Top DevOps Metrics in Development Companies

Published on: 29 March 2022 Last Updated on: 28 September 2022
DevOps Metrics

DevOps, though exclusively focused on the improvement of software development businesses’ operations, are often misunderstood, especially at the initial stage of their adoption. This concept means different things in different companies, primarily due to the distinctions in focus and various tools’ choices for solving specific business needs.

But measuring the DevOps success is imperative for any business, as the large-scale transformation they require is usually expensive and long-term.

So, how can you determine whether the project succeeded or not? To keep the progress under control, every company has its own comprehensive list of DevOps metrics to measure the success of its operations. Here we offer a detailed guide on choosing your metrics and making sense of them.

Features of Actionable DevOps Metrics

Features of Actionable DevOps Metrics

Overall, there are dozens of metrics experts recommend, but your company may need a specific set thereof. How to choose the ones that fit your organization the best? We advise focusing on the following characteristics and checking these points before including the metric in your checklist.

i. Relevance

When you put DevOps tools in use, you probably pursue a specific business goal or close a performance gap. Thus, your DevOps approach may differ from the one in another company, and your metrics for measuring success should also match the initially set goals.

If your problem was a large number of errors, then the defect escape rate will be the number one metric of interest. If you struggled with deployment delays, then the deployment frequency is a metric to focus on, and so on.

ii. Measurability

There’s no sense in relying on abstract, subjective evaluations when assessing the impact of DevOps introduction in your company. Such measurements will be vague, giving no concrete data for analysis and further action. So, always choose parameters that have standardized values and can be re-measured over time.

iii. Traceability

When you want to measure something, you need to have a clear idea of what issue or parameter that metric points to. Otherwise, you won’t draw valuable conclusions even with accurate data in your hands.

iv. Actionability

What does the metric show to you? What problems can it highlight, and what improvements can it suggest? Every metric should be valuable for evidence-based decisions and strategic actions.

v. Reliability

The metric should be objective and out of the control of any team member. Otherwise, people in your team can easily manipulate the data or present their subjective views that distort or conceal the general perception of the situation.

What Metrics Won’t Do?

With the features of good metrics in mind, you should also learn a bit more about poor metric choices. This information can prevent DevOps beginners from relying on wrong or inaccurate data, which may lead to wrong, counter-productive decisions. So, bad DevOps metrics are usually:

a. Beyond the DevOps mindset

Make sure that you adopt the DevOps culture in its entirety to avoid non-DevOps metrics in performance measurement. Your values change, and the team’s performance is measured in entirely different terms. Thus, for instance, measuring compliance won’t help as it is not suitable for the DevOps development environment.

b. Focused on competition inside the team

Collaboration and competition often contradict each other. Thus, a company with a competitive culture rewarding winners and punishing losers will hardly succeed in the DevOps transition. If you understand this, don’t introduce metrics fostering competition in the team or between teams; it will kill all DevOps progress.

c. Individually rewarding

Appreciation of individual input is a metric irrelevant to DevOps, as the latter focuses on the communal outcome. So, even if a single person does the lion’s share of work in the team, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best. The team’s added value to the end-user experience becomes the top priority when you want to integrate the DevOps approach.

The Top 6 Metrics to Focus On

#1 Lead Time

Lead time is the key metric in most speed-focused businesses. It measures the amount of time your team needs to write and deploy the code. This metric is highly informative for future planning, showing how much time a coder will need to complete a specific task.

#2 Frequency of Deployment

Every development company focuses on more frequent code deployments, which is typically achieved by reducing the deployment size. The latter simplifies the testing and release operations. However, this metric is more complex than one might think.

To get to the core of your deployment statistics, you need to understand the number of production and non-production deployments, factor in the number of deployments to QA checks before the final release. Once these metrics are collected and analyzed in a union, you will understand how this metric affects your defect escape rates.

#3 Defect Escape Rate

The QA check at the pre-production stage is an excellent filter for ensuring that defective code doesn’t get to production. However, companies focused on fast delivery often skip the QA stage and launch poorly working code without proper testing. The defect escape rate metric will give you an idea of how many defective deployments are there; it is calculated by dividing the total number of deployments by the number of defective ones identified at the QA stage.

