5 Steps to Accelerate the Growth of Your Startup

Published on: 10 October 2018 Last Updated on: 23 March 2019

There are a tremendous amount of obstacles that new businesses face. Statistics say that only three percent of startups make it past five years. Preparation is paramount to growing any business. When developing a startup, you must focus on practically every facet of the company to ascertain whether you are operating to maximum efficiency. Here we will discuss five keys to accelerating the growth of your startup.

1. Find the Right Team Members:

Recruitment is the cornerstone of building any business. Businesses often fail due to trying to make the team with members that are not adequately suited for either the position they are holding, or they are just not right for the team altogether. A thorough and modernized recruitment procedure should be incorporated by your organization. When scouting for fresh talent, there are a host of recruitment models to choose from. Recruitment process software can also help simplify the process.

2. Create a Culture of Success:

Every company has its own internal culture. This happens whether it is intentional or accidental. A culture based around success instills a shared mindset among your team. This is done by creating realistic goals and acknowledging the accomplishments of your team members. Eventually, there becomes an expectation of success that is shared by the entire staff.

3. Stick to the Plan:

Establish a solid plan for your business. In the past, it was almost a requirement that businesses had some sort of business plan. With the advent of online companies, businesses often start with little more than a website and email. The 97 percent of startups that fail within the first five years almost surely were operating without a comprehensive business plan or realistic projections.

4. Research Competition:

How well do you know your competition? It is common for companies to fail to conduct a thorough investigation into the business practices of their competitors. This process begins by looking at the strongest competitors in your industry, and reverse engineering their branding and marketing campaigns to see what is making them so successful. Conducting this type of research on a few of your competitors will give you a strong foundation to study.

5. Incorporate a Customer Management System:

It can be extremely challenging to track manual transactions. It can be a logistical nightmare trying to keep track of sales as your business starts to grow. Customer management systems allow for smooth scaling of companies that rapidly accelerate. There is no shortage of customer management platforms to choose from.


It should be evident at this point that preparation and planning are tremendously crucial to accelerating the growth of a startup company. Take an objective look at your company and identify what your brand truly stands for. Identifying your target demographic also helps direct your efforts.

Remain aware of how effective (or not) your plan-of-action is. This can be a quarterly evaluation of effectiveness or something less structured that will keep things current. Sticking to a plan that is not working is also a surefire way to fail.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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7 Startup Essentials Entrepreneurs Should Know About

Getting started in business is extremely challenging, there are many different elements that you have to monitor and manage from day 1. In all probability you’ll be doing most, if not all, of these tasks yourself, startups rarely have the funds needed to employ an array of staff. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get started and become successful; plenty of people do it. However, the following 7 tips will help to ensure your startup goes well: 1. Decide Your Company: Before you can launch you need to create a company or be a sole-trader. There are pluses and minuses to all the different types of business models; you need to speak to an expert in order to make sure you know the right entity to use. This will help protect you and your business as you start trading; 2. Draft Founders Agreement: This is especially important if there is more than one person involved in the startup process. A founders’ agreement ensures everyone knows their contribution, role, and responsibilities. It can make it much easy for everyone to focus their efforts and can help if you do have any disputes. It also allows you to establish ownership of intellectual ideas. 3. Going Online: In order to survive and flourish every business needs a website and an online presence. You can’t afford to wait for this if you do you’re missing out on a huge number of potential customers. Make sure the website is professionally developed so that it looks good and reflects the values of your business; this is your public image and it will stick. 4. Trademarks: In every industry, there is a giant or two that get instant recognition, such as Nike. You need to trademark your name, you may not be big today but who knows in the future; doing this now will help to stop larger competitors from overrunning your business. 5. Funding: There’s a good chance you’ll need funding to establish your business; If this is the case you should draw up an agreement that establishes the roles of investors and their potential rewards; these should be different to those of the shareholders. Getting this right at the start will help you to benefit in the future when the company starts to do well. 6. Don’t Forget Vat & Tax: With everything else going on it is easy to forget the legal side of things. You’re probably going to need to register for VAT and there may be service taxes or other taxes that are due. Make sure you’re aware of these before you start trading and you register in time. This will prevent any unexpected and nasty surprises. 7. Delegate: When you first come up with your business idea you were probably by yourself. However, as your startup and build the necessary services and links, others will become involved. This is when it is essential to recognize the skills of every person on your team and delegate where possible. You don’t need to do everything. In fact, you should focus solely on your areas of expertise and growing the vision of the company; that will help you to be successful. Read Also: 5 Features To Look For In A Business Energy Provider 7 Ways To Plan A Smooth Business Succession How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies

Restaurant Space

How Restaurant Space Landlords Can Be Successful

If you have a rental company and specialize in restaurant space, you should know there are certain pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. You can also take specific steps to ensure you have the best success opportunity. There is an art to setting up a rental space and coming up with a contract that your tenant will love. We’ll take a few moments to break down your best moves if you want to get tenants for each of your properties that will stay with you year after year. Figure Out Which Restaurants Tenants Stay with You Longest The first rule of restaurant property development is to figure out what works in a particular locale. For instance, you’ll want to think about: What other cuisines have worked in your city Whether there will be any call for that food type in the space you have available This step will require research. Look at your neighborhood and see which cuisines and restaurant types have found prior success. If what the tenant is proposing to you sounds like too much of a departure from what has worked previously, you might give the space to a more promising candidate. Offer a Lower Rate for the First 3-5 Years When a restaurant first starts out will be the most challenging time for them. That’s because: No one knows about them yet They might not have the money for an aggressive marketing campaign You should keep this in mind when you talk to a potential candidate. You might offer them a multiple-year contract, but you can tell them you’ll keep the rate lower for the first 3-5 years. After that, if they catch on, they should have no problem paying more. After five years, a restaurant will either be a neighborhood fixture, or it will fold, and the owner will try their luck elsewhere. Consider Whether the Property is Liquor License-Ready Most restaurants want to serve alcohol because if people order it, it drives up their bills. Dining establishments can also mark up alcohol prices considerably, and people seldom have any problem paying for it. However, getting a liquor license can sometimes be tricky. If you know for a fact that you have a rental property that is liquor license-ready, that will appeal to many potential restaurant candidates. They will be fighting with each other to get that space if they know there’s a license waiting for them. Look into Laundry and Other Nearby Services A restaurant owner or operator will also probably look favorably on a space that has additional amenities nearby or onsite. For instance, if laundry services are in the same building or right next door, they can wash their employee uniforms there. The owner or operator might also look for things like on-site employee parking. They might look for public transportation that drops their employees off right in front of the property. They may like it if the space is right by an expressway for their employees who drive to work. At the same time, if there are diverse properties nearby, that will work in their favor. For instance, if there are office buildings or similar establishments across the street, the workers will probably come over frequently for meals. Provide Restaurant Exclusivity You might also have a restaurant space that’s part of a larger property. If so, you’ll know your restaurant tenant will have to share the space with other entities. They should have no problems with that, except if you let other restaurants move in. It’s not helpful if they have to compete with other food-preparing establishments in the same building. You can promise them exclusivity. You can agree in writing that as long as they are in that space, you will not allow any other restaurants to move in. That should make the owner happy. Consider Lease Flexibility Options You can also make the tough financial market into account. With the pandemic wreaking havoc on the restaurant industry over the past year, you might have some potential tenants who are leery about moving in and committing to a multiple-year lease. You can put language in the contract stipulating that you will not evict them if they can’t pay the rent for one month, or even two, provided they pay within a designated period after that. You can’t let it go forever, but a restaurant owner will like to know that if their sales tank for a few weeks, you will not immediately change the locks on them. Read Also:  Online Ordering Systems Setting the Trend for Restaurants 3 Best Seafood Restaurants in Patchogue, New York The Best Restaurants To Visit In Newark NJ 7 Restaurants You Must Experience in Melbourne 6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant

DMCC Free Zone

How to Set Up Business in the DMCC Free Zone?

