Explain Your Solution in 60 Seconds or Less – Here’s How

Published on: 14 November 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
ambitious entrepreneur

Do you have an elevator pitch?

Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur with nothing more than a good idea, a fully funded startup gearing up for further funding rounds or your long-anticipated go-to-market, or a mature company looking to retake control of its reputation, a succinct encapsulation of your identity and solution(s) is crucial to a cogent market strategy.

Elevator pitches are important for individual professionals, too. “Your elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who don’t know you,” writes personal branding expert Alison Doyle.

Here’s what you need to do to develop and refine your elevator pitch. Your ultimate goal: a comprehensive spiel that answers one question — “what do you do?” — in 60 seconds or less.

1. Start With a Concise Directory Description

 The nub of your elevator pitch is a company description (or a personal one, if you’re still pitching an idea) that factually describes what you do (or hope to do). If you haven’t already done so, develop a descriptive statement for your social media and business directory profiles, along with the lines of this Crunchbase profile for Florida entrepreneur Steve Dorfman. This statement won’t be compelling enough to build your entire elevator pitch around, but it’s a good skeleton for the initial who-what-where.

2. Identify Your Core Audience Groups

 How much do you know about audience segmentation? If your answer is, “not much,” get up to speed on the process and spend some time drilling down on the core audience groups to which your pitch needs to speak (if you’re not already reaching out to them in other ways). Remember, you can draft multiple iterations of the same pitch, depending on who’s in the room or on the page.

3. Set Yourself Apart from the Competition (Without Disparaging Them)

 Now comes the real meat of your pitch: a unique selling proposition that differentiates your idea or solution from competing concepts — theoretical or otherwise — without throwing shade. Generally speaking, you don’t want to name names, unless your solution is an explicit offshoot of something that came before.

4. Isolate One or Two Key Factoids or Stats

 You don’t have a lot of time to throw facts or stats out at your audience. Nor should you dwell on specifics, for their (and your) sanity. But a well-placed nugget or two may well be what’s needed to concentrate minds. Again, your audience may dictate which nugget you choose to include in any given iteration.

5. Make the Ask

 You won’t know if you don’t ask — to make the ask, smoothly. Regardless of who’s listening, your pitch should conclude with a clear call to action that doesn’t read like a pro forma sales pitch. Make your audience believe in what you’re asking them to do.

You’re Talking — Is Anybody Listening?

 We’ve all been there: explaining a concept near and dear to our hearts so earnestly that we become lost in our own narrative — only to pull back and realize that the audience has nodded off or lost the plot.

A concise, well-articulated, well-organized elevator pitch should hold your audience’s attention, if only because it’s not long enough to put anyone to sleep. Striving to be the entrepreneur who listens twice as much as they talk doesn’t preclude you from being the entrepreneur who effortlessly commands a room, too.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Businessman Seyfeddin Rustamov is main beneficial owner of chemical company ‘Metafrax’

The Russian newspaper ‘Kommersant’ recently announced that the 55-year-old businessman Seyfedding Rustamov is the main beneficial owner of Metafrax, one of the largest chemical companies in Russia and Europe. Rustamov, born in Azerbaijan, is now a resident of the US, together with his wife and three children. Since the year 2000, he has been actively involved in the chemical industry. He is the manager of the Russian company MetaHolding, which holds this year 94% of Metafrax’ assets. This makes Rustamov the main shareholder of Metafrax. Metafrax is with multiple companies in both Russia and Europe the largest producer of methanol, formaldehyde and synthetic resins in Russia and Europe. The headquarters of the company are in Gubahka, Perm Region Russia. Seyfeddin Rustamov already became the beneficiary of the chemical plant at the headquarters in Gubahka in 2014. This was made public during a presentation on a large-scale project at Metafrax, which has an estimated cost of around 800 million euros. This large-scale project is the development of an ammonia, urea and melamine plant construction. Right now, the company is still in discussion with banks about the financing of this project. Metafrax has an annual revenue of over 660 million USD (5 billion rubles). Every year, the company receives around 80 million USD from investments. The products of the chemical company are shipped to as much as 50 countries worldwide. The company used to keep its beneficiaries secret from the public. The main shareholders would be represented by the chairman of the board of directors, Armen Garslyan. The company has now presented information on its main beneficial owner to the public, because of changes in legislation. Changing requirements of Russian and international compliance laws now made it necessary for the company to reveal this information. A domain with the name of Seyfeddin Rustamov was registered on ‘Go Daddy’, one of the biggest registrar of domain names, on the 18th of September, 2017. Before MetaHolding became the biggest shareholder of Metafrax, the Cypriot company ‘Lipanet Ltd’ was the main major shareholder of the company. Other shareholders were ‘JSC Sibur’ and the Panama-registered ‘Mirvac’. Armen Garslyan told the Kommersant that Seyfeddin Rustamov, as the main beneficial owner of Metafrax, is involved in the global decision-making process of the company. He called Rustamov a ‘vigorous leader, who knows what we are doing, what our targets are and who accompanies us on our way towards them’. Rustamov is besides chemistry, also taking part in philanthropic activities. He and his family support a number of non-profit foundations in the areas of health preservation, cancer control, and transplantology. The foundations Mr. Rustamov and his wife are involved in including the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, the Inova Health System Foundation and the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Besides charities that have to do with health, they also contribute to charity sports events, the National Museum of Women in the Arts and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. More details here.

