Talent Acquisition in 2019: Things to Keep in Mind

Published on: 01 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Talent Acquisition

An organization is only as good as its talent. No wonder, then, that talent acquisition lies at the heart of a business’ success. As hiring trends evolve with time, the process of acquiring top talent shifts too. Perhaps the most prominent shift in recent years has been a growing and continuous engagement with candidates. Today, companies don’t pick talent, but talent picks them. To keep up with the times, here are six things to keep in mind when picking talent in 2019.

A candidate-first approach:

According to Morgan Stanley Research, millennials make up 46% of India’s workforce. Increasingly, they expect a smooth, engaging, and uniform hiring experience. It’s thus important that recruiters communicate in a way that conveys honesty and openness. Engagement practices like keeping candidates informed of their application status, giving them a mini office tour etc. can go a long way in attracting top talent.

Social recruiting:

Millennials don’t read the classifieds for jobs anymore. They go to online job portals and more importantly, social media platforms. Most seekers aren’t even actively looking for a job until they come across a promising advertisement. So, don’t limit openings to Indeed or LinkedIn. Spread the word on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Internal mobility:

It is only wise to look among employees for talent. Most employers end up wasting precious resources on hiring when a talented pool of employees is already at their disposal. What’s more, they are capable, trustworthy and just might be looking for new job roles.

Inclusive hiring:

Often, employers miss out on the best talent because of rigid hiring parameters. It is a fact that not every talented candidate has a college degree. Big companies like Apple and Google have already started to make their selection process more inclusive by getting rid of academic excellence or degree criteria.

The power of AI:

ATS software eases the hiring process, identifying the best-suited candidates for a job role. But it has its shortcomings. For example, ATS does not match old applicants with new positions that they are suitable for. Integrating AI with ATS solves the problem. AI tools like chatbots remove the need for personal interaction with every suitable candidate. Moreover, AI can stack-rank candidates and give the employer a list of the top candidates.

Partnering with the right consultancy:

Manpower recruitment consultants are in direct touch with candidates as well as employers. This makes them privy to the requirements of both sides, helping organizations get access to suitable talent. Investing in a manpower consultancy means saving additional costs and labour that usually go into hiring candidates.

Refining the recruitment process and enhancing candidate experience decides the kind of reviews a company gets. This can go a long way in affecting your image and brand as an employer. Ultimately, it’s important that recruiters embrace the latest trends in talent acquisition to hire the best candidates and expand their business.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Manufacturing Plants

Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants

When setting up manufacturing plants, there are many things you have to keep in mind as far as hiring people for the work is concerned. This is skill-intensive work that requires the most qualified people on the job because there are many machines involved, and any slight mistake could lead to disaster at the workplace. Any slight job has to be done by trained individuals, be it dealing with an arm for robotic polishing, welding, or picking and placing, there can never be room for errors. So how do you go about hiring these levels of workers? What are the qualities you use to gauge their qualifications? The following are some of the ways you can get this done. Their Skills and Qualification Levels Where heavy machinery is involved, caution has to be exercised in the hiring process. The people who are to deal with that section of the work have to demonstrate their skills and qualification to the utmost level. This will help you know the exact kind of work they will be tasked with. Getting the wrong people for the wrong job is one of the many reasons why there used to be many accidents at the workplace in the past. The best way to go about this would be to get them to do a practical test since relying on the qualifications displayed on paper may not be reliable. The hiring process has to be thorough because there’s a lot at stake. The Positions Available You need to have a clear image of what you want in mind beforehand. What position is in dire need of being filled up? How many people do you need? Do you feel like increasing the number of people would be better or would reducing that number be more sensible? The hiring process should be instituted out of need, not out of a whim, considering how expensive it is to get new people in, trains them while paying them before they finally settle into their roles. Therefore, before advertising for any particular position, ensure that there’s actually an urgent need to have that particular area to be addressed immediately. Salary Demands You may have a say on how much you want to pay, and this can even be indicated in the job listing. However, you have to be aware that for you to land the right worker, you will have to make concessions on the salary cap. The best people in the job market will always demand higher wages and may try to negotiate that number up. As long as it is within your company’s projections, you should always be ready to at least bump that salary cap a little higher if you are convinced that the individual in question has what you are looking for. Good employees are hard to find, and when one walks through your doors, you should seize that chance. Labour Laws There are many labor laws that are created to protect the employee from exploitation. You have to be well versed with all these laws depending on where you are located and make sure you don’t get into trouble with the law. It is common for many employers to find themselves in trouble later on because they lacked the initiative to familiarize themselves with simple labor laws. What you need to keep in mind is that a fallout of this nature, later on, can be very costly for you and your company. Cases of companies collapsing due to making huge payouts after being sued are very common. Safety Precautions Safety inside the manufacturing plants is dealt with in two ways. Both the employer and the employee have to play a role in ensuring that the working conditions are within the confines of the safety protocols. On the employer’s part, they have to provide the right working clothes complete with protective gear like helmets and gloves. They also have to install emergency safety buttons that can shut down the machines on the spot in the event someone is caught up. On the employee’s part, you have to make sure they understand how factory work is conducted, the last thing you would want is a reckless person running heavy machinery. If it happens they get injured while on duty, the responsibility to compensate them will rest on your shoulders, and that can be costly. Interpersonal Skills Manufacturing plants usually employ a lot of people, hundreds of workers can be sharing the same space for hours each day, and this means that the interpersonal skills have to be good because they need interactions with each other to get things done the right way. Communication is one of the most important aspects in the workplace, and being able to pass around information and instructions forms the backbone of efficiency. Everyone you hire has to demonstrate the ability to understand what they are told as well as the ability to communicate with fellow workers in a clear way. Conclusion Hiring workers for a manufacturing plant is one of the most complicated things you can ever do as an employer. The success or failure of your enterprise is heavily influenced by the type and nature of people you end up hiring. Therefore, it should be well planned in advance if you want to stand a chance of getting the right people for the job. Read Also: Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee? 7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021

