How to Attract the Best Talents for Your Startup


14 December 2018

Start Ups

Best Talents

Recruiting top talent is difficult these days, but hiring for your startup will be even more challenging. You have to consider plenty of factors during the hiring process if you want the best person for the job. Choosing the wrong applicants can cost you hundreds of dollars in training and onboarding only to have them quit in just a few weeks or months.

Here are some tips on how to attract the best talents for your startup:

1. Post Job Ads on Reliable Websites:

Hiring top talent begins during the sourcing phase of recruitment. Post your listings on websites that provide quality candidates. Reliable sites ask for in-depth work-related information from its registrants so employers can have a better idea about potential candidates just by looking at their profiles. Glassdoor and LinkedIn are two of the major job posting sites today. Your potential employee can also find jobs on Gumtree which allows them to apply for work through their app in just seconds.

2. Clarify Your Culture and Mission:

As a startup, you can’t compete with the benefits and compensation that established corporations can pay top employees. What you can do, though, is to clearly define your company’s mission and create a culture that allows for personal growth. Acquire a potential employee’s loyalty by sharing to them the goals you have for your business.

3. Hire Your Avid Supporters:

If you’ve been in business for a time now, you may have already gained followers on social media. Hire them if you can since these are the people who believe in your startup and your mission. They will not hesitate to pour blood, sweat, and tears to your company even twice as much as regular employees.

Plus, it’s the outspoken ones who make the best company representatives. Careers for people persons include human resource management, which is all about working with different types of people. If they enjoy working for your business, they will be telling their friends about the awesome work environment. This word-of-mouth marketing can attract more top talent to your startup.

4. Create Employee Development Programs:

Similar to making your mission, showing a candidate that you provide your employees with opportunities for growth can help you gain his trust. Such opportunities can be in the form of training or seminars where they learn new skills that they can use for their jobs.

Here are some basic programs that your startup can use to develop your employees’ talent:

  • Mentoring Program – You can establish a mentoring program for your new hires as part of their onboarding training. This can help them ease their way into the job as they can turn to their mentors for guidance and questions.
  • In-House Workshops – During in-house workshops, employees can teach their colleagues valuable skills from their area of expertise. For example, your IT head could lead a coding workshop for basic HTML or JavaScript.
  • Performance Review – Whether you have a formal sit-down performance review or just a casual conversation on how they’re doing, feedback is crucial in your employees’ development. Have regular quarterly or bi-annual reviews to touch base on how they’re doing and what they could improve on.

Focus on Quality:

Quality is essential for any business,especially for startups. Cultivate a reputation of not being satisfied with mediocre products and services but on being topnotch. Build your brand by using effective marketing strategies on social media and your website. This way, you show top applicants that you are serious about your mission and in becoming a superior force in the industry. You will gain their respect and admiration for being meticulous and transparent with your work.

6. Hire for Potential, Not Experience:

While a proven track record is evidence enough of the candidate’s ability to succeed in the role, your applicant’s potential is the biggest determiner if an applicant can be a huge contributor to your startup. Flexibility and adaptability are essential since they will sometimes be asked to do various things that are indirectly related to their job description. Hire someone who has the potential for versatility and who is willing to learn new skills along the way.


Your startup needs people who can execute the operations necessary for you to achieve your goals. Hiring can be overwhelming especially if your new company grows so quickly that you always need to recruit new team members. Nonetheless, never compromise your standards and follow the tips above to entice the best talents to join your team.

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5 Steps to Accelerate the Growth of Your Startup

There are a tremendous amount of obstacles that new businesses face. Statistics say that only three percent of startups make it past five years. Preparation is paramount to growing any business. When developing a startup, you must focus on practically every facet of the company to ascertain whether you are operating to maximum efficiency. Here we will discuss five keys to accelerating the growth of your startup. 1. Find the Right Team Members: Recruitment is the cornerstone of building any business. Businesses often fail due to trying to make the team with members that are not adequately suited for either the position they are holding, or they are just not right for the team altogether. A thorough and modernized recruitment procedure should be incorporated by your organization. When scouting for fresh talent, there are a host of recruitment models to choose from. Recruitment process software can also help simplify the process. 2. Create a Culture of Success: Every company has its own internal culture. This happens whether it is intentional or accidental. A culture based around success instills a shared mindset among your team. This is done by creating realistic goals and acknowledging the accomplishments of your team members. Eventually, there becomes an expectation of success that is shared by the entire staff. 3. Stick to the Plan: Establish a solid plan for your business. In the past, it was almost a requirement that businesses had some sort of business plan. With the advent of online companies, businesses often start with little more than a website and email. The 97 percent of startups that fail within the first five years almost surely were operating without a comprehensive business plan or realistic projections. 4. Research Competition: How well do you know your competition? It is common for companies to fail to conduct a thorough investigation into the business practices of their competitors. This process begins by looking at the strongest competitors in your industry, and reverse engineering their branding and marketing campaigns to see what is making them so successful. Conducting this type of research on a few of your competitors will give you a strong foundation to study. 5. Incorporate a Customer Management System: It can be extremely challenging to track manual transactions. It can be a logistical nightmare trying to keep track of sales as your business starts to grow. Customer management systems allow for smooth scaling of companies that rapidly accelerate. There is no shortage of customer management platforms to choose from. Conclusion: It should be evident at this point that preparation and planning are tremendously crucial to accelerating the growth of a startup company. Take an objective look at your company and identify what your brand truly stands for. Identifying your target demographic also helps direct your efforts. Remain aware of how effective (or not) your plan-of-action is. This can be a quarterly evaluation of effectiveness or something less structured that will keep things current. Sticking to a plan that is not working is also a surefire way to fail. Read Also: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans 7 Startup Ideas For Young Entrepreneurs