#4 Error Rates

Unfortunately, errors are unavoidable in the software development world. Still, you can derive tons of valuable data from analyzing your errors. Identify their types, the stage at which they occur most frequently, and look for spikes in error rates. These metrics will help you spot systemic problems and oust them to achieve sizable performance improvements.

#5 Mean time to detection (MTTD)

Errors can go unnoticed for a certain period, and the longer that period is, the greater risks they pose. Thus, it would be best to keep the MTTD metric under tight control to minimize the time for error detection and correction. Otherwise, your system may suffer downtime or expose its critical vulnerabilities, which is very risky.

Always Measure Your Progress

As you can see, DevOps can turn into a concrete and measurable issue if you use proper metrics for its assessment. Invest time and effort into picking the right metrics for your business, even if you decide to get a devops automation service. In this way, you will always be in complete control of your operations, introducing adjustments and corrections where necessary.

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Salesforce Application Development

Steps For Salesforce Application Development

As an entrepreneur, your customers are the biggest pillar of your business. No matter your industry of domain, area of specialization, or even your business focus, they are the single most valuable asset to your organization and you should treat them as so. Through their valuable feedback, your business can gain a new sense of direction, develop new concepts, as well as bring in more revenue. With that said, as a business owner, simply appreciating your customers isn’t enough. You need to truly understand them to tailor your products and services to meet them at their point of need. And that’s where Salesforce application development comes in. It entails creating integrated customer relationship management solutions that interface businesses with their customers. These CRM platforms also give all the departments in a particular organization a unified view of all the customers and how they interact with various aspects of the business. In this article, we are going to look at what Salesforce is and its uses. While at it, we are also going to delve deeper to see the entire Salesforce application development lifecycle. What Is Salesforce? Simply put, it’s a cloud computing SaaS company that provides customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. Thanks to the company’s cloud technology, businesses are able to better connect with their existing clientele, partners, and potential customers. Over the years, Salesforce software has grown to become the leading marketing and customer behavior tracking solution for both small startups and Fortune 500 companies. As it turns out, customer relationship management is one of the key driving factors for the increasing demand for application development in Salesforce. Recent research from Vonage offered a compelling view of the effects and consequences of poor customer service. In the US alone, the research revealed that an estimated $62 billion is lost annually as a result of bad customer experience. To underwrite this figure, a different report from Huffpost has indicated that 91% of customers won’t hesitate to switch brands once they experience bad customer service. These are mind-blowing figures, especially if a business has no solution to counter the consequences of poor customer experience. However, with Salesforce in place, businesses are able to overcome the problems caused by poor customer service and other business process variables. According to statistics published on Salesforce’s website, companies that are currently using their software have continued to see average increases in multiple areas. For instance, 34% of users have seen an increase in customer satisfaction, with 27% and 32% users seeing an increase in sales revenues and lead conversion respectively. In 2018, Salesforce emerged as the biggest CRM software commanding a total of 19.8% market share of the CRM software market. During the same period, the company was voted as the #1 CRM provider by the International Data Corporation. It shouldn't come as a surprise that companies are willing to pay the highest Salesforce consultant salary just to get wind of this technology. The Benefits of Using Salesforce Given the commendable portfolio of Salesforce, here are areas it can help your business find success. Below I am going to discuss the benefits of using Salesforce. Helps Collect Customer Intel In the prevailing competitive business environment, overlooking data collection can be a fatal and unforgiving mistake. As a business, collecting and collating customer intelligence should be an obsession or the very least treated as a full-time affair, because it can lead to loss of revenue. As such, if you are to improve customer satisfaction and continue remaining competitive, hiring qualified Salesforce developers to build a high-quality CRM tool is inevitable. And with Salesforce, you get an upper hand over your competitors by enjoying tools that help you identify, understand, and solve customer problems. Flexible And Scalable As companies and business needs continue to evolve, the tools of trade must also adapt. For instance, if the structures of your business start to grow, the management software should be able to seamlessly accommodate the changes. Cognizant of this fact, Salesforce CRM comes with multiple functions that allow for scalability right from the initial stages to any future interactions. Helps