6 Steps to Starting a Business in Michigan

Published on: 28 April 2021 Last Updated on: 06 December 2022
Starting a Business in Michigan

You’re finally ready to take that plunge, and the great state of Michigan is an ideal place to open a new business. Whether you’re setting up a shop in a quaint small town like Frankenmuth or a thriving metropolis like Detroit, you should take some critical steps to give your business the best chance of success. Every business is different, and no business owner will have the same path to opening day.

However, there are a few critical steps that every new enterprise must take to cover their bases and protect their investment, including:

1. Finalize a Concept:

 Before you invest in opening a business, you need to know your concept, goal, and customer base. This includes how you’ll market yourself, how you’ll distribute your product and provide your services, and how you plan to grow and build on your success. Before you open your doors, know your industry and your place in the market and address all important considerations to ensure you don’t have to course-correct.

Having a solid business plan can save you a lot of money, especially when developing your branding and dealing with third parties to design your logos and advertising.

2. Register Your Business:

Before you can legally open your doors, you need everything to be in order with the government—both federally and locally. You must pay taxes, so make sure to get online IRS EIN Tax ID. You must pay taxes, so make sure you file with the IRS for a Federal Employee Identification Number. This helps formally identify a business in the eyes of the law.

Michigan has one of the more detailed and structured business registration laws in the U.S., so make sure you apply for any necessary licenses and permits before you open your doors. This could avoid costly fines and shutdowns later. It’s common for many businesses to need multiple permits, with specific commercial and industrial activities warranting independent certification.

3. Open a Bank Account:

You may have a personal bank account, but this isn’t the account you want to run your business out of. A business should have an independent bank account for several reasons, including greater liability protection for your personal assets and purchase protection for your customers. It also comes in handy during tax season when you need to identify business expenses.

Business accounts can accept credit card payments more efficiently and allow more opportunities for funding. Setting up a business account with a bank will give you access to a line of credit that can be useful if unexpected costs crop up or you need to make a significant up-front investment to get your business started.

4. Obtain Proper Insurance:

 This is possibly the most critical step in setting your business up for success. Even if you do everything right, an unexpected disaster could put your business in a tight spot, and insurance gives you a safety net. You should look into property insurance and insurance on any valuable asset you have in the business. However, there’s one type of insurance that’s not only essential—it’s mandatory.

Michigan workers’ compensation laws require any business with three or more full-time employees or with one or more people for at least 35 hours a week to have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance covers costs if an employee gets injured in the course of the job. This protects the employee and covers you as, in most cases, an employee gives up the right to sue when accepting workers’ compensation funds.

5. Hire a Strong Team:

Hire a Strong Team

 A business is only as good as its employees. While many small businesses start with a shoestring team of their owner and maybe their family or some close friends, hiring your first batch of employees is a critical step. You should be able to trust these people with the fate of your business, so make sure to interview and vet each new hire carefully.

Ideal characteristics to look for include the ability to think on their feet, a history of commitment, and good people skills. Not every prospective employee has the experience you need for your business, so it’s ideal to have specific skills training plans. This also ensures everyone is on the same page when they first start.

6. Spread the News:

 You’re almost ready to launch, but a business is only off to a good start when people know about it. This is especially important for a startup, and it’s better to spend smart on marketing than to spend big. This means knowing your customer base and knowing how to appeal to them.

Targeted advertising, both online and brick-and-mortar, is more effective than mass advertising. Even if you’re operating on a budget, don’t be afraid to start by offering promotions to allow people to sample your product or service for a lower price. This can be a great way to build long-lasting loyalty once they get a taste.