Professional Services

Launching a Business? Hire These 5 Professional Services for Help

Starting a business can be expensive. You want to be mindful of where every cent is going. While a frugal approach to business expenditure is encouraged, there are some services you need to invest in to take your business to the next level. Failure to get  Professional Services help with cash flow and computer systems management may result in unwanted issues in your business. Let’s go over some of the recommended professional services to spend on: 1. Lawyers Your business will have to comply with several federal and local government regulations that you may be unaware existed. An accomplished attorney will expose any legal loopholes that you might run into as you launch your startup. Since it is their field, they will be abreast of any changes that may affect these laws and advise you on how to conform. Being compliant from the get-go can save you substantial litigation costs down the road. It will also lessen the possibility of being shut down for non-compliance. Many business owners think that they would be able to do without a lawyer if there are no on-the-horizon legal issues. However, if you need a general counsel attorney you will be able to enjoy many of the legal services that can help you grow the business. For example, a trained legal counsel can show you ways and means of minimizing risks, ensuring coverage, and making sure all your paperwork is always in order. 2. Accountants While their work may seem lackluster, accountants are the beating heart of any profit-seeking venture. Trained in using standardized tools and techniques, they help businesses keep track of their cash inflows and outflows, assets, and liabilities. The reports they produce periodically will give you a clear indication of whether your business is currently on the right side of the profit-loss divide and whether its future is healthy. When you hire an accountant for a startup business, you also improve your chances of staying on the Internal Revenue Service's good side. The last thing any fledgling venture needs is to be liable for hefty fines when revenue streams are yet to stabilize. Savvy Certified Public Accountants will help you discover and take advantage of all the tax breaks for which you qualify. 3. Web Developers Operating any modern business without an online presence is equivalent to conducting your business in a cocoon. Close to 60 percent of the global population uses the Internet actively. First impressions are everything. To make the right one, you need to have a reputable web developer team on your side. Your web developer will be responsible for designing and hosting your site. They will ensure that it has all the functionalities you require and offer support when you suffer downtime or external attacks. 4. Content Creators and Marketers Having a functional website is only half the equation. Content creators and marketers will provide you with a means of reaching out to your clientele, both through your website and your social media handles. They will come up with creative on-brand messages that they will broadcast through these channels to capture the hearts and minds of your target audience. Having digital marketers as part of your team will not only help you reach your potential customers where they are. It will save plenty of cash you would have spent on advertising through traditional media. Digital content creators have a finger on the pulse of current trends and will have the know-how to make your products or services a part of what is trending. 5. IT Experts IT experts are needed to manage your business' devices and hardware, along with the front and back-office software systems. Your tech consultants will help you put these systems in place as well as keep them running smoothly. If you have an online presence or any functions that rely on the Internet, you need to invest in these systems’ security. Contrary to what many small business owners think, they do occasionally get targeted by hackers. With a proactive team of IT experts well versed with the latest cybersecurity threats on your side, you won't have to spend sleepless nights wondering if your site will be next. Two Heads Are Better Than One It is tempting for small business owners to try to be a jack of all trades. You would rather juggle your own books, fix your own networks, and manage your own social media to avoid spending too much on outsourced expertise. While conducting some of these services yourself can save money and grant more control over your operations, you can achieve better results by hiring help. Besides exposing your business to diverse financial and operational risks, you will become an impediment to its growth if you adopt the one-man-army approach. Read Also: 5 Tips For Transport & Logistics Business Owners Before Investing In Insurance Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO Top 5 Types of Startup Business Loans Best Server Management Tips for Startups

