How to Spice Things Up for Your Start-Up Restaurant


29 June 2019


Start-Up Restaurant

Running a start-up restaurant can honestly be quite terrifying, considering how many things can go wrong. A start-up restaurant is at a state where even a single bad review can have heavy consequences. Business owners with little experience will likely have plenty of trouble trying to make their restaurant relevant in an industry full of stiff competition.

Fortunately, while things can look helpless, it does not mean that there is nothing you can do. There is plenty that you can accomplish that will help your start-up weather the storm and set the foundations for success. Here are just a few methods to spice things up for your start-up!

Social media will always be your friend:

Social media

When it comes to trying to stay relevant, a social media platform is likely one of the most vital parts of marketing for your restaurant. Since your business is still new, it likely has not spread through word of mouth yet – fortunately, a social media account for your restaurant could single-handedly turn things around. Keep in mind, however, that you need to remain active in the social media space as much as possible. If you have to delegate the work to one of your employees to remain active, it would be a good idea to do so.

Bridging the gap between your restaurant and potential supporters will ensure that your restaurant can build brand loyalty and exposure.

Consider healthier alternatives as early as possible:

One of the reasons why some restaurants are not as popular as they could be is that they tend to ignore healthier alternatives. For example, can provide your restaurant with coconut cream, which provides an excellent alternative for those who happen to be lactose intolerant. You do not have to go all out with healthier options as you likely will not be able to afford it, but it does not mean that you should ignore it outright. Having coconut cream as a dairy alternative can open an entirely new avenue of cuisine!

Loyal employees will undoubtedly take care of your business:

Another reason why some start-up restaurants end up failing and closing down is due to the way they treat their staff. If there is no reason or incentive to work hard, you can bet that not only will your team provide the bare minimum effort, they will also likely quit within a year or two in search of greener pastures. Show your employees that you are willing to reward hard work, and it might just surprise you how much effort they are willing to put into ensuring that your business is a success.

Breathing life into your start-up is all about setting vital foundations as early as possible. You can make use of social media to gain a foothold and earn brand recognition, as well as use healthier alternatives and incentives to ensure the success of your business in the long run. With a bit of effort in the right place, your start-up will set itself up for success.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Call Center Tracking

Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking

Customer service is the cornerstone of your business's success. It's also the key to keeping the customers you already have. In fact, companies with a thought-out customer service approach enjoy a 92% retention rate. If the bulk of your customer service efforts is in the hands of a call center, it's important you make this operation as efficient as possible. To do this, you need detailed information about what's going on behind the scenes. Utilizing call center tracking is the best way to get this data. Implementing call center tracking software will help show you where improvements need to be made. The result is a better customer experience. Monitoring your call center can help your business in a number of ways. Read on to learn more! 1. Understand Your Revenue and ROI: Knowing what products and services are driving revenue is important for any business. It allows you to make decisions about future products and improve ones that aren't doing so well. By tracking your call center, you know what customers are more excited about and what they find troublesome about your products. You'll be able to see the source of each call to get a better grasp on exactly where most of your profit is coming from. This data will also help you understand what your return on investment is for the marketing campaigns you're creating for each product. Where your calls are coming from clues you into which advertising channels are working. Tracking call center metrics makes all this very easy. Detailed reports from your tracking software will lay all this out in an easy-to-read manner. 2. Measure Adherence to Scheduling: A huge benefit of tracking your call center is a better understanding of the KPI (key performance indicator) of your customer service reps. This information will help you streamline your call center scheduling. You may be asking yourself how this works. Well, you can monitor inbound and outbound calls, the average length of calls, and the location of inbound callers. All this helps you improve in-house scheduling and reduce the chance of calls going unattended. You'll also be able to measure the productivity of each rep. You'll then know if your call center isn't robust enough and if certain employees are causing bottlenecks. All this information helps call center managers create a more well-oiled, effective operation. It also greatly helps with optimal shift scheduling so customers are more efficiently serviced. 3. Refine Marketing Strategies: Detailed call monitoring provides invaluable information about your customers you wouldn't otherwise have access to. Such information includes customer loyalty, purchasing trends, and who your potential customers are. Think of call center tracking as a way of becoming more familiar with your target audience. All this information allows you to make changes and strategize future marketing efforts. It can also give you some insight into which strategies you should do away with. Your marketing team can use this information to focus their efforts on the right channels. They'll also be able to better understand the strengths of your products and services and emphasize them in advertising campaigns. All this will have a positive effect on your overall revenue and help maximize your ROI. 4. Recording and Routing Calls: Call center tracking software provides the capability to record calls between your reps and customers. This feature can help in a number of ways. First, you'll be able to get a firsthand account of what problems customers are having with your products and services. You'll also be able to tell which products consumers like the best and what elements of your product are the most desirable. This data will allow you to refine your product and make more informed decisions on future designs. Recording calls will also help you determine which employees need further training and which have the potential for promotion. Tracking software will also help in figuring out kinks in your routing procedures. This is important, as misrouted customer service calls can lead to a loss of existing customers. 5. Improve Your Quality of Service: One of the biggest benefits of tracking calls is the effect it can have on the quality of customer service you're providing. You'll be able to pinpoint exactly where setbacks occur in your current operation and remediate them. Find out how easy it is for callers to reach a solution to their problems. If the process is difficult, you'll need to take means to streamline it. You can also see what the average wait time is for callers. If you notice customers abandoning the call because of long delays, you know you have a problem. This is where you can use caller id reputation to filter out the callers whom you must prioritize to make the most out of the conversion. Are you seeing missed calls or routing issues? You may need to beef up your staff or reposition certain employees. You may even find that a virtual receptionist service would benefit your operation. Whatever solution is right for you, call tracking services can expose areas that need improvement. 6. Cut Down on Employee Turnover: A high turnover rate causes a loss of time and money. When you track your call center, you're able to fully understand the skill level of each employee and the overall morale of your department. You can then make changes to your training protocol. It also provides an opportunity to appropriately place employees in roles more suited to their strengths. All of this makes for a much healthier work environment. It also creates a more rewarding experience for each employee. These things are key to keeping your turnover rates low. Boost Your Customer Service with Call Center Tracking: Knowing what's working and what's not is the first step in creating the best possible customer experience for your business. Implementing call center tracking can allow you to undercover information about your operation so you can make educated improvements. Call tracking software has come a long way and now offers many features that can help you streamline your customer service process. Look into implementing it for your call center and let your customer experience evolve. For more articles that will expand your knowledge in the business world, check out our blog. Read Also: Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas For A Call Center Industry This 2016