in Account Planning Having a unified view of customer information allows your teams to independently make plans for various accounts. It also facilitates a more hands-on customer connection approach as well as allows various reps and departments in your organization to modify their plans for optimized results. Salesforce also comes with a to-do items feature, which helps your entire workforce stay organized throughout the day. Along with that, Salesforce also works as an organizational tool. Your team can create calendar reminders specifying the future customer follow-ups or important duties reminders to the upper management, which helps prevent anything from falling through the cracks. If you are in the service-based businesses, Salesforce also gives you insights into the amount of time a particular customer/s has stayed in a particular subscription package. Once this info is established, your team is able to customize marketing materials to match a particular customer niche. Cloud Connectivity Many companies are now gravitating towards software as a service (SaaS), which means software that is available online. Luckily, Salesforce doesn’t need to be installed on a computer as it is cloud-based. This means that you can easily access it everywhere, interface it with other digitized services, and enjoy unlimited storage capacity. And since no maintenance is required, you get to save on a Salesforce developer salary that would have otherwise been paid for this purpose. Facilitates Team Collaboration Poor team communication and collaboration can lead to reduced productivity. On top of a unified view of customer data, Salesforce’s “Chatter” feature allows your team members to easily and regularly communicate work-related information. Additionally, the feature also lets you highlight and prioritize urgent issues that require special attention by inviting different team members to look at them. Salesforce Application Development Lifecycle Software developers spend a lot of time designing, developing, securing, and delivering products that perform better than initially envisioned. As a result, different software development approaches like agile development, waterfall model, and many others have merged. When it comes to cloud-based solutions, the incorporation and implementation of various software development methodologies make it even more complex. Moreover, the Salesforce Development Lifecycle also means that the software is developed, tested, and deployed in a cloud environment. Below, we have laid down 6 steps that clearly illustrate the entire Salesforce Development Lifecycle: Business Requirements Analysis The first step towards a successful custom Salesforce application is to conduct an internal business needs analysis. It entails the development team eliciting the potential customer needs, elaborating them, validating all the assumptions, and devising efficient methodologies to meet these requirements. Business requirements analysis is important as it helps avert potential mistakes as well as make the final product both efficient and compatible with the existing system and security standards. UI/UX Design Another important aspect of Salesforce application development is optimizing the app for user experience. A report by iMPACT indicates that 52% of customers are less likely to conduct business with a brand offering a poor mobile experience. On the other hand, Forbes conservative estimates indicate that intentional and strategic user experience can yield a conversion rate as high as 400%. If these numbers are anything to go by, designing a user-friendly and highly responsive Salesforce application development is absolutely paramount. In order to optimize an app for effective and enjoyable use, developers need to map out the user journey and creatively choreograph user/platform interactions to benefit the end-user. Development Phase The next step in Salesforce application development entails creating developers creating isolated sandboxes. Generally, these distinct sandboxes hold the main production app copy and other supplementary Salesforce configuration information. They are also independent, implying that changes in a single sandbox don’t affect the main Salesforce production enterprise. Individual developers have to clone their branches. To retrieve the metadata from the sandboxes to the IDE, the developers need to use IDE. Once they have the metadata, they continue coding their assigned app features, performing initial unit testing, and then submit the finished code to the Git repository. If a subsequent developer wants to build on top of this freshly updated branch, they need to clone it to their sandbox and continue developing new features. Once done, they also have to submit their latest development to the repository. With that said, the possibility of multiple developers working on the same branch cant be overlooked. To avoid conflicts, it is important for everyone in the development team to check for possible branch updates before committing. Testing The next step after building a Salesforce application is to ensure that it has an excellent and stable performance. This mainly entails developers carrying out QA activities including unit tests and code reviews. It is also at this stage that functional, performance, and integration testing is conducted within the development process. Lastly, automation tests and debugging are conducted to augment the app’s speedy delivery. Integration During the integration phase, the custom CRM application is interfaced with third-party software like CMS. To facilitate a smooth transition, the development team also conduct hands-on