Tips To Enhance Your Career In The Field Of Social Work


25 March 2021

Job & Career

Enhance Your Career In The Field Of Social Work

Everyone struggles sometimes. While some people might be facing issues in their personal life, others might be unhappy with their careers. There comes a time in your career when you get bored with work. Things might seem monotonous, and you might want to switch gears. Changing things is a natural consequence of routine, and many people switch jobs for greener pastures.

According to research, an adult shifts jobs approximately 11.7 times between 18 and 48. However, doing so is not child’s play. Some professions are even more complicated to navigate.

A career in social work is one of the broadest in the world. Furthermore, it is unhealthy to keep working in a toxic position. And social workers are more vulnerable to burnout and workplace stress. Social work is flexible with an interdisciplinary nature. There are countless career opportunities to help others and improve their lives.

What Do Social Workers Do?

What Do Social Workers Do?

Generally, social workers help others make a meaningful change in their lives. Therefore, they may work in several positions.

There are three subsets of practice for social workers. They may work at the micro-level to focus on the issues of individuals. Or they may focus on the big picture and resolve the problems of communities and social groups.

Some social workers help support groups and head task forces. So, they may work in hospitals, schools, or have private practices.

Tips To Make The Most Of Your Social Service Career:

Now that you have entered social work, let’s move on to other matters. How can you advance your career? Read to find out more about this.

1. Get An Advanced Degree In Social Work:

Like all other professions, getting a graduate degree will help you climb the career ladder. With a CSWE online MSW degree, you can become a leader in social health. The best part is that these degrees are available online. So you can manage your course load and study at your own pace. But, do your research before you choose a program.

Look through online rankings and think about the pros and cons of each degree. You can also gain experience while studying. Interestingly, some supervisors even offer stipends and scholarships to their employees.

2. Develop Your Skills:

Research suggests that employers prefer people with transferable skills. However, social workers struggle to develop these skills. Therefore, it is necessary to hone these skills to advance in your career. Employers are looking for people with excellent communication skills, leadership capabilities, and technical skills.

3. Join A Network:

Joining an organization can improve your experience and skill set. These social work organizations connect people to leaders and graduates. Many such organizations host events and seminars for members. Most of them also offer discounts to members. For example, the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry serves geriatrics patients and provides collaboration opportunities to professionals.

4. Get Experience To Contribute:

Experience is necessary for career development. This exposure gives you valuable insight into social work and the responsibilities of a social worker. However, you should get a diverse experience. Doing so will contribute to your career prospects. Try out new things, and gain experience in several positions.

5. Do Some Research:

While experience is necessary, research and knowledge are also vital to improve job prospects. Seek out classes in diverse fields and participate in independent studies. You can work with faculty members and researchers to make yourself more employable.

6. Get A Mentor:

It is not possible to do everything on your own. Therefore, you should ask experienced professionals to help you grow further. These people bring many years of experience and have inside knowledge about everything. Furthermore, they can also help your prepare for life challenges.

7. Network And Enroll In Professional Development Opportunities:

Most institutions organize events to increase knowledge and develop skills. You can enroll in workshops and courses to build your network and connect with others. Networking can improve your job prospects as well. Building relationships with other professionals can help you build enduring relations with others.

8. Take Some Time Out To Reduce Stress:

Self-care is vital for the health of social workers. You have to make time for yourself to reduce stress and avoid burnout. Take some time out to connect with friends and family every once in a while.

9. Always Act Professionally:

Social workers are witnesses to many embarrassing and humiliating things about their patients. Therefore, it is vital to follow ethical standards at all times. Handle your patient with dignity and the utmost care.

But, Why Work In Social Services?

If you are thinking of making a career change, then social work is the profession for you. On average, 6.2 million workers make a career change per year. Working in social services can put things in perspective for you. Not only is social work fulfilling, but it is also meaningful.

Social work is a growing field, and it is expanding rapidly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for social workers will increase by 16 percent in the next few years. Therefore, there will be 110,000 new jobs until 2031.

Furthermore, the pay is not terrible either. According to BLS, the average salary is $67,000 per annum. And your wages might improve with additional certifications.

