Genius Job Interview Tips That Will Guarantee Success

Published on: 26 November 2018 Last Updated on: 13 December 2021
Job Interview

No matter how experienced are you when the day of a job interview comes your heart starts to beat faster, words get stuck in your throat, and hands shake like on the first date. We know the feeling, and it’s completely natural to be anxious before attending an interview which might decide your future. Nevertheless, there are ways to control stress and anxiety, and solid preparation is one of them.

Not to forget, in order to succeed in your next job interview, you have to put a foundation. A great start is your resume, and you should carefully design it depending on the desired position. The first step is to introduce yourself briefly, tell the main facts regarding your previous occupations, educational background, achievements, and skills. Everything should collaborate and bring the best picture. The second step is to design your resume in a way it would stand out and be easier to scan. To help with that use premade resume templates which you can find on Novoresume.

In this article we suggest six tips on how to master your next job interview:

job interview


1. Use all possible channels for your job interview:

In times of the digital revolution, it would be a shame not to use all possible channels and platforms to get needed information. This point is highly valuable while preparing for the job interview, as you can find all the smallest details about the hiring company. Don’t only check the website, but also include social media, blogs, and articles from additional sources. It is beneficial if you can find finance data regarding the company, analyze it and try to take the main points. Use statements about their business, make a basic forecast about the industry, if possible the company itself. It will surprise interviewers and show devotion to your career and compelling research skills.

2. Make yourself look good:

A candidate should research the hiring company, however, not to forget, there is a great possibility that the company will check the applicant as well. To represent yourself well, check all social media accounts, publications and other related public data about you. Even though you probably forgot that picture from the party three years ago, it’s still there, and you should be aware that the company can easily spot it. Clean your photo albums, check all embarrassing posts and publications. It might protect you from an embarrassment during the interview.

3. Pick the right time for the interview:

According to the online job market platform Glassdoor, there is a certain time that works better for meetings, and might even boost your chances of getting the desired position. It’s recommended to avoid early meetings, late and before lunch interviews. Those simple factors, as interviewers being too sleepy, hungry or tired have a high impact on your chances to get a job. What is the best time for a job interview? It is Tuesday around 10 am, this time makes sense because people are already tuned in a working week, it’s not early morning, but yet no one is wondering about lunch. Therefore, if you have an opportunity to arrange the time, try using Tuesday at 10 am.


Prepare questions:

Although a job interview is used to test your competence for a specific position, it’s also an ideal possibility to show your interest and curiosity in the hiring company. If you prepared well before the big day, then you should have at least a few questions for interviewers. Don’t be shy and ask, however, try to find issues which interested you but you couldn’t find answers online otherwise they might assume you are just lazy. If before the big day you’ve found facts regarding the business’s success or failure, ask what caused a particular situation. Again, it will show your knowledge about their business and high interest.

5. State why are you perfect for this position:

One of the most common questions during job interviews is why did you choose this position and what does make you think you are a good fit. Why do you consider yourself a perfect candidate is the main one because you will have to convince interviewers with your competence. Before the meeting, study the description of the position, what is it required to achieve it, what experience and skills are needed. Accordingly, you will be able to create a brief story about why you are the one who is the best for this job.


Send a thank you Email:

thank you email

A short thank you note within first 24 hours after your interview is a polite way to remind about yourself. A great chance is that the hiring company had many other applicants and it’s necessary to remind the company about yourself. A formal and brief email mentioning the main takeaways might guarantee you a next stage of the hiring process. Even though you don’t get to the next step, there is a chance they will offer you some other position because of the enthusiasm you’ve shown.

A job interview is a challenging experience, but you can master it and reach the best possible outcome. And no matter how many meetings you’ll have that day, spend enough time and carefully prepare. If you pick the tools and techniques that work for you, then you will achieve the desired position without any hassle. All in all, despite all the study and research, use your confidence and take the matter into your own hands.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path

Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is medical assistant a good career path in 2021? How many jobs are available in the medical assistant sector? What are the best paying jobs in the medical assistant? Let’s discuss the above queries in detail. Becoming a medical assistant doesn’t take long, and the job is excellent in several ways. First, if you are interested in working with medical patients, then the medical assistant sector can be the right career choice for you in the long run. Medical assistants are becoming an increasingly crucial part of the healthcare system as hospitals try to accommodate the needs of the increasing patient population. Besides, medical/dental instruments are also regarded as a great career path due to the rising demand for medical assistants. Medical Assistant & Job Responsibilities - What You Need To Know? Medical Assistants are healthcare experts who assist doctors in medical offices as well as clinics. This is one of the nation’s careers growing much faster than average for all occupations. Medical assistants work directly with doctors, but they can’t give any medical advice to patients. It is because their duties are very limited as they work to prepare the doctor and patient for the medical visit and collect information for the same. Now, what does a medical assistant do? Their duties and responsibilities vary according to the requirements. Some of their common tasks are like: Bookkeeping, handling bills, etc. Making arrangements for a hospital visit Coding and completing insurance forms Updating medical records Greeting patients and their families Scheduling appointments and answering phones. Doing electrocardiograms Drawing blood for lab tests Changing wound dressings Discussing the general information with patients Preparing laboratory samples with patients Updating medical histories for both doctors and patients Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Although there are no formal education requirements for becoming these assistants, you need to complete Medical Assistant Program training to become one.  Meanwhile, some of the important skills required to become a medical assistant are technical skills, interpersonal skills, detail-oriented and analytical skills. Now, we are going to describe several reasons to consider medical assistant as your career path. i). Career is stable: Working in the healthcare industry seems like it is a non-stop job. There is a need for assistants, surgeons, doctors, nurses, and other individuals working 24*7, 365 days a year. Thus, the career is stable in this path, and the future is rewarding. ii). It can be a gateway to greater things: Another reason to consider medical assistant as your career path is that it can be a gateway to greater things in life. This sector has more potential to become a fulfilling career. iii). You can work anywhere: Another benefit of choosing a medical assistant as your career path is that you can work anywhere. The skills required to become a medical assistant are helpful in every hospital across the country, which is, in turn, beneficial for you. iv). Certification can increase marketability: You need to pass some Medical Program test to get this job role, and the test requires a broad understanding of healthcare implementation, and all the information will prove incredibly useful to you. v). You can enter the field immediately: The job of a medical assistant is accessible, which makes it easy for you to enter the field immediately. You can just complete a Medical Assisting Diploma for the post of medical assisting. vi). Jobs are increasing faster than average: Another benefit of this sector is that jobs are increasing faster than average. Therefore, there can be lots of opportunities for you in the long run.  How Many Jobs Are Available In The Medical Assistant? According to the reports, there were around 720,900 jobs in 2020 alone. This number is increasing at present and is expected to increase in the future as well. In the United States, three are more than 4.5 lakhs people working in the medical assistant field. Now, we are going to discuss the best paying jobs in the medical assistant sector in 2021. 1. Medical Assistant Vaccine Coordination The Medical Assistant Vaccine Coordination is mainly responsible for administering vaccines to patients. In this position, you need to perform various patient care activities and related services. This pandemic has given rise to this post, and it is available in many states of the United States where you can apply now.  2. Research Medical Assistant Another best paying job in this industry is Research Medical Assistant. In this role, you need skills in speaking and writing to persons of diverse cultural, economic, social, and educational backgrounds. At the same time, you must possess the ability to question research participants about sensitive behavioral issues and also the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. 3. Medical Support Teaching Assistant Medical Support Teaching Assistant is also one of the great career paths in the healthcare industry. Here, you have to take the responsibility of a general Teaching Assistant for a year. To qualify for this post, you must be at least a Level 2 qualified Teaching Assistant and must possess prior experience helping diabetic children and have a good knowledge of the KS1 curriculum. 4. Clinical Assistant As a Clinical Assistant, you must be dedicated to providing accessible testing for all. It’s important for you to be self-motivated in order to face clients to help run COVID testing clinics. Here, you need to comply with safety policies, answer patients’ questions, run test results for COVID 19, register patients in a drive-up setting or on-site, and much more. 5. Back Office Medical Assistant Back Office Medical Assistant is another best paying job in the Medical Assistant industry. Your main role would be monitoring the inventory of medical supplies, ability to utilize computers, conducting birth control, providing information to patients regarding birth control, assisting doctors with examinations, setting up exam rooms, etc. At the same time, you must believe in work-life balance and how to maintain the same.  The Final Thoughts Is medical assistant a good career path in 2021? I have tried my best to explain to you why being a medical assistant is a great career path for you and how you can benefit from the same. The above-listed information will help you to start your career in the healthcare industry. Besides, let me know your queries in the comment section below if you develop any while reading this blog. 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Unemployment Uncertainty