training sessions as well as provides training materials to the client. Launch Once the app is launched for internal use, it is transferred to the client and subjected to their User Acceptance Testing environment (UAT). Once satisfied, the finished product is moved to the production environment and deployed to the end-users. Salesforce Application Development Team Actors During the app development process, different players are involved and handle different aspects of the app. In the Salesforce app development life cycle, the most common actors include: Product Manager: Help finalize business requirements. Release Manager: Help coordinate the app’s release schedule. Software Developer: Handles the main coding and produces the requisite deliverables. Quality Analyst: Tests and confirms the functionality of various app features. Potential money from the Salesforce AppExchange development:  After researching the fact this has been seen that Potential money from the salesforce AppExchange development can depend on several other factors.  How To Build an App for Salesforce AppExchange? To build your AppExchange app, you must go through the multi-step procedure, which includes compliance, release, ongoing support, and demand app development. Below, I will discuss how to create an App for Salesforce AppExchange.  1st Step: Become the Part of Salesforce Business Partner Community    The first and foremost step in becoming a Salesforce AppExchange trade Partner is to join the Salesforce Partner Community. In this case, you must submit the form using AppExchange. After all, the Salesforce Partner Community is the hub of existing AppExchange Partners.    2nd Step: Examine AppExchange Market   The next step in building the app is to examine the AppExchange market. AppExchange offers many products and solutions for several products and cloud services in Salesforce. In this case, for optimal outcomes, you must use the curated collections of AppExchange.    3rd Step: Make the First Sketches of Your Product   Once you are done researching the existing solutions on AppExchange, you must start defining the unique value proposition of your product. For the outline, you must follow the below-mentioned procedure such as:   Firstly, you must understand your target audience.    Secondly, ensure you have an idea of business targets.    Thirdly, you must follow the types of Salesforce editions you will support.   After that, ensure you have an idea of the package type.    Next, ensure you have the Salesforce Licenses that you want to use.    Lastly, it would help if you ensured the requirements for your AppExchange App security.    4th Step: Define the Type of ISV Partnership and the Type Of Your AppExchange Solution    Once you have joined the Salesforce Partner Community, then, you must analyze the existing products, and you can create a rough roadmap. In this case, ensure you have defined the type of ISV partnership, and consequently, you also have built the AppExchange solution.   There are seven types of ISV partners in AppExchange. It includes OEM, CDP Cloud Partner, Commerce Cloud Partner, All Other Clouds (paid), All Other Clouds (free), and Technology Partner/Tableau.    5th Step: Choose the Programming Type and Tools to Build Your Salesforce App    Recently, Salesforce provided two types of programming languages and two types of tools that you can use. Let’s know what programming tools are used in Salesforce App development. This includes Apex Cloud-based programming language. Next are Lightning components and Visualforce.    6th Step: Build Your Salesforce App    Once you can identify the exact type of solution, it must have the programming language, licensing, and packaging, and of course, you must continue with the building procedure.    Two ways to do this are using internal sources or outsourcing the dedicated team. If you want to build the SalesForce App using an in-house team, it could be one the most viable and remarkable options. If you don’t have enough resources, ensure you can control the entire product cycle of AppExchange.    7th Step: Test Your Salesforce App    If you want to ensure optimal performance, then it must conduct comprehensive end-to-end testing in technological domains. In this case, you must adhere to the development of best business practices, especially for testing.    8th Step: Prepare Your App for the Launch on AppExchange    Once you are done testing and finalizing the app, the next step is to prepare by submitting it to the SalesForce AppExchange. In this procedure, it includes creating the managed packages and providing screenshots.   9th Step: Submit Your App for Security Review and Market This    Ensure you have submitted your final app by undergoing the security review and then have met the necessary security requirements. Final Thoughts Salesforce CRM is a critical business tool. It helps streamline data analysis and reporting, provides invaluable customer feedback, and aid in formulating better customer service strategies. As a result, businesses are able to align their resources towards creating timely, customer-oriented solutions. With that said, Salesforce application development isn’t a linear process. It entails working with different tools and multiple software development methodologies. And with cloud solutions continuing to capture the imaginations of business owners, the world is yet to see the full potential of CRM Salesforce and the cloud ecosystem as a whole. Read also: Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce CRM And ERP Combination For Business Solutions 5 Things To Take Into Account To Hire Custom Software Development Services

