How to Attract the Best Talents for Your Startup


14 December 2018

Start Ups

Best Talents

Recruiting top talent is difficult these days, but hiring for your startup will be even more challenging. You have to consider plenty of factors during the hiring process if you want the best person for the job. Choosing the wrong applicants can cost you hundreds of dollars in training and onboarding only to have them quit in just a few weeks or months.

Here are some tips on how to attract the best talents for your startup:

1. Post Job Ads on Reliable Websites:

Hiring top talent begins during the sourcing phase of recruitment. Post your listings on websites that provide quality candidates. Reliable sites ask for in-depth work-related information from its registrants so employers can have a better idea about potential candidates just by looking at their profiles. Glassdoor and LinkedIn are two of the major job posting sites today. Your potential employee can also find jobs on Gumtree which allows them to apply for work through their app in just seconds.

2. Clarify Your Culture and Mission:

As a startup, you can’t compete with the benefits and compensation that established corporations can pay top employees. What you can do, though, is to clearly define your company’s mission and create a culture that allows for personal growth. Acquire a potential employee’s loyalty by sharing to them the goals you have for your business.

3. Hire Your Avid Supporters:

If you’ve been in business for a time now, you may have already gained followers on social media. Hire them if you can since these are the people who believe in your startup and your mission. They will not hesitate to pour blood, sweat, and tears to your company even twice as much as regular employees.

Plus, it’s the outspoken ones who make the best company representatives. Careers for people persons include human resource management, which is all about working with different types of people. If they enjoy working for your business, they will be telling their friends about the awesome work environment. This word-of-mouth marketing can attract more top talent to your startup.

4. Create Employee Development Programs:

Similar to making your mission, showing a candidate that you provide your employees with opportunities for growth can help you gain his trust. Such opportunities can be in the form of training or seminars where they learn new skills that they can use for their jobs.

Here are some basic programs that your startup can use to develop your employees’ talent:

  • Mentoring Program – You can establish a mentoring program for your new hires as part of their onboarding training. This can help them ease their way into the job as they can turn to their mentors for guidance and questions.
  • In-House Workshops – During in-house workshops, employees can teach their colleagues valuable skills from their area of expertise. For example, your IT head could lead a coding workshop for basic HTML or JavaScript.
  • Performance Review – Whether you have a formal sit-down performance review or just a casual conversation on how they’re doing, feedback is crucial in your employees’ development. Have regular quarterly or bi-annual reviews to touch base on how they’re doing and what they could improve on.

Focus on Quality:

Quality is essential for any business,especially for startups. Cultivate a reputation of not being satisfied with mediocre products and services but on being topnotch. Build your brand by using effective marketing strategies on social media and your website. This way, you show top applicants that you are serious about your mission and in becoming a superior force in the industry. You will gain their respect and admiration for being meticulous and transparent with your work.

6. Hire for Potential, Not Experience:

While a proven track record is evidence enough of the candidate’s ability to succeed in the role, your applicant’s potential is the biggest determiner if an applicant can be a huge contributor to your startup. Flexibility and adaptability are essential since they will sometimes be asked to do various things that are indirectly related to their job description. Hire someone who has the potential for versatility and who is willing to learn new skills along the way.


Your startup needs people who can execute the operations necessary for you to achieve your goals. Hiring can be overwhelming especially if your new company grows so quickly that you always need to recruit new team members. Nonetheless, never compromise your standards and follow the tips above to entice the best talents to join your team.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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ambitious entrepreneur