Start-up Business

Start-up Business Management: How to Reduce Risk and Guarantee Success

When it comes to running a business - especially a start-up business - guaranteeing success is much easier said than done. There are those who would claim that managing a start-up business is often the most challenging period for a business owner, and they would not be wrong. However, it does not have to be a miserable time the whole way through! Managing a start-up business is all about prioritizing a few key things while ensuring that you are not bogged down by the stress of business management. Here are just a few ways in which you can reduce risk and guarantee success. Social media is your friend: No matter the industry, it can be challenging to market your business without the right kind of platform to support your efforts. It is especially true for start-up businesses without the necessary resources to go for traditional marketing. Fortunately, you can make use of a social media platform to ensure that your business has the marketing and brand exposure that it needs without having to spend a penny. Keep in mind that to ensure the success of your social media account, it is required that your account remains active to communicate with potential clients and customers. Considering it is a bridge between your company and your supporters, the effort is vital. Read more: Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses Modern technology has more to offer than social media: While social media can go a long way to marketing your company, there is still the issue of dealing with the most tedious factors of your business. If you want a method to streamline different processes to make it easier for you and the people working under you, there is no better solution than the use of business management software. With the help of eworksmanager.co.uk and other quality service providers, you can easily find the right type of software for your company. Want to effectively deal with asset management? What about mobile inventory? Or communication between departments? Business software always has you covered. Reduce risk by taking care of your employees: One of the biggest mistakes that many inexperienced owners tend to make is they do not give their employees enough attention due to all the pressing matters that come with start-up businesses. Those with experience in the matter will tell you that taking care of your employees first will ensure that you will have more than enough help to deal with other issues. Add some incentives, and be sure to recognize the hard work of your employees. Loyalty is not something to be taken lightly. While it is true that managing a start-up business can be quite stressful, the methods above will ensure that you have a means of taking care of the issue without suffering too much stress. Whether it is risk reduction through employee incentives or business software, you can guarantee the success of your business by giving it the focus and attention it needs to thrive. Read Also: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Effective Ways To Utilize Digital Marketing 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business


5 Steps to Accelerate the Growth of Your Startup

There are a tremendous amount of obstacles that new businesses face. Statistics say that only three percent of startups make it past five years. Preparation is paramount to growing any business. When developing a startup, you must focus on practically every facet of the company to ascertain whether you are operating to maximum efficiency. Here we will discuss five keys to accelerating the growth of your startup. 1. Find the Right Team Members: Recruitment is the cornerstone of building any business. Businesses often fail due to trying to make the team with members that are not adequately suited for either the position they are holding, or they are just not right for the team altogether. A thorough and modernized recruitment procedure should be incorporated by your organization. When scouting for fresh talent, there are a host of recruitment models to choose from. Recruitment process software can also help simplify the process. 2. Create a Culture of Success: Every company has its own internal culture. This happens whether it is intentional or accidental. A culture based around success instills a shared mindset among your team. This is done by creating realistic goals and acknowledging the accomplishments of your team members. Eventually, there becomes an expectation of success that is shared by the entire staff. 3. Stick to the Plan: Establish a solid plan for your business. In the past, it was almost a requirement that businesses had some sort of business plan. With the advent of online companies, businesses often start with little more than a website and email. The 97 percent of startups that fail within the first five years almost surely were operating without a comprehensive business plan or realistic projections. 4. Research Competition: How well do you know your competition? It is common for companies to fail to conduct a thorough investigation into the business practices of their competitors. This process begins by looking at the strongest competitors in your industry, and reverse engineering their branding and marketing campaigns to see what is making them so successful. Conducting this type of research on a few of your competitors will give you a strong foundation to study. 5. Incorporate a Customer Management System: It can be extremely challenging to track manual transactions. It can be a logistical nightmare trying to keep track of sales as your business starts to grow. Customer management systems allow for smooth scaling of companies that rapidly accelerate. There is no shortage of customer management platforms to choose from. Conclusion: It should be evident at this point that preparation and planning are tremendously crucial to accelerating the growth of a startup company. Take an objective look at your company and identify what your brand truly stands for. Identifying your target demographic also helps direct your efforts. Remain aware of how effective (or not) your plan-of-action is. This can be a quarterly evaluation of effectiveness or something less structured that will keep things current. Sticking to a plan that is not working is also a surefire way to fail. Read Also: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans 7 Startup Ideas For Young Entrepreneurs