Lucrative Business Ideas to start Near Water Bodies


11 November 2021



Living by the water is a dream that most people possess and would love to see actuated. One of the advantages of living in such locations(be it lakes, rivers, seas, or oceans) is the range of business opportunities you’re exposed to, the advantage is, you get to escape the city life(if that is your goal) and earn a living while at it.

This article is designed to help you set up a business by the water by giving awesome ideas you can try out to make your dream come true. Remember that you can be scale these ideas depending on the amount of capital at your disposal.

Coaching Water Sport Enthusiasts and Athletes

Coaching Water Sport Enthusiasts and Athletes

For aquatics fans, this business is a dream come true. If you excel at a specific water activity and want to share the excitement and energy it provides with others, then try out coaching!

You would be able to enjoy your favorite sport full-time while also assisting others in learning a new skill and seeing the sport through your eyes. You shouldn’t have to go headfirst into this business if you aren’t ready. You may simply create a timetable that works for both you and your clients.

As for the scaling, this should be dependent upon a few factors;

  • Market Research; client demographics, other competitors in the market, etc.
  • The Location of the Service; this determines where you will conduct these training sessions and where you might be able to capture the attention of other clients
  • The amount of capital at your disposal; could help set up the office, determine the size of the office/business facilities, and sort out the equipment you might need, among others.

Accommodation Services

Accommodation Services

Because they are frequently out on an excursion, numerous backpackers favor simpler lodgings over motels. If you have a home beachside or next to a lake, you may easily list it on Airbnb and earn money without even putting in too much work.

If you already have more money, try purchasing or constructing a backpacker guesthouse. Attractive beaches are seldom, if ever, empty of tourists, and there is always a significant demand for accommodation. The benefit is that you could even list this home on Airbnb, depending on how much you want to charge for the room.

Related Reads: What are the key pillars of a profitable Airbnb business?

Fish Processing Businesses

Fish Processing Businesses

Fish processing is further classified into either fish handling, which is the early preparation of meat, or fish and fish product manufacturing. Another logical separation is between primary processing, which involves filleting and freezing seafood for delivery to fresh seafood retail and catering establishments, and secondary processing, which involves producing chilled, frozen, and canned items for the commercial and catering sectors.

A good number of people consume fish oil products daily; hence it is a more lucrative business. For those with the financial muscle, consider setting up a fish oil processing plant. This will require a physical location, buying industrial ball valves, pipes, other industrial equipment necessary, and all other business-related considerations in the field.

Set Up a Gift Shop

Set Up a Gift Shop

Consider opening a gift shop if you possess a talent for handicrafts or visual art. You only need a suitable location with a lot of visitors and cash for your supplies such as t-shirt printers, materials for wallets, bags, and pouches, and so forth. It would be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your artistic talent while also being close to the beautiful beach. Just be careful not to reproduce another artist’s copyrighted work.

Consider also reselling face masks and hand sanitizers to visitors on the beach. For a better deal, consider building a healthy business relationship with a face mask manufacturer.

Water Sport Rental

Set Up a Gift Shop

It’s time for the beach! Water activities are undeniably one of the reasons people visit the beach! Indeed, for some, it is the ultimate reason to visit the beach.

Purchase some water sports gear and put up a rental business. It would be ideal if you or a member of your staff could also instruct individuals so that even newcomers or those who are afraid of the water activity would be motivated to give it a try. Consider this article on how to build a homemade kayak launch to your kayak hire clients get off to a safe start.

If you have substantial capital or land by the water, consider setting up a dock and renting out spaces for those with boats.

Culinary Business

Culinary Business

Beach resorts are among the most charming destinations, and you can guarantee that many couples might like to go on a passionate date night there. Establish a themed restaurant to be the spot where they would want to go.

You may also attract non-couples and develop a theme that your target audience would like. You may choose a family-friendly atmosphere, a romantic atmosphere with a wonderful view, or a trendy hotspot for Millenials or gen z’s. Regardless of the concept, a beachfront/lakefront café or restaurant is always an excellent choice.

The Bottom Line

Starting your own company near a water body doesn’t have to be complicated. Make small steps toward your objective each day, and it might surprise you how fast you get to the goal.  Simple stages might include saving money every payday for a source of finance you wish to start and gradually collecting the items you need for it. With that said, we wish you all the best in your waterfront business endeavors!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Upgrades Every Modern Call Center Needs

