevOps tools in use, you probably pursue a specific business goal or close a performance gap. Thus, your DevOps approach may differ from the one in another company, and your metrics for measuring success should also match the initially set goals. If your problem was a large number of errors, then the defect escape rate will be the number one metric of interest. If you struggled with deployment delays, then the deployment frequency is a metric to focus on, and so on. ii. Measurability There’s no sense in relying on abstract, subjective evaluations when assessing the impact of DevOps introduction in your company. Such measurements will be vague, giving no concrete data for analysis and further action. So, always choose parameters that have standardized values and can be re-measured over time. iii. Traceability When you want to measure something, you need to have a clear idea of what issue or parameter that metric points to. Otherwise, you won’t draw valuable conclusions even with accurate data in your hands. iv. Actionability What does the metric show to you? What problems can it highlight, and what improvements can it suggest? Every metric should be valuable for evidence-based decisions and strategic actions. v. Reliability The metric should be objective and out of the control of any team member. Otherwise, people in your team can easily manipulate the data or present their subjective views that distort or conceal the general perception of the situation. What Metrics Won’t Do? With the features of good metrics in mind, you should also learn a bit more about poor metric choices. This information can prevent DevOps beginners from relying on wrong or inaccurate data, which may lead to wrong, counter-productive decisions. So, bad DevOps metrics are usually: a. Beyond the DevOps mindset Make sure that you adopt the DevOps culture in its entirety to avoid non-DevOps metrics in performance measurement. Your values change, and the team’s performance is measured in entirely different terms. Thus, for instance, measuring compliance won’t help as it is not suitable for the DevOps development environment. b. Focused on competition inside the team Collaboration and competition often contradict each other. Thus, a company with a competitive culture rewarding winners and punishing losers will hardly succeed in the DevOps transition. If you understand this, don’t introduce metrics fostering competition in the team or between teams; it will kill all DevOps progress. c. Individually rewarding Appreciation of individual input is a metric irrelevant to DevOps, as the latter focuses on the communal outcome. So, even if a single person does the lion’s share of work in the team, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best. The team’s added value to the end-user experience becomes the top priority when you want to integrate the DevOps approach. The Top 6 Metrics to Focus On #1 Lead Time Lead time is the key metric in most speed-focused businesses. It measures the amount of time your team needs to write and deploy the code. This metric is highly informative for future planning, showing how much time a coder will need to complete a specific task. #2 Frequency of Deployment Every development company focuses on more frequent code deployments, which is typically achieved by reducing the deployment size. The latter simplifies the testing and release operations. However, this metric is more complex than one might think. To get to the core of your deployment statistics, you need to understand the number of production and non-production deployments, factor in the number of deployments to QA checks before the final release. Once these metrics are collected and analyzed in a union, you will understand how this metric affects your defect escape rates. #3 Defect Escape Rate The QA check at the pre-production stage is an excellent filter for ensuring that defective code doesn’t get to production. However, companies focused on fast delivery often skip the QA stage and launch poorly working code without proper testing. The defect escape rate metric will give you an idea of how many defective deployments are there; it is calculated by dividing the total number of deployments by the number of defective ones identified at the QA stage. #4 Error Rates Unfortunately, errors are unavoidable in the software development world. Still, you can derive tons of valuable data from analyzing your errors. Identify their types, the stage at which they occur most frequently, and look for spikes in error rates. These metrics will help you spot systemic problems and oust them to achieve sizable performance improvements. #5 Mean time to detection (MTTD) Errors can go unnoticed for a certain period, and the longer that period is, the greater risks they pose. Thus, it would be best to keep the MTTD metric under tight control to minimize the time for error detection and correction. Otherwise, your system may suffer downtime or expose its critical vulnerabilities, which is very risky. Always Measure Your Progress As you can see, DevOps can turn into a concrete and measurable issue if you use proper metrics for its assessment. Invest time and effort into picking the right metrics for your business, even if you decide to get a devops automation service. In this way, you will always be in complete control of your operations, introducing adjustments and corrections where necessary. 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