Choosing Between Shopify and Crafting Your Website: A Guide for 2024

Choosing Between Shopify and Crafting Your Website: A Guide for 2024

Starting an e-commerce journey or considering a platform transition requires essential choices. This guide looks into Shopify and custom websites, breaking down their pros and cons. Whether you're new to business or a seasoned entrepreneur, the aim is to give you valuable insights for making intelligent decisions. Decoding Platforms: Shopify And Custom Websites In Focus Shopify is an easy-to-use e-commerce platform with global reach. On the flip side, custom websites are tailored to specific business needs, giving more control and coding skills for setup and upkeep. A Detailed Exploration: Shopify vs. Custom Websites User-Friendliness: Shopify excels with its e-commerce-centric design, offering an intuitive interface and swift customization options. Custom websites demand technical proficiency involving web development, coding skills, and meticulous management. Domain And Hosting: Shopify streamlines the process by eliminating the need for separate domain and hosting decisions. On the other hand, custom websites require careful consideration for goals, structure, and usability. Content Management: Shopify serves as a CMS, facilitating easy content editing and reorganization. Custom websites rely on CMS platforms like WordPress but need a more intuitive nature of Shopify's interface. Website Construction Effort and Time: Shopify allows rapid online store setup in just one day with guided instructions. Building a website from scratch is time-consuming and depends on factors such as size, complexity, and technical skills. Pricing: Shopify offers plans with additional costs for apps, themes, and domain subscriptions. Custom websites involve costs for hosting, domain, SSL certificate, development, extensions, and payment processors. Design And Customization: Shopify provides over 100 customizable templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder. Custom websites offer complete control over design and functionality. Maintenance And Updates: Shopify integrates seamlessly with over 8,000 third-party applications. Custom websites require a more complex selection, investigation, and maintenance process. Support: Shopify ensures 24/7 customer support through various channels. Custom websites rely on the developer or agency, with support quality varying based on skills and responsiveness. Unveiling Advantages Of Using Shopify Advantages include a user-friendly interface, easy configuration, comprehensive e-commerce features, and robust support. Let us try to understand the pros of using Shopify for the sake of better understanding. Easy To Use E-commerce Platforms This is one of the biggest advantages of using Shopify. Shopify is built mainly for the average people and not the skilled developers. It's quite simple to add the products and then create discounts. The web design of it is quite friendly. With the help of drag-and-drop editing tools, you can navigate the software for a pleasant experience. The platform itself provides software for hosting. Supporting Wide Renge Of Busienss  One of the benefits of using the software is supporting a wide range of products like outdoor gear, home goods, beauty supplies, clothing, and digital products. A study tells the fact that household storage containers, bike saddles, kitchen towels, and toy kitchens are considered the highest-trending.  Therefore, if your business involves one of these categories, you can bank on Shopify. Low Startup Costs Shopify’s relatively low monthly fees make the entire setup affordable. Shopify has a 14-day free trial period. Hereafter the users have to pay a monthly subscription fee. The basic plan starts at around $29 per month. The following level is $79 per month. Finally, the top package is $229 a month. Customized Themes  Once you sign up for the account in Shopify, you gain immediate access to around 70 themes that are free of cost. One can easily implement them. It may be easy to get carried away in the design elements. You can spend quite a lot on purchasing the theme from the Shopify store. Drawbacks involve limitations in customization options, potential content and visual optimization issues, and relatively high transaction fees. Unveiling Advantages Of Using Custom Websites: Advantages encompass heightened customization, freedom from platform constraints, extensive third-party integrations, and flexibility in coding and development. Drawbacks include the need for coding expertise, significant budget requirements, time and effort demands, high risk, manual setup, ongoing maintenance, and limited support. However, let us try to understand the advantages of using the customized software here in detail. Unique Design One of the advantages of using a custom web design is presenting uniqueness and individuality. This feature is exclusive only to the customized products where you decide with the designer regarding the website. It makes the brand stand out from the crowd. Custom-Fit  The custom website design cost is less, allowing you to create aesthetic aspects of the template. The design of the product serves. There are unique business needs and expectations. This is why businesses try to design their website to handle their overall personality regarding the product. Due considerations are also provided to the users’ experience, navigation, unique color schemes, and, in the end, the overall personality of the websites. Seo Optimized  Another benefit of personalized websites is their SEO optimization. The customized website design allows for the website to be designed according to the specific SEO technique. It surely facilitates better ranking on the search engine. The better the ranking, the better opportunity gets created for business development. This is one technical point where the customized versions are well ahead. Growing Reputation  The growth and development of business depend on reputation building. Brands try to make their best effort to ensure better connectivity. With the help of customized website design, you can establish a relationship, and through better networking, you can create a unique brand for your company. Ultimately, with the help of a customized reputation, you can grow your ownership and control over your website. Therefore, customized website designs have their gateway to achieving success in the long run. Businesses take the help of these websites to attain a competitive edge. Strategic Conclusion Align your choice with unique needs. Whether opting for Shopify or considering a different platform, trust the adept Shopify developers at VT Labs for safe and precise site building designed to serve your requirements. Their commitment involves leveraging cutting-edge tools to facilitate a smooth digital transformation journey. Read Also: Everything You Need to Know About Website Development Services 15 Ultimate UI/UX Website Inspiration For Developers 9 Tools To Test If Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