Do you want to start a business abroad? What about going to Dubai? If so, the DMCC Free Zone is a great place to do it! The DMCC Free Zone offers businesses several benefits, including tax exemptions and 100% foreign ownership. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of setting up a business in the DMCC Free Zone. We will also provide some tips that can assist with starting a business here. If you are interested in getting additional information on DMCC free zone, check out 5 Things To Know Before Setting Up Business in DMCC Free Zone. What is DMCC Free Zone? The DMCC Free Zone is a special economic zone in Dubai that offers businesses several benefits, including tax exemptions and 100% foreign ownership. The DMCC Free Zone is located in the Jumeirah Lakes Towers (JLT) district of Dubai. Businesses in the DMCC Free Zone can enjoy preferential rates on office space, utilities, and other business-related costs. The DMCC Free Zone is a great place to start a business in Dubai because it offers some benefits, including: Tax Exemptions: businesses in the DMCC Free Zone are exempt from corporate and income taxes. 100% Foreign Ownership: businesses in the DMCC Free Zone can be 100% foreign-owned. Preferential Rates on Office Space: businesses in the DMCC Free Zone can enjoy preferential rates on office space, utilities, and other business-related costs. To set up your business in the DMCC Free Zone, you will need to follow these steps: Step One: Choose a Business Activity The first step in setting up your business in the DMCC Free Zone is to choose a business activity. There are over 100 different activities that you can choose from, so be sure to select one that is relevant to your business. Once you have chosen an activity, you will need to obtain a license from the DMCC Free Zone Authority. Step Two: Obtain a License The second step in setting up your business in the DMCC Free Zone is to obtain a license from the DMCC Free Zone Authority. To do this, you will need to submit an application form and pay the required fees. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a license. Step Three: Register Your Company The third step in setting up your business in the DMCC Free Zone is to register your company with the Dubai Companies Registry. To do this, you will need to submit an application form and pay the required fees. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a certificate of incorporation. Step Four: Open a Bank Account The fourth step in setting up your business in the DMCC Free Zone is to open a bank account. To do this, you will need to submit an application form and provide the required documents. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a bank account. You can read this SmallBusinessHQ guide on bank account to know the detail. Step Five: Obtain a Visa The fifth and final step in setting up your business in the DMCC Free Zone is to obtain a visa. To do this, you will need to submit an application form and pay the required fees. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a visa. Hiring Employees in DMCC Zone? If you are planning to set up your business in DMCC Free Zone, it is important to note that businesses are required to hire at least one Emirati national. To do this, you will need to submit an application form and pay the required fees. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued a work permit. This is just a brief overview of the process of setting up a business in the DMCC Free Zone. For more information, be sure to check out the DMCC website or contact a professional service provider. DMCC Ensures Safety of Investors and Businesses The DMCC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for businesses and investors. To this end, the DMCC has put in place some measures, including: A 24/hour security force A state-of-the-art surveillance system A dedicated firefighting team CCTV cameras throughout the DMCC free zone A dedicated customer service team These measures ensure that businesses and investors can operate in the DMCC Free Zone without fear of crime or violence. The DMCC is also committed to providing a high standard of living for its residents. To this end, the DMCC has put in place many facilities and amenities, including: A world-class healthcare system A variety of educational institution A wide array of different leisure and recreational facilities A state-of-the-art transportation system World-class hotels and restaurants. In Conclusion If you're thinking about starting a business in Dubai, the DMCC Free Zone is a great option. With its many benefits, including tax exemptions and 100% foreign ownership, the DMCC Free Zone is a great place to start your business. Be sure to follow the steps outlined in this blog post to ensure that you set up your business correctly. Read Also: Creative Pop-Up Event Ideas for Your Business Insurance Business: What Startups Need To Know Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO The Ultimate Guide To Guest Posting: Scale Your Business In 2022