Explain Your Solution in 60 Seconds or Less – Here’s How

Do you have an elevator pitch? Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur with nothing more than a good idea, a fully funded startup gearing up for further funding rounds or your long-anticipated go-to-market, or a mature company looking to retake control of its reputation, a succinct encapsulation of your identity and solution(s) is crucial to a cogent market strategy. Elevator pitches are important for individual professionals, too. “Your elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who don't know you,” writes personal branding expert Alison Doyle. Here’s what you need to do to develop and refine your elevator pitch. Your ultimate goal: a comprehensive spiel that answers one question — “what do you do?” — in 60 seconds or less. 1. Start With a Concise Directory Description  The nub of your elevator pitch is a company description (or a personal one, if you’re still pitching an idea) that factually describes what you do (or hope to do). If you haven’t already done so, develop a descriptive statement for your social media and business directory profiles, along with the lines of this Crunchbase profile for Florida entrepreneur Steve Dorfman. This statement won’t be compelling enough to build your entire elevator pitch around, but it’s a good skeleton for the initial who-what-where. 2. Identify Your Core Audience Groups  How much do you know about audience segmentation? If your answer is, “not much,” get up to speed on the process and spend some time drilling down on the core audience groups to which your pitch needs to speak (if you’re not already reaching out to them in other ways). Remember, you can draft multiple iterations of the same pitch, depending on who’s in the room or on the page. 3. Set Yourself Apart from the Competition (Without Disparaging Them)  Now comes the real meat of your pitch: a unique selling proposition that differentiates your idea or solution from competing concepts — theoretical or otherwise — without throwing shade. Generally speaking, you don’t want to name names, unless your solution is an explicit offshoot of something that came before. 4. Isolate One or Two Key Factoids or Stats  You don’t have a lot of time to throw facts or stats out at your audience. Nor should you dwell on specifics, for their (and your) sanity. But a well-placed nugget or two may well be what’s needed to concentrate minds. Again, your audience may dictate which nugget you choose to include in any given iteration. 5. Make the Ask  You won’t know if you don’t ask — to make the ask, smoothly. Regardless of who’s listening, your pitch should conclude with a clear call to action that doesn’t read like a pro forma sales pitch. Make your audience believe in what you’re asking them to do. You’re Talking — Is Anybody Listening?  We’ve all been there: explaining a concept near and dear to our hearts so earnestly that we become lost in our own narrative — only to pull back and realize that the audience has nodded off or lost the plot. A concise, well-articulated, well-organized elevator pitch should hold your audience’s attention, if only because it’s not long enough to put anyone to sleep. Striving to be the entrepreneur who listens twice as much as they talk doesn’t preclude you from being the entrepreneur who effortlessly commands a room, too. Read Also: Green Business Opportunities For Eco-Entrepreneurs Why Do Entrepreneurs Put Up Their Drop Shipping Websites For Sale? Thinking Of Becoming An Entrepreneur? What Is The Cost To Start A Business?

Starting a Business

6 Crucial Aspects to Consider Before Starting a Business

Starting a business today is easier than it has been in previous years. This is a great advancement that has seen entrepreneurship soar. With this, you find that starting a business is a solid investment that allows people to cater to their needs. However, doing this requires you to ensure that you have a solid foundation and plan for its success. Going into business without this will only lead to failure in the long run. Statistics show that 20% of small businesses fail in their first two years, 45% within the first five years, and 65% during the first ten years. This goes to show that long-term success is not something that you should take lightly. It takes a lot of planning and effort if you want to see your business go to greater heights. Here are a few things to consider before embarking on this journey. Business Plan and Goals: When starting your business you need to ensure that you have a solid business plan. Your business plan should clearly outline your goals as a business. To ensure you set goals that will propel you forward, use the S.M.A.R.T method. It says you should set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. This will get you in the right mind frame and allow you to move on to the next step. Once you've set your goals, you also need to ensure that you lay down actionable steps that will get you to your desired goal. Doing this ensures that you start on the right foot increasing your chances of business success. Products or Service you Provide: One of the most important factors you need to consider is the product or service you are bringing into the market. The first question you need to answer is if you'll be meeting a need that people have. This will allow you to invest in the right kind of products and services to sell. For instance, with the Covid 19 pandemic, one of the most in-demand products is hand sanitizers. Since there is already a demand for this, you can be sure to make sales if you position your business right. If you'd like to learn more about sanitizers and the business aspects click here. Figuring out your products or services will also give you the chance to find your target audience. It is essential to learn more about your target clients to ensure you work towards serving them. It will help you avoid putting too much time and effort into pitching people who do not need what you are offering. Marketing Strategy: The best way to get people into your business and grow your name is by marketing. Marketing will allow you to reach out to people who would otherwise never get to learn about your business. To do this, you need to ensure that you have a marketing strategy in place. Many businesses have shown that the best marketing involves helping your clients first and they'll trust your brand. To do this, providing useful information that they can apply in their life is a great step. For instance, if you deal with baby products, give information about how the products will help and inform your audience. To get a better understanding check out Marketing can be done in different forms from word of mouth to digital marketing. Find what works for you and run with it. Employee Acquisition: If you plan to have help in your business and delegate a few tasks, employee acquisition will play a major role. When it comes to getting help from other professionals, you need to ensure that you conduct proper interviews to ensure that they understand your business. This is the best way to ensure that you hire people who are invested in the growth of your business. When it comes to hiring help, you could either decide to get people who will be reporting to the office daily or work with remote workers. For remote workers, you get to avoid several logistical aspects but you have to ensure that you familiarize yourself with the digital space. This will ensure that operations run smoothly. Business Logistics: In business, you need to figure out what logistics you'll be dealing with. This will help determine the capital you'll require to get started and keep running the business before it gains momentum. The first thing most businesses consider is having a rental space where they can easily liaise with clients and also work with employees. On the other hand, some businesses don’t need to get a physical location and can run their businesses from home. For instance, if you run an interior design business where you remodel people's homes, you could just get started from home. All you need is to ensure that you have your marketing strategy in place. Additionally, consider having a website that showcases your knowledge in the industry. Check out Guyabouthome to get the best example of how you could go about it. Legal Aspects: The most important bit in every business is the legal aspect that you should take a keen look at. For this, you find that you'll need licenses, permits, and tax compliance letters among others. However, these requirements are different in every country which means you need to liaise with your respective authorized agents. Additionally, hiring a lawyer to work with on the legal aspects will take away the guessing games and reduce the time spent. Conclusion: Starting a business is easier now and more people prefer being bosses. However, having something successful requires a little more investment in terms of planning. Be sure to go through the steps outlined to ensure you get the best results from you your venture. Read Also: Key Components for Your Marketing Stack Tips on Doing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for Businesses Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business