A Good Start Pays Dividends:

 A business’ success or failure is often determined before they open their doors. These tips will protect your investment and increase your brand awareness. If you cover all your bases, you’ll have the tools you need to secure your spot in the market.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Best Server Management Tips for Startups

The data stored in the server is the necessary information of the transactions, customers’ details like name and contact details, and other confidential details. The server is, therefore, an essential part of the IT system. Any impact on the server can have a catastrophic effect on the whole business and its credibility. Managing a server means setting up, maintenance, upgrading, and other tasks taken for the healthy life of a server. This process is called server management. This process can be insourced, (managed internally) or outsourced (managed by a third-party company). Here are some tips for server management for startup firms: 1. Verify backup on time The server is a conglomerate of information on all the different computer units in a firm. The primary server is where the data is stored in the first place. Some firms deploy more than one server for backup and keep information and data safe. If the data stored on the primary server gets corrupt of infected malware attacks, then the secondary server helps in the restoration of data. Another failure can occur when the backed up data is not verified on time. The corrupt or infected data can spread its roots to other servers. Once you find out a possible corruption or infection of data then deleting it or disinfecting can help you avoid further spread. It is advised to amend the system only after verifying the backup. 2. Monitor your system health Most modern-day computer systems come with inbuilt diagnosis tools. These diagnostic tools can help you identify the overall health of the system, and you can anticipate a problem before the system crashes completely. The hard drive diagnosis, for example, helps you with monitoring RAID; it helps in identifying any likely failure with the hard drive. Running malware search with a strong antivirus can help you find any Trojan horse that has set its foot but is waiting to spread out. Running software and operating system updates can help you patch a problem with the software and avoid any software crashes. 3. Run system cleanup and defragmenter The hard drives are the place where we store the data, which may lead to accumulating junk files in the process. The unwanted files can pile up and interfere in the system’s functionality. Moreover, they take a lot of space in the drive. Run a system cleanup now and then to dispose of the junk files. The hard drive is also a mechanical device. The individual disks in the drive spin to fetch or store a piece of data, the data stored in different regions in a hard drive can take time to retrieve. One of the reasons for delayed retrieval of files is the fragmented storage of data. Running a disk defragmentation tool once in a while can make sure that your files are archived well and do take too long to retrieve. To conclude These were some tips for server management for startup firms. Following these diligently will help you to extract maximum ROI from your servers and keep them running 24 x 7 without any problems. Read Also: Benefits of the Cloud: What Makes it Special? How to Free Up Space on Your Mac Why Server Colocation Hosting in India is becoming more popular than Dedicated Servers?

Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition in 2019: Things to Keep in Mind

An organization is only as good as its talent. No wonder, then, that talent acquisition lies at the heart of a business’ success. As hiring trends evolve with time, the process of acquiring top talent shifts too. Perhaps the most prominent shift in recent years has been a growing and continuous engagement with candidates. Today, companies don’t pick talent, but talent picks them. To keep up with the times, here are six things to keep in mind when picking talent in 2019. A candidate-first approach: According to Morgan Stanley Research, millennials make up 46% of India’s workforce. Increasingly, they expect a smooth, engaging, and uniform hiring experience. It’s thus important that recruiters communicate in a way that conveys honesty and openness. Engagement practices like keeping candidates informed of their application status, giving them a mini office tour etc. can go a long way in attracting top talent. Social recruiting: Millennials don’t read the classifieds for jobs anymore. They go to online job portals and more importantly, social media platforms. Most seekers aren’t even actively looking for a job until they come across a promising advertisement. So, don’t limit openings to Indeed or LinkedIn. Spread the word on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Internal mobility: It is only wise to look among employees for talent. Most employers end up wasting precious resources on hiring when a talented pool of employees is already at their disposal. What’s more, they are capable, trustworthy and just might be looking for new job roles. Inclusive hiring: Often, employers miss out on the best talent because of rigid hiring parameters. It is a fact that not every talented candidate has a college degree. Big companies like Apple and Google have already started to make their selection process more inclusive by getting rid of academic excellence or degree criteria. The power of AI: ATS software eases the hiring process, identifying the best-suited candidates for a job role. But it has its shortcomings. For example, ATS does not match old applicants with new positions that they are suitable for. Integrating AI with ATS solves the problem. AI tools like chatbots remove the need for personal interaction with every suitable candidate. Moreover, AI can stack-rank candidates and give the employer a list of the top candidates. Partnering with the right consultancy: Manpower recruitment consultants are in direct touch with candidates as well as employers. This makes them privy to the requirements of both sides, helping organizations get access to suitable talent. Investing in a manpower consultancy means saving additional costs and labour that usually go into hiring candidates. Refining the recruitment process and enhancing candidate experience decides the kind of reviews a company gets. This can go a long way in affecting your image and brand as an employer. Ultimately, it’s important that recruiters embrace the latest trends in talent acquisition to hire the best candidates and expand their business. Read Also: How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup Genius Job Interview Tips That Will Guarantee Success

