Best Server Management Tips for Startups

Published on: 22 July 2020 Last Updated on: 25 July 2020

The data stored in the server is the necessary information of the transactions, customers’ details like name and contact details, and other confidential details. The server is, therefore, an essential part of the IT system. Any impact on the server can have a catastrophic effect on the whole business and its credibility.

Managing a server means setting up, maintenance, upgrading, and other tasks taken for the healthy life of a server. This process is called server management. This process can be insourced, (managed internally) or outsourced (managed by a third-party company).

Here are some tips for server management for startup firms:

1. Verify backup on time

The server is a conglomerate of information on all the different computer units in a firm. The primary server is where the data is stored in the first place. Some firms deploy more than one server for backup and keep information and data safe. If the data stored on the primary server gets corrupt of infected malware attacks, then the secondary server helps in the restoration of data.

Another failure can occur when the backed up data is not verified on time. The corrupt or infected data can spread its roots to other servers. Once you find out a possible corruption or infection of data then deleting it or disinfecting can help you avoid further spread. It is advised to amend the system only after verifying the backup.

2. Monitor your system health

Most modern-day computer systems come with inbuilt diagnosis tools. These diagnostic tools can help you identify the overall health of the system, and you can anticipate a problem before the system crashes completely. The hard drive diagnosis, for example, helps you with monitoring RAID; it helps in identifying any likely failure with the hard drive.

Running malware search with a strong antivirus can help you find any Trojan horse that has set its foot but is waiting to spread out. Running software and operating system updates can help you patch a problem with the software and avoid any software crashes.

3. Run system cleanup and defragmenter

The hard drives are the place where we store the data, which may lead to accumulating junk files in the process. The unwanted files can pile up and interfere in the system’s functionality. Moreover, they take a lot of space in the drive. Run a system cleanup now and then to dispose of the junk files.

The hard drive is also a mechanical device. The individual disks in the drive spin to fetch or store a piece of data, the data stored in different regions in a hard drive can take time to retrieve. One of the reasons for delayed retrieval of files is the fragmented storage of data. Running a disk defragmentation tool once in a while can make sure that your files are archived well and do take too long to retrieve.

To conclude

These were some tips for server management for startup firms. Following these diligently will help you to extract maximum ROI from your servers and keep them running 24 x 7 without any problems.

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Restaurant Space

How Restaurant Space Landlords Can Be Successful

If you have a rental company and specialize in restaurant space, you should know there are certain pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. You can also take specific steps to ensure you have the best success opportunity. There is an art to setting up a rental space and coming up with a contract that your tenant will love. We’ll take a few moments to break down your best moves if you want to get tenants for each of your properties that will stay with you year after year. Figure Out Which Restaurants Tenants Stay with You Longest The first rule of restaurant property development is to figure out what works in a particular locale. For instance, you’ll want to think about: What other cuisines have worked in your city Whether there will be any call for that food type in the space you have available This step will require research. Look at your neighborhood and see which cuisines and restaurant types have found prior success. If what the tenant is proposing to you sounds like too much of a departure from what has worked previously, you might give the space to a more promising candidate. Offer a Lower Rate for the First 3-5 Years When a restaurant first starts out will be the most challenging time for them. That’s because: No one knows about them yet They might not have the money for an aggressive marketing campaign You should keep this in mind when you talk to a potential candidate. You might offer them a multiple-year contract, but you can tell them you’ll keep the rate lower for the first 3-5 years. After that, if they catch on, they should have no problem paying more. After five years, a restaurant will either be a neighborhood fixture, or it will fold, and the owner will try their luck elsewhere. Consider Whether the Property is Liquor License-Ready Most restaurants want to serve alcohol because if people order it, it drives up their bills. Dining establishments can also mark up alcohol prices considerably, and people seldom have any problem paying for it. However, getting a liquor license can sometimes be tricky. If you know for a fact that you have a rental property that is liquor license-ready, that will appeal to many potential restaurant candidates. They will be fighting with each other to get that space if they know there’s a license waiting for them. Look into Laundry and Other Nearby Services A restaurant owner or operator will also probably look favorably on a space that has additional amenities nearby or onsite. For instance, if laundry services are in the same building or right next door, they can wash their employee uniforms there. The owner or operator might also look for things like on-site employee parking. They might look for public transportation that drops their employees off right in front of the property. They may like it if the space is right by an expressway for their employees who drive to work. At the same time, if there are diverse properties nearby, that will work in their favor. For instance, if there are office buildings or similar establishments across the street, the workers will probably come over frequently for meals. Provide Restaurant Exclusivity You might also have a restaurant space that’s part of a larger property. If so, you’ll know your restaurant tenant will have to share the space with other entities. They should have no problems with that, except if you let other restaurants move in. It’s not helpful if they have to compete with other food-preparing establishments in the same building. You can promise them exclusivity. You can agree in writing that as long as they are in that space, you will not allow any other restaurants to move in. That should make the owner happy. Consider Lease Flexibility Options You can also make the tough financial market into account. With the pandemic wreaking havoc on the restaurant industry over the past year, you might have some potential tenants who are leery about moving in and committing to a multiple-year lease. You can put language in the contract stipulating that you will not evict them if they can’t pay the rent for one month, or even two, provided they pay within a designated period after that. You can’t let it go forever, but a restaurant owner will like to know that if their sales tank for a few weeks, you will not immediately change the locks on them. Read Also:  Online Ordering Systems Setting the Trend for Restaurants 3 Best Seafood Restaurants in Patchogue, New York The Best Restaurants To Visit In Newark NJ 7 Restaurants You Must Experience in Melbourne 6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant


7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About

Getting started in business is extremely challenging, there are many different elements that you have to monitor and manage from day 1. In all probability you’ll be doing most, if not all, of these tasks yourself, startups rarely have the funds needed to employ an array of staff. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get started and become successful; plenty of people do it. However, the following 7 tips will help to ensure your startup goes well: 1. Decide Your Company: Before you can launch you need to create a company or be a sole-trader. There are pluses and minuses to all the different types of business models; you need to speak to an expert in order to make sure you know the right entity to use. This will help protect you and your business as you start trading; 2. Draft Founders Agreement: This is especially important if there is more than one person involved in the startup process. A founders’ agreement ensures everyone knows their contribution, role, and responsibilities. It can make it much easy for everyone to focus their efforts and can help if you do have any disputes. It also allows you to establish ownership of intellectual ideas. 3. Going Online: In order to survive and flourish every business needs a website and an online presence. You can’t afford to wait for this if you do you’re missing out on a huge number of potential customers. Make sure the website is professionally developed so that it looks good and reflects the values of your business; this is your public image and it will stick. 4. Trademarks: In every industry, there is a giant or two that get instant recognition, such as Nike. You need to trademark your name, you may not be big today but who knows in the future; doing this now will help to stop larger competitors from overrunning your business. 5. Funding: There’s a good chance you’ll need funding to establish your business; If this is the case you should draw up an agreement that establishes the roles of investors and their potential rewards; these should be different to those of the shareholders. Getting this right at the start will help you to benefit in the future when the company starts to do well. 6. Don’t Forget Vat & Tax: With everything else going on it is easy to forget the legal side of things. You’re probably going to need to register for VAT and there may be service taxes or other taxes that are due. Make sure you’re aware of these before you start trading and you register in time. This will prevent any unexpected and nasty surprises. 7. Delegate: When you first come up with your business idea you were probably by yourself. However, as your startup and build the necessary services and links, others will become involved. This is when it is essential to recognize the skills of every person on your team and delegate where possible. You don’t need to do everything. In fact, you should focus solely on your areas of expertise and growing the vision of the company; that will help you to be successful. Read Also: 5 Features To Look For In A Business Energy Provider 7 Ways To Plan A Smooth Business Succession How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies

Ecommerce Business

Starting An Ecommerce Business: 9 Easy Tips For The New Entrepreneur

Are you ready to launch an eCommerce business? Many entrepreneurs have great ideas but don’t know how to start an online business. Many processes are involved, such as learning about SEO and choosing the right ecommerce marketing agency. With the right approach, you can create a successful online store that grows and evolves with your needs. Here are some tips to get you started on the path to success.  Top 9 Facts To Keep In Mind While Starting An Ecommerce Business 1. Choose Your Niche The first step is determining what product or service you want to offer. Focusing on a specific niche can be helpful rather than trying to appeal to everyone. Think about what products or services would be most beneficial and rewarding for you and your customers, then research those markets further.  2. Understand Your Audience Before setting up a website or building an inventory, understand your target customers and their wants. You need to deeply understand their needs and preferences if you're going to create an effective eCommerce strategy. Knowing your audience will also help you determine which products or services you should offer and how best to market them.  3. Choose the Right Platform Once you know who your customers are, it's time to choose the right platform for your eCommerce business. There are many different eCommerce platforms available today, so make sure you do some research before making any decisions. Look at features such as scalability, security, payment processing options, customer support services, etc., before deciding which one is the best fit for your business model.  4. Build an Effective Website Integrating a punchout catalog enhances the effectiveness of B2B e-commerce websites in multiple ways. A streamlined procurement experience improves efficiency and encourages repeat visits. Real-time product information ensures accurate buying decisions, while personalized pricing and contract compliance build trust and strengthen relationships with customers. The inclusion of a punchout catalog provides a competitive advantage, showcasing a modern B2B purchasing approach. Stronger supplier relationships foster ease of doing business, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales due to improved user experience and personalized pricing. Moreover, the integration expands market reach, attracting more B2B customers, and embracing punchout catalog technology demonstrates a commitment to innovation and modernization. 5. Optimize Your Site For SEO SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps ensure that potential customers can find your site when they search on Google or other search engines. Spend some time learning how SEO works and how you can optimize your site accordingly so that more people can find it easily online without having to type in a specific URL address every time they want to visit it. 6. Invest In Quality Customer Service Providing quality customer service is vital for any successful eCommerce business – especially if you're selling products or services online where face-to-face interaction isn't possible! Make sure to answer all customer inquiries promptly and professionally so that customers feel taken care of no matter what issue they might have with their purchase or experience with your company. 7. Stay On Top Of Trends The world of eCommerce is constantly changing due to updates in technology and evolving customer preferences, so make sure that you stay up-to-date on current trends to remain competitive in the market and keep up with customer demand as much as possible! You should also invest in analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track visitor behavior on your website over time and make changes accordingly when needed. 8. Invest in Security Solutions Security measures are essential when running an eCommerce business. After all, you’re dealing with sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal data belonging to customers who trust you with their information. Be sure to invest in reliable security solutions such as encryption technology and firewalls to protect yourself and your customers from potential security threats like fraud or identity theft. 9. Promote Your Store Once everything is in place, it's time to start promoting your new eCommerce store! From social media campaigns to utilizing an eCommerce marketing agency, there are lots of ways that you can get the word out about your new venture. This way, potential customers will always find their way back to your website! Final Thoughts Launching an eCommerce business requires hard work, but with enough dedication, it can become enriching both financially and personally! By following these tips—from choosing your niche to making sure your website is secure—you'll be well on your way toward creating a successful online store from scratch! Additional: 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design Ecommerce Software Development Trends How a B2B Payment Solution Can Aid Your Ecommerce Company? Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store