How to Free Up Space on Your Mac

Published on: 31 March 2018 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019

In order to free up some hard drive space on your Mac, you don’t have to purchase a new external hard drive or erase the files you would like to retain. During the days of hard drives, everyone had tons of space on their Macs.

Nowadays Macs are pretty much hampered by only 128GB storage. If you expect your Mac to function in a smooth manner, you have to ensure that you have at least ten percent of free storage space all the time, so that if you are falling short of space can really hinder your computing. And worst fact would be that if you are a typical Mac user, you often get to a point where your Mac space gets full. Clearing some space on your Mac requires a few minor changes and in this section of the blog, you will know how to free up space on Mac.

1. Clean Up Your Mac the Easy Way

If you are not ready to spend way too much time finding and cleaning things manually, you can make use of CleanMyMac 3 to remove all temporary files. They clean up language files, uninstall applications, get rid of files made by application uninstallation, remove huge attachments that are stored in Mail, and many more.

2. Check Your Disk to see what is taking Up Space :

To free up some disk space, it’s important to know what is using disk space on your Mac. Disk Inventory X scans your Mac’s hard disk and shows which folders and files are using up the most space.

3. Optimize Storage Automatically : 

This will delete all your TV shows and films that you haven’t watched. It will remove email attachments. You won’t lose either of these things because the emails will be stored on the iCloud server and the shows can always be downloaded again for free. You must only click on Optimise and the Mac will do the work for you.

4. Empty Trash Automatically : 

Chose this option in order to empty files from the trash after they have been in it for at least 30 days. On clicking Turn On, you will see an alert which asks you if you are sure that you want to erase Trash automatically.

5. Reduce clutter :

This will review the content of your Mac and delete older documents. There aren’t many files on MacBook Pro because most are stored on iCloud. But, if there were files on the Mac, most of them would be seen in the largest files. Click the magnifying glass icon to preview the file and delete it.

6. Go to the iTunes/Music folder : 

These are the iTunes video files, which may take up space. They aren’t compressed the way they would be had you purchased them from iTunes. Go to iTunes and delete these files from that point.

7. Delete localization files :

Many installed programs will automatically place help files on your computer for international users. Downloading and running such programs use up a gigabyte or more of hard drive space. Monolingual allows you to select which language files you can keep and which ones you can throw,

8. Delete unused Applications : 

Create this folder for the applications that you don’t use. You can delete them altogether and it will remove all the related folders elsewhere on the hard drive.

9. Quitting unwanted applications :

Quitting applications that have been running for several days helps free up some disk space. These apps create temporal folders for storing data. The files tend to become bigger as you continue to run them for a long period without quitting. Once you quit these apps, those files are erased and this, in turn, restores the disk space.

For those who need to keep everything :

If you really need to keep everything you have on your Mac, then I suggest the following:

  • Archive any files you don’t need on a daily basis. Click on a folder and choose the compress option. The space saved will differ depending on the type of file that is archived. Once you create them, they can either stay on your Mac or you can save them to an external drive.
  • Use an external drive for data files as it will be useful for design, audio or video files.
  • Transfer your iTunes Music files to an external drive. Relink to it within iTunes. This might be the largest folder on your Mac.

In the end, if you don’t decide to delete folders or files, be keen start by backing them up.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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custom Software Development Services