4 Upgrades Every Modern Call Center Needs

During the past decade, more customers have leaned towards online shopping for both goods and services, creating new trends in customer service needs. As last year's stay-at-home mandates dictated, many organizations used remote worker integration into the workforce, including those team members functioning as customer experience agents. With both the customer and the service agent communicating from different locations, technologies have come along to provide easier workflow and accuracy for call center solutions. Here, we will look at 4 upgrades every modern call center needs. 1. Cloud Functionality: For complete integration into the normal workflow, new innovative companies have introduced call center software platforms that include cloud functionality. This is an important aspect of any digital customer service solution, as cloud storage and operations are ideal for both remote functionality and scalability. While all contact center software includes a few of the same key features, providers such as Bright Pattern are powerful cloud contact center solutions, which is distinctly ideal for mobile app use, remote use, and the option for multiple phone lines and services agents to be connected at the same time without any loss of call quality management. 2. Multiple Phone Lines: As a perfect complement to the cloud-based structure of a good call center solution, business users should take full advantage of the ability to handle high-volume with multiple phone lines. The ease of use of the platform allows service agents to perform their duties and be on-call from home, which means a rotating schedule can give your company round-the-clock customer service and quality assurance all day (and night). With a large number of phone lines and digital channels integrated into your account, someone is always available to answer phone calls from customers in need. For the best customer experiences, multiple available agents ensure faster turnaround and troubleshooting. 3. Mobile App Capability: When weighing the pros and cons of a contact center solution, one of the greatest benefits is the potential for mobile app features. This aspect works in a few different ways. As the service agent will be plugged into the call center's interface from a remote location, their own mobile app can notify them of incoming phone calls even while they are away from their post. Likewise, the most powerful contact center software will provide admin capabilities for your organization's call center manager to troubleshoot from their own mobile device. Should there be any discrepancy with the call outcome, the service agent has true "back-up" in the form of a supervisor, who can always hop onto a call for needed assistance. For the best customer experience, an on-hand call center manager can be a necessity and with a mobile app feature, both the home office and the service agent are readily available to troubleshoot any issue. 4. Live Chat Options: Although the majority of customer issues can be solved by a service agent via audible phone calls, there are customers that find the phone inconvenient. This can be the case if the customer is at work or in a public place. For that reason, another important feature that an ideal contact center solution should include is live chat functions. The top call center in the Philippines now provides this option to customers for an easier and more convenient support experience. In a bind, a customer should be able to open their mobile device app or desktop and chat with a service agent until their problem is resolved. If that service agent is working remotely, their own laptop or desktop dashboard interface should include the option for chat or text communications. Most professional contact center platforms allow the user to access customer history and sales purchases while the call is in progress. With this option in place, a remote service agent can be enabled to meet every customer inquiry or demand without having to be at a company's brick-and-mortar location. Read Also: Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas for a Call Center Industry This 2020 Cloud-Based Call Centers Vs. On-Premises Call Centers 5 Major Tips to Increase Employee Engagement in a Call Centre Industry

Start-Up Restaurant

How to Spice Things Up for Your Start-Up Restaurant

Running a start-up restaurant can honestly be quite terrifying, considering how many things can go wrong. A start-up restaurant is at a state where even a single bad review can have heavy consequences. Business owners with little experience will likely have plenty of trouble trying to make their restaurant relevant in an industry full of stiff competition. Fortunately, while things can look helpless, it does not mean that there is nothing you can do. There is plenty that you can accomplish that will help your start-up weather the storm and set the foundations for success. Here are just a few methods to spice things up for your start-up! Social media will always be your friend: When it comes to trying to stay relevant, a social media platform is likely one of the most vital parts of marketing for your restaurant. Since your business is still new, it likely has not spread through word of mouth yet - fortunately, a social media account for your restaurant could single-handedly turn things around. Keep in mind, however, that you need to remain active in the social media space as much as possible. If you have to delegate the work to one of your employees to remain active, it would be a good idea to do so. Bridging the gap between your restaurant and potential supporters will ensure that your restaurant can build brand loyalty and exposure. Consider healthier alternatives as early as possible: One of the reasons why some restaurants are not as popular as they could be is that they tend to ignore healthier alternatives. For example, can provide your restaurant with coconut cream, which provides an excellent alternative for those who happen to be lactose intolerant. You do not have to go all out with healthier options as you likely will not be able to afford it, but it does not mean that you should ignore it outright. Having coconut cream as a dairy alternative can open an entirely new avenue of cuisine! Loyal employees will undoubtedly take care of your business: Another reason why some start-up restaurants end up failing and closing down is due to the way they treat their staff. If there is no reason or incentive to work hard, you can bet that not only will your team provide the bare minimum effort, they will also likely quit within a year or two in search of greener pastures. Show your employees that you are willing to reward hard work, and it might just surprise you how much effort they are willing to put into ensuring that your business is a success. Breathing life into your start-up is all about setting vital foundations as early as possible. You can make use of social media to gain a foothold and earn brand recognition, as well as use healthier alternatives and incentives to ensure the success of your business in the long run. With a bit of effort in the right place, your start-up will set itself up for success. Read Also: Six Pointers To Starting A Successful Business How To Choose The Best Commercial Restaurant Equipment