Online Store

Launch your Online Store

The popularity of the World Wide Web and advances in technology have altered the way we shop, giving birth to the thriving world of e-commerce. Starting an e-commerce business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, with the potential to reach a global audience and earn substantial profits. However, as with any business venture, careful planning, dedication, and a customer-centric approach are required. Find a wholesaler in the UK with a wide collection of dresses like Paris Fashion Shops, a wholesale dress marketplace that draws inspiration from an e-commerce platform, that has established its reputation as a major player in the fashion e-commerce industry. Their online store entices customers with a diverse selection of trendy and fashionable dresses as well as a convenient shopping experience. From sourcing high-quality products to prioritizing exceptional customer service, Paris Fashion Shops sets a remarkable example for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to launch their own online venture. In this article, we'll go over the steps and strategies you'll need to take to launch a successful online store Step 1: Conduct Market Research And Choose A Niche The first step in starting an e-commerce business is to conduct extensive market research to identify potential niches and target audiences. In order to find the best niche for your company, you must first understand your customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. Step 2: Create A Solid Business Plan A well-written business plan serves as a road map for your e-commerce venture. Outline your organization's goals, mission, and vision. Define your target market and thoroughly research your competitors. Outline your strategies for product sourcing and inventory management, as well as your marketing plans, financial projections, and operational logistics. Throughout your e-commerce journey, a well-thought-out business plan will help you stay focused and make sound decisions. Step 3: Design An Appealing Online Store Your e-commerce website is your company's digital face. Invest in creating an appealing and user-friendly online store that showcases your products effectively. Choose a trustworthy e-commerce platform with a wide range of customization options and integration with secure payment gateways. Optimise your website for mobile devices as more customers prefer to shop on their smartphones and tablets. Step 4: Look For High-Quality Products And Cultivate Supplier Relationships. The success of your e-commerce business is determined by the quality of your products. To ensure a consistent supply of high-quality merchandise, form strong working relationships with reputable suppliers and manufacturers. Negotiate favourable terms and conditions to keep your pricing competitive while giving your customers exceptional value. Step 5: Implement Effective Marketing Strategies Marketing is an essential component of growing your e-commerce business and attracting customers. Utilise digital marketing channels such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships to increase brand visibility and drive traffic to your online store. Create engaging content that engages your target audience and builds a loyal customer base. Step 6: Focus On Customer Service Providing exceptional customer service is critical for gaining your customers' trust and loyalty. Provide multiple support channels so that their questions and concerns can be addressed as soon as possible. Implement a straightforward return and refund policy to boost customer satisfaction. Encourage customer reviews and feedback to help you continuously improve your products and services. Step 7: Optimise Conversion And Retention Increase your e-commerce website's conversion rate by streamlining the checkout process and lowering cart abandonment. To encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty, use personalised recommendations and special offers. Stay in touch with your customers by using email marketing to keep them informed of new products and promotions. Step 8: Analyse And Monitor Results Integrate analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain insight into customer behaviour, website traffic, and sales performance. Regularly analyse this data to identify areas for improvement and optimise your marketing and operational strategies accordingly. Conclusion Establishing online Marketing can be a profitable and lucrative business, but it needs to be carefully planned and executed. You lay the groundwork for success by creating an eye-catching online store conducting extensive market research and developing a comprehensive business plan. In the competitive e-commerce landscape, quality products, effective marketing strategies, and putting customer service first will help you stand out. With dedication, innovation, and a customer-centric approach, your e-commerce dream can become a thriving reality. Read Also: How to grow your E-commerce Business 5 affordable e-commerce shopping carts for small business Best E-commerce Platforms for Your Box Subscription Business