5 Things to Take into Account to Hire Custom Software Development Services

Going to hire custom software development services! Have a look in a few points: Developing software is not a simple task and that's why it is very necessary to have an adequate partner to build your product or assist you in improving your processes. If you are a CEO, COO or an entrepreneur, then at some point you have considered or needed to involve a software company to help you improve/optimize a processor, if you are an entrepreneur, to help you build that product that will allow you to obtain the desired financial freedom. Surely you have already heard scary stories of how developers are and want to be sure you will not make an investment that you will never recover; either because they did not finish their project or did not deliver what you needed. Finding the right ally is not easy; however, below 5 things to take into account to select yours strategically for the development of software products. 1. Who wants to understand your project before submitting a quote: It does not help to have a price for something that neither you nor who intends to help you know what it is. The number one enemy of a software project is the inability to communicate among project participants. The root of this in communication capacity is due, in most cases, to the personality of the technical staff but in turn to the lack of a tool to communicate what the development understands of the client and vice-versa; in summary, not using a validation tool to capture requirements is a sure route to failure. 2. Have an established process of how to capture and build your product: Building software is a complex engineering job. Therefore, having a proven process of execution is very important. In the software industry, improvisation is bad. When building a software product, make sure there is a repeatable practice of how to run the project. Below are some questions that will allow you to evaluate important aspects of the practice and processes of your software ally. Can you describe a sequence of steps, fluidly, with which your software product will be delivered? How are the changes to requirements handled? How often will you receive feedback on the development of the process? Does the team evaluate its performance frequently and perform self-assessments as the project progresses? 3. Be able to deliver a detailed work plan of how your product will be built: There is no tougher reality like the one raised by Mr. Franklin. For all your projects, and especially your software projects, it is necessary to have a mastery of project management as well as risk management. A software team must have the ability to produce, execute and monitor a work plan to build your product. What things should you take into account to be able to realize if this is something that your supplier has? Below are some basic questions. What is the critical path of your project? Have you divided your project into milestones? Do you use earned value or another tracking tool to present the progress of your projects? During execution, do you use metrics such as CPI and SPI? Is there a permanent and frequent presentation of results? 4. Have a portfolio that validates your experience delivering software products: Each kid is different and so their various personalities, needs, and your family’s personal priorities will vary. Selecting your custom software development services to look for your case studies serve as a validation and reflection of the actions carried out in a project. They shed light on how the team works, which are weaknesses and strengths as well as the tools in which they are good. Finally, listen to your customers and ask them about their experience. Be interested in the process, in the end, you will have to live to develop your product. How they resolved conflicts What was the reaction to the changes What was your general feeling during the process; if you felt insecure in the delivery of your product. What is the profile and experience of the development teams What experience do you have building the type of product you are looking for? What is the margin of regular error that they have in the execution of projects after the initial estimate 5. Be concerned about continually improving: Learning from mistakes is necessary for the software industry; however, this cannot be achieved without having a constant process of monitoring how things are done. A software company or PHP development company must reflect and be constantly evolving to adapt to the changing situations of the projects. What happens if you do not have a lot of availability? What happens if the work team does not produce so fast? What happens when things go wrong? Only the one that is monitored can improve and in the face of the constant changes that can occur in a software product, it is important to have an ally that improves and adapts to the situation of the project. Read Also: Proper Management Of Tech Debt Is Necessary For Successful Business Who Are The Best Software Vendors Out There? Tips On Project Statement Writing

Measure Distance

How To Measure Distance Between Two Addresses

Measuring the distance between two addresses is important for business and personal use. Several methods are available for measuring the distance between two addresses, whether you're trying to plan a delivery route, determine how far apart two properties are, or estimate your estimated arrival time for brunch. However, with an overwhelming amount of options, the next logical question is, "which method is best for your situation?" To determine this, you will need to answer some preliminary questions, including, "Am I measuring the driving distance between two addresses or a straight line distance?" and "Am I using exact addresses, coordinates, or city names?" This article will compare the different ways of calculating the distance between two addresses. Here Are 3 Prime Steps To Measure The Distance Between Two Addresses 1. Using GPS The first and most basic method is GPS, which provides a great way to get a general idea of distance and travel time. GPS devices use satellite technology to determine your location and the location of other points and can provide highly accurate distance measurements. Searchers can use GPS by entering the two addresses into the device and selecting "enter" or "go." The result will give the inquirer the distance between the two points and the estimated travel time. However, this method can be limited in accuracy, especially if the addresses are remote or the roads are not well-mapped. 2. Google Maps Google Maps is a convenient tool for measuring the distance between two addresses. To measure the driving distance, simply enter the addresses into the search bar and click on the "Directions" icon. Select the "Driving" option and "Get Directions" to display the route and total distance on the map. Using this method can be helpful when planning a road trip or estimating travel time. However, the driving distance displayed may differ from the actual mileage due to factors such as traffic and construction. Despite this, it can still be useful for measuring the driving distance between two points. 3. GIS Software GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software is a tool that allows users to analyze and visualize geographic data. GIS software typically includes a variety of tools for data management, spatial analysis, and mapping. GIS software can measure the distance between two locations in various ways, depending on the specific software and the available data. Some of these ways are: Measuring the straight-line distance between two points is often the most straightforward method, allowing users to use the "Measure Distance" or "Distance" tool, typically found in the toolbar or menu. Measuring the shortest path distance between two points can be used when the data includes information about the terrain or other features that affect the distance between two locations. Measuring the distance along a specific route can be used when the data includes information about roads or other transportation networks and can help determine the length along a particular way, such as the distance between two addresses on a map. The only caveat is that GIS software does not consider the terrain or other features that can affect the distance between two locations. Making Your Choice Before deciding, it is important to consider the type of distance measurement you need (driving or straight line) and the accuracy required before choosing a method. Weighing the pros and cons will help ensure that you are making the best decision for what you are hoping to achieve. Read Also: Pacman Google Maps – How To Play Pacman On Google Maps? 6 Essential Tips For Long-Distance Train Travel Tools Used in Building Surveying