Hacking Ideas

7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup

Everyone is always looking for new and fresh ideas in business to develop solutions for problems or to address a market need. Ideas that have never been thought possible before are the seeds that plant startup companies. Startups are usually small and financed by one or a handful of individuals. The risks are high but when startups succeed, they succeed exponentially and some ultimately become unicorns. Some unicorns you may be familiar with which are valued at over $1 billion dollars are Uber, Xiaomi, and Airbnb.  Today’s business landscape is encouraging enterprising people to establish their own startups since communications and technology are advanced enough for people to bring their ideas not only locally but worldwide. To grow your startup quickly and gain millions of customers to increase sales and revenue you should follow some startup growth hacking ideas. 1. Offer something for free: When you offer something for free, demand for it quickly increases. It is a proven human instinct that people will snatch up anything that’s on discount more so anything that is free. When people take the free products and services you advertise and introduce it to a wider audience, you set the stage for your products and services to be part of people’s lives and sooner they develop a familiarity with it or even a dependence on it. The effects of offering something for free is very powerful and has an instant effect on your business: you build your user base much more quickly and speed up customer acquisition.  You can actually build revenue when you offer something for free by offering upgrades to products and services at a cost. 2. Increase funds to expand your business: If you believe in your products enough, you can get like-minded people to invest in it through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding helps you interact with people who already have similar ideas and it gives you better knowledge if your products and services will generate interest. Crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter have raised $220 million dollars from 61,000 launched products. Prepare to make a video pitch of your product, what makes it valuable or useful, and why you need support. You can go the traditional route and apply for a loan in a bank or a choose fast and convenient online cash advance. For a startup you may qualify for a small business loan, however, you may need to meet some financial requirements to qualify depending on your bank or lender. Typically, they will look into your credit score, annual business revenue, and the number of years you have been in business. 3. Work hard: If you believe in your vision you must work hard to make your startup a success. You have to commit and regularly review your business plans and be constantly diligent and passionate about your business. Do your research to refine your products and services to make it more competitive. Take care of your colleagues and employees since they will have a large role in your success. 4. Feedback matters: Feedback matters in a startup to create a culture of openness and awareness. Feedback helps your team or employees know what behaviors to change so they will always be in their topnotch performance. Concurrent with that, feedback from your customers is gold. Knowing how your market reacts to your products and services gives you leverage in adjusting, modifying or continuing with the products and services you have already established. 5. Leverage the distribution channels: Consider the different distribution channels you want to use and make sure to devise a strategy to maximize profits in that channel. Do not confine yourself to one distribution channel because it may impede growth and scalability. Go for multiple channels to increase the possibility of getting more sales. Do not allow one channel to grow out of control at the same time do not restrict it since this will reduce market access. You should follow the best strategy that will work for your company in each channel. 6. Launch a program to reward loyal customers: You can give gifts to your loyal customers such as pens and giveaways that have your company’s logo on it or you can give away some of your services and products for free at a given time of the year such as holidays.  Regularly giving gifts to your customers will increase brand awareness and loyalty. Your customers can give you leads, giving you more reach and visibility. 7. Marketing: Marketing can help boost your startup immensely. One viable way to start your marketing campaign is referrals through friends, family, and influencers since they convert leads much faster. You can also opt for partnering with a bigger brand for projects where you can mutually benefit. Read Also: Useful Marketing Tips For Startups What Entrepreneurs With Bad Credit Need To Know Before Applying For A Loan?