Who Is An Intrapreneur? Definition, Characteristics, Pros/Cons, More

Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs - they sound similar right? Yeah, they do, but their definition, meaning, and characteristics are totally different from one another. Here is what we know about entrepreneurship. Read the guide till the end to grab some rich insights. Who Is An Intrapreneur? Here is a concise definition. An intrapreneur is the one who is responsible for developing an innovative project or idea within an organization. He/she doesn’t face the outsized risks that an entrepreneur doesn’t. However, he possesses the major access to all the capabilities and resources of an established company. To be very specific, the intrapreneur gets the autonomy to work on projects having a considerable impact on organizational development. The term intrapreneur is an amalgamation of two words like “internal” and “entrepreneur.” In 1978, it was first coined by Elizabeth S. Pinchot and Gifford Pinchot II in a white paper. How Does Intrapreneurship Work? You are now well aware of what is an intrapreneur. They are the employees of an organization who are given the responsibilities of working on special ideas and projects. In addition, they are given the freedom and time to develop and grow the project that an entrepreneur would. Does this sound like they work solo? Well, not really because intrapreneurs have all the capabilities and resources of the firm at their disposal. Additionally, they have different objectives. While an entrepreneur envisions the creation of a company from level 0, the intrapreneur has a broader vision for an established entity. The visions mainly involve radical changes to company processes, products, or traditions. He applies his skills and experiences directly to implement them on the job. What Are The Characteristics Of A Good Intrapreneur I hope, by now the meaning is pretty clear to you? Now, Intrapreneurship has some roles and responsibilities which require some special characteristics. Below, I have listed some of the characteristics an efficient intrapreneur must possess. 1.They Are Passionate About Problem Solving Angels and Intrapreneurs will agree on this one. Focused intrapreneurs are the ones who are passionate about solving problems and set forth to resolve business-oriented issues. 2.They Are Curious, And Adaptable Enough When it’s the start of a business, the intrapreneur has to play roles in several sectors such as product management, engineering, and marketing. Hence, angels look for people who are curious, adaptable, and respond to learning and development. 3. They Are Transparent As an intrapreneur, the fastest and most efficient way to gain the confidence of your sponsors is by showing transparency. If any unwanted circumstance happens, then also, transparency needs to be maintained. 4. They Are Resilient Intrapreneurs starting a business simply have an idea which they have to work super hard to give a shape. That’s why they need to be highly resilient since it’s likely they would come across a plethora of obstacles throughout their journey. Pros And Cons Of Intrapreneurship Here is a critical analysis of Intrapreneurship I have explained through an evaluation of its pros and cons. Take a look at the table below: Pros Of IntrapreneurshipCons of IntrapreneurshipIt decreases the financial risk on the innovatorThe glory you enjoy is not for you only, it’s shared.Makes use of all the organizational talent and resourcesThere is high potential for conflicts with the other members.Increases the delivery of better services, products, or support.Returns are generally less in comparison to the entrepreneurs.Enlarges your reputation and develops your network.There are a myriad of risks pertaining to failureIt’s a stepping stone to entrepreneurshipYou will still have a boss monitoring you Companies Around The World Having Intrapreneurs Here are some leading tech giants around the world who support Intrapreneurship just like different types of entrepreneurs: GoogleMicrosoftShutterstockIntelFacebookAppleGeneral MotorsVirgin  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1. What Does Intrapreneur Mean? An Intrapreneur is an employee who is given the support and authority to create a new service or product. Unlike entrepreneurs, they have no concern about whether or not the product would become a revenue source for the company. Q2. What Is Intrapreneur Example? One of the greatest examples of Intrapreneurship is Dreamworks Animation. It’s a media behemoth that gave classic works like Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda. They also offer classes on script writing to the animators. Q3. What Are The Types Of Intrapreneurs? The 3 types of Intrapreneur are as follows:1. Advocate, coming from a customer-facing role 2. The creator coming from an internal-facing role3. The change maker coming from an external-business-facing role.  Q4. What Is The Difference Between Intrapreneurs And Entrepreneurs? The main difference between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur is that an entrepreneur is a ground-up-and-go person when it comes to their own money. On the other hand, an intrapreneur is someone who starts steaming from inside a large company. That’s all about Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur. The Bottom Line That’s all we had to say about Intrapreneurs. They are overlooked often in the realm of entrepreneurship. However, with the world-changing innovation coming up, established corporations are prioritizing them. Wanna learn how to become an intrapreneur and Intrapreneur Vs Entrepreneur in more detail? Then keep an eye out on our website as we will be coming up with a guide to that. Read More: What is an Airsoft Gun?How Gun and Security Gear Advanced through the YearsParts of a Gun: All You Need to Know About the Components of Your Firearm