Business Pieces of Advice

Business Pieces of Advice: Stepping Stones for a Startup Owner

Today, everyone wants to become an entrepreneur – or at least hopes to. Well, who doesn't like to introduce 'the next big thing?' But we can't blame them because owning a startup offers you tons of benefits – and that's obvious. For example, you get to bring value to the people around you. You create something right from the beginning. You are your own boss, and not to mention, you make a decent number of bucks along the way. However, all of this happens when you're successful, which unfortunately isn't true for most cases. For example, the Harvard Business Review states that 75% of startups fail. But why? Sadly, not all of us have an entrepreneurial spirit within us – at least, nature didn't allow it. However, if you want to run a business successfully, you've got to get your act together. That means doing something that your nature doesn't approve of, so be it. Otherwise, you'll end up eating the same piece of pie the 75% of entrepreneurs are eating. Here are some business pieces of advice that'll help you become a successful startup owner. Know your Instincts! You should know yourself, what you're willing to do to attain success, the amount of money you can afford to lose, and your proper motivational level. Undoubtedly, we're all here to at least hit that one million marks. But are we ready to give up things to accomplish that goal? How far will your family support you? How far from your comfort zone are you willing to go? How many hours a week will you be able to devote? If you want to become successful, or come anywhere close to it, keep your business plans aligned with you and your family's resources and goals. Learn how to this through the AACSB Online MBA with No GMAT program. It will teach some administrative skills to run a business adequately. Be passionate: Nobody is asking you to love all aspects of your business (nobody can), but whatever you do, do it with all your heart. If you want to build a successful enterprise, you'll need to put in some effort and devote much time. That is why you should be passionate about what you do, whether offering financial advice, creating pottery, or running fishing charters. How can you ensure you're on the right track? By questioning yourself whether your business is worth the investment, you're making in terms of both time and money. If not, you're better off doing something else. Keep the positive vibes around you. Plus, say goodbye to those people who put you or your business down. Don't waste your energy and time defending yourself – use it on your business! Be a solution: Instead of basing your idea around what to sell, think about how it will become a solution. If your business is solving a problem, you'll gain a solid customer base more efficiently. Why? Because your venture will be bridging a gap in a specific niche or market. Going with your passion alone isn't going to cut it; your idea should help the people. For example, suppose you're passionate about accounting. In that case, you might design an affordable, easy-to-use payroll and accounting software that many people would like to invest in and be a part of it. Give yourself some time and think about why you're opening your business. If you're able to understand your motive well, you'll be able to market your company and build a brand. Just do one thing: determine what problems your target customers are currently facing and what you can do to solve them. Start your business during your employment: Without money, nobody can go far. Plus, your business won't immediately offer your returns – you've got to invest in it first. If you start your business while you're employed, you'll have money to invest in your industry. It will also help you meet your monthly living expenses even if your business doesn't readily offer returns. Diversify: Diversity will help ensure you don't put all your eggs in a single basket. Discover other options, for example, sister products/services that you can add to your offerings to lure and retain more clients. It won't just amplify your revenue and produce enough during times your business doesn't do well. Plus, diversification will allow you to cross-market by increasing your bottom line and offering consumers more value for their money! Keep networking: If you find it challenging to get your business off the ground, connections will keep it afloat. Therefore, it's advisable to make connections and record every person you interact with and ask for their suggestions and assistance. Remain in touch with them and build your network – it'll help you. Research your competitors: Regardless of the type of business you're operating or thinking to start, you'll have competitors even if there's no other business with the same offerings as yours. There would be different products/services your target market may get used to to satisfy their needs. To be successful, you'll have to research your competitors and determine what they sell and how. There's no particular time when you should do competitor analysis, but it must get done now and then. However, if you don't have any competitors, that's a warning sign. See if whatever you're planning to sell is something that people would like to spend their money on or not. Have a solid financial plan: It doesn't matter whether the company is small or big; it needs to work out how it will manage its finances. Suppose you want your startup to survive in this economy and out-compete your competitors. In that case, financial management should be one of your primary activities. Don't use your revenue for personal expenses; manage your expenditures and cash flow, and have reserves for steady seasons. Maybe, exercise caution – hire a bookkeeper or an accountant if you have to. It will help you complete your financial tasks, allowing you an opportunity to focus on other parts of your business. Conclusion: As your startup comes to fruition, think of it like you're driving a car. Let your mind control the steering wheel, and your passion hit the accelerator. By doing this, you wouldn't just be confident about the path you take and sustain the momentum you need to arrive at your destination. Best of luck! Read Also: Launching a Business? Hire These 5 Professional Services for Help Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020 Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO How To Become A Successful Businessman