 What Is The Next Step?

Now is the time to begin planning for your future. Therefore, start looking for employment opportunities. You can also enroll in graduate programs to improve your prospects. With a specialized degree in social work, you can reach the pinnacle of the career level.

Utilize these tips to make the most of your social work career. However, never forget why you chose to enter this profession.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Seasonal Unemployment

Seasonal Unemployment – Definition, & Examples [Complete Details]

Seasonal unemployment could be a big issue because work is only available for a few months a year. However, such a situation is only temporary, and employment reverts to normal thereafter.  Many workers are adapted to seasonal unemployment as they work heavily when the demand is high and save up much of their earnings. Then, they utilize those savings in the off season.  Moreover, there are many opportunities and benefits in seasonal unemployment. One of the best parts is that it is clearly predictable.  What Is Seasonal Unemployment? Seasonal employees are also known as temporary employees, and they qualify for unemployment benefits at the end of their job specifications. This can also offer exciting opportunities to work in special settings and perform job duties that relate to a particular time of the year.  Seasonally unemployed individuals can simply look for employment opportunities or part-time jobs as they know well that their job is temporary and they need money for their daily livelihood.  On the other hand, unemployment falls during Christmas because extra jobs are available. Thus, this could be the month where workers can earn maximum profit and utilize the same when they have no jobs.  Seasonal Unemployment Benefits Seasonal unemployment only occurs when the season ends, which is usually predictable, as discussed above. However, to make your efforts easy, we have listed some of the top seasonal unemployment benefits that you must know in 2021. This can be the best period for you where you can actually build your skill sets that can be utilized for other career paths. For example internship, fixed-term hires, etc.  There are many who are happy with seasonal unemployment because they have many other important things to do apart from their job life.  This is better than complete unemployment as the labor force would earn wages for at least a part of the year.  Earning very high when the workers are temporarily employed can be a great source of income even better than those who are employed for the whole year.  This unemployment is common and predictable. You can take all the necessary steps beforehand.  Seasonal Unemployment Limitations Yes, there are some limitations of seasonal unemployment that we have discussed below! One major disadvantage of seasonal unemployment is that it is the same as other unemployment. The workers or the employees here face personal hardships during the time they are unemployed.  Even some employees might not find jobs that last the whole year.  Another limitation of seasonal unemployment is that there is lost production. This means that the producer is not able to produce goods when there is seasonal unemployment.  Seasonal Unemployment Examples Some of the top examples of seasonal unemployment are Holiday, Theme Park, Agriculture.  Agriculture: Some farmer’s markets end during the last week of August. AS the farm only yields crops that grow in the summer seasons. Holiday: Seasonal unemployment occurs when the holiday performance of any show ends. There are many individuals behind the performance and they earn a good sum of money. Theme Park: Theme park is also another kind of seasonal unemployment that many of you are aware of. Besides, tourist destinations can also be an example of this type of employment. What Is The Difference Between Disguised Unemployment And Seasonal Unemployment? Disguised Unemployment Seasonal Unemployment In this, marginal labor productivity is null. The individuals appear to be employed but are not employed.  In this, individuals cannot secure jobs during certain months of the year. The job needs the service of 5 individuals, but eight individuals are involved.  There are many productivity phases when weaving, threshing, sewing, and harvesting are done.  Located in rural areas. Located in both rural and urban areas.  Found mainly in agriculture.  Found mainly in the agro-based sector. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Seasonal Unemployment Refers To Ans: Seasonal unemployment refers to the time period when the demand for labor or workforce is lower than normal under certain conditions. 3. The Problem Of Unemployment Comes Under Discussion Ans: The problem of unemployment comes under poverty. Unemployment causes a decrease in production and less consumption of goods and services by the people.  4. Where Is Seasonal Employment Found? Ans: Seasonal Unemployment is mainly found in rural areas because their major occupation is agriculture.  The Final Thoughts  Seasonal Unemployment is popular across the world, and you must know about the same. For those who earn very low wages, seasonal unemployment can be a major problem for them in the long run. It can become very difficult for them to manage everything at the same time. Besides, let me know your doubts in the comment section below if you come across any!  Read Also: 6 Affordable Online Courses You Should Take How Does Creativity Help In Entrepreneurship? Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand

Work From Home

10 Work From Home Jobs For Moms And Dads

When you're a parent, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to work. However, there are many jobs out there that allow you to work from home so you don't have to miss out on time with your family. The following list includes some remote jobs for stay at home moms and working parents who want flexibility and a chance to make extra money: Top 10 Work-From-Home Jobs For Moms and Dads 1. Advice Columnist If you’re a mom or dad who has something to say, this is the job for you. Advice columnists are typically experts in their field, who also have the ability to write well and answer questions from readers. Many advice columnists work from home and can do so on their own schedule; however, some employers will only hire those who are able to work full-time. Advice columns appeal to all types of readers because they offer a unique perspective that readers may not get elsewhere. As an advice columnist, you’re your own boss and can create your own hours—you don’t need anyone else except yourself (and maybe your kids). You might be surprised at how much money it is available for writers who want it! 2. Blogger Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge with the world. You can blog about anything you are passionate about. Perhaps you want to build up your resume and create a personal brand, or maybe you have an established career in which blogging will help promote your expertise. Either way, if you know how to write well and have plenty of time on your hands (or perhaps feel like faking it), there's no reason why blogging shouldn't be considered one of the best ways for moms and dads who want to work from home. 3. Writer Write web content for businesses that don't have their own content staff (or don't want to hire one). Many small businesses don't have full-time employees who write articles on their behalf—they simply pay someone else to do it! In fact, many large companies also hire freelance writers who work remotely via the Internet rather than having them come into an office every day. The best way to find these jobs is through job search engines like Indeed or Monster; there are tons of listings available right now because of how common remote work has become over the last decade.* Write web content for large companies looking for more than just basic articles (and pay $20 per hour). Large corporations often need help from freelance writers when they're short on time; instead of hiring someone full-time who could take months off during maternity leave or vacation periods due to family obligations—which happens all too often nowadays—they'll turn towards freelancers 4. Editor Editing is a job that requires you to make sure the content your company or client produces is accurate and of high quality. As an editor, you'll be responsible for checking and correcting content before it's published, assigning articles and editing their content, writing headlines and subheadlines, writing introductions (and sometimes conclusions), verifying facts, finding ways of improving readability via changes in sentence structure or word choice—basically anything that helps make the written material clearer. 5. Virtual Assistant As a virtual assistant, you'll be working remotely with clients who need help with basic administrative tasks. To be successful in this role, you should have: A computer and internet access Time to dedicate to the job (it's not going to make you rich) Reliable transportation if you're going to set up in-person meetings with clients (or they will find someone else) The work can vary from project to project, but it typically involves responding to email queries from customers, managing calendars to organize and schedule appointments or meetings for clients, updating their social media accounts on their behalf, and performing other administrative tasks as needed. A great way to get started is by registering for an account on Upwork or Fiverr where there are plenty of opportunities for virtual assistants. The pay isn't great but it's very flexible so long as you have enough projects lined up! 6. Social Media Manager Social media managers are responsible for creating and executing social media strategies that boost a company's visibility, engagement and reputation. The position also involves measuring the ROI of various campaigns and marketing tactics. To qualify as a social media manager, you should have at least three years of experience in digital marketing or communications; be skilled in storytelling through video production; understand how to use analytics to measure results; have an eye for design; possess strong copywriting skills; be able to create engaging headlines that grab attention; know how to incorporate images into content effectively (and choose them carefully); understand how people interact with one another online so that you can anticipate trends before they happen (and capitalize on them). 7. Website Developer or Designer Website developers and designers are two different types of web professionals who specialize in different aspects of website creation. Developers are more technical and work on the back end of a website, while designers are more artistic and create the front-end look and feel. Developers use programming languages like HTML and CSS to create websites, while designers use tools like Photoshop or Sketch to add graphics, animation, color schemes and fonts. 8. Graphic Designer As a graphic designer, you could design logos, print material, and websites. You may also create designs in other media such as digital or print. You will use computer software to create graphics. Some examples of the type of jobs you could do include: Designing websites and logos Designing advertisements for magazines and newspapers Creating brochures, leaflets, and posters 9. Transcriptionist Transcription is the process of converting spoken words into written text. A transcriptionist sits in front of a computer and listens to audio files, typing out what they hear. They listen to audio files that have been recorded by others or created by themselves, such as interviews and meetings. Some transcriptionists work from home, while others work from an office or cubicle setting. There are many different types of jobs available for transcriptionists such as live transcribing (working for companies who conduct business over the phone), legal and medical dictation, call center-based programming, educational interviewing/recording services, medical reports/transcriptions, real estate recordings, etc. 10. Customer Service Representative Customer service representatives work in a variety of industries and settings, but they all have one thing in common: they are tasked with responding to customer requests and inquiries. They may be called upon to answer phones, resolve issues, or handle transactions over email or social media. Customer service reps can find employment at call centers and other organizations that deal directly with customers on a regular basis. A stay-at-home parent who has excellent communication skills and an outgoing personality would be ideal for this type of job. In addition to having good verbal communication skills, you'll need strong listening skills so that you can accurately understand what your customer wants from you before providing them with an appropriate response or solution. The ability to multitask is also crucial when working as a customer service rep—you'll likely receive calls from multiple people simultaneously during busy periods so it's important that you can quickly switch between tasks as needed without losing focus on each one individually." Conclusion If you’re a parent, this list can be a great resource for finding work that fits your schedule. If you have other responsibilities outside of work, it may be difficult to find an employer who can accommodate those needs. But if you’re lucky enough to have a job that allows flexibility in their hours or remote working options, there are plenty of opportunities out there for stay-at-home parents looking for something more than just childcare! 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is transportation a good career path?