The Best Way To Deal With Unemployment Uncertainty

You are not alone if you are anxious about your future and job.  Unemployment or job uncertainty is a serious challenge that every country faces. They are working on it to solve the problems and increase the number of employees.  If you look at the unemployment rate of the world, you can understand that after the pandemic, it has increased. But, when it is talking about how to deal with this unemployment situation, then I would say, you should accept the reality. And try to find out how to deal with this situation because there are many job seekers dealing with the same condition and now they are successful.  Believe in yourself, your skills, and your education. So, let’s check how to deal with unemployment uncertainty.  How To Deal With Unemployment Uncertainty It's not a secret that the current job market is tough. If you are one among the many unemployed, it can be hard to stay positive when you don’t know what the future holds.  Seek Professional Help The best way to deal with unemployment and job uncertainty is to seek professional help. Here are five ways to deal with unemployment uncertainty and keep your spirits high. 1. Love Yourself You can solve the entire unemployment uncertainty situation in your location. But, you can get away from this. Many job seekers lose their confidence. As a result, they don’t focus on their health.  In this matter, I always suggest don’t do this. If you don’t love yourself how you can expect other loves you? When you give importance to yourself, another starts to be important to you. It is not a philosophical word, it is damn true. Take care and love yourself. I know it is easy to say rather than do, but from my experience, I can say it is workable.  2. Make A Structure Your Work In the meantime,  use the time to improve their skillset. Many online courses and tutorials can help them learn new things or improve old skills. Keep the mind active and engaged, and who knows? The extra time and effort may pay off in the end.  Be flexible and willing to consider different options with companies slashing jobs and cutting back on benefits, it's no wonder that anxiety about the consequences of unemployment is at an all-time high. First, figure out the short-term goal. Having a clear idea about your goal and work routine help you to stay on track.  3. Stay On Your Budget Save Money, Planning for the Worst as You Hope for the Best It is difficult to know how the future will be, but there are some steps that everyone can take to prepare for the possibility of unemployment.  One important thing is to have a well-funded savings account which will give them a cushion to fall back on if they lose their job, and it will also help them cover essential expenses while looking for new employment.  4. Be Positive To Manage Your Stress  Stay Positive and Be patient the best way to deal with unemployment uncertainty is to stay positive and be patient. Giving up when the job search is going nowhere can be tempting. Job hunting is a process that may take some time before finding the perfect opportunity.  If currently employed, the best way to deal with the uncertainty is to be flexible and willing to consider different options. For example, if the company offers a voluntary buyout package, it's best to consider taking it. Alternatively, if someone is open to relocating, they may look for job openings in other parts of the country. And if they are currently unemployed, they should not don't despair – there are still plenty of opportunities.  5. Speak Out about Your Current Job Condition  If you're out of work an experienced employment agency can provide the resources and support needed to find a new job. They can help you identify someone's skills and interests, assess their experience, and match them with potential employers. They can also provide information about job openings and help prepare for interviews. In addition, they can offer guidance and advice if having trouble finding a job on their own. Seeking professional assistance is a good way to deal with unemployment uncertainty and improve the chances of finding a new job. 6. Keep Smile It is life. We can’t ignore the true fact of life, right? When we get a life, we should enjoy it fully. Always stay positive and observe everything around you. This is the main thing that has been mentioned in the unemployment essay.  You will face problems throughout your life. But we should keep a smile on your face. It is a big challenge to keep smiling all time. Make something that entertains you. Do you know that a fresh mind has the ability to deal with problems?  7. Hold The Hoping Hand Be Proactive and Keep the Skills Sharp There are several things someone can do to increase their chances of finding new employment. Be proactive. Rather than waiting for employers to knock, actively seek new opportunities.  Second, make sure the skills are up-to-date. If someone is in a constantly changing field, they should consider taking some extra courses or getting certification in a new area. Remember the power of networking. Many jobs are never posted publicly; they're filled through word-of-mouth. Staying connected with the professional network puts someone in a better position to hear about new opportunities. The key is to be flexible and willing to consider all the options.  Final Words To get out of the unemployment uncertainty having a plan B in place is a good idea. Finally, remember to stay positive. While it is important to be prepared for the worst, it is also important to hope for the best. Follow the above tips, stay positive, motivated, and focused on the goals. Take care physically and emotionally, and reach out for help if needed. Remember that this too shall pass, and be patient while working towards finding a new job. Additional Best Paying Jobs In Property – Casualty Insurers How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Pharmaceuticals? How Many Jobs Are Available In Property-Casualty Insurers? How Many Jobs Are Available In Telecommunications Equipment?