8 VPN Facts – You Should Know About

With the increasing technology, the need to secure the data is also greater than ever. Users seek the best way to enhance their level of online privacy. There are several ways by which you can protect your data and online activities but using VPN services is the most reliable one. But, do you know everything about the VPN services you are using? If not, we have collected some facts about what you should know if you are using their services or you still have to try the services. VPN Providers Track and Store Your Data : Although VPN providers promise never to monitor your data, they still track and keep most of your data. They know what you’re doing on the internet and whatnot. However, this information is not hidden by the users as it is mentioned under the provider’s terms and agreement. There is a myth that they hand over your information to government authorities but this is false. They keep your data to determine if there are any glitches in the network and to improve the service later on. VPC Doesn’t Make You Entirely Anonymous : Yes, this, in fact, is true that you are not completely anonymous with VPN. Even though they guarantee to conceal your identity, it is not anonymous. Yes, it will prevent others from landing on your IP address, but you are not unidentified as they keep your information at the time you sign up for VPN. It could be your payment details, email address or IP address. However, apart from this, you are totally safe with VPN as they don’t reveal your details to third parties. VPN Assure You Online Privacy : Even though your identity is not concealed with VPN, it ensures you full online privacy. VPN service can help in hiding your online activities from government agencies and cybercriminals. When you browse using VPN service, the traffic will go through an encrypted and private tunnel. So, with a VPN, no one can know about your online activities. VPN May Increase Your Internet Speed : We all think that VPNs decrease our internet speed. But, it‘s not true. It sometimes also increases internet speed. This is because encrypted VPNs prevent the ISP from throttling websites. Which means it prevents ISP from separating the web traffic into high and low-speed tunnels forcing them to route the traffic as promised by advertised speed. If you want the best VPN for China, you can check it out here. Many VPN Providers Don’t Have Their Own Network : Many people think that VPN has to run their own servers to provide service. But, they don’t. Some companies rent servers and set up VPN servers to sell to customers. This lets them have more time to focus on main functions to help improve their services as the servers will be maintained by hosting companies. However, this doesn’t affect your security or online privacy. So, you are well protected with a VPN. You Can Access Blocked Content with VPN : While browsing, we all have faced a situation where at times certain ISPs block users from accessing some websites. Even some sites and governments block the content. However, with VPN there is no such problem. Not only there are no such restrictions with VPN and you are provided with the full content, and they will also let you download the blocked content easily. Being Hacked Is Still a Possibility : You can never save yourself from being hacked when the hackers are incredibly creative nowadays. However, VPN offers the utmost security that makes it almost impossible to hack. With VPN encryption, you are very safe. So, it would be suitable to use a VPN than not. VPN Is Untraceable : A VPN and a firewall are similar except you can’t trace a VPN. It uses tunnel encryption to protect your information that travels between servers and make it harder for things like a virus to reach your computer. VPN will protect your network by being untraceable while firewall will protect through sifting. On Ending Note : VPNs are a great tool to enhance your online security. So, VPN is a must-have tool in today’s world if you want to keep yourself safe online. But, you need to know all about VPNs first to decide which one is the best for you as there are different types. Read Also : How To Choose Best Virtual Private Network In Poland Why Is Server Colocation Hosting In India Becoming More Popular Than Dedicated Servers?