Is Transportation A Good Career Path?

Is transportation a good career path? The transportation industry is huge and promising. Apart from transporting the goods, there are many more things which need to be transported from one place to another. That makes transportation jobs one of the important essentials. Are you thinking of selecting the transportation department as your career? Once you choose a job in the transportation department, there is no doubt that you will get multiple career opportunities there. And this is the reason the transportation department is going to be a very promising career in operations, like the oil, gas, and other electrical instruments department. Let’s have a look at the definition of transportation services. What Is Transportation? Transportation is the department that takes care of all utilities and transports some of the items to other places. This is the primary function of the transportation department. Logistics is also the area that is linked with the transportation department. Transportation is part of the logistics. Logistics include some of the work related to storing, receiving, and loading the goods. Transportation is part of the whole logistic cycle. So when you have queries like, is transportation a good career path? The first hint is that you will get plenty of new opportunities with the transportation department. Now let's move on to the more descriptive solution, where I will tell you why transportation is a good career path and why? Few Types Of Transportation Services Jobs Not only truck driving, but many more types of jobs are also available in transportation services. Let’s have a look at a few types of transportation services jobs. The transportation services are two types on-road and off-road. Read through the chart to know which jobs come under the on- and off-road transportation jobs. Off Road Transportation JobsDock Worker Warehouse Worker Freight Broker On Road Transporation JobsTruck Driver Garbage CollectorDelivery Driver Train Conductor Jobs Is Transportation A Good Career Path? The answer to ‘is transportation services a good career path is yes. The transportation services consist of multiple new job opportunities and more exciting new career opportunities. Along with the great career opportunities, there are many more attractions. What are those? Transportation services regular jobs come up with high average wedges. So you will get more career opportunities along with a higher pay scale. How? Reasons Which Makes The Transportation Services A Good Career Path Here are the reasons which make transportation services a perfect career option. After reading the advantages, you will understand why ‘ is transportation services a good career path. 1. Good Salary Transportation services and jobs offer higher salaries. Yes, if you are thinking of earning more just after passing out of high school or dropping out of college. These career options are going to be a perfect solution for you. The more you are going to earn experience. Your pay will also increase. 2. Job Security Many new job enthusiasts are asking about is transportation services a good career path before selecting it. The facts are simple. Transportation services job opportunities are high as this single department always has the requirements. So if you want a secure job, then transportation services are going to be a perfect selection for you. 3. It Is Never Going To Be A Boring Process Are you born in the monkey month? And want to do something extraordinary? Transportation services are going to be a perfect job selection for you.  You can cross several cities and see the different countries by transportation vehicle. You May Like To Read This: Best Paying Jobs In Public Utilities 4. More Opportunities To See The World Wherever you are living right now. There are always better opportunities to see the world. There are more options to explore the whole world. Yes, if you want to travel to see the world, international transportation services are also there. Transportation services are giving the opportunity to see the world and explore the world. 