Enhance Your Career In The Field Of Social Work

Tips To Enhance Your Career In The Field Of Social Work

Everyone struggles sometimes. While some people might be facing issues in their personal life, others might be unhappy with their careers. There comes a time in your career when you get bored with work. Things might seem monotonous, and you might want to switch gears. Changing things is a natural consequence of routine, and many people switch jobs for greener pastures. According to research, an adult shifts jobs approximately 11.7 times between 18 and 48. However, doing so is not child’s play. Some professions are even more complicated to navigate. A career in social work is one of the broadest in the world. Furthermore, it is unhealthy to keep working in a toxic position. And social workers are more vulnerable to burnout and workplace stress. Social work is flexible with an interdisciplinary nature. There are countless career opportunities to help others and improve their lives. What Do Social Workers Do? Generally, social workers help others make a meaningful change in their lives. Therefore, they may work in several positions. There are three subsets of practice for social workers. They may work at the micro-level to focus on the issues of individuals. Or they may focus on the big picture and resolve the problems of communities and social groups. Some social workers help support groups and head task forces. So, they may work in hospitals, schools, or have private practices. Tips To Make The Most Of Your Social Service Career: Now that you have entered social work, let’s move on to other matters. How can you advance your career? Read to find out more about this. 1. Get An Advanced Degree In Social Work: Like all other professions, getting a graduate degree will help you climb the career ladder. With a CSWE online MSW degree, you can become a leader in social health. The best part is that these degrees are available online. So you can manage your course load and study at your own pace. But, do your research before you choose a program. Look through online rankings and think about the pros and cons of each degree. You can also gain experience while studying. Interestingly, some supervisors even offer stipends and scholarships to their employees. 2. Develop Your Skills: Research suggests that employers prefer people with transferable skills. However, social workers struggle to develop these skills. Therefore, it is necessary to hone these skills to advance in your career. Employers are looking for people with excellent communication skills, leadership capabilities, and technical skills. 3. Join A Network: Joining an organization can improve your experience and skill set. These social work organizations connect people to leaders and graduates. Many such organizations host events and seminars for members. Most of them also offer discounts to members. For example, the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry serves geriatrics patients and provides collaboration opportunities to professionals. 4. Get Experience To Contribute: Experience is necessary for career development. This exposure gives you valuable insight into social work and the responsibilities of a social worker. However, you should get a diverse experience. Doing so will contribute to your career prospects. Try out new things, and gain experience in several positions. 5. Do Some Research: While experience is necessary, research and knowledge are also vital to improve job prospects. Seek out classes in diverse fields and participate in independent studies. You can work with faculty members and researchers to make yourself more employable. 6. Get A Mentor: It is not possible to do everything on your own. Therefore, you should ask experienced professionals to help you grow further. These people bring many years of experience and have inside knowledge about everything. Furthermore, they can also help your prepare for life challenges. 7. Network And Enroll In Professional Development Opportunities: Most institutions organize events to increase knowledge and develop skills. You can enroll in workshops and courses to build your network and connect with others. Networking can improve your job prospects as well. Building relationships with other professionals can help you build enduring relations with others. 8. Take Some Time Out To Reduce Stress: Self-care is vital for the health of social workers. You have to make time for yourself to reduce stress and avoid burnout. Take some time out to connect with friends and family every once in a while. 9. Always Act Professionally: Social workers are witnesses to many embarrassing and humiliating things about their patients. Therefore, it is vital to follow ethical standards at all times. Handle your patient with dignity and the utmost care. But, Why Work In Social Services? If you are thinking of making a career change, then social work is the profession for you. On average, 6.2 million workers make a career change per year. Working in social services can put things in perspective for you. Not only is social work fulfilling, but it is also meaningful. Social work is a growing field, and it is expanding rapidly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for social workers will increase by 16 percent in the next few years. Therefore, there will be 110,000 new jobs until 2031. Furthermore, the pay is not terrible either. According to BLS, the average salary is $67,000 per annum. And your wages might improve with additional certifications.  What Is The Next Step? Now is the time to begin planning for your future. Therefore, start looking for employment opportunities. You can also enroll in graduate programs to improve your prospects. With a specialized degree in social work, you can reach the pinnacle of the career level. Utilize these tips to make the most of your social work career. However, never forget why you chose to enter this profession. Read Also: Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand B.Sc. Agriculture- An emerging career option in India Top Non-Physician Career Opportunities in the Healthcare Sector in 2021