Pop-Up Event

Creative Pop-Up Event Ideas for Your Business

As a marketer, you probably spend a lot of time trying to nail down abstract concepts to promote your brand. However, have you ever sat down to think about pop-up events? In a word, they can create a buzz in your marketing efforts if executed properly. This article introduces you to creative pop-up event ideas. When implemented with pomp and color, the ideas enable your customers to get up-close and personal with your brand. What is a Pop-Up Event? Pop-up events are temporary events, conferences, parties, or experiences that span a host of creative outputs. Examples of such events are pop-up dining events, a subcategory of their own. Additionally, spontaneous cooking contests, supper clubs, and speakeasies are other examples that attract attendees in large numbers. Pop-up event planning is a big industry worth more than $10 billion in sales. In reality, a 2018 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey showed that 93% of business executives prioritize hosting events. Fortunately, the events aren't only for large organizations but also small businesses. With this in mind, it's also crucial that you carefully choose the location of your pop-up event for a lasting impression. Depending on what suits your business best, you could rent a commercial kitchen, private cafes, storefront, cabana, theatre, or mansion. However, ensure to obtain the necessary municipal requirements like permits and licenses. Executing Your Pop-Up Event Ideas Next, put these creative pop-up shop ideas into use to pull the event off successfully: 1. Hire On-Brand Decor Your customers know your brand’s design through your website. As such, it’d help if you keep the decor of your pop-up event similar to your site's. Check with your local event-decor rental companies for on-brand decor. It'll be a bonus point if the decorations are photogenic to make it easy for your guests to post them on social media. 2. Ensure Your Pop-Up Event is Goal-Specific One of the significant factors for any pop-up event is having a crystal clear goal. Consequently, you'll be in a better position to choose the venue, creative design, and have metrics for measuring the event's success. For instance, your goal could be to: Conduct market research Provide your customers with an experience they'll gladly pay for through a product launch. Attract new customers Increase brand or product awareness Promote collaboration with the local community However, you could delve even further into the intricate details of the overall goal. As an illustration, consider the Japanese company Dohtonbori, known for its Okonomiyaki dish. This is a pancake the company makes from organic vegetables. Unfortunately, most of its customers didn’t know this. In order to promote itself as a healthy fast food company, it opened a pop-up shop in a Tokyo neighborhood. It then positioned itself as a "Fast Food Aid" stop, with the staff dressed in pharmacist white. They would then accept fast food receipts and exchange them for pill vials comprising crucial nutrients missing from most fast foods. On the temporary retail space walls were huge clear tubes holding a year's supply of supplements. Overall, the aim was to show customers the number of nutrients they don't get from other fast foods, but they're present in Dohtonbori’s offerings. Later, the company posted the short film on YouTube, attracting over a million views within the first few days. While the company sold nothing in the pop-up shop, the message was loud, clear, memorable, and effective. Traffic at this company increased by 125%. 3. Use Digital Signage to Attract More Customers Whatever venue you choose for your pop-up event, consider incorporating digital signage as one of your pop-up event ideas. Markedly, digital signage marketing is a trend that effortlessly enhances your marketing efforts. A Mood Media survey showed that 68% of shoppers are highly likely to purchase a product marketed through digital signage. Another 44% of the respondents said digital signage ads would draw them towards the promoted product instead of the one they initially intended to buy. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that you should use digital signage in your pop-up party. Its benefits include: Setting the tone by using attractive signage content to enhance the ambiance of your pop-up stores Promoting and enhancing brand awareness by immersing your customers in your brand's values. You can uniquely use one screen to display hundreds of images or branding elements. Boosting location-specific sales and offers, allowing for more control and flexibility over the content you display. Creating an interactive and memorable experience through digital signage apps like social walls. For example, your pop-up store visitors can post on social media platforms like Instagram. Then, display their posts on your digital display screens to boost customer engagement. Final Thoughts Holding a successful pop-up party is a matter of putting creative pop-up event ideas into use. With some planning, proper logistics, and much preparation, you can hold an event that your customers will never forget. Besides, it could be the one that spreads word and interest about your brand, bringing in more customers. Additional Reading: Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business Lucrative Business Ideas to start Near Water Bodies Six Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Today