5. Bring Happiness Transportation services are not only counted under the highest paying services. These services are very interesting and full of happiness. What are the actual reasons for it? When you are going to transport anything from one place to another. You are actually bringing more happiness than you can actually assume. And you are doing good for all mankind. These are advantages of selecting transportation services as your career selection. But every rose has small spikes along with the beautiful Patel! When you have queries like’ is transportation a good career path? You must know what the disadvantages of selecting transportation services are. Cons Of Selecting The Transportation Services As You Career Actually, there is no existence which you can call an excellent flawless job. Yes, this is the main reason many people are selecting transportation services as their career selections. But after pursuing a few years, they change their job directions. Let's see what the cons are of selecting this job type. You have to spend hours away from your home.Often, the drivers have to spend hours in a single posture. This causes back pain and other issues.During the challenging weather, the work becomes tough.Higher chances of road accidents during bad weather. If you think you are okay with these challenges, you can get over the problems and continue your career in the transportation sector. Then these sectors are going to be pretty perfect for you. What do you think? Is transportation a good career path, according to your opinion? Or not? Now let’s see what type of qualification you require to start your career in the transportation sector. What Qualifications Do You Require To Work In The Transportation Sector? Required qualifications also give you a more detailed answer of is transportation a good career path.  Every type of transportation job is different. But some of the jobs really require some previous knowledge, but apart from them regular school leaving certifications are enough. Transportations related to civil and electrical work require a civil or engineering diploma degree.Apart from this, a regular high school science degree and diploma certifications are enough to start your career in this sector. What Are The Highest Paying Jobs In The Transportation Sector? I hope you already get the answer about ‘is transportation a good career path.’ Now, this is the time to move on to the next part. Let's see what the highest paying jobs in the transportation sector are. Commercial airplane pilots can earn more than $100,00 annually.Bus drivers and intercity drivers can earn more than $60,630 annually.Operators and truck drivers can earn more than $53,000 annually.Dump truck drivers can earn more than $41,925 annually.Shipping Items loaders can earn more than $49390 annually.Engineers can earn more than $90040 annually.Forklift operators can earn more than $36,075 annually. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1. How Much Does The Truck Driver Make Through A Week? The average pay for any dedicated driver ranges from $1,140 up to $1,538 in a single week. Extra hour job facility is also available. So if anyone wants to earn more than this, they have to work overtime. Q2. How Long Are Truck Drivers Going To Complete The Driving Program? Usually, driving lessons take time from four weeks to one year. Yes, You can also complete the whole program within 12 weeks. Q3. What Types Of  Skills Do You Need For Transportation And Logistics? There are certain types of quality every logistics and transportation department requires. What are those? Here are the skills which you require for the transportation and logistic department.1. Adaptability and calm mind.2. Honesty and problem-solving skills.3. Forecasting and project management capability.4. Ability to manage all types of stress and tension. The Bottom Line Is Every Career Can Be Suitable Once You Have An Interest In It You have the idea why ‘is transportation a good career path’ for you and along with the highest salary structures. If you want to start your career in this sector, you just have to make sure you have an immense interest in that sector. That’s all. But the transportation sector is really a promising career option. To start your career in this sector, you do not require very strong academic qualifications. And the pay scale is pretty large in comparison to the other sectors. What is your opinion? Are you thinking I am missing out on any point? You can share your opinion through the comment sections. Read More: Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path?Best Paying Jobs In Electric Utilities CentralHow Many Jobs Are Available In Public Utilities?