Successful Entrepreneurs

Five Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs You Should Develop

Beginning a business is a ton of work. Any specific person who discloses to you it's not is either lying or has never really begun one themselves. The hours are long, penances are incredible and you are ambushed with new issues and difficulties consistently with apparently no closure. If you don't have the constitution to climate these things, your business could implode on you quicker than it began. Obviously, entrepreneurship isn't for everybody. Yet, how would you realize whether it's for you? You should begin by asking yourself the stuff to be a pioneer on the grounds that, generally, you'll be completing a ton of the stir in advance without anyone else's input. In the event that you can't lead yourself through startup, odds are you won't probably have the option to lead your business and future employees through development and on to success. If you appreciate just a couple of really long periods of genuine work every day, the remainder of the time spent either watching occupied or hanging out at the water cooler to make up for lost time with TV talk, an unobtrusive however relentless check and benefits and approve of schedule all day every day, quit perusing here and return to your comfortable work area work. To be Successful Entrepreneurs like G Scott Paterson, they found out the necessary behaviors to make their goals a fact and continuously took the movement to reach their desires. Scott Paterson Toronto is a Toronto-based technology and media venture capitalist who has been active for 28 years in the investment banking industry. Here are five traits of s successful entrepreneurs: Solid authority characteristics: Pioneers are conceived, not made. Do you end up being the go-to individual more often than not? Do you discover individuals asking your supposition or to help guide or settle on choices for them? Have you been in the executive’s jobs all through your vocation? A pioneer is somebody who esteems the goal over any obnoxiousness the work it takes to arrive may bring. Willingness to come up short: Successful entrepreneurs are daring persons who have all gotten more than one critical obstacle: they are not scared of disappointment. This isn't to imply that they surge in with total surrender. Truth be told, entrepreneurs are regularly successful in light of the fact that they are computing and ready to settle on the best choices in even the most exceedingly awful of cases. Sequential innovators: Entrepreneurs are nearly characterized by their drive to continually grow new thoughts and enhance existing procedures. One truth as that is the way a large portion of them got into business in any case. Comprehend what you don't have a clue: While successful entrepreneurs are ordinarily solid characters, generally speaking, the best have discovered that there's consistently an exercise to be educated. They are once in a while hesitant to pose inquiries when it implies the appropriate responses will give them understanding they would then be able to use to impact. Focused spirit: Entrepreneurs appreciate a test and they like to win. They would need to since beginning a business is basically perhaps the greatest test an individual can take on in their lifetime. In business, it's a consistent war with rivalry to win business and develop market share. Read Also: 5 Key Leadership Skills For Entrepreneurs What You Need To Be A Successful Entrepreneur