How to become a Professional Barista

An article related to Barista Coffee should begin with one of my most favourite quotes on coffee: “Coffee is a way of stealing time which should by rights belong to your older self.” - American Heroes Coffee In the last decade, the coffee making industry has experienced a lot of changes. Also, a lot of coffee shops are opening daily. As a way of competing for customers, these shops have to come up with the best cup of coffee in the cities.  Barista is one of the most important factor of  American Heroes coffee. In this way, demand for a qualified coffee superstar is on the rise and therefore generating employment opportunities. If you plan to join this field, this article contains all you need. We discuss how to become a professional barista, the approximate amount to invest and the challenges you have to overcome. Consider reading through the whole text so that you may understand the entire process clearly. Who is a Barista? A barista is a technical name that refers to a person who prepares and serves coffee in a coffee shop. Unlike the early days, today’s coffee maker machines in UAE need a lot of skills as well as practice to operate efficiently. For these reasons, most of the coffee shops only consider employing professional baristas. So, with these high demands, how do you become a professional barista that you may secure yourself a job in UAE? 1. Go for Extra Training: Most of the baristas you find in regular coffee shops have a high school diploma or certificate alone. That qualification is enough to make you a barista but not a professional. If you want to be an expert, you should consider registering for training programs. Most of them are online based tutorials and therefore are convenient and flexible to your daily schedules. Through the training sessions, you learn all the basics in grinding coffee beans. You also get a guide on how to steam milk, and importantly you learn how to operate the espresso machines. What is unique about the training programs is that they offer additional lessons on how you can start and manage your coffee shop. However, consider picking tutors who offer certifications after the training program. 2. What will the Course cost you: Most of the online courses will cost between $120 and $199. The cost gets depending on the selected course levels. You can consider taking a class on the basic barista or master barista. The basic barista course will cost you less than the later. Note that, in coffee making lessons, you get what you pay. The more cash you invest, you get better skills. However, with these prices, there is always a course for everyone’s pocket. You also need to use more of your time on the classes if you want to complete faster. The sessions will take at most 8 hours. Therefore, if you’re a serious student, you can make it within two days or at most four days, and you’re through. 3. Communication and Physical Requirements: If you want to be a professional barista, you need to have excellent communication skills. You should be polite to customers and when offended, never display your anger in front of the buyers. Also, you don’t want to deliver orders that customers didn’t place. That’s why you must have a good hearing as well as listening skills. Physically, you need to be in a capacity to stand and walk for long hours. Also, you should be in place to push at least 40 pounds of weight without stretching a lot. An excellent eye vision is also essential both at near and far distances. Excellent customer services will also make you a professional barista. You should, therefore, express acceptable personal attributes. First, you must show a neat appearance and look attractive to the customers. If you’re always looking dirty, you appear unprofessional, and customers will walk away. Also, you should act in honesty and integrity while offering your services. When serving under pleasure, do not panic, but always stay calm and keep a smiling face. 4. Get a license: If you want to come out as a professional, there’s a need that you obtain a permit from the authorities. Having a permit proves that you’re a qualified barista and increases customer’s trust in your services. The process to get a license requires you to follow universal laws on certification of jobs that deal with foods. Note that, the regulations will vary from one government, state or region to the other. Therefore, pay attention and avoid possible attempts to take it for granted. 5. Use the Internet Wisely: If you didn’t know, a lot of the information on trends in the coffee industry is available online. Use online free learning materials to add basic tips into your knowledge. Also, follow up on the successful baristas across the globe and learn about their secrets. Following on the customer reviews is always a great way to know what the customers want. Buyers will at most of the times give facts of what they want and what is going wrong. By knowing what matters to them, you’re able to enhance your services. 6. Research about Baristas: If you're going to be a professional barista, you should spend time learning about how much a barista can earn. Also, learn about how many hours you’ll be working in a day and the pressure you will have to deal with at the shop. If you rush into the job, you can end up with a frustrating experience. However, taking the time to learn about the expectations of becoming a barista can be very rewarding. Learn about the challenges you’ll come across as a barista and make a strategy on how to deal with them. Therefore, if you want to operate as a professional barista, you need to be smart. 7. Take the Right Attitude: If you're going to appear as a professional, you need to show up at work in the right mood. Note that, if your spirit is terrible, you’re likely to mess up with your customers. Your clients need to see a happy face and get served with a kind heart. It’s crucial that you be in love with what you’ll be doing if you wish to be successful. Being a barista is a simple thing to do but becoming a professional barista comes with extra efforts. You decide to stick on being a basic barista or a master barista. Whichever decision you make, consider employing the needed shot. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places In The US 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider How You Can Create A Coffee House Experience In Your Own Home Finding Your Path In Life: 5 Ways To Determine What You Want To Do In Life